Chapter 148
Shangguan Haitang's cultivation was not as good as the weak ones, and had reached the half-step innate level. Even if she was knocked out, the zhenqi in her body would circulate on its own, and she would wake up within an hour.

Still the same scene, someone is also standing on the side with arms crossed.

However, the first thing to do after regaining consciousness was to check the clothes on his body, and he was relieved only after confirming that they were in good condition.

Then I felt a piercing pain in my arm, but it was much better than before.

"I have already pulled out the flesh and blood from your wound, otherwise the toxin will remain inside, and you will feel pain for at least a year."

Pointing to the plate beside him, Tian Hao explained.

The toxin on his black iron armor is very special. It is extracted from the venom of a poisonous insect, which can amplify pain to the extreme. It is somewhat like the toxin of bullet ants.

And this toxin is difficult for the human body to metabolize, even if the wound heals, it will remain, causing continuous pain.

Therefore, the only option is to pluck out the flesh and blood from the wound.

Turning her head to look at the flesh and blood on the plate next to her, Shangguan Haitang wanted to hit someone a little bit.

Then there are two meats!

"Actually, you can cut off my arm directly."

Suppressing the anger in her heart, Shangguan Haitang said angrily, but the worries in her heart were less.

Since the other party didn't kill him, and didn't use severe punishment, obviously he was still useful to the other party.

At least his life was saved temporarily.

"I had that thought."

Nodding deeply, Tian Hao really thought about chopping off that girl's arm, once and for all, simple and efficient.

But finally gave up.

Because he wanted to come to a golden house to hide the girl, raise her up and work hard to cultivate, and upgrade his cheating.

Moreover, keeping the other party behind might have a miraculous effect at critical moments.

Guihai Yidao and Duan Tianya are rare talents, they Huashan faction need such talents.

Couldn't help rolling her eyes, Shangguan Haitang's complexion changed, and she asked calmly, "What do you want me to do?"

Since the other party spared his own life and even tried to save him, it was obvious that he had plots against him.

She didn't mind about it, it was better to live than to die stubbornly.

As long as the other party's request is not excessive, she can consider it.

"It's easy to communicate with smart people!"

Tian Hao is very satisfied with Shangguan Haitang's understanding of current affairs, he likes such smart people.

"My request is very simple, first, stay here for five years, practice my Huashan sect's martial arts, and become innate as soon as possible within five years, if I can't do it, I will kill Duan Tianya.

Second, write down all the information and martial arts you know, including the inheritance you got from Mr. Wuhen, if you can't do it, I will kill Duan Tianya.

Third, go out five years later and win Duan Tianya and Gui Hai into our Huashan faction. If I can't do that, I will kill Duan Tianya. "

State the three requirements that you have thought of, and each request is followed by a wave of threats.

He believed that Shangguan Haitang would definitely give in!
"Can't you kill someone else?"

Rao Shangguan Haitang's temper is even angered, what kind of hatred does Big Brother Duan have with you?
"Alright, it's okay to switch to Gui Hai's knife. It seems that he has been looking for his father-killing enemy. It just so happens that I know who his father-killing enemy is."

After thinking about it, Tian Hao decided to give preferential treatment to a group of captives, and replaced the threatening target with Gui Hai.

But this made Shangguan Haitang even more angry, how could there be such a bastard in the world!
It is countless times more hateful than Cao Zhigou!
"You should keep an eye on Brother Duan!"

Holding back his anger again, Shangguan Haitang felt that it would be better for Brother Duan to be on guard.

Although Yidao's strength is not bad, but his temper is not as good as that of Brother Duan, and he is easily induced by plotting.

Not to mention that Yidao still has the revenge of killing his father, as long as this guy uses it as bait at that time, Yidao will definitely take the bait.

I can only let Brother Duan work harder!

"So you're going against my request?"

Star eyes narrowed slightly, Tian Hao disliked being rejected, especially when the other party was still a prisoner.

"Is that what you are asking for? You are making things difficult for others."

Staring angrily, Shangguan Haitang resolutely refused.

"Even if I sincerely cooperate and it is difficult to fulfill your request, the second point is that I can write a part of the intelligence and martial arts I know.

Don't force me in this regard, I have plenty of ways to kill myself.

The first point is that it is absolutely impossible to achieve Xiantian within five years, even if you give me Xianxian’s unique skills, it is impossible
, Innately, it is not so easy to break through.

The third point is also impossible, Yi Dao and Brother Duan will never betray Hulong Villa and foster father, not even for me. "

Even if she didn't want to die in vain, she couldn't do things for the other party without a bottom line, so she might as well die.

"You don't have to worry about the first point, as long as you practice the exercises I gave you, with your aptitude and the medicine resources we provide, it is not difficult to achieve innate within five years.

The second point is up to you. As for the third point, I have no intention of letting Guihai Yidao and Duan Tianya betray Hulong Villa and Tiedan Shenhou.

You just need to appear in front of the two of them at critical times and say something nice to our Huashan faction. "

Tian Hao is very confident about this, as long as Zhu Tiedan still wants to seek power and usurp the throne, he will definitely do things by any means.

For that kind of hero, there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed.

Hmm... Except for Su Xin, that was Zhu Tiedan's dream.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for Yi Dao and Brother Duan to betray their adoptive father and join other forces, even if I were to make peace."

Shangguan Haitang still didn't think this could be done, but she was very curious about where Tian Hao's confidence came from.

"What if Zhu Tiedan betrayed you first?"

The smile became more and more mysterious, Tian Hao had great confidence in that iron and courageous god, and even more confidence in Shangguan Haitang's IQ.

Smart people are indeed difficult to fool, but sometimes they are easy to fool.

After all, the shortcomings of smart people are the same as their advantages, so they will think too much!

Her attitude was still firm, Shangguan Haitang knew her adoptive father very well, and she would never betray them.

"You don't think Zhu Tiedan is really loyal, do you?"

Looking at him with pity, Tian Hao said: "If I say that he and Wan Sanqian have been colluding, conspiring to rebel, secretly building weapons, and hoarding food and grass.

The undefeated naughty boy Gu Santong was also framed by Zhu Tiedan back then, and he and Gu Santong were regarded as brothers of the same school, and they jointly obtained the inheritance of Tianchi strange man, but Zhu Tiedan only practiced the Dafa of Absorption.

He can practice Dafa, you know? "

Shangguan Haitang was stunned. As the No. [-] secret agent of Xuanzi in Hulong Villa who was in charge of intelligence, and the direct disciple of Mr. Wuhen, she had naturally heard the legend of Tianchi strange man, and probably knew about the existence of Qigong Dafa.

If the adoptive father can absorb Dafa, then...

Shangguan Haitang didn't dare to think about it for a while.

"You should be able to imagine the cultivation method of Qigong Dafa. Zhu Wushi's success today is all due to Qigong Dafa.

However, in the battle against Gu Santong back then, he also suffered an incurable wound, and his strength was greatly damaged, otherwise Cao Zhengchun would not have been allowed to dance in front of him for so long. "

Tian Hao was very grateful to that undefeated naughty boy, if it wasn't for Gu Santong who caused Zhu Wushi to suffer internal injuries that could not be cured back then, he would have sought power and usurped the throne long ago.

Then coerce the world, and when the time comes, the entire martial arts world of Nanming Kingdom will have to go with it and prosper, and those who go against it will perish.

The Huashan faction probably disappeared long ago.

No. [-] Middle School in the World, Gu Santong said that in the battle of Tianchi that year, Zhu ignored the internal injuries that were difficult to repair and forced his moves, and because of Su Xin, he won half of the moves.

It can also be seen from the end that Zhu Wushi, who has absorbed the skills of countless people, can't even win a success.

One must know that Zhu Tiedan and Gu Santong fought for three days and three nights during the battle of Tianchi, and finally fought with Cheng Shifei a few tricks!
(End of this chapter)

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