Chapter 1514 Thunder Flame Sword Art
Not to mention what happened outside, Master Miejue finally calmed down in the secret room, and then continued to practice, adapting to the second level of skill of the Nanming Lihuo Sutra and the supporting Nanming Lihuo swordsmanship.

In fact, the Nanming Lihuo Scripture should be called the Nanming Lihuo Sword Jue. It is a set of unique skills for kendo. It is similar to the Jianqi Jue that Feng Qingyang practiced back then, but it is more powerful.

Three days passed quickly, and after some painstaking training, although he still couldn't perfectly grasp the surge in strength, he could control a general idea, at least not to lose control.


Coming to the secret room again, Tian Hao quickly took off the linen clothes on his body, and at the same time signaled Miejueshi to hurry up.

His time is precious, how can he waste time with his aunt?
"Don't even think about it!"

The fair and pretty face blushed again with embarrassment, but Miejue Shitai still refused.

She will never actively cooperate, that is her bottom line.

Tian Hao knew it, stepped forward and hugged him in his arms regardless of his master's resistance, seeing that he was still struggling, and the 36 palms of Tiangang, which subdued demons and demons, reappeared in the world.

After three rounds of sexual intercourse that provoked infinite reverie, the teacher's delicate body shuddered, and then she collapsed into someone's arms.

"Why bother?"

Barely baring his teeth, Tian Hao didn't delay, and hugged him in his arms, clasped his fingers together, and the Laogong acupoint on his palms corresponded, and the innate qi was transmitted there.

Use your own innate qi to transfer from the left palm to merge with the master's skill, first complete a transformation in the master's body, and then drive the master's skill to transfer from the Laogong point on the right hand into the body for further processing in the body.

In this endless cycle, the third round of Nanming's Lihuo Sword Art and the third round of the three major nine-turn skills have also been completed, and the breakthrough of the tenth round has been completed.

In order to prevent the stone chamber from being burned into magma, Tian Hao deliberately created a vacuum layer with his spiritual thoughts, and lifted the two of them off the ground, so as not to spread the heat and turn the place into a magma pool.

"Old rules, try to adapt to the surge in strength within three days, and I'll come back in three days."

Leaving a word behind, Tian Hao, like a heartless scumbag, pushed away the aunt in his arms and got up to leave without the slightest nostalgia.

The temperament of the scumbag is fully displayed.

"Is this what a woman feels like?"

Miejue Shitai, whose pretty face was blushing, murmured to herself, recalling the shock last night, that feeling was very weird, it was hard to describe in words, as if her whole person had been sublimated.

She is not a novice, so she naturally knows what is going on between men and women, and she also knows that there are big mysteries in it, otherwise there would not be so many thieves in the world.

It's just that I've only heard of it before, but I don't know exactly what it tastes like.

And this time I realized it, and it was the third time I experienced it.

Even last night, I deliberately did not agree to cooperate, in order to experience that feeling again, which is indeed fascinating.

"It has become much stronger again!"

After finally calming down, Miejue Shitai sensed that his body had once again gained the power of transformation and strengthening, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

It has to be said that Nanming's Lihuo Sword Art is very strong, and it is even more amazing to be led by that person to enter the country quickly.

She doesn't know how strong she is now, at least far stronger than before, and there is no comparison at all.

"Twice more!"

After realizing the Nanming Lihuo Sword Jue, Miejueshi knew that he would be double-cultivated twice, because the Nanming Lihuo Sword Jue only reached the fifth level and could be cultivated to the limit of the innate realm.

At the same time, this is also the current state of that person's cultivation. Although it may seem inconspicuous, Huaguo's new martial art is extremely powerful. The most typical example is that kid just now.

The cultivation strength of the Xiantian realm alone is stronger than that Zhenwu Daoist, and much stronger than the Qi practitioners in ancient times.

And now he has completed the double cultivation of the third layer of Nanming Lihuo Sword Art, and the rest is the fourth and fifth layers.

In other words, she can still experience that wonderful taste twice.

As she thought about it, she couldn't help but feel more expectations that she didn't realize.

That feeling is really unstoppable.

Tian Hao didn't know that a certain teacher had gradually deteriorated. After leaving the secret room, he went to another secret room.

On the second day that Miejue Shitai entered the secret room to practice in seclusion, he found Zhou Zhiruo and made a tailor-made Shanzhai Leiyan Sword Art for him, and also used the method of dual cultivation to help him quickly transfer to practice.

Unlike Ji Xiaofu and Ding Buhui, Zhou Zhiruo had never practiced Huaguo's new martial art before, so she needed to transfer to it. Even if she got the exclusive exercise, it would take a long time to transfer to it successfully.

So outside help is needed.

Of course, Zhou Zhiruo's cultivation background is much worse than Juejueshi's, and it will take longer to adapt to the surge in strength of the first level of Leiyan Sword Art, so it has not passed until today.

Because it was the appointed day, Zhou Zhiruo waited quietly in her boudoir, feeling a little nervous.

After all, it was a double cultivation, even if it was just a double cultivation with hands facing each other, it still made her very shy.

After all, she is a genuine yellow flower girl!
"General Tian!"

Seeing a burly figure push through the door and enter, Zhou Zhiruo's delicate body tensed up, and she hurriedly stood up to meet him.

"How are you adapting?"

Without further ado, Tian Hao asked Zhou Zhiruo about his adaptation progress.

Although based on his understanding of Zhou Zhiruo, he calculated that he should be able to basically grasp the surge in strength by today.

But after all, it is only an estimate and cannot be 100% accurate.

The final result is still subject to Zhou Zhiruo's actual progress.

"Already basically adapted!"

Replying in a low voice, the pinkness on Qiao's face became even stronger.

The lonely man and the widow are in the same room, which always makes her feel weird.

"Take off your clothes!"

While Tian Hao undressed himself again to meet frankly, he signaled Zhou Zhiruo to also undress and frankly meet.

The exclusive skill for Zhou Zhiruo's cottage, Leiyan Sword Art, is actually the Nanming Lihuo Sword Art with lightning special effects added. The first layer is mainly to lay the foundation, and the power is all in the body, but the second layer is different, it will extend to the body surface .

With Zhou Zhiruo's cultivation and control, being able to keep a head of hair is the limit, but as for the clothes on her body, she is powerless.

And it's not all a matter of control, the cultivation of the second level itself needs to be extended outside the body, that's unavoidable.


Zhou Zhiruo, who just came back to her senses, subconsciously screamed, and turned around quickly, covering her eyes with her white hands.

In my mind, there are all the supporting weapons of Qi Tian Da Zuo, which is too scary.

"That's it for the second level of cultivation. I'm not trying to take advantage of you."

The girl's shyness made Tian Hao helpless, he really didn't want to take advantage of a girl in the past.

Even if the other party is a rare beauty, it is not enough to tempt him, let alone destroy his own principles.

So it's really just for practicing, not intentionally humiliating other girls.

Furthermore, at his level, looking at people is more about looking at their essence, and the difference between men and women is really not that big.

So even though I had been honest with Miejue Shitai three times before, my state of mind was still calm.

As for the high fighting spirit of the twin brothers of the same mother, it has nothing to do with someone else.


(Tian: Really, Tian is really not a pervert, you have to believe me!)

(End of this chapter)

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