Chapter 155 Beastly Charm (Fifth Watch)

"Sorry, I'm very busy now, and I can't manage the affairs of Huashan College. If you have any urgent matters, you can go to my teacher."

After finishing speaking, Tian Hao walked past that beautiful woman without even looking at her.

Now his heart is filled with joy, he did not expect to get this reward once he went down the mountain.

Although he created the Wild Ape Boxing Kungfu before, he still felt a little bit close to it, and only realized what was wrong when he saw the awakened big ape.

The boxing method of Mad Ape Boxing is mainly derived from the Demon Ape Tongbi Fist of Mobei Shuangxiong, and the Demon Ape Tongbi Boxing imitates the life form of apes, which can be regarded as a form of martial arts.

If you want to truly cultivate the charm of this kind of Xingyi martial arts, you have to look at the corresponding animals.

It's just the right time for this great ape and strange beast to appear.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu, who was ignored, was stunned. She really didn't expect that there would be people who could completely ignore her beauty.

She thinks that she is not bad in appearance, and she and her sister were even called Fusang Twin Concubine, no one can match her, and she has attracted many men.

This is still the case even after arriving in the Central Plains, such as Zhao Ting beside him.

But my own appearance and charm were ignored by that man, that was real neglect.

A man who can create a dictionary is really extraordinary!

"Miss Liu, don't pay attention to him, he is a fake literati."

Zhao Ting was even angrier. He pursued Miss Liu for so long without making any progress, but now Miss Liu took the initiative to find that guy.

Suddenly, I felt the old blood in my heart doubled again!

"Mr. Zhao, is Kong Shengren a great man with the stature of Mr. Hao?"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu recalled the words he overheard by sneaking into the lake along the channel dug earlier, and couldn't help asking curiously.

During this period of time, she supplemented a lot of books on the Central Plains, knowing that the three main schools of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the masters in the Central Plains today, and Confucianism and Taoism are even more dominant, and the ancestor of Confucianism is the sage Kong.

It's just that she only knows that name, as for what kind of person Confucius is, she doesn't know anything about his appearance or figure.

"Where did you hear that? How could Confucius be such a rough man?"

Zhao Ting was stunned, and couldn't understand what Miss Liu was thinking.

How could Kong Shengren be that kind of non-human reckless man?
But what Zhao Ting didn't know was that his answer made Liu Sheng Piaoxu even more disappointed and contemptuous.

According to the words we overheard at the gazebo in the lake, the emperor's teacher recognized the true form of Confucius, so how can your knowledge of Zhao Ting be higher than that of the emperor's teacher?
I think you are a fake literati!
"After seeing my father, I have to discuss with him to bring Mr. Hao back to the country. With his help, the internal wars in our country will definitely be ended, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment like the Central Plains."

With a bold idea in his heart, Liu Sheng Piaoxu became more and more aware of the importance of Tian Hao, which was far more important than the inheritance of the sword master.

Even if they get the inheritance of the sword master, there will be at most one or two strong ones, which is of little use to the whole country, let alone change the status quo of the country.

But that Mr. Hao is different, the great wisdom he possesses can enlighten the wisdom of all people, enough to change the whole country and even the whole world.

"I'm afraid it won't work if you use force, that Mr. Hao is very powerful, and he is wearing a precious armor, so he can't even pierce his father and Huashan Sword Saint.

Even beauty seems useless now, what should I do? "

Dai Mei frowned slightly, Liu Sheng Piaoxu couldn't help Tian Hao for a while.

A woman's greatest weapon is beauty, but now this weapon has been crushed in front of that man.

"Maybe you can try my sister's experience and bind that man with love."

Recalling the love between her sister and Duan Tianya back then, Liu Sheng Piaoxu felt that since the way of taking the kidney is not enough, then try the way of taking the heart.


Tian Hao didn't know that his little heart had already been targeted by a certain girl. When he brought the big ape back to the Huashan School, he immediately attracted Zhao Bulu and others to watch.

Maybe it was because too many people had watched it before, the big ape had already gotten used to it, but it didn't get angry and ran away.

"It's such a big monkey, it's not from Huashan."

Ran Buzhan was very surprised, it was the first time he saw such a big monkey.

Others are also very curious, this monkey is too big, bigger than a human.

"Big guy, let's fight again!"

At this time, Tian Hao took off the black iron armor on his body, moved his hands and feet, and waved to the big ape.

The treasure armor on his body was full of barbs, and it was difficult to take it off at Huashan Academy just now, so he slapped it with the black iron sword.

Coupled with the fact that the big ape was not in good shape before, he must have been unconvinced by the defeat, so he must win this time.

Sure enough, the great ape itself was not convinced, seeing Tian Hao's posture, he also stood up straight.


"Bang bang bang..."

The fist slapped on the solid chest muscles, and the big ape rushed over without the slightest hesitation, and smashed down hard with a strong swing.

Tian Hao still didn't back down, he swung his fist to meet him, using the Kuang Yuan Quan Kung Fu, or the Golden Ape Magic Kung Fu.

The fierce and violent inner strength is integrated with the pure Yang Jinxia inner strength, making the punching strength even stronger

Two fists, one big and one small, collided, making a dull sound.

Immediately afterwards, the two big, two small, and four fists clashed one after another, with astonishing strength.

Great apes are larger in stature and stronger in muscle and bone strength.

Although Tian Hao's body is much smaller in comparison, and his strength is far inferior, but with the blessing of inner strength and inner breath, he can still compete on a par.

But he soon felt bad, and far underestimated the spirituality of the great ape.

I saw that the big ape slowly imitated Tian Hao's crazy ape boxing moves, and the offensive also increased accordingly.

He even gained the upper hand in the end, making a brutal mess.


Finally he couldn't block it, and was punched by the big ape on the chest. With the strong defense of the golden bell shield, a more dull sound resounded, as if hitting a big bell.

"Good guy, let's come again!"

Tian Hao became more and more excited, and once again threw his fist to meet him.

One man and one ape started a fierce confrontation again, and both were learning from each other bit by bit through fighting to improve themselves.

Tian Hao is learning the beastly charm of the big ape, and the big ape is learning the moves of the mad monkey boxing.

Even just one move can quickly improve the strength of the great ape. After all, better moves can make the muscles and bones stronger, and the burst of strength is naturally stronger.

This is a mutual practical teaching, which is cherished by both sides.

He even entered a state of epiphany when he hit Tian Hao at the end, realizing the bestial charm of the great ape himself to the maximum extent, and integrated it into his own mad ape boxing skills.

What his Wild Ape Fist lacks is this kind of beastly charm, which is also the essence of all Xingyi martial arts.

The key points of Xingyi martial arts are form and meaning, and form is the form of animals, especially the explosive form of animals when they prey and fight.

It is the essence of all kinds of animals that has been passed down for countless years, and it is an instinct integrated into the blood gene, and it is the result of countless battles and survival of the fittest.

This is the wisdom crystallization of the evolution of nature, and Xingyi martial arts is to intercept this wisdom crystallization and integrate it into the cultivation of the human body itself.

But the shape change is only one aspect, the animal charm is more critical.

It is impossible to practice this aspect with only one cheat book. After all, some things can only be felt, but cannot be expressed in words.

Only by witnessing the corresponding animals with your own eyes can you understand and find out.

Tian Hao is now realizing the beastly charm of the great ape, which is very important to him.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is still the theory of spirit, energy and spirit. The charm of animal nature corresponds to spirit, the form corresponds to essence, and the unique strength of human beings corresponds to qi.

Only by gathering the three training methods of spirit, energy and spirit can one establish a complete and solid foundation and have the capital to pursue a higher level.

(End of this chapter)

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