Chapter 165 Five Sacred Siege (Seventh)
"Ren Woxing really didn't die!"

His face became more gloomy, Zuo Lengchan had already guessed that Ren Woxing was not dead.

Over the years, he not only planted spies in the Five Sacred Sword Sect, but also in the Sun Moon Demon Cult, so he was able to obtain some information.

He even secretly dispatched to capture a leader of the Devil's Cult, and interrogated him for a lot of information, including about Ren Woxing.

It is precisely because of this that he is eager to practice the Ice Sutra, which is specially used to restrain the star-absorbing method of letting me do it.

"Everyone, the old man proposes to take this opportunity to kill those heretics here, so as to avoid future troubles."

Zuo Lengchan was a resolute person, and he immediately expressed his opinion that he wanted to kill all those heretics, and first cut off the Sun Moon Demon Cult.

Those unorthodox monsters are always a hidden danger. If they can attack Shaolin this time, they will be able to attack their Wuyue Sword Sect and even their Songshan Sect next time.

It must be eliminated as soon as possible, and by the way, I can also take this opportunity to cheat Shaolin.

"Left Alliance Leader, this way..."

Master Dingyi couldn't bear it, although the heretics acted perversely, but they killed so many people at once...

"Uncle Dingyi, please don't show mercy to those thieves, they are not worth it."

Before Master Dingyi finished speaking, Tian Hao took a heavy package from Liang Fa's back and unfolded it. Inside was a thick pile of books, which were sent by several Xichang factory guards after they arrived at the boundary of Songshan Mountain. They are all cases committed by heretics and sects in the past.

"Uncle Master, please take a look at the evidence of these crimes. They are all things committed by those heretics in the past. It can be said that there are too many books to write about, and there is more than enough to die."

With a look of anger on his face, Tian Hao also has the heart to kill those heretics.

Absolute justice does not exist in the arena of this different world, especially in the martial arts of Nanming Kingdom.

Think about it, even the Qingcheng faction, which is the orthodox martial arts sect, is like that. Others can be imagined, and the foundation is not clean.

But the forces of the righteous way have some bottom line anyway, and the forces of the leftist way have no bottom line, and the number of evil things they have committed is beyond count.

Like the cannibals of Mobei Shuangxiong, there are countless flower pickers like Tian Boguang.

The most important thing is that this group of people is controlled by Ren Yingying. This is very bad. The girls will definitely neglect their cultivation and make troubles everywhere, so they have to be restricted.

Not to mention that Ren Woxing was released, he was an ambitious old guy.

Picking up a book and flipping through it, Dingyi's face became colder and colder as he looked at it, and he even wanted to kill in the end.

"Damn, they are all damned!"

Before finishing watching, Dingyi couldn't help cursing, apparently murderous.

Zuo Lengchan and the others also each took a booklet to read, skipping over the records of crimes, they were startled by the rewards offered behind each person, and immediately their eyes sparkled.

This was previously ignored.

"Uncle Zuo, those people are all famous in the government.

Afterwards, I asked Uncle Zuo to spread the crimes of these people, so as not to be used by some people to slander my Five Sacred Sword Sect. "

As a reminder, Tian Hao has already planned for this.

Many people will die this time, and it is easy to be used by others, so we must be prepared first.

It is precisely because of this that he used Xichang's influence to obtain these criminal intelligence evidences and firmly held righteousness.

Of course, making money is also one aspect.

During this period of time, the cost was relatively high, and nearly half of the precious medicinal materials in stock were used up. Coupled with the huge expenses of Huashan College, funds were a bit tight.

You must find opportunities to supplement, otherwise you will be very passive.

"As it should be, the reputation of my Five Sacred Sword Sect will never be slandered by villains."

Zuo Lengchan said righteously.

He naturally knew the horror of human speech, if some people took this opportunity to manipulate speech and describe their Five Sacred Sword Sect as murderous villains, the blow would be fatal.

The last Five Sacred Mountains operation offended many people. I am afraid that those people have been preparing to find opportunities to retaliate, and they must not be given any chance to excuse.

These intelligence incriminations came at the right time, especially the bounties for those people.

After the decision was made, the members of the Five Sacred Sword Sect took action secretly, especially the Songshan Sect almost came out in full force.

Even the Hengshan Sword Sect, Taishan Sect and Hengshan Sect's follow-up personnel rushed over one after another to join up with the Songshan Sect and plan this matter secretly.

This place is their own territory, Songshan party is well known, and the battle location was quickly selected.

However, as the so-called plan cannot keep up with the changes, Shaolin Temple's response was beyond the expectations of Zuo Lengchan and others.

"Fang Zheng they retreated?"

Zuo Lengchan was stunned, they had already ambushed here, but now they learned that Shaolin Temple had retreated, leaving only an empty temple.

"I saw it with my own eyes. Those leftist monsters entered the Shaolin Temple, but there was no fierce fight, and then they scattered to look for something."

Lu Bai had a gloomy face, and he really didn't expect Fang Zheng and Shaolin Temple to make such a choice.

Originally thought that the Shaolin Temple, as the leader of the martial arts, would continue to be tough, but this time it was discouraged, resulting in a gap in the direction of the Shaolin Temple.

There are gaps in the encirclement, no matter how thorough their plan is, it will be useless.

"Everyone, the old man got the exact news that those leftist monsters have gone mad and killed Shaolin. We need to go to support them as soon as possible."

Feeling ruthless in his heart, Zuo Lengchan climbed up and shouted, first leading the disciples of Songshan School to rush towards Shaolin Temple.

Seeing this, Daoist Tianmen and others had no choice but to follow along.

Although the best geographical advantage has been lost, the plan has already begun, and there is no reason to give up halfway.

Even if you can't kill all those leftist monsters, it's good to kill some of them.

At the same time, outside a mountain depression ten miles away from Shaolin Temple, a group of men in black lurked quietly and watched secretly.

"Junior Sect Leader, I can see clearly with the binoculars made by Nephew Hao. The group of monks carried a lot of big boxes into it."

A man in black whispered, his eyes fixed on the mountain depression.

"Is all the oil spilled?"

Yue Buqun, who was also masked in black, asked in a low voice, this trip is much more dangerous than the last trip to Putian Shaolin, and it must be safe.

"It's all done, just wait for the time to turn this place into a sea of ​​flames."

Wu Bu showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and immediately praised: "Nephew Hao is really capable, he can turn coal into kerosene, even if those bald people check the kerosene afterwards, they will never find us. "

Everyone around was laughing and sneering. They had been preparing for this for a long time, and specially followed Tian Hao's instructions to make a lot of fire oil with coal.

This time, thousands of people were brought, each of them carried a barrel of hundreds of catties of kerosene, sneaked in through Luoshui by boat, hid in the forests of Songshan Mountains, and came out at night.

Of course, it's not easy to sneak in here quietly, but they killed some nails by themselves, so they haven't been discovered until now.

Perhaps after a day or two Shaolin would notice something was wrong, but by then it was already too late.

"Go back first, and wait for the signal from Senior Brother Zhao."

Taking a deep look at the lights in the depression, Yue Buqun turned and left, waiting for the opportunity.

Now all the monks in Shaolin Temple are hiding in it, and they can't beat them with this little manpower.

Have to wait for a chance!

(Da Lang, it's time to!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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