Chapter 1868 Xuanwu Legion
"Huaguo still has the same strategy as before, shouldn't we kill them all?"

Sitting down again, Li Jiancheng looked at Shen Luoyan who was opposite him.

It was indeed clear that that person did not have much affection for Li Tang just now, but it was not a bad feeling either, it was more of a conspiracy.

And according to his understanding, the Hua Kingdom generally does not drive out all the enemy forces, but drives them out to harm the forces of other countries.

During this period of time, he had heard that there were many fierce men on the grassland, and the fighting was very tragic, and it could be said that blood flowed like a river.

The East Tang Kingdom is not peaceful, even the Sui Kingdom is secretly turbulent.

Even he had contact with many people, but out of caution, he didn't have too much contact with those people.

"Although it's a bit like letting the tiger go back to the mountain, who made Huaguo never treat you as an enemy!"

Shen Luoyan didn't comment on Huaguo's actions, so it can be said that they are both good and bad.

There are advantages and disadvantages to doing so, it depends on how Huaguo plans.

However, judging from Huaguo's already invincible size, those forces are really not enough.

In the final analysis, the final result depends on the game between the man and the sky, and everything else is secondary.

"It's still the same strategy. He only values ​​talents and population. What you need to do is to keep as many talents and population as possible when Li Tang flees."

Shen Luoyan didn't procrastinate, and straight to the point stated the task that Li Jiancheng needed to complete. This task was actually assigned to the eldest grandson Wugou, but unfortunately that woman was very stubborn.

Now it can only be arranged for Li Jiancheng. She didn't say much about it, but she believes that Li Jiancheng is a smart person and knows how to do it.

Sure enough, Li Jiancheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that he only needed to do those two things.

Although he has decided to seek refuge in Huaguo for his life, he still does not want to betray Li Tang and his father and bear a bad name.

What Shen Luoyan said was very simple, he was capable of doing it, and there was still a lot of room for flexibility.

For example, if Huaguo was collapsed by that Tianzheng before attacking here in the future, he could stay in Li Tang, and even take the opportunity to swallow a wave of Huaguo's inheritance.

Thinking of this, he suddenly noticed a gaze, looked up, and saw a beautiful face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, which made Li Jiancheng's heart shudder, knowing that his thoughts must have been guessed.

"Don't worry, I understand your thoughts, and he must understand, but he and I don't care.

Huaguo itself exists because of him. If he fails, our existence will naturally be meaningless, and we will not care about what happens afterwards. "

Playing with a strand of hair, Shen Luoyan didn't care about Li Jiancheng's little thought, anyway, this time the two sides are just a deal.

If it is said that a meal can make Li Jiancheng accept his head and worship, it is unrealistic to offer 100% loyalty. At this stage, everyone is just mutual benefit.

Talking about loyalty as soon as we meet is pure nonsense.

However, with Li Jiancheng's appearance and background, he would inevitably be brainwashed by that man, and he was ruthless in this regard.

She even suspected that Mi Gong might have been secretly brainwashed by that person.

Shen Luoyan's words made Li Jiancheng feel even more embarrassed, but he was also relieved.

As long as that person doesn't care, there will be more room for manipulation.

"To do the best I can, I need to stay where I am.

I need a legion, preferably the Xuanbing type.

In addition, I need a set of unique skills that can rival the formula of longevity. "

After calming down, Li Jiancheng expressed his request.

If he wants to accomplish the two things that Shen Luoyan said, he must maintain enough power to speak, otherwise he will be marginalized if his second brother really takes his seat, and maybe he will be squeezed into a certain place. This rest of his life was put under house arrest in an unimportant position.

So many people can really rest assured that he must reverse this situation as soon as possible.

And the advantages that the second younger brother has now are those few, the general outline of the longevity formula, the Xuanjia Jingqi, and the support of Buddhism and Taoism.

There is nothing he can do about the support of Buddhism and Taoism, but Jue Xue and legion are the strengths of that Hehua country, and he can gain a firm foothold with just a little bit.

However, the secret knowledge and military formation obtained must be able to explain clearly, so as not to be doubted by others.

"Wait a minute!"

Shen Luoyan activated the divine sense attached to her body and turned into a deformed illusory figure, which was exactly the form of Tian Hao's spiritual sense.

At the beginning, Tian Hao stored a divine sense in Shen Luoyan's sea of ​​consciousness as a means of connection, and at the same time taught Shen Luoyan to become the commander of the army as soon as possible.

Now this divine sense is fully activated and used to fiddle with the unique skills and army templates that Li Jiancheng needs.

"It's all progressed to this point."

After watching Shen Luoyan's memory fragment, Tian Hao's spiritual thoughts suddenly came to him, and he immediately cast a pitiful look at Li Jiancheng,
This is also a poor girl.

The pity in his eyes made Li Jiancheng feel uncomfortable all over, but he didn't say much, waiting quietly for the one who bestowed the army formation and unique skills on the legion.

"It's easy to talk about unique learning. The Jue of Longevity is one of the four great books. Although it has been blessed by the heavens a lot, the essence remains unchanged.

And part of the essence of the formula of longevity comes from the God of War Illustrated Book, which is also one of the four great books. Let me pass on to you the Illustrated Book of the God of War, which is my improved version. It is easier to practice and more powerful.

For the legion, I will get you a Xuanwu Legion, which can also shape the black ice, and at the same time control the water flow, which is more defensive. "

Tian Hao thought about it mentally, and passed the God of War catalog and the template of the Xuanwu Legion into Li Jiancheng's mind. Li Jiancheng couldn't help but fall to the ground, foaming at the mouth, twitching all over, rolling his eyes upwards, So embarrassed.

Fortunately, Tian Hao gave the old martial arts version, otherwise the amount of information would be even greater.

And this kind of low-level military formation and Tian Hao's spiritual avatar can be fiddled with by itself, and there is no need to link the main body at all.

Anyway, it's just to let Li Jiancheng stand firm and do things, and it's not really strengthening Li Tang, so it's fine to see it.

After finishing all this, Tian Hao returned to Shen Luoyan Consciousness Sea, and left the next thing to this girl.

"Want to kill him?"

Sensing the killing intent coming from behind, Shen Luoyan said playfully.

She was well aware of the feud between Hong Fu Nu and Li Jiancheng, and it was normal for her to have killing intent.

The red girl standing behind said nothing, she really wanted to kill Li Jiancheng.

She still can't forget the scene when she saw Brother Jing in the prison. Brother Jing was cheated by this man, and half his life was left in the prison.

How can she let go of this hatred?
"He's just a knife. Li Yuan is the one who is really in charge of that matter. That's the enemy you need to take revenge on. Sometimes the best way to get revenge is not to use a knife. There are many ways to make life worse than death. "

Shen Luoyan said pointingly, she knew very well that Li Yuan is the most terrifying person in Li Tang at this stage, even Li Shimin is a little bit close, after all, he is too young, and his life experience is far inferior to Li Yuan who has endured for many years.

The same is true for Li Jiancheng, who is far behind the current Li Yuan.

She knew what was going on with Li Jing's matter after a little investigation. The root cause of everything was just that Li Yuan was taking the opportunity to beat Li Shimin.

As for the fact that Li Jiancheng will definitely not end well in the end, even if he takes refuge in Huaguo, he will inevitably be secretly brainwashed by that person, and it is hard to say whether he will be the current self in the end.


(Li Jiancheng: Oh, I'm so stupid, knowing that someone has the title of not being martial arts, how can I believe that kind of person?
Li Jing: When will my law of karma and swordsmanship be credited? )

(End of this chapter)

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