Chapter 1874
"You are so talented, it's much simpler than those old masters said."

After hearing some fooling around, Dong Shuni's eyes sparkled, and she admired Tian Hao's talents very much.

Although she is a daughter, her uncle invited many teachers for her, including Confucianists and talents. She is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

But in comparison, the man in front of him seems to be more talented, and the words he speaks are also very simple and easy to understand, and he can comprehend them instantly, which is much better than those old masters.

"That is, I am a man with the title of reincarnated sage, how can I be compared to others?"

Tian Hao's face was full of pride, he finally had someone who knew the goods, and he subconsciously puffed up his chest as he spoke, and let the wide and solid pectoralis major muscles pulsate.

This is the basic skill of Huaguo Confucian scholars!
Although his body size is not the most majestic in the Hua Kingdom today, but his talent is definitely the deepest, and no one can even match his cultivation of righteousness.

Naturally, Dong Shuni also saw someone's constantly beating chest muscles. There was no way, Tian Hao directly put on that baggy clothes into tights, fully showing the sharp-edged muscles, even if she wanted to not see them.

This made Dong Shuni's pretty face involuntarily stained with pink, but she couldn't help but look at it.

Needless to say, although this kind of burly figure is different from that of Yan Lang Kou Lang, it has a special charm and can give people a sense of security.

"I've heard some people say that the literati in your country are all apostates, focusing on cultivating their bodies, each of them is ten feet tall, and their waists are also ten feet in circumference. They are vicious."

With a turn of her eyes, Dong Shuni became more and more courageous, and asked a doubt that had been suppressed in her heart for a long time.

The old masters who taught me have also said this before, but they have been criticizing it all the time, saying that it is apostasy, against the ancestral system, and discarding the root and chasing the end.

"It's not us who are apostate, it's them."

Tian Hao shook his head and vetoed, and immediately asked: "Do you know who the source of Confucianism is?"

"Isn't it Confucius?"

Blinking her eyes cutely, Dong Shuni didn't understand why Tian Hao would ask such a simple question.

Most of the illiterate people know this question. After all, Confucianism has been passed down for thousands of years, and it has been integrated with the imperial courts of various countries. It is hard to know.

"Then what do you think Confucius looked like?"

Tian Hao asked amusedly, he, Tian Mangfu, is going to limping this ignorant girl today, to let her know the stalwart of Confucius.

"How is it?"

Dong Shuni asked curiously, she is not stupid, since Tian Hao said so, there must be something wrong.

At least the real Confucius is definitely different from the one in my impression.

"Well, it's hard for you to understand just by words. In this way, I will take you to see the real Confucius."

After thinking about it, Tian Hao felt that it would be more trustworthy for the girl to see the real person.

After all, I stood up and drew circles, and I didn't forget to add spark effects.

Huaguo is completely shrouded in his spiritual world, and even once integrated his own inner world into it, and his control over it is far beyond what others can imagine.

As long as the divine sense is connected, you can directly search for the location.

"The real Confucius?"

The girl is cute again, hasn't Confucius been dead for thousands of years?
"We reversed the long river of time and revived all the schools of thought and some sages. Confucius is now assisting in the education work in our Huaguo."

He explained casually, and after the space portal penetrated, Tian Hao grabbed the girl Haobai's wrist and passed through.

As soon as she passed through, the girl was dazzled by the warm and ear-splitting shouts.

Looking up, this is a huge place, with a vertical and horizontal height of more than a thousand feet.

At least it was bigger than Luoyang City, and it was full of people standing around, but there was a blank space in the center, inside which hundreds of chariots pulled by bullocks were constantly charging and colliding, extremely fierce.

This is not over yet, those chariots and even bullocks even have various special effects, which can be described as sparks and lightning, stinging people's eyes.

Even the ground sometimes deforms like mud, forming various obstacles.

Potholes, walls, slopes and more.

However, those chariots walked on the ground as if they were walking on the ground, and they smashed into pieces when they hit the city wall. When they encountered potholes, they either filled them up or used their skills to build a road on them so that the chariots could pass through smoothly.

The creation of the slope allows the chariot to fly up in a short time after charging and attack the opponent from the air.

This is not over, there are also many flying chariots in the air, pulled by war horses, although the power impact shown is not as good as that of bullock carts, but the speed is faster, like lightning, making it difficult for Dong Shuni to see clearly.

Fortunately, a heat flow quickly entered the body, and the body's senses were greatly improved, including dynamic vision, and things that were originally unclear were clearly presented in front of the eyes.

Don't need to think about Dong Shuni, she also knew that it must be the man who helped. After politely thanking her, she hurriedly turned her eyes back to the field, and watched closely the battles of those chariots.

"The one with the giant double-headed gun over there is my benefactor Ru Zhigang, he is also the emperor teacher of our Hua Kingdom, and he once taught Empress Yunluo.

The one who fought against him is the reincarnated Confucius, the one holding Fang Tian’s painted halberd and the longbow on his shoulder..."

Tian Hao introduced to Dong Shuni the characters who were confronted on the field. Among them were many well-known big figures, even sages who could only be seen in history books.

This is a competition independently organized by some people in Huaguo. It is called a debate in the Academy, and it is said to be a continuation of the Jixia Academy.

With the participation of characters from various schools of thought, it is used to advocate both civil and martial arts. While improving wisdom, it is also necessary to exercise physical fitness. Morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor go hand in hand, and no shortcomings are allowed.

Originally, this kind of atmosphere was only prevalent in Confucianism, but when Brother Zheng and others reincarnated the masters and sages of a hundred schools of thought, those people broke the pot and formed a group to compete with Confucianism.

The first time was of course being hanged and beaten. With that body, if the size is not equal, it is not an opponent at all.

And when it comes to talking about words, Confucianism is not afraid of any opponent. It can't be said that when it comes to martial arts, the gentleman's six arts take turns.

Afterwards, various schools of thought also learned to be good, and followed suit one after another. The men cultivated a whole body of Gada meat, and the women also trained their bodies to be tall and hot.

In the end, it evolved into this kind of super-large competition, eliminating opponents one by one, and the one who persisted until the end was the champion.

And this kind of competition is very frequent, it will be held once a month, and each confrontation will last for three days.

Dong Shuni was very lucky and happened to catch up once.

And Dong Shuni was really shocked. She has been raised like a canary, and she has never seen such a violent scene. The fierce collision of the chariots even made the ground tremble continuously, which shows the terrifying power.

There are also those colorful special effects, you can tell that it is not a fake, and the power must not be small.

Also, is that fierce man covered in gada meat really the legendary Confucius?

Although she guessed from Tian Hao's words and expressions as early as when she traveled over here, the real Confucius might be very different from what she remembered.

But now that is no longer a big gap that can be described, it is completely two species.

Also, the figures of those people around the field are also extremely exaggerated. At first, Tian Hao was thought to be tall and mighty, but now he realized that he was very ordinary, even short.


(The strongest creature in the Warring States period: sad girl, come to exercise!)

(End of this chapter)

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