Chapter 2061 Seed
"But why can't idols become giants?"

Shen Jianxin is still very puzzled, what is the difference between the idol group and the powerful group.

"It's very simple, because they have become the capital of appearance value, thanks to the capital of appearance value.

It is impossible to conquer all countries based on appearance alone, and the overall will of the national court will never be allowed to be conquered by one person with such superficial things as appearance.

As for the capital, it is even more impossible. For example, the Tibetan Sword Villa is one of the two major weapon manufacturers in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but they must also grasp a certain degree, and it is impossible to build weapons without limit.

If they really want to build too many, the imperial court will have to send a large army to wipe them out, but if they don't strengthen themselves to surpass or even surpass all the countries in the world, they will not be able to support Ye Ying to reach the level of giant heroes.

This is an unbreakable vicious circle, and if Hidden Sword Villa really reaches that level, the interior will inevitably be corrupted, even if brothers may kill each other, this also cannot support Ye Ying to become a giant.

This is a knot! "

Tian Hao spoke in detail and patiently, but he believed that Shen Jianxin's IQ, as long as he had the right guidance, he would definitely be able to understand the deep meaning.

"No way? How could the hidden sword villa kill each other?"

Shocked, Shen Jianxin couldn't understand this kind of statement, it's anti-human.

"Ever read the history books?"

He smiled and asked back, Tian Hao, as a senior fool, is never afraid of any storm and can withstand any test.

"Read a few."

Scratching his head, Shen Jianxin felt a little embarrassed.

He didn't study much, otherwise he wouldn't have worked as a security guard in Daoxiang Village for eight years. He would have gone to the examinations to get fame, promotion and fortune.

"Do you know what I saw in the history books I read?"


Asking curiously, Shen Jianxin was looking forward to Tian Hao's answer, seeing how Junior Brother Tian looked like, that answer must be very unusual.

"eat human!"

"Eat... eat people?"

A gust of cold air shot down from the forehead and down the spine, straight into the delicate flowers, and Shen Jianxin was startled into a cold sweat.

The word cannibalism is too scary.

"Foreign races have captured our Central Plains many times. At that time, we Central Plains people were called two-legged sheep in their mouths. The reason for this name is that most human meat has a similar taste to mutton..."

Tian Hao smiled, revealing two rows of shining big white teeth, but Shen Jianxin was so upset when he heard it that he almost vomited.

It took a while to react, and said depressedly: "Can you stop talking so darkly?"

Such a dark and bloody statement is really unbearable.

"I have only said so much. The reality is darker and bloodier than the few words I said. Even several times, we Central Plains people are about to be killed."

He said something meaningful, which made Shen Jianxin's complexion calm down, and he felt the heaviness in the words.

It turns out that the people of the Central Plains have ever suffered such a humiliating desperation?

Although he has never seen that kind of tragedy of cannibalism, he can imagine a thing or two, it must be a kind of crazy despair.

This is wrong and must be stopped.

At this moment, Shen Jianxin has a deeper understanding of the way of chivalry, maybe that is his mission.

"In addition to the cannibalism of foreign races, we have also been cannibalizing people in the Central Plains. The conspiracies and tricks in the succession of the throne are just a standard configuration. I don't know how many families have been ruined by such exorbitant taxes.

There are also pornography, gambling and drugs produced by sinister people, bandits and robbers, corrupt officials, and even among the people, there are countless landlords who are exploiting the poor.

You can imagine that the common people have worked hard for a year, and most of the food grown is taken away, and the remaining small part is not enough for a year's rations. They can't even eat a meal of hard rice and biangbiang noodles, and they even get it from time to time. The scene of the bark of wild vegetables..."

Shen Jianxin became more and more silent the more he heard it. Although there were no so-called landlords in Daoxiang Village where he was born, he had to bear a lot of government food taxes.

As for the so-called landlords, he heard some refugees who fled to Daoxiang Village say that those refugees were forced to flee by the landlords where they lived.

Who wants to leave their hometown if they can have a good life, or even survive?

"But if the government doesn't collect food tax, wouldn't the country collapse?"

After thinking for a while, Shen Jianxin asked a question.

He once asked his master when those government servants went to Daoxiang Village to collect the grain tax. According to the master, the grain tax must be collected.

After all, whether it is the salary of officials, the food and salaries of border guards, or even the relief food allocated by the imperial court in case of natural disasters, they all come from those food taxes.

Without the support of those food taxes, the country would not be able to continue to operate, and those people must not be allowed to work hungry.

"You're still too young!"

With a slight sigh, Tian Hao said: "Do you know that [-]% of the world's wealth is in the hands of [-]% of the people, and the remaining [-]% is the food for the common people.

Do you think it is reasonable to use that pitiful [-]% of wealth to maintain the operation of the entire imperial court? "

This rhetorical question made Shen Jianxin dumbfounded, and it seemed that it was not unreasonable to think about it carefully.

After all, although food is important, it is really not expensive in normal conditions, otherwise those farmers would not be able to save a little money all year round.

"Common people can't even eat enough to eat, let alone save money. Once they have a headache and brain fever, family ruin is the only outcome."

Speaking of this, Tian Hao stood at the door and looked at the blue sky.

"Senior brother Shen, this morality and the world are sick, and the chivalrous men of my generation should go and heal them.

These topics are too heavy and esoteric, and you may not be able to fully understand them now. After you go down the mountain, you can take a walk in the bustling places, and then go for a walk in the poor folk.

Experience the gap between the two worlds, and I believe you will get an answer.

Although that answer will be cruel and subvert your three-view cognition, it will indeed be the most real side of this troubled world and the world. "

After pretending to be aggressive, Tian Hao stepped out, leaving Shen Jianxin alone in the dormitory, frowning and thinking.

He didn't ask Shen Jianxin to fully understand it right away, he just wanted to leave a seed in his heart, as long as it encounters rain in the future, it can quickly take root and germinate, and grow into a towering tree.

At that time, Shen Jianxin was the shape that Tian Mangfu wanted.

"Are the rivers and lakes and the world really that dark?"

Shen Jianxin was confused, this was completely different from the worldly world he had thought before, but his reason and IQ told him that Junior Brother Tian was right, that was the real side of this world.

"No, I have to ask someone. I heard that Uncle Qi Jin used to eat the emperor's food. Maybe he can give some advice."

After thinking for a while, Shen Jianxin decided to investigate first.

And the first time I thought of that Uncle Qi Jin, he was a nobleman who used to eat the imperial food in the imperial court. Although he didn't know why the other party gave up his golden rice bowl and came to Chunyang Palace to make a living, but he was a member of the establishment after all, so he must know a lot matter.


(Tian: Senior Brother Shen, Senior Brother, I have already left a seed in your body, you just wait to become a mother!)
(End of this chapter)

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