Chapter 2068 Nine Deaths Nine Lives
Not to mention the exchanges and plans between Yu Rui and Lu Zu, on the other side Tian Hao quietly guarded by the medicine pool for more than two days, and then waited until everyone's initial integration was completed and the foundation was formed.

At the same time, the medicine and blood in the medicine pool were also consumed.

"How did they become so... stalwart?"

Swallowing, Shen Jianxin couldn't help asking.

There is no way not to be startled, these senior brothers' bodies have changed too much, the same bald head, but has become muscular, and each one is ten feet taller.

Even those monks in Shaolin don't have such a fierce figure.

At least he has never seen a fierce man who can reach a height of one foot, even Zhuo Fengming's senior uncle is now a dwarf compared to these people.

But what makes his scalp tingle the most is, will he become like that in the future?

"Your aptitude and skills are better than theirs, and the fusion stimulation that can overwhelm your blood will basically not become like that, but I can teach you a set of secret methods of transformation, and you can temporarily become that kind of size, combat power It will improve a lot.”

Seeing Shen Jianxin's anxiety, Tian Hao comforted him.

His blood is not so easy to fuse, if the cultivation base and physical qualifications are not enough, it will be difficult to suppress, and he will be forced to change his muscles and bones by turning against the guest.

This is also an instinct of the body to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Even if those people don't know it, their bodies will instinctively sense the benefits of this foundation-building transformation, and naturally they will not resist the transformation.

And in order to devour and absorb Tian Hao's blood more, it will naturally increase the body's muscles and bones.

"Can this change too?"

Looking at his own body, and those senior brothers standing up from the medicine pond, Shen Jian's heart was moved.

Although that kind of muscular body is not good-looking, but when it comes to life and death crisis, life is naturally more important.

Not to mention becoming a devil muscular person, it doesn't matter even if you become a woman, the most real thing is to survive.

"Thank you junior brother for your kindness of reinvention, I will never forget it."

Initially getting used to the tyrannical body, everyone suppressed their excitement and bowed to thank Tian Hao.

This is the real grace of regeneration!

Even if they haven't fought yet, they can still see that their bodies are far stronger than before, and they can really beat their former selves.

As for this appearance, it is nothing to them who have been struggling in Chunyang Palace and even Jianghu for several years or even ten years.

As veterans, they know that strength is the most real thing, and reputation and appearance are all shit.

"Go back and rest for a few days, perfect control of the strengthened body strength as soon as possible, and then each prepare an epee to let those senior brothers see what is called a Jin Xu boy."

He didn't shy away from it, and accepted everyone's gift calmly, and at the same time let everyone go back to adapt.

The foundation building this time is not only a change in body size, but also a lot of physical fitness. If I don't train a lot, I'm afraid I can crush the dishes even after eating.


Everyone responded loudly, and then staggered back cautiously.

It's not that he can't walk anymore, but that his physical strength is too strong, and he can't control this force. If he steps on it, he can create a hole.

"Are you used to it?"

After everyone left, Tian Hao looked at Shen Jianxin, his eyes flickered, and he felt that he should be able to proceed to the next stage of cultivation.

"It's almost there. I feel that now I can push my former self to the ground."

Clenching his fists, feeling the powerful force in his body, Shen Jianxin was full of confidence.

His physical strength has become much stronger. When he came out of the medicine pool, he also stepped on the surrounding rocky ground a lot, and he didn't get used to it until today.

"You can start the next stage of cultivation."

Tian Hao was very satisfied, he really deserved to be God's own son, his body was so strong, even his mental strength was astonishingly strong.

"The next stage?"

Shen Jianxin was stunned, he didn't know that there was a next stage, and Junior Brother Tian's expression was so weird that he had a very bad premonition.

Then the premonition came true, and a fist like an iron pot hit the chest heavily.


There was a sound of bone cracking, Shen Jianxin's eyes widened, and he could clearly feel that all the muscles and bones in his body were shattered by a powerful force.

It is a power different from internal strength, it is very pure and extremely domineering.

The originally fair skin gradually covered with a layer of pink, and then turned red.

This is where countless capillaries have been shattered, and even the cellular level has been destructively impacted.

He wanted to open his mouth to shout, but Shen Jianxin found that he could no longer control his body, and even his consciousness was gradually blurring.

"Come out if you want to see it, I have nothing to shy away from."

While carefully observing Shen Jianxin's physical condition, Tian Hao said.

He had already noticed that Yu Rui was approaching, especially when he punched Shen Jianxin just now, the girl's aura fluctuated.

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing being discovered, Yu Rui, who was hiding not far away, simply stopped hiding, stepped forward and glanced at Tian Hao, then his eyes fell on Shen Jianxin who fell to the ground.

Although Shen Jianxin's physical condition has not been checked yet, the fine bone cracking sound just now is enough to prove something.

It's just that she doesn't understand what this nasty brat is going to do.

"Fusing my blood to build a foundation is only the first step, and the next step is nine deaths and nine lives, using the horror of life and death to promote the further fusion of blood and body.

Other people's roots and cultivation levels are quite different, and they are not able to perform Nine Deaths and Nine Lives for the time being, but Senior Brother Shen can. "

Without hiding, Tian Hao replied while continuing to stare at Shen Jianxin whose body had begun to mutate.

Yu Rui was puzzled, and was about to ask something, but was interrupted by a change in Shen Jianxin's body.

I saw a domineering swallowing force emerging from Shen Jianxin's body, swallowing the surrounding heaven's power, and the scope was getting bigger and bigger.

The power of the heavens replenished from all around brought up the sound of the wind, which shows how amazing the speed of the devouring is, and even formed a cyclone that rotates continuously in the end.

At the same time, swallowing a huge amount of the power of the sky, Shen Jianxin's physical evolution accelerated.

The power of the sky and its own skill were quickly swallowed by the body cells at a ratio of one to nine, to be precise, it was swallowed by the traces of Tian Hao's blood, and turned into the power of chaos and merged into Shen Jianxin's body.

"It's that kind of power."

Yu Rui, who had been observing carefully, immediately sensed that domineering power.

She is no stranger to this domineering force, and has been groping for the past two days.

Even with her pure Zixia skills, it is difficult to resist the devouring and assimilation of this kind of power. It is fine to run the skills in the meridian orifice points, but once it enters the muscles and bones, it will be swallowed up instantly.

After these two days of tossing, half of the skill that I have worked so hard to cultivate has been swallowed.

Too domineering!

"That's the power of chaos, and the spirits of chaos can't bear it for the time being, so we can only use this next level of chaos power to adapt first."

Still continuing to observe the changes in Shen Jianxin's body, while explaining to Yu Rui.


(Shen Jianxin: Eight more times?)

(End of this chapter)

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