Chapter 340 Kung Fu System (Part [-])
The Vajra Immortality Magical Art is very strange, the Vajra Stellar Qi cultivated is indestructible, and normally speaking, the body including the meridians cannot bear it.

But that's only under normal conditions. Using a special method to integrate kung fu into the muscles and bones of the body can turn it into a vajra indestructible body. In the state of vajra indestructibility, both the body's muscles and bones, as well as the strength of the meridians and acupoints, have qualitatively improved.

It is precisely because of this that it can carry the full power of the Vajra Stellar Qi and allow the body to obtain the power of the Vajra God.

That's why Gu Santong was able to grab the rock dragon controlled by Zhu Wushi and slam it wildly. That kind of strength far exceeded the limit of the human body.

Based on this concept, Tian Hao, in order to cooperate with the Hunyuan Thunderbolt Kung Fu, based on the state of King Kong's indestructible body, deduced a special state specially used to carry the power of thunder and lightning, called - Thunderbolt Real Body!
As the Hunyuan Thunderbolt True Qi circulates in the meridians and acupoints in a mysterious trajectory, it is diluted and diffused into the body's muscles and bones, producing mysterious changes.

Tian Hao stood up, he who was lying like a dead pig finally stood up.

The eyes opened, and the black and white eyeballs turned into blazing white, like two lightning balls.

It's just that the posture is a little strange, and the whole body is twitching, and there is a feeling of wanting to dance on the grave.

"After all, it's still a semi-finished product, so it needs to be perfected as soon as possible."

Looking at the twitching legs that were making it difficult to walk, Tian Hao simply sat down cross-legged, while continuing to receive Lei Ting's bath, while perfecting Lei Ting's avatar.

Because I have never experienced the power of thunder and lightning in nature before, and I don't understand the inner mysteries, I only create based on the electricity of the generator.

Using the power-level Hunyuan Thunderbolt internal qi to run will have some effect, and there is nothing wrong with it, but now that the Hunyuan Thunderbolt true qi refined with the power of lightning is running, there are many problems.

Otherwise, according to his theoretical assumptions, it is definitely enough to resist the power of thunder and lightning, and he will not want to dance like he is now, and it will even greatly increase his body, especially in terms of speed.

Resolutely entered the state of epiphany, and corrected and perfected the flaws of Lei Ting's real body one by one.

As Thunder's avatar was perfected bit by bit, the power of thunder and lightning in his body was gradually tamed, and Tian Hao even activated another function of the Heavenly Tribulation Armor.

A special magnetic field expands, but not outwards, but inwards.

Use the electromagnetic field to sort out the violent lightning power in the body.

It may also be that seeing Tian Hao found a way to deal with it, the thunder and lightning in the sky gradually stopped, and even the thunderclouds slowly dissipated.

Thunderstorms are like this, they come and go quickly.

And Tian Hao, who is wearing the Heavenly Tribulation Armor, is still continuing to perfect the Thunder Avatar. Although there will no longer be lightning strikes, there is still a huge amount of lightning power stored in his body. If he does not take advantage of the state of the Thunder Avatar The initial refinement will be life-threatening.

But now there is a huge amount of lightning power stored in the Heavenly Tribulation Armor, and the lightning power in my body is too weak compared to it, so I can't squeeze it in at all.

I can only find another way to refine the power of lightning and guide it out.

After the thunderstorm dissipated, Yue Zixia and the others hurried forward, protecting Tian Hao in the middle, preventing someone from sneaking up and disturbing them.

After all, the celestial phenomenon just now was too vast, and there must be many people who saw it.

When his mind was about to be exhausted by the epiphany, Tian Hao finally perfected the Thunder Avatar to a certain extent, barely refined the power of lightning in his body, and created a martial art specially for it.

"Thunderbolt finger!"

Stretching out his finger, a burst of Hunyuan Thunderbolt True Qi shot out with a huge amount of lightning power, and it pierced into the mountain wall ten feet away in the form of lightning, and shot it out of a hole of unknown depth.

"So fast!"

The lightning flashed, and everyone reacted just now, secretly thinking very quickly.

That finger force just now was like lightning, even Dongfang Bai, who is good at speed, couldn't see it clearly, only saw the flash of lightning.

"Another unique skill!"

Laudenuo said with emotion, the finger just now was obviously another kind of unique skill.

As early as when he created the Hunyuan Thunderbolt Kungfu, he knew that Tian Hao was creating the corresponding external martial arts, which was obviously the Thunderbolt Finger move just now.

"No, it's two unique skills!"

Dongfang Bai saw that Tian Hao's special state is also a unique skill, and it is more advanced than Thunderbolt Finger.

"It's somewhat similar to my Vajra Immortal Body."

Gu Santong scrutinized it carefully, and after comparing it, he found that it was very similar to the Vajra Immortality that he manifested with all his strength, and it was a temporary state in order to exert special skills to the limit.

"It should be based on the principle that King Kong is not bad, and he created it specifically to adapt to the power of lightning."

Tianchi strange man nodded, and also saw that this state was similar to that of King Kong, at least in principle.

"My Thunder Avatar is indeed evolved on the basis of King Kong's indestructibility, but it is very different. This is my original body system, which is equivalent to a special physique."

Tian Hao, who had released most of his lightning power, stood up and admitted that Thunder's real body had something to do with King Kong's incorruptibility.

"Gong body system?"

Everyone was very curious, and it was the first time they heard the word "gongti".

"You all know that we martial arts practitioners have some special physiques, which are suitable for some special martial arts, and we can get twice the result with half the effort."

Tian Hao opened his mouth to explain, and the first sentence made everyone present nod in agreement. The ones who touched the deepest were Tianchi strange man and Gu Santong master and apprentice.

They have all practiced the Vajra Indestructible Magic Art, but although the Vajra Indestructible Magic Art is a unique skill in the Stellar Qi Realm, it is not easy to practice all the way to the Stellar Qi Realm.

Even those with excellent aptitude would have to practice hard for decades if they wanted to reach the Dacheng realm, but Gu Santong had mastered the indestructible magic of Vajra when he was in his twenties, reaching the level of the Stellar Qi realm.

Tianchi strange man was not bad back then, he created his own Vajra indestructible magic skill with the fragments of Shaolin King Kong indestructible magic skill, but he reached the Gang Qi state in his thirties.

If he hadn't been plotted against by the ancestor of the Taibao back then, he would have even hoped to hit a higher realm.

This is because the physique and meridians are special, and it is more in line with the indestructible magic of Vajra, and it can be multiplied with half the effort when practiced.

There are many similar examples. For example, Zhu Wushi is very compatible with the method of absorbing energy. The dantian of ordinary people's meridians can't carry so much energy, but he can, forcibly cultivate the method of absorbing energy to an unprecedented level.

"Compared to the strength of some special internal energy, our meridians and acupoints and body muscles and bones are too fragile. Even if we cultivate special internal energy, it is difficult to run at full capacity, otherwise we will definitely hurt the enemy a thousand and ourselves. fate.

Before even injuring the enemy, he crippled himself first.

Therefore, the Vajra Immortal Art has the special state of King Kong's indestructible body, and I also paired my Hunyuan Thunderbolt Kung Fu with the special state of Thunder Avatar, so that I can use it to fully exert the Hunyuan Thunderbolt true energy, and even carry the power of thunder and lightning... ..."

Everyone thought it was true, but the Tianchi strange man and his apprentice felt the deepest. Compared with the Vajra Qi, their bodies were indeed too weak.

Only when the vajra is not broken can the vajra qi be fully activated, otherwise the meridian will be broken first, and the body will explode and die.

Dongfang Bai and Ren Yingying were also thoughtful. Nine Yang True Qi and Nine Yin True Qi are extremely powerful, and they put a lot of pressure on the meridians and acupoints. If they continue to practice, there will be great dangers.


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