Chapter 43
"You are right. Our Huashan Sect needs the most time to develop now, and it is not appropriate to directly confront the Demon Sect."

Nodding approvingly, Yue Buqun's expression changed and became extremely dignified.

"The Demon Cult is powerful, we temporarily avoid it and speed up the excavation of the mountain city.

Hao'er, you should pack up the set of things for tempering the meteorite as soon as possible, and move it to the mountainside. "

Taking a deep breath, Yue Buqun decided to dodge first and shrink his strength. He must not let the Demon Cult discover their secret of being able to temper black iron and fellow seniors, otherwise they might take the opportunity to attack aggressively.

Although with the reputation of Huashan College, the Demon Cult dare not attack Huashan openly, but they can come secretly!

When the time comes, put on a black suit and cover your face, who will know who it is?

It's a pity that their Huashan faction doesn't have the confidence to deal with a secret attack now, so they can only temporarily avoid it.

"The city in the mountain has already been excavated?"

Tian Hao was overjoyed, the plan of the mountain city was proposed by him.

Although there is martial arts in this world, it is not to the extent of destroying mountains and breaking mountains. If one can hide in the mountainside, it is enough to avoid any foreign enemies.

The inspiration for this aspect comes from the Ancient Tomb Sect, which is the refuge for Tibetan soldiers established by Wang Chongyang.

Their Huashan faction can also dig a living space in the mountains. As long as they store enough food and have good ventilation facilities, they will not be afraid even if they are besieged by the army.

"How can it be so fast?"

With a blank glance, Yue Buqun changed his expression and said guiltily: "Our Huashan School ancestors once discovered a cave in the belly of the mountain and transformed it into a tomb. The ancestors will be buried there.

This time it will startle the ancestors! "

The rocks of Mount Hua were inherently hard, and even with the blessing of inner energy, it would be extremely difficult to dig a tunnel or even a city in the mountain. The most important thing was that they didn't have time to dig.

But now that he has been targeted by the demon sect, he can only disturb the ancestors.

"Junior Sect Leader, don't blame yourself, everything is for the future of the Huashan School, and the seniors will definitely not blame you if they know about it.

And it just happened to let the ancestors see with their own eyes how our Huashan School is going to prosper. "

Zhao Bulu comforted him, saying that he didn't care much about disturbing the ancestors.

After all, those who achieve great things do not care about small details, as long as the Huashan faction can be revived and prospered, all sacrifices are worthwhile.

And people have to look forward in life.

"The disciple is going to pack up his things now, just in time to start tempering the black iron."

With a happy expression on his face, Tian Hao left the quiet room excitedly, and went back to the cave to disassemble the special stove.

To forge black iron, the temperature of the flame is the key.

As a newcomer in the new era, although he is not a top student in school, he is not a scumbag either, and knows some knowledge of physics and chemistry.

Fortunately, although the martial arts in this martial arts world are not very scientific, the whole world follows scientific laws, similar to the previous life.

That's why he worked out a high-temperature furnace at the beginning, which has the ability to temper meteoric iron black iron.

Now that Bao Yuan Jin has cultivated to the level of great achievement, and the hand of the eagle claw throwing the stele has already achieved great success, it is time to temper the black iron.

After a wave of operations, Tian Hao left the cave where he had been staying for more than three years, and moved to the tombs and caves of the ancestors of the Huashan School.

This karst cave is very large. It is located in the abdomen of Huashan Mountain. After passing through the long passage, it suddenly opens up in front of you. It is a huge space with a radius of hundreds of feet.

It's just that there are many sarcophagi in the cave, all of which are the coffins of the heads of the Huashan School and some outstanding ancestors.

The whole body of the coffin was carved out of stone, and even after countless years, it was still not damaged at all.

"That's the text of the Warring States Period!"

Following Lao Yue, who had paid homage to the ancestors of the Huashan School, Tian Hao looked at the spiritual tablet on the sarcophagus in front of him, feeling a little confused by the words on it.

It is definitely a kind of writing from the Warring States Period, and he has seen one of the characters from his mentor Ru Zhigang.

In order to make a perfect dictionary before, his teacher Ru Zhigang collected all the mainstream characters from ancient to modern times, including some characters from the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, so he could recognize a few.

"It is indeed an ancestor of the Warring States Period. My Huashan School has a long heritage, dating back to the pre-Qin period. At that time, many rangers gathered on Huashan to compete with swords and discuss Taoism, and gradually became the current Huashan School.

It's a pity that the Huashan faction suffered a lot of misfortune and suffered many catastrophes, and many inheritances left by their ancestors were lost.

Of the Huashan Nine Kungfu decades ago, only Zixia Kungfu and Hunyuan Kungfu were qi refining techniques inherited from the pre-Qin period, and many of them were incomplete. Although they were completed by the ancestors, they had long lost their original essence. "

He sighed endlessly, every time Yue Buqun came here, he would feel proud and regretful, proud of the Huashan School's long history, and regretful that he could not pass on the martial arts left by his ancestors.

"I see!"

Nodding suddenly, Tian Hao agrees with this statement.

Although many fan novels describe the Huashan School as a branch of Quanzhen Sect, it is not clearly stated in Jin Laoshu.

Moreover, neither the Huashan Sect of Yitianzhong nor the Huashan Sect of Xiaoaozhong have any obvious connection with Quanzhen Sect, nor do they have the same martial arts, and they are even completely different from each other.

Not to mention that this is a real world, the Quanzhen Sect is still staying in the territory of Jin Kingdom.

Furthermore, even in the previous life, the real name of the Quanzhen sect handed down in Huashan was Huashan Dao, which was a Taoist sect, not a martial arts sect.

"Master, do you think it is possible for the ancestors to bury their own inheritance with them? I heard that people in ancient times liked to arrange funeral objects."

Suddenly a bold idea popped up in his mind, Tian Hao looked around and said in a low voice.

Since the inheritance of the Huashan School has been lost in the past, it is better to ask the ancestors directly, maybe you can gain something!
Yue Buqun fell silent, and suddenly felt so stupid, so stupid.

It is true that a lot of inheritance has been lost, but there are no people alive now, so you can ask the dead ancestors!

For example, he once thought of taking back the Evil Resisting Sword Manual or the Sunflower Book, and copying two copies, one in the coffin of his ancestor Yue Su, and one in the coffin of his master.

He even thought that after a hundred years, he would be buried with the Sunflower Book and show it to his ancestors himself.

Since he can have this idea, why can't the ancestors have it?
As for saying that doing so would offend the ancestors.

I believe that the ancestors will definitely understand, after all, they are all doing this for the revival and prosperity of the Huashan School!

Seeing that Lao Yue was really moved, Tian Hao stopped talking, believing that Lao Yue would definitely handle the matter well.

"Master, I'm going to smelt more coking coal, the next consumption may not be small."

Finding an excuse to leave the tomb cave, Tian Hao prepared to store more coking coal for the whole time.

The refining of coking coal is very simple. It is made by burning the coal in a large sealed iron drum, and by the way, some coal tar can be obtained to make carbon bricks.

The forging of black iron requires a very high temperature, which is estimated to be three thousand degrees.

This is also the main reason why there are many meteorites in the world, and black irons are extremely rare.

In this ancient background, it is too difficult to achieve a high temperature of [-] degrees, almost impossible.

But in the previous life, let alone [-] degrees, the high temperature of [-] degrees can be adjusted for you.

However, the conditions were limited. He adopted a part of the blast furnace structure, hot air technology and pure oxygen combustion methods, and combined them together to finally increase the flame temperature to about [-] degrees, which reached the standard for hammering black iron.

And to make a furnace that can withstand such a high temperature, ordinary clay refractory bricks are obviously not enough, and carbon bricks must be used, which can withstand high temperatures of more than [-] degrees.

Of course, it is impossible for the furnace itself to reach [-] degrees, only the core position of the combustion can reach it, and as for the periphery, it is only more than [-] degrees.

Fortunately, the raw materials for making carbon bricks are not difficult to find, but the production is a little more difficult and the yield is a little lower.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, he doesn't want much.

(End of this chapter)

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