Chapter 524 Recklessly Wearing the Qing Palace (Fifth Watch)
"Why do you close the door at night!"

Standing under the gate of the capital, Tian Hao was upset.

His reckless man unexpectedly had a day when he was rejected from the door!
"After all, it is a court established by a foreign race, so they are afraid at night!"

A Huashan disciple laughed and said, "They don't need to do anything next, they just need to follow behind as cheerleaders and cheer for Senior Brother Hao."

Sure enough, Tian Hao stepped forward and punched out.

He didn't use his true energy either, he just blasted out with the strength of the sixth turn of the "Strength Chapter" after practicing the nine-turn Xuangong.


With a loud bang, the huge and heavy city gate was smashed and exploded.

Even rocks can't bear Tian Hao's strength, how can this kind of wooden door be able to bear it?
This movement naturally attracted the attention of the Qing army on the top of the city, but before they could react, a burst of lightning exploded, covering the city wall with a radius of [-] meters, and all the Qing soldiers were killed instantly.

Even if Tian Hao only used the power of thunder and lightning collected on the way instead of the power of sky thunder, it was not something those soldiers could bear.

After clearing the walls on this side, Tian Hao quickened his pace and rushed towards the palace.

The focus of this battle is speed, and a blitzkrieg must be fought to catch the Qing emperor before he reacts and runs away.

Otherwise, once it is allowed to sneak away from the palace, it will be difficult to find it.

Huo Qingtong and the others standing outside the city gate were stunned. You must know that there are [-] elite soldiers stationed at every gate in the capital.

But now there is dead silence inside, that is to say, the man killed ten thousand elite soldiers with just one blow.

The attack range and special effects are too exaggerated, and that person has mastered the power of lightning.

"Follow up!"

Huo Qingtong, who was the first to react, rushed to catch up with Qinggong, and the others also reacted, and they followed up excitedly.

I used to be worried, but now it's gone.

With the special effects of this super boss, even if the entire palace is slaughtered, it will be no problem.

Following that person will definitely destroy the Qing court and restore their country in the Central Plains.

In order to pursue speed, Tian Hao opened up all his firepower, using Thunder Yin-Yang Avatar, and performed barbaric charges one after another.

Like a wild boar blessed with lightning special effects, it rushed straight to the palace along the street.

Before the imperial guards at the gate of the palace realized what was going on, the gate was smashed and exploded, and then the knockoff version of Wan Lei Tian Prison erupted again.

However, Tian Hao added a little bit of the power of thunder to the inside this time, after all, there are still some masters in the palace.

Just now he sensed the auras of two masters of the Gang Qi Realm on the top of the city. Ordinary thunder and lightning power can't kill that kind of person, but the power of sky thunder is added.

According to the palace layout map that he learned from Huo Qingtong on the way, Tian Hao rushed straight to the harem.

I believe that the Qing emperor should not have the habit of staying up late to process memorials, so he must be having a good time with some concubine in the harem at this time!
Along the way, gods really blocked and killed gods, and Buddhas blocked and punished Buddhas. Whether it was the palace guards or the palace gates, they were all blown up.

The Heavenly Tribulation Armor and the Thunder Gun have stored a huge amount of the power of thunder and lightning, which is enough to burn up his special effects funds, and is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with Zhu Tiedan.

Huo Qingtong and the others who followed were stunned again. Although they knew that Tian Hao was very strong, they never expected that he would be so strong that he could wipe out everyone within a hundred feet with a single blow.

There were even quite a few strong men in the Stellar Qi Realm who were no worse than them, who were easily killed by others, which was unreasonable.

At first I thought it was someone else's big move, but now it seems that it is just a common move to level A, which can be used continuously.

Is this really human?

What Tian Hao thought was right, the Emperor Qing was indeed having a good time at the moment, to be precise, he had just finished having a good time.

There is no way, I indulged a little when I was young, but now it is inevitable to be faster.

"Your Majesty, here comes a master, not inferior to that strong man that Zhu ignored."

Before the Qing emperor could warm up to his concubine, an old eunuch broke through the door of the palace and rushed in, and with a simple explanation, he picked up the naked Qing emperor and ran away.

There is no way, that person is too cruel, just now he went to look at it from a distance, and confirmed the look in his eyes, he is not an existence that he can contend with.

The other party came straight to the harem. Needless to say, he definitely wanted to assassinate, and he must not be allowed to succeed.

The Qing emperor was stunned, and before he could figure out what was going on, he was knocked unconscious by the extreme speed, and then was carried by the old eunuch like a corpse and quickly flew over the various palaces of the palace.

The old eunuch was also very thieves, first he carried the Qing emperor on his back to the palace guard camp, there not only had the most palace guards, but also the most masters, there were more than ten strong men in the stellar state.

Not to mention killing that person, at least you can block it and buy him time to run.

There is no way, he has been locked by that person now, unless he runs out of a certain range, he will always be locked.

Naturally, Tian Hao, who had locked on this popularity machine, would not let him escape. He was the only one in the imperial palace with a strong True Yuan Realm, and he must be the Qing Emperor's personal guard. Finding that guy was equivalent to finding the Qing Emperor.

He rushed forward all the way, and when he rushed to the imperial palace guard camp, before the inner guards could react, they exploded most of the thunder power accumulated over the past few days, and directly wiped out the palace guard regiment.

Even the strong in the Gang Qi Realm are very vulnerable in front of the power of the sky thunder.

The hurricane of sparks and lightning all the way finally stopped the old eunuch when he was about to cross the palace wall.

He slapped the old eunuch unconscious, and threw the Qing emperor to the disciples of the Huashan sect who followed him.

"Ask him for everything he knows, and then hand it over to Huo Qingtong and Luo Bing."

Not paying attention to the things here, Tian Hao looked at Huo Qingtong.

"Take me to the treasure house of the Qing court and the place where the secret books of martial arts are stored."

To be honest, it is really not difficult to take down the Qing court, especially when Obai has already died.

Not to mention that the Qing government sent strong men to follow the army to invade Nanming twice, which is very empty in itself.

It is estimated that this is also the biggest reason why the Beiming Kingdom has the confidence to launch a national war and win the Qing Dynasty in one fell swoop.

As for the Qing emperor, or the emperor's thing does have supreme power, but as long as I am strong enough to directly control your life and death, then the so-called power is ridiculous.

No matter which world you are in, a big fist is always the truth, and it is the strongest truth!

"follow me!"

Huo Qingtong, who just came to his senses, withdrew his hateful gaze from the Qing Emperor, nodded to Tian Hao, and then went to the treasure house of the Qing Palace.

Daoist Wuchen and the others were left standing there staring at each other, full of bewilderment.

"That's it?"

Looking at the unconscious Qing emperor on the ground, Zhao Banshan couldn't believe it.

When they came over, they were all ready to fight, and even had the determination to die.

It was just like planning the anti-Qing cause back then, but who would have imagined that the process would be so easy and simple, following the big man all the way over with ease, without killing anyone, the Qing emperor was caught.

Everyone can't help but doubt life, what are they doing after all these years of struggle?
He was born and died, so many people died, and he was still in the hands of the Qing emperor, and nothing was done.

But it can be put into the hands of other big bosses, and they have completed their ultimate goal all the way, just like a child's play.

Even the Qing emperor who played them in the palm of his hand was thrown to the ground like a dead dog.

Compared with it, they seem to have lived on dogs.

"Ahem... would you all be willing to join our Huashan faction?"

A disciple of the Huashan School coughed dryly and extended an invitation.

For talents, especially those with good character, their Huashan school has always been more merrier.
(Tian: Blitzkrieg, as the name suggests, is a fighting method with lightning special effects, so please contribute some monthly pass funds, otherwise the special effects will not work!)

(End of this chapter)

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