Chapter 538 Who Is Orthodox (Ninth Update)
Seeing that the arrow hit the target, the strong man of the Kong Family of Nanming didn't even look at his opponent, he turned around and returned with his huge bow.

"Can I shoot again?"

As the referee, Ru Zhigang asked, according to the rules, each person can shoot three arrows and set targets at different distances independently.

"I surrender!"

Reluctantly admitting defeat, the warriors of the Confucian family of the Qing Dynasty turned and left in shame.

No comparison, really no comparison!
The opponent's steel bow and arrow is comparable to the largest eight-ox bed crossbow, and it is also very accurate, even hitting targets four hundred feet away.

Even if I shoot twice, it will be difficult to surpass, let alone hit the target four hundred meters away, whether I can hit it or not!
"Shooting, Nanming Kong Jia wins!"

"Next round, Yubi!"

Ru Zhigang announced the result of this round, and then announced the start of the next round.

Next is the contest of driving the chariot, and the royal contest of the Kong family is different from the general royal contest. With reference to the deeds of Confucius, it requires a single person to drive a chariot while wielding a weapon in hand, which is more difficult.

Then the two sides sent their own chariot representatives, one was pulled by two horses, the other was pulled by two strong oxen, obviously one was good at speed and the other was good at impact.

It’s just that the Confucian family of the Qing Dynasty was confused again. Although both sides used chariots, the style of the chariots in the Nanming Kingdom was very unusual. It was made of steel, and the color was the same as the giant bow just now.

And that guy is wearing a frenzied battle armor, the total weight must be three thousand catties.

The two cows are strong enough, and the terrain here is hard and flat, otherwise it would be really difficult to pull.

In addition, the weird long gun in the opponent's hand is also very unreasonable. Your gun handle is thick and long, but what the hell is that gun head.

Guillotine is not as crazy as you.


The Nanming Confucian knights were still taciturn. Without much nonsense, they swung the chains and drove the two bulls to run from slow to fast. The speed was getting faster and faster, and the momentum was getting bigger and bigger.

Not to be outdone, the Confucian knights of the Qing Dynasty swung the reins and drove the chariot with two horses to run quickly.

The two chariots passed by each other, and the Nanming Confucian knight didn't spend any money. He swung the enhanced Overlord sword and spear, which was nearly two feet long, and slashed at the opponent's chariot.

There is a saying that when shooting a man, shoot a horse first, and when capturing a thief, first capture the king.

People can evade attacks, but chariots cannot.

As long as you smash the opponent's chariot, you will also win.


Cursing inwardly, the Confucian Knights of the Qing Dynasty could only swing their spears, trying to deflect the overlord's sword spear with four or two strokes of skill.

But four or two strokes of a thousand catties can only move a thousand catties. The Nanming Confucian knight himself is extremely majestic, especially his arms are even more inhuman than the bow-wielding man just now.

One can imagine the strength possessed by such a body, coupled with the impact of the heavy enhanced Overlord sword gun and the running of the chariot, it is simply unimaginable.



Where the Overlord Sword Spear meets the spear, under the traction of the opponent's soft strength, the barrel of the Overlord Sword Spear is turned around, and the spear face hits the opponent's chariot.

Although it is not a gun blade, when the power is strong enough, there is not much difference between a gun blade and a face grab.

With a click, the carriage made of solid wood was instantly smashed, and the huge force made the two galloping horses stop violently.

The Confucian Knights of the Qing Dynasty cried out inwardly when they realized the unparalleled strength of their opponents, but their reaction was not slow, and they jumped up decisively, using the momentum of the carriage to charge at the opponent.

Yubi's judgment standard is whoever hits the ground first, as long as he can throw him to the ground first, he will win.

But then he became depressed, and he did throw himself on the opponent, but it seemed to hit a city wall.

Not only did he not knock the opponent out of the chariot, but he knocked himself dizzy, and his body shield was shattered.

This was not over yet, the Nanming Kong family knight rolled his arm holding the Overlord's sword and spear, clamped the opponent under his armpit, and captured him.

Knocking down the opponent is only a small victory, but capturing it is a big victory!
"We admit defeat in this game!"

The Patriarch of the Kong Family in the Qing Dynasty conceded defeat with a livid face, and at the same time secretly cursed what kind of demon the Kong Family in the Nanming Country had possessed?

We have only been separated for more than a hundred years, why did your style of painting change suddenly, and everyone is no longer a human being.

"Brother, the old man has long said that we are the orthodox, you have all gone astray and lost the essence of your ancestors.

The ancestors ran rampant in the Warring States period, and what won the reputation of being the strongest creature in the Warring States period was not by words, but by tyrannical strength. "

The Patriarch of the Kong family in Nanming smiled proudly, and stood up and performed a few bodybuilding moves, which agitated the muscles on his body and made the huge chest muscles pulsate.

There is even a tattoo of the character Ren on the left pectoralis major, which beats along with it.

Although he was unwilling to accept the Huashan Academy's style of painting at first, it was only after he really took up the muscular martial art that he realized the mysterious charm inside.

Then he was out of control, relying on his innate cultivation base to forcibly cultivate the gentleman's sword skills quickly, and possessed such a mighty and domineering body.

Now that he has won the Confucian family in the Qing Dynasty and further established his own orthodoxy, he just wants to say something really sweet.

At the same time, I am more determined that this is the way of Confucianism left by our ancestors!

The Patriarch of the Confucian family in the Qing Dynasty cursed angrily, that he had lost to such barbarians, he really felt ashamed of his ancestors!

"Call the owner!"

With a serious expression on his face, the Patriarch of Nanming's Kong family shouted in a deep voice, while agitating the muscles of his body, especially the chest muscles.

The members of the Nanming Confucian family behind also tore up their Confucian uniforms, revealing their ferocious tendons, and also encouraged their chest muscles to dance wildly to show deterrence.


Mianpi couldn't help but twitched, but the Patriarch of the Kong family in Qing Dynasty reluctantly called Patriarch.

This is the tradition of their Confucian family. They established the ancestral precepts long ago when the Confucian family separated into various branches.

Once the kingdoms of the Central Plains are unified, all the branches must converge and merge to determine the outcome and the orthodox position through competition.

This time it was the Confucian family of the Qing Dynasty who lost, so naturally they can only respect the Confucian family of the Southern Ming Dynasty as orthodox.

This is the ancestral precept, and they have no way to disobey it, otherwise they will have to be expelled from the Kong family.

Before coming here full of confidence to compete, who would have thought it would be such a result, what a shame!
"It's enough to call the Patriarch. There is no need to merge with us. Our Nanming side is different from you. There is no clan, and the clan members are very loose..."

Seeing that the Patriarch of the Confucian Family in the Qing Dynasty recognized his orthodoxy, the Patriarch of the Confucian Family in Nanming put his arms around his shoulders with a smile, and explained the current situation of their Nanming Kingdom, lest this brother make mistakes.

There is no way, the philosophy of the Huashan School is too unfriendly to the gentry and rich. Their Kong family is one of the top gentry in Nanming Kingdom, so they will naturally be taken care of.

If I hadn't understood the current affairs at the beginning, gave up those properties and real estate, and had the reputation of my ancestors suppressed, I am afraid that I would have been murdered by the Huashan faction like other nobles and nobles, and then tried in public.

Of course, although there is a lot to lose, there is also a lot to gain, even more and better.

Their Kong family can go to Huashan College to learn each other's martial arts inheritance, especially the two sets of gentleman's swordsmanship and lady's swordsmanship.

He is now applying for a higher level of advanced studies!

(The Confucian family in the Southern Ming Dynasty has already lost its way and found its way back, and regained the true biography of Confucius. The Confucian family in the Qing Dynasty is also coming soon. There should be a monthly ticket to celebrate here!)

(End of this chapter)

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