Chapter 555 The Seven Stars of the Magic Step (six more)
"Surrender to me, you can live, otherwise, die!"

Hanging in mid-air, Zhu Yuanzhang looked down at Tian Hao who was stepping on the magic pool below, and he had a heart of cherishing talents.

He had briefly read the information about this junior before, and he was a rare genius whose talent was rare in the world, and once he grew up, he would definitely be a great help to help him unify all the countries in the world and establish the Xianming Empire.

"You talk too much nonsense 1"

Replied impatiently, Tian Hao swung against the sky and slashed out again.

"Magic knife breaks love!"

The magic knife that completely turned into pitch black was slashed out, extremely ferocious and unparalleled.

There is also a kind of terrible magic that cuts off emotions.

That's right, it's the magic intent. After using the counterfeit magic knife to the sixth form, it finally sublimated the magic into martial will, just like sublimating the killing intent in the killing sword intent into killing intent.

But magic is even more terrifying. It is a double-edged sword that hurts others and self, regardless of whether it is the enemy or ourselves.

If Tian Hao hadn't produced a semi-finished Demon Heart Ferry with the Dao Heart Planting Demon Dafa, and this thing was evolved based on the Pangban Demon Seed, it would have been difficult to resist the erosion of magic.

After being sublimated into magic, the power is stronger, not only can affect oneself, but also affect the enemy.

With a single slash, it seemed that the real saber energy had not yet arrived, but the magic power entered Zhu Yuanzhang's mind first, and instantly wiped out the emotions and desires in his mind, and even the killing intent was greatly weakened.

Even the will of martial arts has been greatly affected, showing signs of being eroded.

"Dragon vein body protection!"

Not daring to be negligent, Zhu Yuanzhang resisted the fluctuating mind, and turned his skills and dragon veins into a dragon-shaped aura that circled around his body, resisting the slashing magic knife aura.

The magic knife's aura is extremely sharp and extremely erosive, instantly adding a layer of demonic aura to the dragon-shaped aura, and it is still rapidly eroding inward, like maggots on the tarsus bone, which is difficult to get rid of.

Sensing the erosive nature of the devil's energy, Zhu Yuanzhang resolutely abandoned the dragon-shaped energy and let it spread out and be quickly eroded and assimilated by the devil's energy.

"Magic Step Seven Stars!"

Stepping on the magic pool, the completely black magic pool burst into the sky and turned into seven spray pillars, enveloping Zhu Yuanzhang like a fountain.

This is not over yet, under the blessing of the magic knife intent, the spray column turned into a huge pitch-black magic knife.

With a flash of stature, Tian Hao launched a brutal charge, kicked out his right leg wrapped in heavy boots, and kicked the magic knife closest to him to Zhu Yuanzhang who was in mid-air.

Then the second, third, and finally the seven magic knives all slashed at Zhu Yuanzhang, blocking all his hiding spaces.

"Hongwu Dragon Fist!"

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't evade, he punched out with a fist, a dragon-shaped fist hit a magic knife, then the second punch, the third punch...

With seven punches in a row, the seven magic knives were blasted to pieces.

His cultivation base was already extremely strong, and it became even stronger after refining the dragon veins.

If it weren't for the fact that most of the power is suppressing the dragon energy and dragon vein essence of Liu Bowen's ten people at this moment, if there is no one in the combat power that can be exerted, the boy would have been killed with one punch.

Just when he was about to throw his eighth punch to kill Tian Hao, Zhu Yuanzhang paused suddenly, and looked at the fragments of the magic knife that had been smashed by him, and saw something was wrong.

There are exactly 49 fragments of those magic knife sword qi fragments, and each magic knife is divided into seven pieces after being broken, and they are extremely uniform.

This is no coincidence!
This is indeed no coincidence!
"The Seven Stars of Magic Stepping has just begun!"

Hehe sneered, Tian Hao used the magic knife intention to remotely control 49 magic knife qi fragments into brand new magic knife qi, and every seven formed a seven-kill battle formation, and then formed a seven-kill battle formation based on the seven seven-kill battle formations. A large seven-kill battle formation.

To be precise, it is not a battle formation of the Seven Killers, and it is quite different from the formation of the Seven Killers Army. In addition to the difference in the nature of the energy used, the formation method is also very different.

Tian Hao incorporated some of the mysteries of the seven-star formation into it, which is a Taoist formation obtained from the Xiaoyao School, and evolved from the comprehension and evolution of the Big Dipper's laws of operation.

As the saying goes, the Southern Dipper dominates life, and the Big Dipper dominates death. The Big Dipper Seven Star Formation is generally extremely murderous, and it is perfect to use it to cast a magic knife.

Sure enough, the seven-star formation was launched, and even with Zhu Yuanzhang's strength, it was difficult to break through it. He was surrounded by 49 fast-flying magic knives and couldn't get out.

After all, it is difficult to focus on being in mid-air, so it is naturally difficult to burst out with too much force.

In addition, with the completion of the Seven Star Formation, the power of the surrounding heaven and earth was forcibly repelled, making it difficult for Zhu Yuanzhang to use his strength, and it was even more difficult to maintain the suspension.

But he can only maintain it in the air, because below is the magic pool, which is the kid's home field. If he really wants to fall, it is really possible to die here in his current state.

The offensive continued, and Tian Hao even used the battle to fine-tune the Seven Star Formation bit by bit.

After all, it has only been created for a short time, and there are many imperfections, and the level of the seven-star array obtained from the Xiaoyao faction is not high.

"It would be great if I could get the Tiangang Beidou Formation of Quanzhen Sect!"

Tian Hao was very interested in the Quanzhen sect's family background, but it was a pity that Wang Chongyang over there had already retired in seclusion, and now Ma Yu and Qiu Chuji were the masters.

He sent someone to compete in martial arts, but unfortunately he was rejected by them. Naturally, he had no chance to get the family background of Quanzhen Sect and the set of Tiangang Beidou Formation.

"Even Wang Chongyang can't compare to Wang Chongyang in terms of heart. No wonder the Quanzhen Church declined in the original trajectory of fate."

Can't help complaining, Tian Hao really doesn't think highly of Quanzhen Sect, at least in this martial arts world, Quanzhen Sect is ashamed of being the number one Taoist sect in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Not to mention the second-generation Ma Yu and Qiu Chuji, Wang Chongyang, as the founder, is not doing too well.

The lover died, you went to see if there was nothing wrong with it in the first seven days, but you actually left a cheat book on Lin Chaoying's martial arts beside the tomb.

It's fine if you don't care about your girlfriend's death, but you still have to do such a wave of operations, is it possible to revive her anger?

It was not even Wang Chongyang who invented Lin Chaoying's martial arts, but used the unique knowledge from the Nine Yin Manual.

Just like this, he still has the face to say that Chongyang is not weaker than others in his life!
When he saw this passage in his previous life, he would laugh for a long time, and he had never seen such a brazen person.

Concentrating on his thoughts, Tian Hao focused on remote control of 49 magic sword qi, forming a seven-star killing array to besiege Zhu Yuanzhang.

Don't ask to be strangled, but to be trapped to death.

Anyway, he has the magic pool as a supply, so he doesn't have to worry about energy, so he has to pay attention to the consumption of mental thoughts, but it is enough to last a whole day.

I don't believe that you, Zhu Yuanzhang, can still stand strong after isolating the power of heaven and earth.

"It should be soon!"

Staring closely at Zhu Yuanzhang, who was surrounded by the seven-star killing array, Tian Hao reckoned that the guy might want to run away.

The power of others is not so easy to swallow, it needs a refining process, otherwise it can only be temporarily sealed in the body.

This needs to be suppressed with one's own skill, just like Ren Woxing's star-absorbing method back then,
He didn't believe that Zhu Yuanzhang could instantly refine the skills of ten people and integrate them with his own.

As long as the old guy can't hold on, he can launch a general attack and hack him to death here.


(The counterfeit version of the Magic Knife has insufficient funds for special effects, and you giants expressed their support by voting for a monthly ticket!)

(End of this chapter)

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