Chapter 562 Mingyuexin VS Gongziyu (third shift)

"You want to draw your sword at me?"

Mingyue Xin was even more upset, my old lady ran over in the middle of the night, it's fine if you don't say a good word, but now she even draws her sword and starts fighting.

This made her feel more and more that Gong Ziyu was incomparable with that inhuman thing. Although Gong Ziyu was usually gentle with her, the choices he made at critical times were very heartbreaking.

For example, the last time she asked herself to find that guy, even when she was in Nanming Kingdom, she hinted that she would have to pay a price to get that guy's cheat book, but Gong Ziyu still insisted.

In comparison, Tian Hao is the complete opposite. Although he always makes her very angry, he is absolutely reliable in critical moments.

Gong Ziyu didn't say a word, he could see Mingyue Xin's anger, but he didn't care, at most, after defeating her, he could comfort her with kind words.

This is called candied dates plus sticks!
"Meteor shot!"

With a fire in his heart, Mingyue Xin moved the Raksha Golden Battle Body to strike decisively, and pointed out the green onion-like fingers wrapped in the gauntlet, and a meteor-like finger force enveloped Gong Ziyu's whole body.

It's not over yet, before Meteor Gun's finger is hit, lightning flashes on his body, and the fingers of his right hand are bent into claws to grab a piece of sharp lightning claws.

It's the Lightning Grab!
This is still not over, clenched a fist with his left hand, swung it violently, and punched out the fist print!

"Firefly Boom!"

Although the fist print is small, like a firefly in the night, it contains terrifying explosive power.

When the three moves are used together, the power is naturally extraordinary.

This is also Tian Hao's special request. After all, the combination of multiple martial arts is much better than one.

She even asked Shangguan Haitang, who practiced Wan Dao Senluo, for advice on this aspect. Even so, at this stage, she could barely perform three at the same time.

Simultaneously displaying the three unique skills did indeed put a lot of pressure on Gong Ziyu, and even his expression changed slightly.

Don't dare to neglect, let alone keep it, the strengthened Canghai Liuhe is unfolded.

Thousands of sword qi erupted, like the sea capsized, sweeping all over the world, leaving the enemy nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide, and could only be tough.

But Mingyue Xin didn't want to hide herself, now she doesn't need to worry about what to do if the woman is weak.

When the force of the shooting star piercing the fingers, the strength of the lightning grabbing claws and the fist seal of the firefly hitting each other to restrain the heaven and earth, Mingyue Xin unleashed the last of the Rakshasa's four unique skills, and it is also the most powerful one!
"Ghost Ax Slash!"

A split-horse raised its legs high, and then the legs wrapped in the boots slashed down fiercely, like a big axe, as if it wanted to split the entire land and mountains in half.

The thick and domineering golden qi is wrapped on the boots, and condensed on the high heels of the slender boots, sharp and heavy.

Faced with such a domineering and sharp slash, Gong Ziyu's complexion changed again, and he instinctively wanted to avoid it, but his pride as a man made him stop in his tracks, and he swung his sword to slash!

For him, retreating means failure, which he cannot tolerate no matter what, let alone the opponent is his beloved woman, which is even more intolerable.

Moreover, he had only spoken out before, and if he retreated now, he would be slapping himself in the face. He, Qinglong, would carry Zigong Ziyu, but he couldn't afford to lose that person.

Then it's a tragedy!

Just like the Hundred Damage Fairy back then, Gong Ziyu was smashed deep into the ground like a nail.


Breaking through the ground from the other side, Gong Ziyu's face was as gloomy as water.

That moment just now was too embarrassing!

"I'm getting serious!"

There was a chill on his handsome face, and Gong Ziyu used his sword again, still using a single move, but he used a lot more skill than before.

"Nothing new at all!"

Shaking her head slightly in disappointment, Ming Yuexin jumped up, turned her body over, and her legs wrapped in combat boots slashed down like a battle axe again.

And this is not over yet, after the first leg was chopped down, the body continued to spin, and the second leg followed, and in the blink of an eye, the body turned more than ten times, and chopped down more than [-] legs in a row. Drive into the ground.

After rushing out from the ground again, Gong Ziyu's face became more gloomy, and the right hand holding the sword trembled more and more, and blood flowed down the edge of the sword.

It wasn't Ming Yuexin's blood, but his own. He had just been injured by that domineering attack, and even chopped off the Canglang Sword that had been with him for many years.

That kind of attack was too fast, too heavy, and too sharp, and he couldn't bear it even after 33 consecutive blows.

"What's the matter with me this time?"

Without fighting spirit or anger, Ming Yuexin asked coldly.

"What does that man want to do in the Eastern Song Dynasty?"

Glancing at the broken Canglang Sword, Gong Ziyu threw it on the ground casually, and asked in a deep voice.

Although the Canglang Sword is a top-notch sword, he and his grandfather Shen Lang cultivated a very strong spirituality.

But since it has been broken, it is not worthy of his son Yu, even if it is taken back to repair it is not enough.

He needs to find a stronger sword, and then avenge his shame!
Of course, that's all for the future. What he cares about now is what that man wants to do in the Eastern Song Dynasty, is it to deal with them Qinglonghui?
"Don't worry, he is not interested in the Azure Dragon Club now, and the size of the Azure Dragon Club is not worth his trouble."

There was a faint sneer at the corner of her mouth, Ming Yuexin knew a little about Gong Ziyu, so she could naturally guess the deep meaning of the other party's words.

Even before she came, she had guessed.


Ming Yuexin's contempt made Gong Ziyu clenched his fists tightly, feeling a sense of humiliation in his heart.

Without another word, he flew away.

Although it is very insulting, I have to admit that the man and his subordinates are very powerful. He not only captured the Nanming Kingdom, but also defeated the Qing Kingdom, and even confronted the Yuan Kingdom's army twice.

Although the Azure Dragon Society is strong, it is indeed not enough for the opponent to take seriously.

"Old man, when do you want to see?"

When Gong Ziyu left, Ming Yuexin gave a soft drink in a cold voice.

Although Bai Xiaosheng hadn't been spotted yet, from what she knew, that guy must have arrived a long time ago, hiding in the dark and peeping.

Sure enough, after a while, an old man with white beard and hair and wearing a high crown stepped on the treetops and flew over, holding a delicate binoculars in his hand.

Sure enough, as Ming Yuexin said, he was peeping from a distance, and this was the only way to avoid the perception of Gong Ziyu and Ming Yuexin. He just saw Ming Yuexin's lips, so he had to come to meet each other.

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the rivers and lakes are really not suitable for old guys like us to wander around."

Bai Xiaosheng sighed as he looked at Ming Yuexin who was wearing a blue-gold battle armor.

Originally, Ming Yuexin's strength was just like that, not even comparable to him, but now he can crush Gong Ziyu, who has improved in strength, and his fighting style is still so fierce and domineering, compared with his previous swift and weird fighting methods. very different.

"He is very interested in you, but he doesn't like to wait for others. If you don't want to really die on the beach before the waves of the Yangtze River, make a decision as soon as possible."

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Ming Yuexin left a sentence and jumped back. Before leaving, she sucked the Canglang sword and scabbard that Gong Ziyu had discarded into her hand.

Although the Canglang sword was broken by her ghost axe, its material is extraordinary, and the most important thing is that it has a strong spirituality inside. If you go back and let that guy remake it, it will be another magical weapon.

"This old man's old bones can't stand the toss of that kid."

With a wry smile, Bai Xiaosheng regretted following Gong Ziyu, and now dragged him into the pit.

He didn't dare to meet the kid directly.

"Why don't you ask Xiao Yi to take a look at the past and explore the way?"

Thinking of a way to break the situation, Bai Xiaosheng thought that he could let that precious disciple go over and get in touch first.

According to his understanding, that kid seems to attach great importance to beauties.


(Xiaomengmeng is about to go online, where is Tiandao's brother, hurry up and vote for a wave of support!)

(End of this chapter)

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