Chapter 60

Not to mention that Zhao Bulu and others were making final preparations. Tian Hao didn't go to practice because he was going to shed his skin, so he just took this opportunity to relax.

After all, the combination of work and rest is king!
Taking advantage of this time, he took out the evil sword manual and studied it carefully.

This evil sword manual contains Lin Yuantu's cultivation experience, and he will soon be able to comprehend the inner mysteries.

In addition, Lin Yuantu also recorded the hidden dangers of the Evil Resisting Sword Manual in detail, and even the reason why he retired in his later years was mainly because it was difficult to suppress the influence of the exercises on the mind.

"Sure enough, it is the method of refining qi and turning into gods, but the path is a bit crooked. The Putian Shaolin Temple should have no secrets. This thing itself is a semi-finished product, but it is also much more advanced than ordinary innate skills."

After comprehending the evil sword manual, Tian Hao has a general understanding of its principles.

The essence of meditation is to refine qi to transform spirits, and the refining qi to transform spirits in the evil sword manual is also a kind of meditation, the key lies in the operation of meridians and acupoints in the brain and spinal cord.

Once practiced, internal strength can be used to strengthen the brain and spinal cord, speed up people's thinking, and enhance dynamic vision, just like entering bullet time in science fiction movies.

This is also the key to why the Evil Sword Manual and the Sunflower Collection allow people to have extreme speed. Otherwise, no matter how fast you explode, it will be useless if your consciousness and eyes can't keep up, and even if you accidentally send your chest to the enemy's weapon. superior.

It's a pity that this method of refining qi and transforming gods is not perfect, and the side effects are too great, so it's okay for research, but forget it for cultivation.

He doesn't want to become a monster who is neither male nor female, horizontal pushing is his future path.

"The method of refining qi is also very good, with a high intention, but it's a pity that the steps are a bit too big, and the egg is pulled... No, I just brought the bird's nest directly."

Temporarily putting aside the research on the method of refining qi and turning into gods, Tian Hao turned his attention to the method of refining qi in the evil sword manual.

The intention of the Evil Resisting Sword Manual is indeed not low, and it follows the path of Yin and Yin, and Yin and Yang complement each other, but some swords are slanted.

The normal anode and yin generation is to first cultivate the yang attribute to the extreme, and then evolve a little pure yin zhenqi from it, and from then on, yin and yang will complement each other.

If you really want to cultivate to that level, you will definitely be able to achieve innateness, which is somewhat similar to the Nine Suns Divine Art.

It's a pity that the Evil Resisting Sword Manual took a shortcut, and evolved the yin attribute from the yang attribute internal energy through the means of the palace, using yang to practice yin.

Although this can be done quickly, the hidden dangers are too great and the sacrifices are too great.


"The method used to cultivate the extreme yang skill in the early stage is not bad."

Tian Hao is very interested in the qi training method in the early stage of the evil swordsmanship.

There are two types of yin and yang qi in the human body, which circulate in the yin and yang meridians of the twelve orthodox meridians respectively, but the ratio of yin and yang qi in the body of men and women is different.

Men generally have a little more yang energy, while women have a little more yin energy.

If it is the opposite, obvious abnormalities will be revealed. For example, some men look feminine, while some women look masculine.

My younger sister Tian Feng should be the second type. Fortunately, there is not too much yang energy in her body, otherwise she will definitely grow a whole body of hair.

And according to the different proportions of yin and yang in the body, the internal strength cultivated will also be different. The one with [-]% yang and [-]% yin is Yuanyang, which is the kind of power cultivated by ordinary masculine martial arts in the Jianghu.

Those with [-]% yang and [-]% yin are pure yang, and Wudang School's pure yang Wuji Kungfu should be like this in the early stage.

[-]% yang and [-]% yin are Xuanyang, and [-]% yang and [-]% yin are the ultimate yang. Nine yang magic should be nine yang and one yin, and finally combine yin and yang, but still emphasize masculinity.

In addition, there is also an extremely extreme [-]% yang qi, which only has the yang attribute in the inner strength true qi, and has no yin attribute at all, which is called extreme yang.

This kind of internal strength will generally lead to an imbalance of yin and yang in the body, and the consequences are extremely serious. This is the way to practice in the early days of the evil sword.

It is precisely because of the complete imbalance of yin and yang in the inner strength of the cultivation, that if you do not come from the palace, the gong will generate heat, the heat will rise from the body, the body will be burned, and it will rush up from the bottom, chaotic and unstable, even if the heat stops, the body will continue to hurt statement.

Under such circumstances, the only way is to swing the knife from the palace, through this shortcut to reverse the true energy of extreme yang, practice yin with yang, and transform extreme yang into extreme yin.

Because of the lack of that thing, coupled with the balance of extreme yang skills, even if you cultivate extreme yin skills, there will not be too many hidden dangers. At most, the yin and yang will be weak in the body, and the body will become more and more feminine, until the end of the day. Human turns into life, and men and women turn into each other.

However, although the two skills of extreme cathode and yang have great hidden dangers, we have to admit that their own power is also extremely strong.

Looking at the Sunflower Collection and the Evil Resisting Sword Manual, you can understand that not only can it be done quickly, but it can also make people burst into extreme speed. Coupled with the bullet time state obtained by the semi-finished method of refining qi and transforming gods, it is almost invincible in the same realm.

However, it is not easy to balance and maintain the infuriating energy that is extremely negative and positive. After all, even the creator of the Sunflower Collection has not found a solution.

"First of all, we have to start with the spiritual will, and we can use self-hypnosis to keep calm during the cultivation process and suppress desires to the minimum.

Secondly, the meridians and acupoints must be tough enough, otherwise it will be difficult to bear it.

In the end, the physical fitness must reach a certain level, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the stimulating explosion of extreme yang zhenqi.

In the final analysis, it is still the three of spirit, energy and spirit! "

To sum up, Tian Hao had some ideas.

As long as these three are resolved, the cultivation of extreme yang zhenqi is basically satisfied.

Although it is difficult to achieve those three points, at least I have hope. I believe that with my golden fingers, as long as I can find enough cheating ladies, I will definitely be able to practice successfully.

"Wait, why do I want all of my Yang Qi to be unscented?"

Suddenly reacting, Tian Hao felt that as an adult, he couldn't be as willful and ignorant as a child, and naturally he wanted all the good things!

It is not impossible to practice both yin and yang internal strength. The dog brother Shi Potian is an example. Although there is an element of luck, it is indeed feasible.

Moreover, many advanced martial arts practice to the depths pay attention to the combination of yin and yang, such as nine yin and nine yang, and Lao Zhang's pure yang Wuji Kung Fu.

"We need to develop a martial art that can reconcile yin and yang to supplement it. The Tai Chi series created by Lao Zhang is good, but it seems that it can't compete with other Wudang factions now. Even though the Wudang faction on the Nanming side has been suppressed by the court many times, it is far better than the Huashan faction. powerful.

By the way, the Sun Moon Demon Sect seems to have a set of Taijiquan manuals, and they can find a way to trade with Aunt Dongfang. I don't know if Aunt Dongfang really has a younger sister? "

With his mind spinning rapidly, Tian Hao fixed his eyes on that Aunt Dongfang.

He had specifically asked his master and wife that the Sun Moon Demon Cult had indeed attacked the Wudang sect and took away a unique learning.

Although the outside world doesn't know which unique learning was taken away, after all, there are many unique learnings in the Wudang School, but it is mentioned in the original book that what the Sun Moon Demon Sect took away was the Taijiquan Sutra.

Taiji is the way of yin and yang mutual transformation, there must be a method of reconciling yin and yang, maybe it can reconcile the true qi of extreme yang and extreme yin.

And if you want to get the Taijiquan scriptures, looking at it now, you can only find a breakthrough from Aunt Dongfang.

"Next, I have to go to Hengshan Mountain as soon as possible. I hope to meet that Yilin girl to confirm."

With a plan in mind, Tian Hao continued to comprehend the evil sword manual in his hand.

After two days of comprehension, a big helper came the day before he was going to attack Putian Shaolin Temple.

"Master, why did you dye your hair?"

Looking at Lao Yue's snowy hair, Tian Hao was stunned.

Zixia magic skill is very good at maintaining the body. In the past, Lao Yue's hair was very black and beautiful, and the hair quality was excellent.

But now it has become snow-white, which is very abnormal. Is there any hair dyeing technology now?
"I paid a price when I broke through, it's okay!"

Waving his hands indifferently, Yue Buqun was full of pride.

The Zixia magical skill itself can only be cultivated to the peak of the acquired state, and my master's talent is excellent, coupled with some adventures, this is how to forcefully cultivate to half a step of the innate state.

His talent is a little worse than that of his mentor back then, and the peak of the Houtian realm is his limit.

Fortunately, after refining Dongfang Bubai's innate true qi, he successfully broke through to the half-step innate realm, greatly increasing his strength.


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(End of this chapter)

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