Chapter 607 Bear Big Bear II (Eighth)
"In Nanming, there is an inheritance left by the Immortal Qin Empire, which is also a major foundation of our Nanming's current strength. This secret was originally known only to the four major Ming kingdoms, but the royal families of the Eastern Song Dynasty and the Western Ming Kingdom have many marriages, and they may also know this. A secret."

Tian Hao briefly explained that everyone is a smart person, and there are some things that need not be explained in too much detail.

Sure enough, Li Xunhuan and A Fei's complexions became very ugly, especially A Fei.

"Brother, maybe we shouldn't have been born!"

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Ah Fei looked up to the sky and sighed, feeling that this was a big joke.

They were born for the safety of the Eastern Song Dynasty, and were involved in this dispute and even the war, but who wanted to collude with other races, and it was the Emperor of the Eastern Song Dynasty who caused this dispute.

Really funny!
"No, the choice of your birth is right. You are for the tens of millions of people. The Emperor of the Eastern Song Dynasty is not qualified to represent the [-] million people of the Eastern Song Dynasty."

Tian Hao shook his head with a smile, and then took off the two counterfeit hero swords behind his back and threw them to the two.

"Lend these two heroic swords to you first, and use your martial arts will to cultivate the inner sword spirit."

Both of these two are super strong, with a deep understanding of the will of martial arts, so it is perfect for them to cultivate the sword spirit of the hero sword.

Although the sword intent he superimposed with the will of martial arts is powerful and sharp, after all, he lacks that kind of precipitated perception. This is the accumulation of years, and he can't help it.

"Xiong Daxiong Er, follow them first and cooperate well."

In response to the command, the blades of the two heroic swords trembled.

They have been following Tian Hao, receiving the nourishment of spiritual ideas at all times.

Especially recently, he has accepted the guidance of Tian Hao's spiritual power, allowing himself to transform into a spiritual power, which not only greatly increases his power, but also his spiritual wisdom.


"Good sword!"

A Fei drew his sword out of its sheath, with a joyful expression on his face.

This is a good sword, comparable to the legendary top ten famous swords in ancient times.

Not only is the material of the sword body extraordinary, but the sword spirit inside is also extremely powerful, the strongest spirituality he has ever seen, able to understand human speech.

Even Shen Lang's Canglang Sword back then is far from being comparable to it.

Although I have reached the realm of no sword, the main reason is that there is no good sword that can carry my own skill and sword intent.

But now that he has this sword in his hand, his own strength can be at least doubled!
"It is indeed a good sword!"

On the other side, Li Xun Huan also drew his sword out of its sheath, praised the sword, but then looked at Tian Hao suspiciously, not understanding why he gave them such a magical sword.

You must know that they have just met, and they were even a little hostile before!
"There's no reason, if you really want to say it, it's because you are Li Xunhuan and you are A Fei, is that enough?"

Seeing the doubts of the two, Tian Hao gave them a lot of trust.

If it was someone else, of course they wouldn't be trustworthy, but Li Xun Huan was different, especially Li Xun Huan who had already been lied to by him.

This kind of person is like Xiao Feng and Guo Jing, who can be trusted.

"Enough indeed!"

Li Xunhuan smiled knowingly, his name Li is still very famous!

"Use these two swords first, and when you go back, I will create two exclusive swords and flying knives for you. I guarantee that the material will never be inferior to these two swords, but you have to figure out a way for spirituality."

After making a promise, Tian Hao was also very envious of these two people, thinking about bringing them over.

Their Huashan faction needs such talents!

And these two people are also easy to win over, after all, Long Xiaoyun has already given a perfect strategy, do you still need to use your brain to think about it?
As long as you give enough kindness, you can tie it to the chariot of the Huashan faction and go all the way.

"Boy, I'm a little optimistic about you!"

As his starry eyes lit up, Ah Fei's affection for Tian Hao increased greatly.

Naturally, he would not expect to really get this sword, after all, the sword spirit inside is extremely intelligent, and its owner is Tian Hao, not someone else.

This is not his A Fei's sword.

But if he can obtain a sword made of this material, he can completely import the sword spirit of the previous iron sword into it.

That is the sword that belongs to his quick sword, A Fei!
"By the way, tell me where your adoptive mother Ghost Palace Master is now? I'm very interested in her, please introduce me to her."

As soon as the voice changed, Tian Hao was most optimistic about A Fei.

After all, this foster mother is a perfect aunt, both in terms of talent and strength are impeccable, not to mention that her own fate is hard enough, and even her whole life is a tragedy.

The attribute of life should be a pass, and his Tian Mangfu needs the help of this kind of aunt, so that he can save many years of struggle.

But these words completely wiped out the atmosphere that had just been brewed, and everyone's expressions became more weird.

Even A Fei, who was one of the parties involved, had a distorted and hideous old face, and veins bulged in the palm of the hand holding the hero's sword hilt.

"I take back what I just said!"

Suppressing his anger, Ah Fei took a deep breath, expressing that he would take back what he just said.

He hates this kid, the kind he hates!
The old man regarded you as a friend just now, and there are not many people in the world who are qualified to be his hooligan's friend, but you, the goddamn, even tried to trick my adoptive mother into wanting the old man to call you daddy.

Do you really think the old man's sword is not fast enough?
"Don't be so alien, I'm really interested in your stepmother, and I'm sincere and sincere!"

Holding A Fei's shoulders, Tian Hao looked like a good brother.

The Ghost Palace Master has also been hidden for a long time, and it is very difficult to find him.

Unless the Happy King is alive, he can only start with A Fei.

As the adoptive son of Ghost Palace Master, this guy must know where that aunt is.


A Fei answered, as a swordsman, his answer is naturally a sword!
The Xiong Erjian just acquired directly stabbed Tian Hao's vitals under the lower abdomen, but it was useless.

The sword intent and sword energy that I poured into the sword body was resisted by the inner sword spirit, and the sharpness of the sword body alone could not pierce the Heavenly Tribulation Armor.

After all, the real owner of this sword is not A Fei, but Tian Hao.

"Why are you stabbing me?"

Tian Hao frowned, unable to figure out why Ah Fei drew his sword to face each other, and immediately reacted.

"You don't think I'm coveting your stepmother's beauty, do you?"

"Is not it?"

With a sneer, Ah Fei has already seen through the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys of this kid. Maybe his ideas are grand, but his personal morals are deficient, he is a little pervert.

"Can't your mind be clearer?
Don't think about those vulgar jokes all day long, haven't you learned your lesson after being put on so many green hats by Lin Xian'er?

You can't even control your waistband, how can you walk in the rivers and lakes..."

Tian Hao took advantage of the opportunity to start the preaching mode, and put on an expression that his father was very disappointed.

This kid, A Fei, is too disappointing, he has been played like that by Lin Xian'er, he hasn't made any progress, and his mind is full of those messy things all day long.

Don't know that women only affect the speed at which we draw our swords?
As a fast swordsman, you A Fei, the speed of drawing your sword is everything, if you are slow, you will pay for your life!
This preaching made the atmosphere even more weird, and everyone around them took a few steps back in a tacit understanding.

I'm afraid there will be a brutal fight, and it's better for them to stay away, so as not to be affected by Chi Yu.


(A Fei: Dog thief, look at my Xiong Er sword!)

(End of this chapter)

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