Chapter 661 Vajra Bloodline (Part [-])

Crossing the border between the two countries with the Ying hook, Li Wuye first asked Xiao Feng and his son to take the Weeping Blood Record and the magic weapon to the border between the Eastern Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom, and hand over the two items to Senior Brother Hao immediately there.

As for why the eagle is not used, the main reason is that it is not safe.

It is difficult for their eagles who have cultivated internal strength to come over. The eagles without internal strength not only have limited flying speed, but also have limited endurance.

The weeping blood record and the magic weapon are very important, and there is no room for loss, so they can only be delivered by reliable people.

Xiao Feng and his son didn't dare to delay, they rushed quickly with the Weeping Blood Record and the magic weapon, to the other side of the border of the Liao Kingdom.

Fortunately, Liao Kingdom's martial arts background and inheritance are shallow, and there are no superpowers at the Real Core Realm, so Xiao Feng and his son can't be stopped by the real Yuan Realm superpowers alone.

Coupled with the fact that Tian Hao's counterfeit version of Tathagata God's Palm cast a psychological shadow on him, he naturally didn't dare to stop Xiao Feng and his son. As long as the two of them didn't engage in trouble in the Liao Kingdom, they would turn a blind eye. .

In this way, the father and son ran all the way, and finally sent the Weeping Blood Record and the magic weapon to the border between the Liao Kingdom and the Eastern Song Dynasty, and someone there took over, opened the Crane Express, and airlifted the two things and the letter to Tianlong. Hao hands.

"People who can pinch and count are troublesome."

After reading the letter, Tian Hao sighed gloomyly.

When he sent Li Wuye over, he knew that the biggest obstacle was Yuan Tiangang, the bad coach.

That is a Taoist master, and he is proficient in numerology and can tell fortunes.

In this regard, even Lao Zhang is not as good as it is his territory, so it is really not easy to intervene.

And now that the other party is eyeing the Huanyin Empress, it is likely to be a qualified tool person, and it would be a pity to lose it.

"Are you going?"

Yaoyue didn't want Tian Hao to take risks. After all, he was a person who had survived for more than three hundred years, even more terrifying than the real Zhang from Wudang's ancestral court, and he seemed very difficult to talk to.

If we really want to fight, there will be more bad luck than good luck.

"After the Vajra blood transplant in the broken barracks is completed, I'll go back and upgrade the Heavenly Tribulation Armor, and I'll meet that bad handsome guy in the past."

Tian Hao's fighting spirit rose in his heart, and he was not afraid of that bad handsome man. If the opponent really wanted to make a deadly move, he was not without cards.

Although you can't beat the opponent, you can still escape.

And this is also an opportunity, as long as I fool well, there is a high chance of fooling him into half of my own.

But the premise of all this is to upgrade the Heavenly Tribulation Armor. It just so happens that the Huashan faction has developed a new type of material, which is better than Jingjin in all aspects.

It will definitely push his armor-stacking invincible mythical way a step further.

"Auntie, why are you taking off my armor?"

Looking at Aunt Yaoyue who disarmed herself with a dazed expression, she didn't understand how this auntie helped her disarm again.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Staring at the past, Yaoyue was very upset, quite upset.

Her luck was very bad, she obviously had an [-]% chance, but she just met the [-]% part and she didn't get pregnant.

On the contrary, Lian Xing, the younger sister who was a spare tire, became pregnant, which made her very upset.

Although it is possible to adopt the younger sister's child, how can the adopted one play as happily as his own biological one?
While this guy is still alive, it is natural to try to get pregnant as soon as possible.

Otherwise, with this kid's ability to kill, he might die outside someday.

Aunt Yaoyue's domineering madness made Tian Hao a little terrified, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Fortunately, this aunt has a sense of proportion, she can only bite people, and she didn't break her golden body, otherwise she would be in trouble.

"Why did Auntie degenerate so well? Is it a side effect of the counterfeit version of the Immortal and Demon Infinity Sutra?"

Rubbing his chin and thinking, Tian Hao couldn't understand why Yaoyue suddenly became like this. After all, he had never practiced Dao Heart Demon Planting Dafa, and he didn't understand it thoroughly.

Also, Ming Yuexin and the others seemed to have changed, their attitude towards him had changed, and sometimes they would even look at him with pity and pity, which made him feel confused.

It's hard to guess what these women are thinking!


After being squeezed again by Aunt Yueyue, Tian Hao was kicked off the bed again, and continued to perfect the experiment of King Kong blood transplantation.

I have had the transplant injection of wolf poison before, and I have accumulated a lot of experience, especially in the past month of observing the changes of Tanlangqi, I have gained a lot of data, and I have greatly improved the technique of transplanting the blood of alien animals.

With the existence of the Weeping Blood Record, he finally perfected the technique of transplanting the blood of alien animals.

With Tian Jingang's bleeding every day as the foundation, and with the help of the Weeping Blood Recorder, he completed the transplantation of King Kong's blood for all the soldiers in the broken army camp in seven days, which also caused changes in their bodies.

"Maybe, I should lower the concentration!"

Looking at the soldiers of the broken barracks in a new shape in front of him, Tian Hao felt as if there was another disclosure.

Tian Jingang is much stronger than the Erha alien beast that Leng Lingqi met back then. Even without the blessing of a mutated thing like Wolfsbane, his own blood is enough to cause great changes in the human body.

The muscles of all the soldiers who broke the barracks swelled a lot, and the hair grew wildly all over their bodies. Those who were injected first had turned into hairy people, and even their faces were covered by thick hair, and they couldn't shave cleanly.


Ming Yuexin and others on the side frowned. Although the soldiers of the broken army camp were not human, they generally looked human, but now they are not human at all.

"It's not a failure, it can only be regarded as a semi-finished product!"

Taking a look at the new images of many soldiers who broke the barracks, Tian Hao felt that it was not a failure, but the King Kong blood was too strong, and the soldiers who broke the barracks themselves were too weak, which made the King Kong blood show too many unnecessary characteristics.

"Scrape it with a knife first, and I will find a way to perfect it later."

He doesn't have a good solution right now, he can only think of a solution after he has a higher cultivation base and a deeper understanding of this aspect.

"Boss, you must think of a way as soon as possible, I just hooked up with a girl from the army!"

Sui Pengyuan, who had just taken office as the deputy commander of the Po Army Camp not long ago, rushed over and hugged Tian Hao's thigh, crying like a child who weighed a thousand catties.

He was very proud of the change in body shape before, but this hair is too much. He is afraid that the military lady he just hooked up with will break up with him.

We must know that the girl from the army looks very straight, has a top-notch figure, and is very sought-after.

"go away!"

Looking at the claws that kept moving upwards, Tian Hao kicked them flying with a black line on his forehead.

If you hold your legs, hold your legs, you touch an egg!
"Look at it, it's not that you are too weak. If you are strong enough and can better control your body, how can you grow so hairy?
Double the training intensity in the future! "

Ignoring everyone's resentful little eyes, Tian Hao put on a look of hating iron and steel, and directly doubled the intensity of everyone's training.

He would never admit that it was his mistake, but that these horse boys were lazy in training and did not meet the standard to compete with the blood of King Kong.

It's the fault of these bastards, they must be practiced more.

This reprimand of hating iron but not steel made all the soldiers of the broken barracks dumbfounded. How could it become their fault?
"I'm not a human anymore!"

Li Xun Huan and the others on the side covered their faces as they watched, that thing was not human anymore.


(Tian: Tian never makes mistakes, life is as white as snow, without any stains!)

(End of this chapter)

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