Chapter 709 Bloodthirsty Bell Demon (Ten Updates)
"The ninth level of the real Qilin Xuangong is to spread the Qilin's divine pattern all over the body, cultivate into a perfect Qilin's true body, and then complete the final transformation with the help of poisoned blood and the right time and place, and cultivate into a golden-veined Qilin's true body.

This requires a strong boyish yang energy, which is difficult for ordinary people to satisfy, even some talented people are far behind.

But outsiders don't know that the real Qilin Xuangong is not cultivated with pure boy Yang Qi, but needs to be mixed with Jinxia Qi.

This will not only reduce the consumption of the boy's yang energy, but also enhance the power of the Qilin Xuangong, and the golden glow can further stimulate the cultivation of the boy's yang energy..."

While guiding Luo Tianwen's stellar qi to circulate, Tian Hao explained to him, and at the same time transmitted part of his exuberant yang qi to help him cultivate.

Although Luo Tianwen is far inferior to Luo Shiqiu and Lou Manfeng in terms of the cultivation talent of the Qilin Arm Magic Kungfu, he is at the Stellar Qi Realm, and his spiritual thoughts after years of hard work are stronger.

Cultivating with such a solid foundation, the speed is also not slow.

"Miss Han, don't worry, I will definitely rescue your mother."

Luo Tianwen, whose skin was flushed all over, said with difficulty, and then quickly left the church and went to the water prison below.

"You can't hold on with just such a little yang energy, and you're going to be a devil!"

Curling his lips, Tian Hao expressed his disappointment.

Just now, in order for Luo Tianwen to better cultivate and adjust Qilin's real body, he sealed up a wave of Yang Qi for it.

Who would have thought that guy's body was very weak, and he couldn't hold on after only carrying a little.

"What happened to my second uncle?"

At this time, Luo Shiqiu walked into the church with the black iron sword on his shoulder, and asked in wonder.

He just ran into his second uncle. Although he became a bald man with tattoos and lost a lot of weight, he still recognized him at a glance that it was his second uncle Luo Tianwen.

It's just that the second uncle's state is a bit strange. Seeing himself, he just nodded and left quickly, still bowing his waist.

"He's fine, but his bones are a little weak, and he's panicked. He'll get better after a while."

Replying casually, Tian Hao glanced at the gate of the sanctuary, and asked wonderingly: "Why are you the only one coming back, Man Feng?"

"Didn't Man Feng come over?"

Luo Shiqiu was taken aback, and looked around in the church, but he did not find his good friend.

"When I went there before, Murong Ye did lead a group of tomb king city dead soldiers and bell demons to besiege Manfeng, but fortunately, he was assisted by his uncle's Qilin real body, so he persisted until my support.

Then I fought with Murong Ye and entered a passage dedicated to grave guards. It was just over, and then I came to join you. "

"Go to the magic hall!"

Frowning, Tian Hao held Lin Shuiyao up to his shoulders, and while continuing to nourish the shattered legs and feet with true energy, he stepped forward towards the magic hall.

"I'll go take a look first!"

Worried about his good friend, Luo Shiqiu quickly ran to the magic hall with light kung fu.

"Hey! Super big rock, can't you hug me well, it's so uncomfortable!"

Being carried like a sack, Lin Shuiyao was very ashamed and annoyed.

Especially the soles of the feet held by that guy were very warm and itchy.

Don't you know that the soles of the feet are the sensitive points of this lady?

"Don't make trouble, so that I can just hold the sole of your foot and continue to heal you."

With a reminder, Tian Hao quickened his pace.

The time is almost up, and we must rush to Xianyue Lake when the blood moon appears.

Although he obtained the mental formula of the ninth level of the unicorn arm magic skill from Luo Shiqiu, he still didn't understand the golden vein unicorn arm. It's best to watch the shaping process once.

"Then let me ride on your shoulders, so that Miss Ben's feet can also hang down... Ah, you hit me again!"

Lin Shuiyao made another suggestion, but before she finished speaking, she was slapped there, her pretty face turned pale from the pain.

The two girls Han Qianluo and Qian Yirong who followed behind pursed their lips and chuckled, and at the same time, they could see some of Tian Hao's temperament.

Although that person is stern and fierce, just like a tiger sniffing roses, sometimes he is very caring.

As for what happened to Lin Shuiyao before, it can only be said that she was committing suicide, no one else's fault.

A group of people quickly came to the magic hall, and the inside was full of corpses, all of them were dead from Tomb King City.

And Luo Shiqiu and Lou Manfeng just stood inside waiting.

"How did you change your clothes?"

Looking at Lou Manfeng who had changed into a Tomb King City uniform, Tian Hao was a little confused.

If you fight, will your clothes explode?

"The previous battle was too tragic, and all the clothes were destroyed, so I can only change into this one."

Lou Manfeng opened his mouth to reply, but he seemed a little guilty, and he didn't even dare to look at Han Qianluo again.

"Tighten your breath, the fishy smell here is not quite right, there is another fishy smell mixed in with the bloody smell, which is a bit familiar."

Suddenly his nose twitched, and Tian Hao glanced around, always feeling a little familiar with that special fishy smell.

Could it be some kind of toxin?

"It shouldn't be toxins, otherwise I've been fighting here for so long and I've already been recruited. Let's hurry to Xianyue Lake, the time is almost up."

Lou Manfeng felt even more guilty and hurriedly changed the subject.

It was really ridiculous just now, and I am even more ashamed of the expectations of my master and uncle.


"Yeah, I almost forgot about the blood moon, I have to hurry over."

Luo Shiqiu also reacted, and hurriedly turned around and left the magic hall with the black iron sword on his shoulders, and ran towards the tomb door leading to the next level.

There are three conditions for shaping the golden vein unicorn arm, which are divided into the right time and place and the harmony of people. The harmony of people refers to the blood of the nine layers of poison, the time of day is the night of the blood moon, and the right place is the moon pool.

Only the convergence of the three major elements can create the golden vein unicorn arm.

And the time for the blood moon to manifest in the moon pool is limited, so it must arrive as soon as possible.

Everyone didn't dare to be negligent, turned around and left the magic hall, and went to the next level of the tomb.

"You didn't kill me just now, and I don't intend to kill now. In the future, you can do it yourself!"

Walking at the end, Lou Manfeng whispered and left the magic hall.

After a few people had gone away, a seductive woman in ragged clothes came out from a hidden tomb passage, staggering, and her jade-like skin was covered with purple and green handprints.

"The building is full of wind!"

Her legs that had been trembling slightly gave way, and she knelt on the ground, Qiu Yuling was so angry that she wanted to cry.

Although she appears dissolute on the outside, she is actually very conservative in her heart, and she has always guarded herself like a jade. She fantasizes that after helping the prince get the tomb-breaking order and pardoning the sin of Master Yinmo, she will retire from the world and find a favorite man to marry. , Enjoy the happiness that belongs to women.

Who would have thought that he would fall down today!
"If I had known that he was so careless, I wouldn't have used poisonous smoke!"

Filled with remorse, Qiu Yuling didn't expect Lou Manfeng to be so reckless, to go berserk as soon as he inhaled the poisonous smoke, and ruined her.

After the incident, both parties fell into a coma for a while, and she was the first to wake up. She wanted to kill that guy, but for some reason, she didn't do it in the end.

This time it was a big loss!
"Like an animal!"

Struggling to stand up, but she couldn't stand up after trying hard for a while, Qiu Yuling couldn't help but blush when she recalled the absurdity before.

That guy is not human!


(Today's tenth update is over, and tomorrow we will fight again for tenth update, begging for monthly ticket support, your support is my biggest motivation!)
(End of this chapter)

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