Chapter 905
"The formation nodes on the Tianpu cliff are 74 things similar to sword spirits and weapon spirits. Next, I will extract those spiritualities and seal them into your 36 acupuncture points and dantians.

There will definitely be some discomfort during the process, so bear with it! "

Three days later, I told Lin Shuiyao and the second daughter Qiuhuang who were ready.

Tian Hao came to the first formation node, extracted the inner spirituality with the dragon vein martial intent, and sealed it into one of Lin Shuiyao's acupoints.

Then go to the second place to extract and seal, and then the third place...

In the previous three days, he had sensed all the nodes of the Heavenly Waterfall Cliff Formation, and dug out a cave to reach the nodes.

These nodes are very subtle and faint, if Tian Hao hadn't been blessed with the Dragon Vein Martial Intent, it would have been difficult to sense it.

It's a pity that the spirituality of these formation nodes has been worn down for countless years, and has become extremely weak, almost collapsed, and its power has also been greatly weakened.

Otherwise, even he would have difficulty resisting the influence of the formation on the five senses.

But even so, Lin Shuiyao couldn't bear it.

When the spirituality of the ten formation nodes was sealed, Lin Shuiyao felt extremely strenuous.

After being sealed up to the twentieth time, the whole body was covered with fragrance and sweat, and after being sealed up to the thirtieth time, her face was as pale as paper, and it was difficult for her to move independently, so she was supported by Qiu Huang.

"Enough, she has reached her limit!"

Distressed, she shouted to stop, Qiuhuang couldn't bear to see Lin Shuiyao go on like this.

Even without personal experience, just by looking at this girl's appearance, you can tell that it must be uncomfortable.

"Auntie, I can do it!"

With a stubborn smile, Lin Shuiyao gritted her teeth to signal Tian Hao to continue.

"Persevere, as long as the spirituality of the formation nodes circulates in your body, the pressure will be relieved a lot."

With a warning, Tian Hao carried Lin Shuiyao on his shoulders, quickly went to the remaining six formation nodes, and sealed them into Lin Shuiyao's corresponding acupoints.

The orientation of these formation nodes is very particular. Tian Hao finally deduced the corresponding acupoints and circulation tracks after careful deduction based on the inheritance given by Brother Zheng.

It's just that now, except for him, no one can use his own mental power to carry the entire set of formation nodes alone, and can only divide one into two.

Although doing so will greatly reduce the power, it is at least better than nothing.

Next, they will excavate the meteorite from Tianpuya. Naturally, it will be difficult to preserve this formation, and it would be a pity to destroy it.

Soon came to the most critical node, which was the node at the top of the entire formation, and it was also the largest one, corresponding to the one at the bottom.

The entire formation is divided into upper and lower parts, and through the two parts, the perception is reversed, making it difficult for people to climb the cliff by themselves.

After extracting the spirituality of the top formation node and enclosing it in Lin Shuiyao's dantian, Tian Hao's spiritual force merged into his body, driving the circulation of his internal skills, forming a complicated and profound operation circuit.

After completing the circuit, Lin Shuiyao really felt much better.

Although it is still uncomfortable, especially in terms of mental strength, it feels like a mountain is being pressed down, but at least it doesn't feel like it was about to be crushed to death before.

"Qianluo, take care of her!"

Handing Lin Shuiyao in his arms to Han Qianluo and his daughters to take care of, Tian Hao jumped off the cliff to transfer the formation below.

The formation here relies on the self-circulation to slowly absorb the power of heaven and earth to maintain its own consumption. It has been preserved until now. Once the circulation is destroyed, the remaining spirituality will inevitably collapse soon.

Before the spirituality of those formation nodes collapses, they must be sealed in Qiuhuang's body to form a new cycle of cultivation and growth until they return to their peak state.

In this regard, Qiuhuang's performance was no better than Lin Shuiyao's, and in the end he was also sweating, and was carried back to the top of the cliff by Tian Hao.

However, unlike Lin Shuiyao's pure body fragrance, Qiuhuang's current fragrance is partly the body fragrance that has been reborn twice because of the breakthrough of the realm, and partly is marinated by rouge water powder.

"Why does the Flower in the Mirror and the Moon in the Water you give have the cultivation methods of our Secret Shadow Valley exercises?"

Slowing down a little, Qiuhuang couldn't help asking.

For the past three days, she has been comprehending that set of magic tricks, and she has to say that the set of exercises is indeed very strong, far surpassing the unique skills she has cultivated.

But the strange thing is that she discovered the practice method of her own kung fu in it.

Because of this, she was able to successfully complete the transfer.

This made her very puzzled. Could it be that the Flower in the Mirror and the Moon in the Water have some connection with their Secret Shadow Valley?
"What you don't know is that your Secret Shadow Valley's skills actually originated from the time of the mirror, when Lan Ran fell in love with your ancestors..."

Asked by Qiuhuang, Tian Hao turned on the deception mode in a serious manner, and fabricated a set of epic love stories for Lan Da.

But it made the girls who were cultivating roll their eyes again, realizing that that thing was insulting people's IQ again.

But Mrs. Qiuhuang still believed it, and she believed it firmly.

There is no way, since her brain hole has not been forcibly expanded, she never thought that there would be such a thing as a coercion in the world. Naturally, she would not believe that someone can integrate her own exercises into other exercises so quickly, even if it is It is impossible for the creator of the exercises to be so profligate.

After all, it's a practice method, not dough, so if you say knead it, knead it together.


Suddenly, there was a pitiful scream like killing a pig, which interrupted Tian Hao's flickering interest. He turned his head and scolded in dissatisfaction: "What are you doing? It's impossible to beat someone else's old pig?"

"No, the disciple just wants to roast it!"

Dugu Mo, who was about to slaughter the remaining pig and eat the meat, hurriedly explained that he was not greedy for the body of the pig brother, but his mouth.

"If you want to eat meat, go hunting by yourself, why kill it?"

Tian Hao does not agree with this approach, he can use other game to solve his hunger, there is no need to eat other pig brothers!
"Isn't this going to demolish the waterfall cliff? This disciple thinks that there is no way to keep this thing, so it's better to kill it and eat meat."

Scratching his head, Dugu Mo felt that he could only kill this thing and eat it.

After all, it is a domestic pig, if it is really released, it will be dismembered and swallowed by other wild animals in a few days.

It is also unrealistic to take the migration with you, and it will make the boat very dirty. It is most suitable to slaughter and eat meat now.

"Raise it first, there will definitely be casualties in the first battle of the Tomb Sect, and it will be of great use at that time.

By the way, you guys need to collect more pigs and get ready. We are fighting each other, not fighting for revenge, and there is no need to kill people. "

Pigs are important medical supplies, how can they be wasted at will?

There was no way to do that before. At this stage, there is no way to perfectly preserve the organs, so they can only be sacrificed to the Temple of the Five Viscera.

But now this end is still alive and kicking, there is no need to waste it.

"Uh, disciple understands!"

Dazed for a moment, Dugu Mo obediently put the pig brother who was still screaming back into the pigsty.

The big white pig that escaped the catastrophe jumped happily in the pigsty, and even put its head on the wall of the pigsty to stare at Dugu Mo.

"You still dare to stare at me, when the time comes, I will drink with your ears!"

As if feeling contempt from those pig eyes, Dugu Mo was furious, stared back, and reserved those pig ears at the same time.


(Dugu Mo: Eating a pig's ear to wine, how much is life!)
(End of this chapter)

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