Police order

Chapter 611 Night

Chapter 611 Night

The new question Lu Ling asked Kou Yuyang was too simple for Kou Yuyang.

"There are not many things about this." Kou Yuyang quickly found the answer and called Lu Ling. "As for rib removal, generally speaking, three answers can be found on the Internet. The first is related to weight loss. Some In order to make themselves look thinner, people will choose to remove two or more ribs; second, it is related to art, an artist once performed surgery to remove one of his ribs, and made a specimen; third, it is religious Related, according to Christianity, Adam used one of his ribs to create Eve."

"Only these three? Li Meng's family, it's impossible to lose weight, right? The art is too outrageous. And the Christianity you mentioned, no one in their family believes in it, right? Li Meng, why are you dragging me?" Lu Ling asked.

"What are you talking about? My mother seems to believe in Christ." Li Meng interrupted Lu Ling.

"Huh?" Lu Ling thought for a while, and said to Kou Yuyang, "The third answer, help me to check it carefully, I want information."

"Is it still necessary to check? Isn't it just Baidu? This is the easiest."

"Okay, I'll check it myself." Lu Ling took out his mobile phone, checked it, and found that what Kou Yuyang said was not accurate.According to the "Bible", God created Adam, and later God created Eve with one of Adam's ribs.

"What's the matter?" Li Meng didn't know why Lu Ling talked about this, "What did you just say?"

"I can't tell you this yet, but I will tell you when I have a conclusion." Lu Ling and Li Meng finished talking, and then said to Kou Yuyang, "Is there no other possibility?"

"There is another possibility," Kou Yuyang said, "Didn't I just say that some people will lose their ribs when they lose weight? There is also a derivative situation here. Some men, who have changed their gender into women, will also have their ribs removed. "

"Uh, this shouldn't be the case."

"I don't know about that." Kou Yuyang said, "I have nothing to do and I'll hang up first."

"Okay," Lu Ling hung up the phone, and said to Li Meng, "You, just sit and wait for the result."

"Okay, but at present, it seems that it is difficult. There are too many things involved in this case."

"The core should still be here with Li Yuan," Lu Ling said.

"How do you say that?" Li Mengdao, "You mean, my aunt."

"Let me make an inference, don't mind if you don't mind, it may not be true," Lu Ling said, "After your father died, your aunt's house was burglarized, right? I don't know what was lost, but there was a very Clear fingerprints?"


"A thief who didn't wear gloves left only an unclear fingerprint? There is only one explanation, that is, he wore gloves, but took them off halfway. How low is this probability? You have to think about it yourself. Since Li Yuan has There may be problems, there may be problems with this case."

"That's not necessary," Li Meng was still puzzled, "Having such a fake case? What's the use?"

"The fake case may be useless, but this fingerprint is useful," Lu Lingdao said. "If I remember correctly, in the years before you went to prison, you were mainly doing two things about your father. The first is learning to dive. Diving continuously at a wrong coordinate point; the second is to learn fingerprint technology, constantly consuming time, trying to find out the secret of this fingerprint. Right?"

"You mean... this... is aimed at me on purpose?" Li Meng was stunned, and some past history kept appearing in his mind.

In order to find out the identity of this fingerprint, Li Meng endured countless days and nights. He worked so hard that he was able to participate in the fingerprint competition in the province at a young age.Only Li Meng knew the sacrifices involved.

And now, Lu Ling told him that this was probably a trap?
"Not necessarily right," Lu Ling shook his head, "I called you this time because I was afraid that you would not be able to hold some truth. If you haven't seen this fingerprint, then after you become a policeman, you probably won't be able to learn how to use fingerprints. Right? In that case, in order to investigate your father, you may adopt many different methods, for example, you may take out a lot of DNA for comparison. However, with this fingerprint, your mind , it’s all on the fingerprints.”

"Ha, haha," Li Meng smiled, "What can't I handle? Since I was a child, my parents died and disappeared, my aunt was far away in the province, and my uncle had other plans for me. When I grew up, my best brother betrayed the organization. , apart from Master, there are not many good people around, what's the use of being a policeman? Who can I save? Tang Xueqin? I can't even save myself. Speaking of which, the two years in prison were the two years with the least pressure on me. Years. I once thought that if I still haven’t found out the truth on the day I was released from prison, I would build a boat without power, without oxygen cylinders, and go to the place where my dad disappeared.”

"Suicide?" Lu Ling interjected.

"Fuck you M, you just committed suicide, take your time looking for it."

"No power boat? It doesn't even have a location. What's the difference between that and suicide?"

"I won't beat you up today, my surname is not Li!" Li Meng became anxious, quickly looked around, saw You Shaohua's motorcycle helmet, picked it up and smashed Lu Ling.

Lu Ling didn't react, and felt that his eyes were going to go dark, so he quickly reached out to block it.

Seeing that Lu Ling was about to block, Li Meng was about to switch the attack position, but the helmet was so big and inertia made it very difficult to switch angles, so it fell on Lu Ling's arm.After a hit, Li Meng refused to let go, punched and kicked and followed: "Will you fucking speak well in the future?"

"I'm telling the truth!" Lu Ling insisted.

"Tell me lies in the future!"

"will not!"

"I'll hit you!"

"Just do it if you can't say it, waste!" Lu Ling shouted.

"I'll beat you!" Li Meng didn't show mercy at all.

"You wait, I'll call to Qingshan later!" Lu Ling immediately hid aside.

"He's not here today, you trash, don't hide, fight alone!"

"Damn it, you really think I can't beat you!" Lu Ling also got angry, it's not like he hasn't practiced before!Although he couldn't beat Qingshan, he had no problem dealing with Li Meng.As soon as he made a move, Lu Ling grabbed Li Meng, and then the two of them wrestled.

Because the office was not big, the two had a sense of propriety, and they fought each other for a full 3 minutes, with no winner.

Finally, Lu Ling saw the right opportunity, turned around, and put Li Meng under him: "Are you convinced? Who are you calling trash!"

"You can really fight!" Li Mengdao, "I always thought, huh. Huh. I always thought you had kidney deficiency!"

"You have kidney deficiency!" Lu Ling twisted Li Meng's forearm and exerted all his strength, "Are you convinced!"

"Don't accept it! You have a weak kidney!"

"That's fine." Lu Ling pressed Li Meng, looked left and right, but there was nothing in his hand, so he stretched out his index finger and middle finger, waved them in front of Li Meng, and then took them away, "Since you are not convinced, I'll let you take it for a while, you'd better cover your mouth for a while, and don't call everyone in the building over!"

"What are you doing!" Li Meng was taken aback, "You fucking pervert!"

"I don't like it!"

"Submit! Submit! I'm wrong brother!" Li Meng immediately persuaded.

Lu Ling just stood up and patted the dust off his body.

Li Meng snorted and sat aside.

"Okay, don't be like a little daughter-in-law, what a big deal, you can't get over it? You are not afraid of death, what is this?"

"You are just like a little daughter-in-law!"

"All right, all right, what you said is right," Lu Ling said, "Let's go, I'll treat you to seafood tonight, and go to the city. The sea has been open here for a while."

"I want to eat a pound of crab."



Lu Ling knew that Li Meng was really suffering.If it was finally found that Li Jiancheng had problems, Lu Ling didn't know what to say.Therefore, every time Li Meng's mood fluctuated greatly, Lu Ling interrupted Li Meng's state by gags, confrontation, etc., so that Li Meng did not have to immerse himself in the past.

Until dinner in the evening, Lu Ling stayed with Li Meng. Li Meng never received a message from Li Yuan. Yan Yu kept watching secretly, and Li Yuan never left the house.

In the morning of the next day, Yan Yu and Qing Shan gave up their guards and went to the village where Li Jiancheng and Li Jiantang grew up to investigate and visit.According to Li Jiantang, his grandfather's generation was not ordinary, so his father's generation should be from a rich family, but after asking many people in the village, no one knew the history of the Li family.

An old man told Yan Yu that Li Jiancheng's father moved here halfway. When he moved here, it was already in the 70s. At that time, he had already brought three children.Before that, no one knows.According to the villagers, at that time, the three children were very young.

When it comes to Li's family, people in the village are somewhat critical.Yan Yu discovered that the reason for the criticism was not because the Li family was not good, but because the Li family had money but did not contribute to the village.

According to the villagers, when the Li family first arrived in the village, they were very kind to the villagers. Because they were newcomers, they gave every villager a catty of fat meat.However, it was only sent this time, and it was never sent again from the second year onwards.

The conditions of the Li family are good, and there is always the smell of stewed meat in the house. Some people are not happy, saying that when the Li family first moved in, everyone took care of them, but the Li family ate meat for themselves and did not let everyone eat.This seems to be a very bastard idea, but it has been recognized by many people.

Of course, this is just to say that this village is not as rich in martial arts as Dongpo Village.

In addition, someone pointed out that the Li family still has some powerful relatives. One of them drove over to visit the Li family in the 80s. It is said that he brought a lot of things with him, but the specific situation is unknown to everyone. After all, the Li family lived at the entrance of the village, and the people who saw it were just watching the fun from a distance.

These news can be said to be useless, too many things have been covered up by history.

Li Meng got up early and left. He had to go back to take care of Yang Xi's mother. Lu Ling had a day's class in the training center. In the evening, he talked to the leader and drove back to the Suying Town Police Station. , Then called Zhou Xinxin and asked about the latest situation.

Qu Zengmin and others visited several villages today, but there is no new news.Lu Ling called Zhou Xinxin, and together they went to find Yang Yu.

Lu Ling felt that since Yang Yu lived in Shatou Town, he must go back to rest at night, so it was suitable for searching at night.

If this was Zhou Xinxin two years ago, he would have been afraid of difficulties when he heard that he had to work overtime after work at night, but now he is very active and even picked up a gun at the gun store.

When the two arrived in Shatou Town, it was already eight o'clock in the evening and it was a bit cold.At this time in the small town, those who went to bed early have already rested.

Arriving at Yang Yu's new residence, Lu Ling looked inside and found that the lights inside had been turned off, but the door lock had been unlocked with a bolt inserted inside.It seems that Yang Yu has already rested.

"Going to bed so early, I guess I'll go out at dawn in the morning. Why don't I stay at the police station overnight and come back before dawn tomorrow. Knocking on the door like this is hard enough, and it's easy to startle the snake," Zhou Xinxin said.

"Okay," Lu Ling typed to the training center, and then said to Zhou Xinxin, "Then tonight, I will go back to the police station."

"That's no problem," Zhou Xinxin said, "Let's go, go to town, I'll treat you to dinner, have a good chat, go to bed after dinner, and come here at six o'clock tomorrow morning. It is estimated that it won't be dawn until 07:30 here, she It’s not too early to go out.”

"Over there, let me take another look." Lu Ling pointed to the courtyard next door.He just came here yesterday, and today he wants to see if there are any changes in the yard, and he seems to be worried if he doesn't look at it.


The two arrived at the small courtyard where Zhang Tao was buried before. Zhou Xinxin supported Lu Ling. Lu Ling climbed over the wall to have a look and found that there was no change in the house, so he was relieved. The two went back to the police station together and found a familiar barbecue restaurant in the town. , chatted over the meal.

"Ever since you and Qingshan left, the two of us talked the most. It's really unexpected that we can come back and work on the case together again this time."

"I didn't expect this case to be involved here again," Lu Ling said. "At present, there are a few people who really understand this case, but these people seem to have discussed it, so they just don't say anything."

"It's difficult. If you have no handle and nothing to trade, it's really difficult to pry these people's mouths away just by talking," Zhou Xinxin was a little puzzled, "How many years have these people been sentenced? None of them Are you going to confess and be lenient?"

"The most important person is Xiang Bin. You know this person. He is on death row and is about to be shot. I asked the people in the intermediate court and told me that this is the time." Lu Ling said, "If he dies before he dies, If I can't find out the truth of the case, then he probably left with a smile on his face."

"Is he putting you down?"

"That's not true. It's just that when I saw him last time, I felt that he had seen something. He probably already guessed it, and I will find out the truth. After I got out of him, I did take a few moves. It seems to be a live chess game, but it still hasn't broken the game."

"That's not right, if that's the case." Zhou Xinxin said, "Why is he doing this? I feel that this person is a bit messy."

"No chaos, I didn't understand him before, but I found out later that he is also an infatuated species."

"Is that so?" Zhou Xinxin took a sip of beer, "Life has been love-crazed since ancient times."

"It's okay," Lu Ling picked up a skewer and said quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

The sky is getting darker.

(End of this chapter)

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