I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 17 I'm Really a Kind Person

Chapter 17 I'm Really a Kind Person

"Boy Shisan, do you want to sign a contract with my Xtreme Martial Arts Academy in advance and join the martial arts gym?" Zhuge Tao offered an olive branch to Wang Shisan at this moment.

"Under normal circumstances, there is no problem." Wang Shisan smiled shyly, "But I heard that Luo Feng got a lot of benefits by joining the martial arts school in advance. I wonder what the supervisor will give me?"

Chief instructors Wu Tong and Luo Feng were confused when they heard Wang Shisan's words.

Even Zhuge Tao, who had seen countless geniuses, was stunned by this astonishing speech, and he opened his mouth after a long while,

"Then what benefits do you want?"

Wang Shisan thought for a while, and asked Luo Feng first, "What benefits did the supervisor promise to give you?"

"Except for the most basic ones, I was given [-] million funds to buy cheats of movement techniques, channeling techniques, and attack techniques." Luo Feng replied truthfully.

"So that's it. How about this? Supervisor, you have spoken up in person. I, Wang Shisan, am not a person who doesn't know what is good or bad. You must give me some face. I'm just like Luo Feng." Be kind.

In fact, the main reason was that he had already obtained [-] million Huaxia Coins from Zhuge Tao before. For such a good person, such an outstanding young man with a bottom line, he decided to avoid cheating once.

Ah, what a kind person I am.

"So I still have to thank you?" Zhuge Tao was a little dumbfounded.

"It's okay, as the old saying goes, it's a blessing to suffer losses." Wang Shisan almost said that you are going to praise me.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, so I'll do what you said." Then he asked his assistant to take out the contract and signed it with Wang Shisan face to face.

"Director, please don't worry, I, Wang Shisan, will be loyal to the martial arts school in the future, and maintain the reputation of the martial arts school outside, and inside," Wang Shisan hastily expressed his loyalty.

"Fuck off, the dignified Xtreme Martial Arts Academy still uses you as a bastard to maintain its reputation? Hurry up and get ready. If you fail the performance test, I promise to beat you to death."

After Wang Shisan and Luo Feng left, Wu Tong cautiously came to Zhuge Tao, and said softly, "Director, Jiang Nian, the instructor in Yi'an District, told me that Wang Shisan had promised him to join the martial arts gym. Is the [-] million quota too high?"

Zhuge Tao: "."

"You go too!"


More than 1000 quasi-warriors came to the outskirts of the town under the leadership of soldiers.

"Everyone, this assessment starts at 06:30 in the evening and ends at 06:30 tomorrow morning. The more monsters you kill, the more points you will get. Every monster must cut off its left ear as a proof. Fighting each other, the top 60.00% of the points can be qualified as warriors, and those who are eliminated will have to wait for the next opportunity."

"Remember, if you are seriously injured, you can press the distress button on your communication watch. Someone will rescue you immediately... But from that moment on, it also means that your martial artist combat assessment is over."

"Okay everyone, the assessment begins, good luck everyone."

Wang Shisan looked around curiously, "Feng, are you nervous? It's okay. If you are scared, follow me, brother will protect you."

Good physical fitness does not mean that you can hunt monsters. There are many people who are easily fooled when they see blood for the first time, and in the end they may not even be able to display all their strength.

So the actual combat assessment is actually honing the minds of these quasi-warriors.

Luo Feng knew that Wang Shisan was joking, and said, "These monsters are the weakest, they are just equivalent to low-level fighters. I also want to see what it feels like to face monsters."

"Where are you, little Wuzi?" Wang Shisan asked.

Yang Wu shook his head, "The actual combat assessment of a warrior is not just an assessment, but more importantly, a test of courage! When you really enter the dangerous area alone in the future, the danger you will encounter will be ten times or a hundred times greater than this. If Even the simplest actual combat assessment requires the help of Brother Thirteen, what should we do in the future?"

"That's good, that's good. If you're ambitious, then we'll see you tomorrow." Wang Shisan smiled, and then disappeared in place after a few ups and downs.

Luo Feng and Yang Wu looked at each other, and then left quickly.

The monster town at night exudes a fierce atmosphere, which makes people feel frightened.

After being baptized by the virus, the monsters on the earth are extremely powerful. Human beings have fought against monsters for so long, and they are divided into beast soldiers, beast generals, and lords, which correspond to human warriors, warriors, and gods of war. .

Of course, the monsters that appear in the actual combat assessment of warriors are all the lowest-level monsters, that is, the level of junior fighters. After all, those who participate in the assessment are quasi warriors, and these are the hopes of human beings in the future.

However, even monsters at the junior warrior level cannot be easily dealt with. Although their IQ is relatively low, their bloodthirsty nature is unmatched by humans.

After Wang Shisan entered the assessment area, he searched for monsters carelessly. Unlike others, he had a very strong defense. Facing these low-level monsters, he could basically go wild without taking damage.

"Hey, I found a tiger mastiff in the wild area, brush it off." Looking at the streamlined tiger mastiff not far away, Wang Shisan smiled slightly, and then rushed over with the blood shadow spear.

Although he has never practiced marksmanship in this world, don't forget who his master was the first time he learned the art.

Invincible Li Shuwen!
Wang Shisan exerted his speed to the limit, came to the tiger mastiff in an instant, stabbed forward with the gun in his right hand, and covered the tiger mastiff with a little bit of cold light.

The tiger mastiff who didn't have time to react was directly pierced through the throat by this move, fell to the ground and twitched, and was completely silent after a while.

Wang Shisan cut off the ear of the tiger mastiff with a wave of his hand, put it in a tactical backpack, and then disappeared in a flash, leaving only the corpse of a monster in place.

Shadow cats, iron-haired wild boars, and tiger mastiffs, there are only these three types of monsters in the entire town. At the beginning, Wang Shisan hunted and killed more than [-] monsters with great interest, but these monsters are too powerful. Poor, basically he solved it with just one face-to-face encounter. He couldn't gain fist power, nor could he sharpen him. In the end, he had no choice but to attract more than a dozen monsters to solve it at once.

At dawn the next day, a loud voice resounded through the entire town through the loudspeaker.

"The time is up, all prospective warriors, go to the exit of the town immediately."

"Ha." After Wang Shisan heard the voice, he yawned, stretched his waist, carried a tactical backpack that was too big, and walked towards the entrance of the town.

At the entrance of the town, the quasi-warriors who were assessed came out one after another, but most of them were covered with blood, and there were not a few injured people. I can't get out either.

"Luo Feng, 36 monster left ears, not bad, congratulations on becoming a warrior." The officer in charge of checking the record praised.

Luo Feng also showed a smile on his face, and his heart was very happy.

 Dear brothers and sisters, within a week from today, in addition to the fixed two chapters per day, the small ones will be updated, and the time is not fixed. Please recommend tickets from the big guys.

  Explosive Chapter 1!

(End of this chapter)

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