Chapter 19
It has been three months since Wang Shisan finished his practice, breathing the fresh air outside, his depressed mood also eased up.

Originally, he thought that after he cultivated to the first level of World Extermination, he could punch more than 6000kg, so that his realm would reach Yixiang and his life span would increase by 50 years, but it turned out that only the attack increased, and the realm was still three tripods. It seems that the basic physique must reach 6250kg.

Stealing the chicken failed, and I was unhappy.

Of course, the first thing after leaving the customs is to find Luo Feng. As a man who wants to be the man behind the protagonist, the relationship must be maintained, right?
When Wang Shisan moved into Mingyue Community, he deliberately chose his villa next to Luo Feng's.

"Uncle and aunt, I've come to see you." Wang Shisan yelled loudly as soon as he entered Luo Feng's house.

Because their son has become a martial artist, Luo Feng's parents have nothing to do every day, either chatting with other people in the community or staying at home, usually very boring, seeing Wang Shisan coming, they are very happy .

"I heard from Luo Feng that you have been practicing at home in seclusion since you became a martial artist. Is this the end of your training?" Father Luo asked with a smile.

Wang Shisan was not polite at all, he just sat down on the sofa, picked up the apple on the table and gnawed and said, "I have achieved little results, so I came out for a walk, and I don't even know what it's like to have a normal meal in the practice room every day." .”

"Then I'll eat here at noon. I'll cook, and I'll just have a few drinks with your Uncle Luo, so that he won't say every day that he doesn't have drinking friends, and drinking is not fun." Luo Mu said with a smile.

"No problem, I'll have a few drinks with my uncle today, by the way, where is Ah Feng?" Wang Shisan asked curiously without seeing Luo Feng.

"This kid doesn't know what he's been up to recently. He went out early in the morning, but he said he would come back for lunch." Luo's mother complained.

"I guess, he might be in a relationship. I heard that he was in a relationship with a girl named Xu Xin." Although Luo Feng had told him not to tell his family about Xu Xin, Wang No matter who Thirteen was, he sold Luo Feng immediately.

Luo's father and Luo's mother's eyes straightened when they heard the word love. The two elders are now idle at home every day, and they have already begun to think about Luo Feng's next generation. Every time Luo Feng is at home, they will take a stack of girls' photos to show them off. He picks.

But Luo Feng always said that he was still young, so he prevaricated by focusing on martial arts first, which made the two elders very anxious. At this time, hearing that his son was actually in a relationship made them very excited.

"Thirteen, how old is that little girl, where is her family, what's her condition, what's her personality like, what's her appearance like, how many people are there in her family?"

Luo's father and Luo's mother said one sentence to another, which completely stunned Wang Shisan, and at this moment, Luo Feng just opened the door and walked in.

"Brother Thirteen, you're willing to pass the test." Luo Feng laughed.

"By the way, I haven't seen Xiaohua yet. I'll go up and see him first." Wang Shisan felt that there would be a great battle ahead, so he found an excuse to escape the scene.

Luo Feng: "???"

Not long after, Luo Feng's roar sounded downstairs.

"Wang Shisan, you wait for me!"

And Wang Shisan, who was chatting with Luo Hua upstairs, trembled when he heard the roar downstairs.

The training hall of Luo Feng's house.

At this moment, Wang Shisan fell to the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He stuttered and said, "I said you are too cruel, but I just mentioned one thing, and you beat me like this?"

"I didn't hit you, we were sparring just now Brother Thirteen." Luo Feng smiled almost behind his ears.

Hearing Luo Feng's excuse, Wang Shisan had a look of resentment.

Just after lunch, Luo Feng beat Wang Shisan hard for the excuse of sparring.

After more than three months, Luo Feng's current basic punching strength has exceeded 10000kg, plus the bonus of the nine-fold Thunder Saber, one punch almost killed Wang Shisan.

It has to be said that it was really the back waves of the Yangtze River that pushed the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach.

"By the way, Brother Thirteen, I just signed an elite training camp contract with the headquarters, what do you think about this?" Luo Feng asked.

"War God's preparatory camp." Wang Shisan rubbed his swollen eyes, "Your physical fitness is already at the level of a junior warrior, plus the bonus of the Nine-Level Thunder Saber, and the trump card of the Psychiatrist, Even high-level warriors, you are not afraid, it would be a pity not to lose such talents, go, I will take care of you at home."

Luo Feng's heart skipped a beat when he heard Wang Shisan's words, but he had never used the method of a spiritual teacher in front of Wang Shisan.

"You still have to pay attention to Li Yao, he will find you sooner or later." Wang Shisan said while using his mental strength to bring over the water bottle next to him.

"Brother are also a Psychiatrist? How do you know that the person Li Yao is looking for is me?" Luo Feng looked at Wang Shisan in shock.

"Necessary, my brother is very capable. Although I am not your opponent now, but in terms of intelligence capabilities, there are not many people who are my opponents. But as the saying goes, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor, maybe You won't be my opponent in a few years." Wang Shisan almost said to praise my literary talents.

"Brother Thirteen, I've read the divine book before Nirvana." Luo Feng said helplessly.

"Haha." Wang Shisan didn't feel embarrassed at all, "After you enter the training camp, you have to hurry up to improve your strength. The current earth is not as simple as you think, and you are stronger, so I don't have to work hard in the future. , you support me."

"Bah, I only support Xu Xin." Luo Feng said disgustedly.

"Uncle and aunt, Luo Feng just said that he will raise that little girl named Xu Xin in the future." Wang Shisan turned and ran out, shouting loudly.

"Fuck! There are so many sluts in the world, I, Luo Feng, would like to call you the strongest!"

After Luo Feng went to the global headquarters of Xtreme Martial Arts, Wang Shisan also continued to live in seclusion. His current state is still Sanding, so his lifespan is still only ten years, um, a short-lived ghost.

"Mieshi" is Hong's top-level cheat book. It comes with a set of top-notch Daoyin techniques. Practicing this set of Daoyin techniques can double the time for Wang Shisan to absorb the energy of the universe. That is to say, he now He can absorb cosmic energy for an hour longer than others, so even if his talent is poor, the speed of improvement is still considerable.

While practicing boxing strength, it was not idle. The "Mie Shi" set of marksmanship also comes with a set of body skills. Although Wang Shisan's speed is not too slow, it is still not good enough for small-scale maneuvers. Take advantage of this time to improve your footwork.

On this day, Wang Shisan, who had completed a day's practice task, was envious in the park of the community. Bah, he was admiring the scene of Luo Feng's younger brother Luo Hua falling in love. Wu Tong, the chief instructor of the Extreme Club, came to see him.

"Hey, Uncle Wu, don't wrong people, I don't envy others to have a partner."

 Explosively update Chapter 3, everyone, come to order a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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