I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 44 Don't be rude to the third master!

Chapter 44 Don't be rude to Lord Thirteen!

Because there are many aliens in this world, in order to prevent them from affecting the lives of ordinary people, the country specially set up a department to deal with the affairs of the alien world, and in order to cover up, it was named Nadutong Express Company.

All the employees of the company are aliens, and there are countless masters. In terms of overall strength, it can be said that they are the strongest in the entire alien world.

At the moment, Zhang Chulan is in the North China branch, one of the seven regions under the company's command.

Ever since the news of the origin of the qi body spread, Zhang Chulan has been in the vortex of the storm, and all major forces want to obtain the legendary 'Eight Magical Skills'.

In order to maintain the balance of the Inhuman World, Nadutong Company, a half state-owned enterprise, took Zhang Chulan into the company first, which can be regarded as a backer for him.

Zhang Lingyu, as a direct disciple of the old heavenly master, also received great attention when he came to the North China branch. The person in charge Xu Si and his assistant Xu San came out to greet him personally.

"Daoist Lingyu hasn't been down the mountain for a long time. I feel honored to have a distinguished guest." Xu Si was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

"Mr. Xu, you are being polite. This time Lingyu came down the mountain under the order of his master to practice with Lord Shisan." Of course Zhang Lingyu knew that Wang Shisan liked to pretend to be a wall, and directly expressed to Xu Si that he was just a small follower.

Xu Si and Xu San were taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the young man behind Zhang Lingyu.

"I don't know what kind of master Thirteen is?" Xu Si asked tentatively.

For Zhang Lingyu to be called the Thirteenth Master, he must be at least in the same generation as Zhang Zhiwei, but they have never seen this young man before.

"I don't belong to any faction. I can't even say that I'm an expert. I'm just like an old celestial master." Wang Shisan is very 'low-key'.

Xu Si and Xu San looked at each other, they really couldn't believe that there are people in the alien world who can boast to such an extent, and who dare to say that they are similar to the old heavenly master?

Do you know how the Yirenjie evaluates Zhang Zhiwei?Among the aliens who are alive now, the old man said that he is the first, and no one dares to say that he is the second.

"Then I don't know why the Thirteenth Lord and Daoist Lingyu are here?" Xu Sipi smiled.

"I got news that there is a kid named Zhang Chulan who can use the Golden Light Curse. He is with you now, right? Let's see if he is a disciple of Longhushan." Wang Shisan said.

The Xu brothers frowned. Now Zhang Chulan is a shining baby. As long as he walks out of the company, countless "thieves" will appear immediately.

But it is an indisputable fact that Zhang Chulan used the Golden Light Curse from Longhushan. People from Longhushan came to check and couldn't find anything wrong.

"Don't worry." Wang Shisan stretched his waist, "We're just here to ask him, we won't take him away, and we'll even give him a fortune."

Xu Si raised his glasses, pondered for a moment, and said, "Okay, I'll take you to see him, but please don't get excited after seeing Zhang Chulan, after all, you can go anywhere here."

This is Chi Guoguo's threat, but Wang Shisan didn't take it seriously. He took Zhang Lingyu and followed Xu Si into the company. As for Xu San, he went to other places. The identity of Thirteen went.

Soon the two met Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao under the leadership of Xu Si.

Now Zhang Chulan is still dressed like an ordinary college student, but Feng Baobao has aroused Wang Shisan's strong interest.

Feng Baobao looks like a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, dressed very sloppily, very casually, with messy long hair hanging down, eyes dull, expressionless, and a bit stooped, basically no femininity can be seen.

"Xu Si, what happened to them, are they also here to snatch my slave?" Feng Baobao took out the knife while talking.

This strong Sichuan accent made Wang Shisan want to laugh.

Seeing this, Xu Si quickly went up and held Feng Baobao, "Stop making trouble, baby, they are from Longhushan, and they came here to see Zhang Chulan."

"He is my slave, so I can't snatch him anywhere." Although Feng Baobao put away the knife, his eyes were fixed on Wang Shisan all the time.

Xu Si keenly noticed Feng Baobao's strangeness, and asked quietly, "What's the matter, baby."

"I feel like I can't beat him, so I have to keep an eye on him. If he makes a move, I will run away with my slave." Feng Baobao said seriously.

This time Xu Si was really shocked. Few people knew Feng Baobao's strength better than him. Being able to become a temporary worker of Nadutong Company was as strong as the top ten in the alien world.

"Feng Baobao, don't worry, I won't do anything to Zhang Chulan, no matter what you say, he can be regarded as a disciple of Longhushan." Wang Shisan always smiled at Feng Baobao, not only him, but everyone who read the original work, I don't feel bad for Feng Baobao.

Zhang Chulan, who had been in the corner by the side, also spoke weakly at this time, "Everyone, can anyone tell me what's going on?"

"Let me explain." Wang Shisan interrupted Xu Si, who was about to speak, "Your grandfather Zhang Huaiyi is my direct disciple of Longhushan. The Golden Light Curse given to you is exactly the unique skill of Longhushan."

As he spoke, he motioned to Zhang Lingyu who was at the side to release the golden light.

"So, you, Zhang Chulan, can be regarded as a disciple of Longhushan." Wang Shisan looked at Zhang Chulan, who was already sluggish, and continued, "As a disciple of Longhushan, you can choose to go back to the mountain to practice, even if you are complete. Dare to go to Longhu Mountain to make trouble."

Zhang Chulan didn't know that there was a place called Longhu Mountain before. Zhang Chulan, who was cautious by nature, definitely didn't want to follow Wang Shisan and the others until he figured out their purpose.

So he said cautiously, "Can I not go?"

"Of course, this is your freedom, but after a while, Longhushan will send an invitation to the entire Inhuman world to hold the Luotian Dajiao for the selection of candidates for the heavenly master. At that time, you must go to Longhushan to participate, and If you can get the first place, I will consider telling you Zhang Huaiyi's secret." Wang Shisan said.

Xu Si's complexion changed, they were not particularly clear about Zhang Huaiyi's information.

Zhang Chulan heard that the other party knew Zhang Huaiyi's information, and asked excitedly, "You know about my grandfather? Then tell me now, why did he die? And do you also know about my father?"

"Presumptuous! Don't be rude to the Thirteenth Master!" Zhang Lingyu shouted in a low voice, her whole body was full of golden light, and instantly turned into a giant fist, hitting Zhang Chulan.

Feng Baobao also reacted immediately, a saber light flashed, and directly smashed the giant fist made by Jin Guanghua.

(End of this chapter)

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