Chapter 47

Wang Shisan looked at Xia He in surprise. He also believed that the ultimate goal of the other party was to obtain the "Eight Magical Skills", but he was worried that the photo just now would have a bad influence on Zhang Lingyu's succession to the Celestial Master in the future.

Zhang Lingyu had a complicated expression on his face, and he didn't expect Xia He to be so considerate of him.

"Brother Shisan, this girl took his first blood. I didn't expect Lingyu, who is usually like a fool, to see women very accurately. Not bad, not bad." Zhang Zhiwei's voice suddenly appeared on the phone.

"Master...Master!" Zhang Lingyu's brain has already shut down.

It turned out that Wang Shisan had played a video directly with Zhang Zhiwei just now, and the old man listened to their conversations.

"Quan Xing Xia He, pay homage to the old heavenly master." Xia He greeted Zhang Zhiwei generously.

"Little girl, although you are all-sexual, it seems that you really like this silly boy. For Lingyu's sake, I give you a suggestion, quit all-sexual as soon as possible, otherwise you will be in big trouble in the future." Zhang Zhiwei said on the phone.

Xia He was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect the old master to say that.

Whole nature is true, not at the expense of one's own body; in the face of urgent difficulties, one is proficient in the sky.

The establishment of this organization can be traced back to the Warring States period. It was founded by Yang Zhu. It believes in the concept of "everyone does not lose a single cent";Pulling out a hair to benefit the world is not an act; taking a hair to harm the world is not an act."

This was also the original intention of Yang Zhu to establish Quan Xing, which was still a normal sect at that time.However, it has developed to this day, and it has become an evil sect that is doing evil everywhere and everyone hates it.Due to their ability to be different from ordinary people, most sects have strict precepts in order to restrain their subordinates, but the whole-sex sect is different. They distort their original beliefs into doing whatever they want, and become wanton people who do all kinds of evil.

Although Quanxing is heinous, it has not been eliminated since ancient times.There are two reasons for this. One is that people of all sexes are elusive, and there are many top experts among them.The second is that Quanxing can be regarded as the common enemy of the Inhuman World. The existence of Quanxing can unite all parties. Once there is no Quanxing, the contradictions among the various forces will be exposed.

But now the old heavenly master actually reminded her that Quan Xing would be in big trouble and asked her to quit as soon as possible?Could it be that Longhushan is planning a plan for the whole sex?But now is not the time to delve into this.

"Thank you, Master Tian, ​​for reminding me, Xia He will consider it."

"Well, I can do it myself." Zhang Zhiwei also felt that Xia He could consider Zhang Lingyu, so he shouldn't be a heinous person, so he reminded him a few words.

"You heard what the master said just now, hurry up, hurry up and quit Quanxing, otherwise I will not show mercy when I see you next time." Zhang Lingyu was afraid that Xia He would have any other thoughts, so she hurriedly said Want to drive her away.

Xia Heque shook his head, "The task I received was to capture the 'Eight Magical Skills', but for the sake of you and the old master, I don't need to grab it, but I need to test whether he is qualified to do so." Possess this heaven-defying skill."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole room was filled with pink qi, this is her unique talent, as long as it is contaminated by this qi, it will make people's aura soar and become a disabled person.

"You're presumptuous!" Zhang Lingyu's whole body burst into golden light, and black thunderbolts began to emerge. He was actually saving Xia He.

"Lingyu, step back, I also want to try to see if this 'bone scraping knife' can affect me." Wang Shisan first stopped Zhang Lingyu, and then took the initiative to touch the red qi with his hands.

As soon as Wang Shisan came into contact with these special qi, he felt a strong desire in his body to control him, "I see, your qi influences my spirit invisibly, and the desire can be controlled through the spirit. People with a little weak willpower will be controlled by you, and the level of skill will not have much influence."

Xia He was stunned. The qi she displayed was indeed as Wang Shisan said, but this was the first time that she was able to analyze it without any effect after receiving her attack head-on.

"However, it seems that you can't control your ability perfectly, so a lot of qi is scattered and cannot be concentrated, otherwise, its power will be much stronger." Wang Shisan waved his right hand, and the whole room was scattered. All the pink qi was scattered.

He now possesses the middle-level talent of a Psychiatrist, and his spiritual power is so strong that no one in the alien world is stronger than him, so he will naturally not be affected by Xia He.

"Xia He, it's your great luck that Thirteenth Master didn't attack you, why don't you hurry up and back down." Zhang Lingyu said eagerly.

"Shut your mouth." Wang Shisan scolded, "You have to have a limit to protect your wife!"

Zhang Lingyu shuddered, and immediately submissively dared not speak.

"It's really helpless to make a test just now. I hope Master Shisan will understand." Xia He knew that as long as she didn't go too far, the other party would look at Zhang Lingyu's face and not embarrass her.

"Well, it's trivial, but since you have already made a move against me and now you lost, you have to do something for me." Wang Shisan smiled slightly.

But this smile looked a little wretched in the eyes of Xia He and Zhang Lingyu.

"Master Thirteen, please respect yourself, Xia He has already identified this stinky Taoist priest in his heart all his life." Xia He retreated to Zhang Lingyu's side while talking.

Zhang Lingyu also took a step forward to block Xia He, "Master Thirteen, she...she is not suitable for you."

"Get out, I asked Xia He to help me go back and tell the other people in Quanxing that I lost in the hands of the origin of the body that I have mastered. You two dogs and men, where are you going?" Wang Shisan almost went crazy, he Can you have an idea about Zhang Lingyu's woman?

"The source of energy! I didn't expect the Thirteenth Lord to be the owner of the source of energy. It's incredible." Xia He said in surprise.

"All right, all right, play here by yourself, it's really unlucky, not to mention being sprinkled with dog food, but also being thought of as a hooligan!" Wang Shisan was too lazy to talk nonsense with this pair of dogs and men, and opened the door just left.

The two of them didn't know what they were doing in the room. After an hour, Zhang Lingyu came out with a pale complexion.

"Hmph, you trash, not only your skills are not up to snuff, but you can't even do this. Don't say you're messing with me when you go out in the future. It's embarrassing." Wang Shisan mocked.

Zhang Lingyu's pale face flushed instantly, and she didn't dare to say a word, so she could only silently walk out behind Wang Shisan.

Soon, the entire alien world began to spread that Wang Shisan had mastered the origin of the Qi body. This was still spread from Quanxing Xia He, and the credibility was still very high. This was even more shocking than the previous news.

Even many of the older generation masters in the Inhuman Realm couldn't sit still anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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