I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 50 It's all a misunderstanding

Chapter 50 It's all a misunderstanding
Three opinions were formed on how to deal with this matter before. Master Tian and Lu Jin were on Wang Shisan's side, Feng Zhenghao, Na Ruhai, and Monk Jiekong were neutral. Death King Thirteen.

"I said at the time to be more polite to Mr. Wang, but you didn't listen." Lu Ci was afraid that Wang Shisan would reveal his family's secrets, so she quickly stated her position. "Whoever dares to be rude to Mr. Wang in the future will be an enemy of my Lu family!"

Chen Jinkui and Guan Shihua also repeatedly stated that it was a misunderstanding just now.

Seeing that the three allies had already betrayed, Wang Ai and Muyou seemed to be eating flies at this moment.

Wang Shisan pulled up a chair and sat down straight away, looking at Erlang's legs, he said, "So many of you are honored as 'Ten Guys', and you are well-known in the world of aliens. I also like to show off. The position of Ten Guys Can you spare me one?"

"This...isn't easy to deal with, there is no vacant seat for the ten guys right now." The fat old man director who knew everything couldn't help it.

"Simple." Wang Shisan said, looked at Wang Ai and Muyou, and smiled evilly, "If you kill one or two, the seat will be free, right?"

Everyone's expressions changed, and they said openly and honestly that they wanted to kill one or two of the ten men, which was unheard of.

Especially Wang Ai and Muyou, they were already in a panic, when Wang Shisan said that he wanted to kill one or two, his eyes were on them.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Mr. Wang is a misunderstanding. Our Wang family will never provoke Mr. in the future." Wang Ai was also persuaded. Before that, he planned to coerce Wang Shisan to rescue his own elite. By the way, let's see if there is a chance to get The source of life.

Seeing that Wang Ai was timid, Mu You would not lag behind, so he licked his face and said, "I have already planned that as long as Mr. Wang's strength reaches the tenth level, I will propose to change the tenth man into an eleventh man, so I just now I just want to test Mr. Wang's strength for everyone, so now I am the first to agree."

"Oh? The chief shepherd's knife just now was not a simple test of my strength. I used all the qi in my body." Wang Shisan naturally didn't believe it, and retorted.

Mu You said brightly, "I didn't notice it for a while, so my strength was a little bit stronger. As an apology, I will never take any information Mr. Wang wants in the future."

"Yes, yes, if Mr. Wang needs anything, my Wang family will also help." Wang Ai also said quickly.

Wang Shisan didn't speak, just looked at the two of them and laughed, looking at Wang Ai and Muyou more and more panicked, and quickly asked the old heavenly master for help with his eyes.

"Brother Thirteen, give my brother some face, let's forget it this time." Zhang Zhiwei sighed lightly. As the celestial master of Longhushan celestial master's mansion, there are some things that he can't do too well. After all, he is not Wang Shi. Three such lone rangers.

"Okay, today is for the face of the old master." Wang Shisan nodded, "Don't say that you haven't been given a chance, you disciples who stay with me, come up with a corresponding compensation. If I am not satisfied, you Just treat these people as gone.”

The boss who had a disciple in the hands of Wang Shisan nodded quickly, expressing that he would be satisfied.

A person with high strength, no worries, and the backing of the country, no one here can afford to provoke him, so he can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"Let's go, Master Tian, ​​let's have a drink, and Mr. Lu will come with you?" Wang Shisan called for the two to go together.

Zhang Zhiwei naturally nodded in agreement, and Lu Jin also followed with a smile on his face. It is also a very good thing to have a good relationship with Wang Shisan.

"How much older is your elder brother, how about calling you thirteenth brother?" Lu Jin said with a smile.

Wang Shisan smiled slightly, "Brother Lu, you are being polite, as it should be."

"Usually Wang Ai's old bastards would try to fight for power and profit, but this time they have suffered such a big loss from my brother, what a joy." Lu Jin laughed loudly.

"It's a great honor for the old master not to kill them." Wang Shisan wrote lightly, "I let Lingyu release the wind, saying that the source of the body is in my hands, just to see who has the guts to rob me .”

Lu Jin was stunned for a moment, and then laughed louder, "It turns out that this is all my brother's plan, and this is the end of greed. I also sent my disciples to use the Tongtian seal to exchange it before, but I was just curious about the origin of the body. Why on earth is it called the end of the technique, if you get it, you will be happy, and if you don’t get it, it doesn’t matter.”

"It means that you, Lao Lu, are not greedy, and you are adding to my Lao Zhang's face, otherwise you would have gone home to lick your wounds, and you can still drink with us here?" Zhang Zhiwei sneered directly.

"Niubi, you just knew Brother Shisan earlier than I did, otherwise we would have turned the other way, believe it or not." Lu Jin directly retorted back without any falsehood.

Zhang Zhiwei countered when he heard the words, "If you are not convinced, let's go out for solo practice, and I will let you have one hand."

"Who is afraid of whom, you old bastard!"

"Fuck, let's go, old pervert."

The two walked out cursing.

Wang Shisan: "."

After a while, one covered his left eye and the other covered his right face before walking back together.

"Brother Thirteen, what method did you just use to make the fat man cough and ask the director to issue a strict order? Of course, if it is kept secret, it goes without saying." Zhang Zhiwei rubbed his blue left eye and asked, Lu Jin also had a look on his face. Curiously came over.

Both of them were very curious. Normally, the company was full of chatter, and they always spoke as if they were giving orders, but when it came to Wang Shisan, he was so cowardly.

"There's nothing you can't say." Wang Shisan took a sip of his wine, "Since everything is connected to the big tree of the country, why don't I ask someone from a higher level to issue an order?"

"It's not so easy. Those above don't like us aliens the most. They think we are an unstable factor, but they are afraid that it will arouse our resistance, so they let the company maintain the balance." Lu Jin shook his head and said.

"Of course it's not that simple." Wang Shisan said, "But I have brought out something that can make their hearts flutter."

Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Jin looked at each other, and then realized that Wang Shisan had given what was needed by the higher authorities, and thus got support. However, both of them were smart people, so naturally they didn't continue to ask.

"By the way, Lingyu and I have already found Zhang Chulan and informed him about Luo Tiandajiao, but now that he has joined the company, there is no problem in terms of safety." Wang Shisan said to Zhang Zhiwei.

Before Zhang Zhiwei spoke, Lu Jin beside him asked curiously, "Zhang Chulan? Zhang Huaiyi's grandson? I understand that you want to protect him, right?"

"Well, I want him to be the heir of the Heavenly Master, so that he can be prevented from being harassed by those in the dark." Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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