I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 52 How Many Years Can You Live?

Chapter 52 How Many Years Can You Live?

"I see. It seems that you haven't forgotten what happened back then." Lu Jin said with a complicated expression.

Zhang Zhiwei's complexion was complicated, the matter of Zhang Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong was something he would never forget for the rest of his life.

"Since you have decided, then I will also add fire. If you have a candidate for a celestial master in your celestial master's mansion, then I, Lu Jin, will bring out the Tongtian seal to help you. I want to see who are not afraid of death." Dare to show your head!" Lu Jin was also one of the victims back then, so he was naturally resentful, and directly took out Tongtian Zhuan, one of the 'Eight Wonderful Skills'.

"Are you willing?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Lu Jin laughed when he heard the words, "There's nothing to be reluctant about. If you don't bring it with you, you won't take it with you when you die. This time, No.1 will be the candidate for the Master of Heaven, and No.2 will get the Tongtian Seal."

"At that time, ghosts and snakes will really come." Zhang Zhiwei also has the purpose of knocking mountains and shaking tigers.

"I'll let my family go, and let them know what cruelty is after fighting for it once." Lu Jin said harshly, then turned to look at Wang Shisan and asked, "Brother, are you going?"

Wang Shisan nodded, "Of course I'm going, I'm definitely indispensable for such a showy thing, just to let them see what I look like."

"Haha, then this Luo Tian Dajiao is really very lively."

In fact, with the strength of the old Tianshi alone, they can be completely wiped out, but after all, he is the leader of a sect, so he can't act recklessly. Now that Wang Shisan is here, there is no problem in deterring Xiaoxiao.

Soon all the forces in the alien world got the news that Longhushan Celestial Master's Mansion was going to hold the Luotian Dajiao, the younger generation of aliens can participate, the winner will become the candidate for the Celestial Master, and No.2 can Get Tongtian Zhuan, one of the 'Eight Miraculous Skills'!
The whole alien world boiled instantly. With the news of Zhang Chulan and Wang Shisan, the name of the "Eight Miraculous Skills" became more and more famous. They are all practitioners. Naturally, what the top skills represent Needless to say.

All major forces have sent their own elite disciples to sign up. They have no idea about the candidates for the Celestial Master, but Tong Tianzhuan is going to fight for it.Of course, there are also some forces that participated in order to save face for Tianshi Mansion, such as Wudang and Shaolin.

From now on, the Luo Tian Dajiao will become the biggest battlefield for this generation of young people to become famous!
After returning to Longhu Mountain, Wang Shisan chatted with Zhang Lingyu alone. He was the only contestant in the Luotian Dajiao Tianshi Mansion. He lost to Zhang Chulan in the original plot and won No.2, but He also successfully obtained the Tongtian Seal.

"Have you ever thought about what you plan to do in this competition?" Wang Shisan asked.

Zhang Lingyu was taken aback, and said with some doubts, "Of course it's for the championship. You can't give up the candidate for the master of heaven to outsiders, so wouldn't I be too ashamed of Longhushan?"

"Have you ever imagined the idea of ​​Tongtian Seal?"

Zhang Lingyu shook her head, "Master Thirteen, you also said, so what if it is the 'Eight Miraculous Skills', can senior Lu Jin beat my master?"

"What you said makes sense, then you should try your best to maintain the majesty of Longhu Mountain." Wang Shisan admired, "When you become a celestial master in the future, Xia He will..."

Zhang Lingyu's complexion changed, and she quickly said, "You don't need to talk about Thirteenth Master, I now feel that I am very interested in Tongtian Zhuan, and Zhang Chulan can be regarded as my lineage of Longhua Mountain. I must have eaten a lot after living outside for so many years." suffering, so in order to compensate him, I am willing to clear the obstacles ahead for him."

And Zhang Zhiwei, who was eavesdropping outside the door, was already in tears. A young man who was originally a good-looking guy, ended up making friends carelessly and went astray ever since.

"Except for a few of the younger generation participating in the Luo Tian Dajiao this time, it can be said that almost all of them are here." The plot dog started to make the game ahead of time, "Many people have surpassed the strength of the older generation. Experts, such as the Feng Baobao I saw before, and Wang Ye from Wudang, who are proficient in Taijiquan, and have also mastered the Fenghou Qimen in the "Eight Wonderful Skills". Both of them are a great threat to you, especially It's Feng Baobao, you are basically doomed to meet her."

Zhang Lingyu immediately recalled what happened at that time, her Golden Light Curse was actually smashed by Feng Baobao with a knife, and now there is another Wudang King who knows how to master the wind.

"And the next one is Zhang Chulan. Although his current strength is not your opponent, his talent should be counted among the best." Wang Shisan continued, "He has already mastered the golden light. Curse and Yang Wulei, this is the result of ten years of waste."

"Wuhou Qimen Zhuge Family, Zhuge Qing, is good at Qimen Dunjia, which is worse than the king, but it is also a threat to you. Wang Bing, the son of the Wang family, one of the ten men, masters the 'eight strange skills' to arrest the spirit and send generals; The Tianxiahui masters the 'Eight Miraculous Skills' Juling Dispatch General; Jiajia Village, Jia Zhengliang, the imperial object technique, can control twelve throwing knives." Wang Shisan briefly introduced the situation of several people.

Zhang Lingyu's face was a little dignified. Three people who mastered the 'Eight Magical Skills' appeared in a Luotian Dajiao. In addition, Zhang Chulan, who is recognized as the inheritor of the source of energy, is indeed not easy to fight.

"If you want to be a master, then try to defeat them. If you want to be with Xia He, then go for the No.2 Tongtian Seal. After learning him, you will be able to gain a foothold in the world of aliens in the future." Wang Shisan clapped He patted him on the shoulder, reminded him and left, leaving Zhang Lingyu thinking alone.

"I said, are you planning to kill off my branch of Tianshifu?" Not long after Wang Shisan left, Zhang Zhiwei, who had been eavesdropping, stopped him.

Wang Shisan sneered, "You want him to be bound in the Heavenly Master's Mansion for the rest of his life and then take over from you? Do you think I don't know what I will give up to become a Heavenly Master?"

Zhang Zhiwei choked for a moment, and said embarrassingly, "But you can't say that clearly."

"I don't know, wait for you to plot against him? I really don't know what kind of wishful thinking you have in mind." Zhang Zhiwei said it nicely, and in the original plot, Zhang Lingyu didn't make a somersault.

Although Zhang Zhiwei was curious about why Wang Shisan knew some secrets of the Celestial Master, Wang Shisan was really too mysterious and had too many secrets.

"Niubi, I'll give you some advice. There are so many ghosts and snakes going up the mountain this time. Lao Tian's place is the weakest point, and it's also the best opening to break through." He still admires Tian Jinzhong, so he kindly reminded him.

Zhang Zhiwei nodded heavily. Tian Jinzhong is his younger brother. After suffering so much, he will definitely not let Tian Jinzhong be hurt again.

"Old Zhang, you're already old, how many more years can you live? Just let it go, they're not kids anymore." Wang Shisan looked like an elder.

Zhang Zhiwei's face turned black instantly, "Why are you cursing me to death?"

(End of this chapter)

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