Chapter 59

In order for Wang Shisan to go out without being influenced by court officials, Zhu Houzhao specially handed him a gold medal. As long as he holds this object, he can travel anywhere in the Ming Dynasty without hindrance, even the imperial palace.

After bidding farewell to the two of them, Wang Shisan went to the sky prison for the first stop, where there was a mobile arsenal.

"The heavenly prison is heavy, and idlers are not allowed to enter, otherwise they will be killed."

As the sky prison where the imperial court detains serious offenders, the guards are also very perfect. As soon as Wang Shisan entered the periphery of the sky prison, he was stopped by secret sentries.

But this is also the duty of the guards. Wang Shisan didn't take it seriously. Just when he was about to take out the gold medal Zhu Houzhao gave him, a soft voice appeared in his ears.

"Presumptuous! I've blinded you dog eyes, this is Mr. Emperor Shiwang, get out of here."

It was Cao Zhengchun, the governor of the East Factory, who came.

Cao Zhengchun has great power, not only Dongchang, Jinyiwei is also in his hands, and now even Tianlao is under his jurisdiction.

"Mr. Wang is here, and I have a long way to go. If you have anything to do, just send someone to tell me. How dare you bother him to come in person?" Lao Cao kept his posture very low, and even bowed slightly when he spoke. body.

Wang Shisan was not so surprised by this situation. Eunuch Cao is notoriously polite. Didn't he call those enemies politely?Like a marquis of the gods, a hero of returning to the sea, or a magistrate.

"It turned out to be Eunuch Cao." Wang Shisan said with a smile that he would not take the initiative to bully polite people, "I want to go to the last floor of the prison to see the ancient three links. This is the gold medal given by the emperor."

Cao Zhengchun waved his hands repeatedly when he heard the words, "Where do you use His Majesty's gold medal? If you need anything in the future, just give me an order, and I will guide you."

At that time, Wang Shisan's operation of defeating [-] forbidden troops by himself almost scared him half to death. Even he himself was killed and fell to the ground after a few moves. This made Cao Zhengchun feel a deep fear of Wang Shisan Feeling, all rights and wealth are not worth mentioning under this kind of divine power.

Not only Cao Zhengchun, but also Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, had also secretly contacted Wang Shisan. Such people can only be wooed, and must not be offended.

Since someone was leading the way, Wang Shisan was not polite, nodded and said, "Then please trouble Eunuch Cao."

"No trouble, please come inside, sir." Cao Zhengchun always kept his posture to the minimum.

The ninth floor of the Heavenly Prison is the most dangerous place in the entire Heavenly Prison. Usually the most dangerous people are imprisoned, but in the past few decades, only one person has been imprisoned, and that is the ancient three links!
He loves martial arts and is obsessed with martial arts. He and Zhu Wushi got the inheritance of Tianchi strange man. Known as the undefeated urchin.

Because of his mischievous character, he offended many people in the rivers and lakes, and then he fought a decisive battle with the eight sects on the shore of Taihu Lake. This battle also established him as the number one in the world, but he was ignored by Zhu Huangque. Taking the opportunity to absorb all the internal energy of the [-] people present.

Later, the two had a decisive battle, but because of the appearance of a woman, Gu Santong was defeated by Zhu Wushi. Since then, he has lived in the ninth floor of this prison for 20 years.

"Sir, this is the ninth floor of the Heavenly Prison. The ancient three links are inside, so I won't accompany you in." Cao Zhengchun said with some embarrassment. Fat beating.

After Wang Shisan signaled Cao Zhengchun to go back first, he walked in.

The ninth floor of the Heavenly Prison is indeed a place for detaining serious offenders. Among other things, this environment is enough for a person to drink a pot. In such a gloomy situation, most people will feel terrified when they look at it.

"Hahaha, is Zhu Tiedan delivering food again?" An old voice instantly resounded throughout the prison.

Wang Shisan is also a bold person with high skills, and he walked over without any fear. He just saw an old man with white hair chained up, but before he could speak, a strong suction suddenly appeared and planned to pull him away. He sucks it.

"Hey, the great method of suction?" Wang Shisan said disdainfully, a golden light flashed across his body, and he broke free from the suction in an instant.

"Impossible!" The locked-up old man exclaimed, completely unbelievable, "How could you be so young to have such profound skills to resist my power-absorbing method?"

Wang Shisan came in front of Gu Santong, grinned, and said, "Zhu Wushi was beaten up by me, and now he is not doing well. He just wants to deal with me with a simple suction method. Gu Santong, I am so disappointed in you!" .”

"You... You said that Zhu Wushi was beaten by you?" Gu Santong was incredulous at first, and then began to laugh out loud.

Wang Shisan didn't say a word, just looked at him and smiled, this naughty naughty boy had been driven a little crazy by Zhu Wushen.

"Zhu Tiedan, Zhu Tiedan, I didn't expect you to have such a day." Gu Santong didn't doubt Wang Shisan's words at all, he could feel one or two just now.

"Since Your Excellency has given me a good breath, then I will give you all my skills as a thank you gift." Gu Santong has been in the prison for 20 years for a promise, and he has already lived enough. It was enough to get such a happy thing before he died.

"Keep your inner strength for yourself. I'm not interested in it." Wang Shisan refused decisively. It's not like he hasn't tried it before. The external internal strength doesn't match the energy in his body at all, and it's useless at all.

"Huh? Then what is the purpose of your Excellency coming here?" Now it was Gu Santong's turn to be puzzled. His internal strength was rare at that time, and he had not neglected his cultivation for so many years on the ninth floor of the dungeon.

Wang Shisan pointed to Gu Santong.

"Hiss, you're dreaming, I'm an invincible naughty boy, a serious man, you don't want to do that kind of thing to me." Gu Santong blushed with excitement.


Wang Shisan's veins sprang up, and he took out the blood shadow spear in an instant. At the same time, all the gold needles in reserve surrounded him, his whole body glowed with golden light, and black thunder also appeared on his body. The prisons began to crumble.

"Gudu." Gu Santong swallowed, that is, has he ever seen such a terrifying scene?The line of defense in my heart was constantly collapsing, and then I gritted my teeth and said,
"You are absolutely not allowed to talk about today's matter." He began to take off his clothes after speaking, "This is the first time for me, please take it easy."

As soon as the words fell, the spear, golden needle, golden light, and thunder enveloped him in an instant.

"Ah! I agreed, why are you still doing this!"

(End of this chapter)

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