I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 74 If You Can't Be His Father, Be His Master

Chapter 74 If You Can't Be His Father, Be His Master

"Get in touch with the protagonist of the world's plot, Linley Baruch, the son of the plane, and get the talent of high-level spiritual power and the top-level wind magic talent."

Wang Shisan felt the message coming from the system in his mind, and wished he could go up and hug Linley and kiss him right now, and showed Hogg and his son a friendly smile.

But it was this so-called 'friendly' smile that made Hogg tense instantly, and quickly shielded Linley behind him, and little Linley turned pale with fright.

"Patriarch Huo, I think Xiao Linlei is very talented, why don't you let me teach him how to cultivate?" As a man who wants to stand behind the protagonist, how could Linley, the son of a super plane like him, let him go? If not, the master-student relationship is also fine.

Before Hogg could speak, Linley asked curiously, "Is Lord Thirteen more powerful than Uncle Hillman?"

"Of course." Wang Shisan raised his head arrogantly, and flew into the air slowly by the way.

"A strong man in the sanctuary." Hogg screamed in disbelief when he saw this, although he knew that Wang Shisan must be a strong man, and he could tell from the level eight or nine crystal nucleus he took out. The background must be very strong, but why did I never expect that it turned out to be the legendary strong man in the sanctuary?
Wang Shisan fell down from the sky coquettishly, and said braggingly, "How about Linley, I'm better than your Uncle Hillman."

"Uncle Hillman can smash a huge bluestone with one punch, but Master Thirteen can fly? I want to learn too." Linley, who was only six years old, had no idea that he could fly freely in the sky. It means nothing, but as long as human beings don't want to be able to roam freely in the sky.

"Linley, don't be rude to Lord Thirteen!" Hogg quickly scolded, then turned his head and said to Wang Shisan cautiously, "Please forgive Lord Thirteen, the child is still young and not very sensible."

He had always called Wang Shisan Mr. Wang before, but now that he is a strong man in the sanctuary, he can only call him an adult.

Wang Shisan waved his hand and said, "Chief Hogg, I really want to teach Linley. It would be a pity if such a talent is not taught by a good teacher."

"Linley, why don't you hurry up and thank Lord Thirteen." Hogg was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly pushed Linley to the ground by force, bowing down.

Sanctuary powerhouses take Lin Lei as a disciple?Doesn't it mean that the Baruch family will have a super tyrannical backer, so Hogg can rest assured to investigate the disappearance of his wife that year.

Although Linley, who was smart since he was a child, was stunned by Hogg's behavior just now, he soon understood what was going on, and saluted willingly, "Lei sees the teacher."

"You don't need so many common etiquettes. From today on, you, Linley, will be my disciple of Wang Shisan. From now on, you can call me master." Wang Shisan instantly entered the state of a virtuous teacher.

"Yes, master." Linley understood that his master must be a strong man far surpassing his father and Hillman. With the help of such a strong man, he might become a strong man respected by everyone in the future, then A chance to restore the glory of the Baruch family.

"Linley, take a good rest today and adjust your condition. I will teach you how to practice tomorrow. Your father and I still have something to talk about." Wang Shisan smiled.

Linley looked at Hogg who nodded slightly, turned around and left.

"Clan Chief Hogg, has it been a long time since your Baruch family has seen dragon blood warriors?" Wang Shisan asked.

Hogg sighed. "Yes, the last time dragon blood warriors appeared in the family was 1000 years ago, otherwise our Baruch family would not have declined so quickly."

Wang Shisan nodded and said, "As far as I know, the awakening of dragon blood warriors is not simply activated by blood."

"Well, according to the records, there is another way to awaken the blood in theory, that is to use the dragon blood of the living dragon clan in the sanctuary to actively activate the blood of the dragon blood warriors, but according to the records above, use this method to activate the blood. The blood was burned to death by the powerful power of the dragon blood." Back then, the Baruch family had many dragon blood warriors in the sanctuary, and the dragon blood of the dragon clan in the sanctuary could easily be obtained.

"The dragon blood of the Sanctuary Dragon Clan is indeed powerful, and ordinary people can't bear it at all, but with the assistance of the blue heart grass, the violent energy in the dragon blood will be greatly reduced, and there will be no explosion and death It's over, and if this method can't be used, then why pass it down?" Wang Shisan has a plot advantage, because Linley didn't awaken naturally, and he was awakened by drinking the live dragon's blood.

"Ah." Hogg was stunned, and asked eagerly, "Then why isn't this recorded in the family records?"

"It's very simple. On the Yulan Continent, there are a lot of dragons in the sanctuary, and the population is extremely large. Even in the peak period, your Baruch family may not be able to face the entire dragon family at the same time, so the key point should be forced by the dragons. It was changed due to the pressure." Wang Shisan analyzed.

Hogg suddenly understood, but it was useless to understand, could he still have the ability to obtain the sanctuary dragon's blood with his strength?But when he saw Wang Shisan, who was smiling but not smiling, his eyes lit up. He couldn't mean that this one couldn't either, so Hogg asked tentatively, "My lord Thirteen, Linley doesn't know if this method can be used to awaken him." blood?"

"Don't you just want me to help Linley awaken his blood? Don't worry, he is my disciple now, of course I will help him." Wang Shisan said, in fact, even without his help, Linley could still awaken the dragon by himself. The blood of blood warriors.

"Then... I don't know if I can?" Hogg rubbed his hands with an embarrassed expression on his face. He also wanted to have great strength, but due to the restriction of his blood, he couldn't practice other fighting qi cheats, which led to his current The strength can only be a sixth-level fighter, and there is no way to investigate his wife's affairs at this level.

Wang Shisan glanced at Hogg and said, "There is still hope before the age of 20. As for your age, don't even think about it. Let Linley restore the glory of the Baruch family in the future."

Early the next morning, Wang Shisan took Lin Lei to the back mountain of Wushan Town.

"Linley, let Delin Cowart come out and meet him." Wang Shisan saw the Panlong ring hanging around his neck yesterday, and at the same time he keenly sensed the soul of this sanctuary magister.

Hearing Wang Shisan's words, Linley was taken aback and quickly shook his head in denial.

"Forget it, Linley, don't hide it." A stream of misty light flew out from the ring and turned into a kind old man in a moon-white robe.

(End of this chapter)

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