I go to the heavens to find eternal life

Chapter 78 Are You A Female?

Chapter 78 Are You A Female?
The Thornback Iron Armored Dragon, the most terrifying ninth-level dragon monster, has a dark attribute. Although it is the smallest dragon, it has the strongest defense and agility among dragons of the same level, and its attack power is also the strongest. Ranked among the best among all dragons.

And the spine-backed armored dragon in the cave at this moment is a ninth-level peak monster, extremely powerful, and it is only a little bit close to becoming a sanctuary monster. It is ten meters long and three meters high, with black scales all over its body. The scales are very tight and regular, each piece of scale armor is only the size of a palm, but there is a strange feeling when gathered together.

And on its back, there are sharp spikes [-] centimeters long, extending from the end of the back to its forehead.

The most frightening thing is the pair of eyes, the dark golden pupils, the cold gaze makes people feel chills all over the body, and one shudders when looking at them.

It was such an overlord-like existence, who had already started to tremble when he saw Wang Shisan for the first time, frantically trying to escape from this treasure-like lair.

Those low-level monsters don't know the horror of the human being in front of them. It has experienced it personally. It was one of them when the entire mountain range of monsters encircled and suppressed this person. The human being hunted down by them before has become a Super strong, but also came to its old lair.

"Saddeus, long time no see. I remember that you contributed a lot in that battle, and you still have the wound you left on me." Wang Shisan's cold voice interrupted the spine-backed iron-clad dragon's turn. Flying thoughts.

The thorn-backed armored dragon was almost sweating, and felt extremely regretful. Driven by curiosity, it followed all the monsters to besiege Wang Shisan. Now that he has become a strong man in the sanctuary, he came to take revenge. What a retribution. .But the arrogance of the Dragon Clan does not allow it to bow its head, since it cannot escape, it will die standing up.

The Thornyback Iron Armored Dragon who was just about to condense the dark magic power to launch an attack was knocked down by a powerful force in vain, and the scales that he was proud of were also cracked, blood spurted out continuously, and the wail resounded throughout the ground cave.

"Why are you in such a hurry to meet old friends? I haven't finished my words, and I kindly came to reminisce with you. It's really sad that you treat me like this." Wang Shisan had a sad expression on his face.

The blood flowed faster on the spine-backed armored dragon when he heard Wang Shisan's words, and he was obviously in a state of panic.

"I'm not a stingy person either, so how about it, as long as you submit to me, we'll cancel the past." Wang Shisan finally showed his ugly face.

"Dreaming! You, a human being, want to be my master? Even if you are a strong man in the sanctuary, it's impossible!" the Thornback Iron Armored Dragon roared to express its unyielding will.

Although Wang Shisan didn't understand what the thorn-backed iron-armored dragon said in detail, he generally understood it, and then took out countless gold needles under the thorn-backed iron-armored dragon's terrified eyes.

"Since you don't know how to flatter, don't blame me for paying new and old debts together." Wang Shisan smiled evilly, and countless golden needles shot towards the thorny-backed iron-armored dragon instantly under the huge mental power.

The huge body of the spinyback iron armored dragon flew out under the impact of the golden needle, and was directly nailed to the wall behind, unable to move at all.

Wang Shisan came over with a sinister smile, and the golden needles kept wandering under the belly of the iron armored dragon. Although he was a little puzzled why the structure of the dragon clan was so different from that of humans, he still threatened, "I'll give you another chance. Surrender or lose a vital treasure forever."

Seeing this, the thornback armored dragon struggled frantically, but under the control of the golden needle, it couldn't break free at all. Seeing that the golden needle was about to pierce the shameful place, it compromised and lowered its proud head.

"Thaddeus, congratulations on making the right decision." Wang Shisan let go of his grip on the Thornback Iron Armored Dragon, took out the contract scroll, and opened the signing circle.

As long as the contract is signed, the Thornback Iron Armored Dragon will be completely controlled and will never be able to resist. Even if Wang Shisan dies, it will die with him.

"Master." The voice of the thornback iron armored dragon surrendered to Wang Shisan's mind.

When Wang Shisan heard the voice in his mind, he stared at it in disbelief, and said awkwardly, "Thaddeus. I. I didn't know you were a female dragon."

The majestic and majestic spine-backed armored dragon at the pinnacle of level nine turned out to be a female dragon, and just now he, Wang Shisan, actually pushed the golden needle against her?Fuck, it was so embarrassing.

"The master didn't know that I was a female dragon before, and I don't blame the master." Thaddeus said softly.

I don't know if it's because Wang Shisan's eyes are dazzled, but Thaddeus's ferocious dragon head showed a shy look, which made the corner of his mouth twitch.

"Ahem, use these to heal your injuries first, and then I will take you out of the Warcraft Mountains." Wang Shisan took out a lot of healing potions and threw them to Thaddeus, and then quickly fled the cave.

Breathing the fresh air outside, Wang Shisan finally suppressed the embarrassment in his heart. He felt a little hungry in his stomach, so he prepared to find something to eat around him.

"Roar!" Suddenly there were waves of monster roars all around, and then a large number of monsters appeared in front of his eyes.

"Huh, just now you said you were hungry and then food came to your door?" Wang Shisan is basically fearless in the Yulan Continent now. In terms of strength, only the strongest in the sanctuary limit can cause him damage, but He can't kill him either, only god-level powerhouses can kill him, and these sanctuary extreme powerhouses and god-level powerhouses will definitely not attack people in Beirut.And the remaining sanctuary powerhouses no longer pose any threat to him.

"I didn't expect that lifeless human being from seven years ago to come back again. This time you don't want to be as lucky as before." A giant wolf with black hair like ink and black flame walked in the front of the herd, mouth Spit out.

The monsters that can speak are all sanctuary level.

"It turned out to be you. You really have nowhere to go. It just saves me from looking for you everywhere." Wang Shisan looked at the corner of the giant wolf's mouth with a smile. Seven years ago, it was the dark-type magic flame giant wolf. The siege of the organization made him taste the taste of serious injuries.

"Hahaha, do you think I can't see that you have successfully advanced to the sanctuary? But even if you become a strong man in the sanctuary, I will let you fall here today." Demon Flame Giant Wolf laughed arrogantly, It has already laid out a large number of ambushes around it, and from its point of view, this lifeless human is bound to die this time.

(End of this chapter)

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