Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 101 Begins with a single step!Do not believe in evil! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 101 Begins with a single step!Do not believe in evil! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Everything is in order.

Meng Nan looked at Zhao Xiaoshuang, who was sleeping beside her, feeling at ease.

As she was watching, she suddenly saw Zhao Xiaoshuang's brows move slightly, she opened her eyes, and the husband and wife looked at each other.

"Why didn't you sleep?"

Meng Nan opened his arms and let Zhao Xiaoshuang lean over.

"Can't sleep."

"Xingzhe and Erlang are not young anymore."

"Didn't you say a few years ago that there must be three children in the family to be lively?"

Zhao Xiaoshuang raised her head in Meng Nan's arms, touched Meng Nan's chin with her fingers, and whispered next to Meng Nan's ear: "I want a daughter."


Meng Nan glanced at Zhao Xiaoshuang, saw that her face remained unchanged, and her heartbeat did not change, and she suddenly reacted——

In reality, it is already October of the 21st year of the fairy calendar. The two of them have been married for more than three years and three months. They get along day and night.

Zhao Xiaoshuang, who used to be shy when talking about such things, has a bit of the freedom of later generations.

If you want it, you want it.

"The names are all chosen, so it won't be too wasteful."

Zhao Xiaoshuang was talking with a smile.


After a long time.

Clouds and rain.

Zhao Xiaoshuang was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep.

Meng Nan went away in high spirits, and returned with all his heart, without changing his expression or beating his heart, he embraced Zhao Xiaoshuang, thinking about another thing in his mind——

"If there is a dual-cultivation method—"

He and Zhao Xiaoshuang are a real husband and wife. He is already practicing qi, but Zhao Xiaoshuang is still sinking in the sea of ​​suffering in the world. If there is a dual cultivation method for him and his wife to practice, Zhao Xiaoshuang's cultivation level may be able to improve faster, and there will be greater Hope to improve Qi training.

It's just that Meng Nan searched for several lifetimes, and found a few common tonic exercises, but he couldn't find any of the authentic double cultivation methods.

Even, this time, there was nothing to be gained from several Daoist masters, and I just asked them out, knowing that the double cultivation method only exists in legends.

"Men and women sit together and perform Zhou Gong's rituals to achieve the harmony of the most yin and the most yang. This is 'double cultivation'."

"Rare than I thought."

Meng Nan originally thought that there were many dual-cultivation skills, and he could get them at will.

But in fact, dual cultivation involves the harmony of yin and yang, and the joint cultivation of two people has their own benefits, which is far more rare, precious, and complex than a single method.

There may be six cases, but they may not be willing to pass them on.

Even six cases are not necessarily owned.

"Middle-earth is hard to find."

"In the next life, you can go to the 'Inch Mang Realm' to look for it."

Meng Nan thought about this, and then closed his eyes, combining Taoism and magic power, slowly accumulating and giving birth to the flame of heart.

In reality, there are two realms!


"Rotten Heart Grass."

"Green soul ointment."

"Purple Yin Cold Marrow."

"Earth Core Fire Spirit Solution."

"The evil spirit refines the strange fruit of the golden scale of Tianyuan."

With the end of No.12, Meng Nan and his party set off again, still rushing straight to [Longji Mountain].

along the way.

Meng Nan worked harder and harder, like an ant, following the established route, leaving and returning, and every time he came back, he would bring back one or two valuable treasures.

Among them, the materials for refining good pills and top magic tools are just ordinary, and Meng Nan takes them at hand, and is too lazy to carry them.

Most of the various spiritual fruits and exotic trees are just memorized. They will not be transplanted one by one until they have settled down in [Longji Mountain]. It can be used by the teacher and even in the future to hold the "Giant Spirit Banquet".

But these are just ordinary.

Only treasures that reach the third class and are worth as much as the 'Nine Orifices Purple Gold Stone' can make Meng Nan's mood fluctuate.

No. The 12th World Discovery——

Two first-class treasures.

Eight second-class treasures.

43 third-class treasures.

Among them, the first and second grades are either too far away or difficult to obtain, and they have not been obtained for the time being.

But the number of third-class treasures is more, and many of them are close to each other.

Meng Nan went back and forth, and when the group walked through [Xuanwu Mountain], they had already obtained five third-class treasures from more than [-] surrounding mountains.

Each one is a rare treasure.

"'Rotten Heart Grass' can seize the mystery of yin and yang, and can turn a dying person into a 'half-rotten body'. The heart has been rotten, but there is still a breath of yang energy that will never dissipate, and it will live for another hundred years."

"'Bihun Ointment' is of great help to the soul body. It can help people condense the soul. If there is a method, it can also condense the soul of the dying person and turn it into a ghost cultivator."

"These two treasures accompany each other, and if they are placed on those who need them, their value is not inferior to that of the 'Nine Orifices Purple Gold Stone'."

"But we can't use it."

Meng Nan introduces his baby to Zhao Xiaoshuang and broadens Zhao Xiaoshuang's knowledge.

Rot heart grass.

Bihun ointment.

Of these two things, the former is suitable for those qi practitioners who can't bear the death of their loved ones, and can allow their loved ones to stay in the world after death and accompany them by their side.

The latter one can be used by Qi practitioners.

If the qi-practicing celestial master sits down or dies accidentally, with the help of the 'bihun ointment', he is expected to turn into a ghost cultivator.

It's just that ghost cultivators are not visible in this world, and it is difficult to become a climate. A ghost cultivator who can practice quickly, grow and stay in the yang world for a long time may not be weaker than Daoji. This kind of thing is too rare, at least Meng Nan has never heard of it.

Undoubtedly more difficult than Qi training.

But at least it's the second way.

When there is no choice, it is the best choice.

"Rotten Heart Grass."

"Green soul ointment."

"When the life essence is exhausted, it's not bad to be able to accompany you if you turn into half-life and half-death."

Zhao Xiaoshuang looked at the two objects and said with a smile.

At this time, she might not have imagined that her husband could complete the qi training period in four years, but she could not achieve it in one of the twelve lifetimes.

So naturally, he didn't associate these two things with himself, it was just a simple comment at this time.

"Swallowing 'Rotting Heart Grass', you will suffer from the pain of rotten heart day and night, like insects eating your heart, it's extremely difficult."

"'Bi Hun Ointment' can turn a person's soul into a ghost cultivator. In the early stage, he cannot see the light, and he must absorb Yang Qi to survive and practice. He is dying and precarious."

Meng Nan shook his head.

Although these two things are treasures, he only took them to sell them at a good price, not for Zhao Xiaoshuang or other people around him.

It's too painful to live like this!

Meng Nan didn't take it, and he didn't want Zhao Xiaoshuang to suffer such a crime.

After seeing these two treasures, let’s look at the remaining three——

"'Purple Yin Cold Essence' can slightly improve the mana quality of the yin-cold attribute qi trainer. At that level, even a slight improvement is rare, so the value of this item is not low."

"'Earth Core Fire Spirit Solution' can slightly increase the intensity of the heart flame and real fire. Although the range is not large, even if it is increased by one point, it will be a lot of accumulation in ten or a hundred years. Maybe this is the difference, and you can start from ordinary Qi training Cultivation to the peak of Qi training is expected to hit a higher level."

"'Mo Sha Lian Tian Yuan Jin Scale Different Fruit' is also produced underground, contains pure vitality, and can increase mana, not as good as 'Wu Ling Yu Lian', but it is not difficult to increase mana for ten years, and its value is slightly higher than one grain' Wu Lingdan'."

Meng Nan introduced the Three Treasures with a smile on his face: "In it, the 'Earth Core Fire Spirit Solution' is carefully refined, which can make the true energy and true essence of ordinary practitioners contain three parts of fire energy, which will help to purify the true essence in the future. "Mo Sha Lian Tian Yuan Jin Scale Different Fruits" can only increase mana for ten years for a master of Qi training, but taking Zhen Yuan Ming Gan can further strengthen the five senses on the original basis, the super sense is stronger, and the triple burner can be located and stolen It can also be faster and more precise.”

These two things have no decisive effect on promoting Qi training, and are usually obtained and taken by Qi training masters.

But Mannan didn't need it.

He has [Deprivation], and he can activate the Xiaocheng-level [Evergreen True Fire] in his body, without increasing the power of the heart flame.

There is also the 'Wu Ling Pill', which can even deprive [Tian Mo Bite] to devour the essence of the demon to increase mana, and there is no need for the 'Devil Demon Refining Tianyuan Golden Scale Different Fruit'.

It happened to be used by Zhao Xiaoshuang.

Such one or two treasures can only help Zhao Xiaoshuang break through Qi training.

But ten, twenty, or even hundreds of treasures of this level or higher, with a little bit of accumulation, may be able to push Zhao Xiaoshuang into the Qi training stage.

Water drips through stone.

Accumulated sand into a tower.

Meng Nan didn't just wait in vain for a way to steadily promote and practice Qi, he had to start making two-handed preparations right now.

"Sitting in the future time and space, I don't believe that a mere qi training threshold can stop me!"

Meng Nan doesn't believe in this evil!

(End of this chapter)

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