Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 112 One cent was not killed, one soldier was not slaughtered! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 112 Not killing a fairy, not killing a soldier! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Mengnan to the north.

With the addition of Dacheng-level [Heavenly Magic], Meng Nan changes from time to time, not afraid of being discovered.

'Biluo Water Pond' has complex terrain, numerous lakes, intricate river systems, and thousands of miles of swamps.

In such a complicated geographical environment, even the Zhenyuan period is difficult to set foot, unable to walk calmly, let alone strategic advancement.

Most of the monsters in the water park are water spirit monsters who have practiced Taoism, hide in the water, and enter the swamp, which is their home field.

Meng Nan went all the way north, saw the environment of the 'Biluo Water Pond', and saw the big monster hiding in it, which was hard to find and hard to guard against. He really couldn't figure out how to do it in such a water park that spans nearly a million miles. sweep away.

Thinking about it.

Across the lakes.

Across the rivers.

For about two days, I encountered many big and small monsters fleeing in panic.

As for the soldiers and horses of the three counties, none of them were seen.

From these demon cultivators, we can also find out a little bit——

"Shenzhou is coming, a lot of warships!"

"A lot of Qi training! A lot of warships!"

"There are thousands of qi practitioners and tens of thousands of warships, and they are about to kill them when they encounter mountains and open mountains and fill them with water!"

"No! It's tens of thousands of Qi training! Hundreds of thousands of warships!"

"They're to the south!"

"To the north!"

"On the west side!"


It's a pity that most of them are outrageous, and even contradict each other.

Even some big monsters have problems with what they say to each other, and they are not unified.Apparently, when the army of the Immortal Kingdom came, the ordinary monster in 'Bi Luo Shui Po' was in the middle of the game, and suddenly suffered a catastrophe, so he couldn't figure out the situation at all.

But what these big monsters and monsters frequently mentioned is the word "battleship".


"The generals of the Immortal Kingdom cultivate military skills and practice evil spirits. There are hundreds and thousands of them. The Qi machines are connected, and the evil spirits sweep across the sky and cover the earth. They can suppress the earth and seal the world."

"It can compete with Qi training."

"With sharp battleships for transportation and supplies, as a barrier, tens of thousands of soldiers occupy a battleship, and it is almost unstoppable!"

Meng Nan casually suppressed many monsters at the ordinary level of Qi training, and asked them about the information about 'military skills', 'immortal army', and 'running battleship'.

Among them, the so-called "military skills" are quite different from the military training methods that were passed down from China to southern Xinjiang.

It takes "evil spirit" as its foundation, from the generals to the soldiers in the army, one by one stands on the ground, does not cultivate clear qi or mana, only cultivates a breath of turbid qi and a body of evil qi.



The best among them, the generals in the army can achieve great achievements in just a few years, relying on their martial arts and the evil spirit of the army, they can suppress all the aura of the world.

Even if you are in front of an immortal master who trains Qi, it is difficult to perform all kinds of spells, and you can only rely on your own mana.

Immortal Taoism cultivates the individual, the great power belongs to oneself, and the magic power nourishes one's life.

Soldiers cultivate collectively, the great power belongs to the army, and the evil spirit shortens the life.

These are two completely different paths, but they shine together in Fangzhi Immortal Kingdom and Cunmang Realm.



Each goes its own way, and interweaves with each other, interpreting the bright world.

This battle.

As far as Shenzhou is concerned, there are [-] immortals practicing qi.

In addition, there are 800 million elite soldiers, all led by strong generals.It's just that the army formation is cumbersome and the march is slow, and it is far inferior to the Qi Lianxian master in terms of flexibility.

Fortunately, there are battleships accompanying——



Meng Nan thought about it, turned his direction, and went north to west.

On the fourth day, I finally saw a fleet.

"Is this the 'Immortal Kingdom Battleship'?"

Meng Nan landed on the clouds, looked down, and saw directly below him, there were warships like mountains, opening up mountains when meeting mountains, and laying bridges when meeting water, opening up roads one after another.

This battleship looks like a ship but not a ship, like a tower but not a tower. It has seven floors in total, and its structure is unknown inside and outside.There are beads hanging around it, and each layer shows a different form of precious light——

On the first layer, there are five flags fluttering in the wind, the main one of which is embroidered with "informal", which seems to be the name of a battleship.

The second floor is a treasure seal, surrounded by flames on all sides, raging to burn.

The third floor is a copper tripod.

The fourth floor is a golden bell.

The fifth floor is a sharp sword.

Six layers is a token.

The seventh floor is a precious mirror.

On the entire battleship, the evil spirit is already shining on Zhu Xiaohan, but the seven treasures of the seven layers have their own colors, the brilliance is extremely strong, and the radiance is so sharp that it cannot be stared at directly.

Adding up black and white, there are nine colors of brilliance, which merge into a colorful cloud, which is solemn and fierce, full of evil spirits, and full of majestic scenes. It is known at a glance that it has supreme power.

"Tier [-] battleship 'Informal'."

"This is the main ship of the fleet."

Meng Nan looked carefully. On the 'Informal', there were entrances and exits on the middle five floors. Generals and generals led teams and teams of elite soldiers to enter and exit frequently. With the battleship as the center, they were like bees and ants constantly moving towards the ship. Scattered outside to investigate, and kept coming back to report.

On the battleship, the lower layer of treasure mirror shines in ten directions, and its brilliance changes from time to time, as if it is also exploring.

On the other hand.

With the main ship 'Informal' as the main ship, there are ten sub-class battleships that are hundreds of miles away and continue to echo, forming a network, covering a radius of three thousand miles.

In this way, it is difficult for ordinary people to hide.

But Mannan is not afraid.

He has a Dacheng rank [Heavenly Demon Magic], and in terms of concealing Qi mechanism, he is considered to be the best in the Qi training period, and he can't be found by a mere Tier [-] and Tier [-] warships.

But 'Bi Luo Shui Po' ordinary monsters have nowhere to hide.

With teams of elite soldiers killing them, the monsters either died or fled.

But it wasn't all smooth sailing.

Occasionally, there are monsters hidden by warships that have not been detected before, causing waves and bursting out suddenly, and the elite soldiers of the fairy kingdom are also damaged.

There are also demon lairs that have been in operation for decades and hundreds of years. They stick to their old lairs and cannot break through them for a while.

Arranging troops and attacking from the front, they can't take it for a while.

Sending Immortal Dao True Essence cultivators to infiltrate, the efficiency is slow, and the casualties are heavy.

Quite tricky.

But the fleet also has a way.

Whenever it takes more than a certain period of time, the fleet will not hesitate to fire——

If you don't stick to the number.

The second layer of treasure seals flew up, and the flames were raging, and the power was not much weaker than the "Hunting Soul Banner" that Meng Nan painstakingly sacrificed in his previous life and achieved in New Yuanjie.

It is so powerful that even Meng Nan must be careful.

"Fortunately, it can't last for a long time, and there are restrictions."

Meng Nan didn't know the principle of the activation of the 'Baoyin', nor the root of the 'Informal Number', but he saw that the second floor of the 'Baoyin' returned to the second floor after showing its power, and it was silent for a while, and the light was dim, obviously short-lived. It will be difficult to launch it again within the time.

Baoyin is like this.

Then the other layers are similar.

Therefore, unless it is a difficult moment, the 'Informal' would rather send elite soldiers to suffer casualties than rashly use battleship-level attack methods.

Meng Nan stayed on the cloud for three full days, watching the Unconstrained ship advance more than 3000 miles, with an average daily march of more than a thousand miles.

Along the way, I didn't encounter any decent obstacles at all.

Even if-

The seven-story warships bombed in turn, and they were able to flatten all the way.

This is the way of fighting in the fairyland!


half a month later.

Still here.

Mannan was the first to return.



Yinping came second, and the middle-aged Zhao Mou and the old man Jinyi also returned at about the same time.

Four people meet.

not yet spoken.

I saw the void in between, and the words were distorted and turned into one sentence——

【White face walking 'Ke Jinliang' has died】

"Ke Jinliang?"

"It's him?"


Meng Nan's heart skipped a beat, and he was surprised for a moment.

There were four people present, and only one person was missing.

Needless to say, this 'Ke Jinliang' must be the 'Zhu Xuanke' who claims to be from 'Zhu Youtian'.

'Zhu Xuanke' is just a pseudonym.

'Ke Jinliang' is his real name.

Everyone has a tacit understanding in this regard. The 'Devil Temple' put masks on each of them, just to imply that they should not easily reveal their identities.

If you don't have this awareness, don't mess around as soon as possible.

It's just that at this time, the 'Devil's Temple', which is similar to the 'Death Announcement', suddenly pierced the window paper, making the four of them a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, everyone is a person who trains Qi, so they have a lot of face.

At this time, they tacitly passed by without talking.


This Zhu Xuanke, that is, Ke Jinliang, was born in the sky. Looking at the background, he didn't expect that it was just an embroidered pillow, and he died before even half a month.

It's like playing.

"How did you die?"

The four looked at each other.

The five of them got together temporarily through the 'Jiujiu Devil Refining Temple', and they only got together for a little time, so it is pure nonsense to say that they have any feelings.

But after all, he can be regarded as a "teammate" of this mission, so such an unclear and worthless death can be described as a bad start.

Zhao Mou was very experienced, he shook his head and said, "Once you enter the Demon Temple, you will have to live or die. If we can't help the 'Bi Luo Shui Po' demon escape within six months, we won't be able to escape death either."

In other words, don't waste time.

Zhao Mou had seen the three of them, and said first: "The soldiers and horses of Canzhou and the three counties mopped up the 'Bi Luo Shui Po'. A total of 800 second-tier battleships, [-] first-tier warships, [-] qi training ships, and [-] soldiers were mobilized. Thousands of elite soldiers. The warships are excellent, the soldiers are many and the generals are broad, so don’t underestimate them.”

What a Zhao Mou, in just half a month, he actually inquired about the details of the soldiers and horses of the three counties who attacked 'Biluoshuipo' this time, he really has some skills.

And aside——

"Pindao didn't inquire as carefully as Daoyou Zhao, but if you use three hundred for Qi training, there should be only 290 left now."

A group of people touched the beard on the mouth and said calmly.

Good guy!
Does this mean that he killed two qi practitioners?
The strength of one person can kill two qi practitioners in just half a month. This strength is at least above the elites, and it is afraid that it will not lose to ordinary peak qi practitioners.

Being able to persist until the third mission in the Demon God's Temple really has a few tricks.

"The way of friendship!"

Zhao Mou clapped his hands and said hello.

At this time, Yin Ping did not fall behind, and immediately said: "I slaughtered here to practice Qi like slaughtering chickens and dogs, and died by my hand, seven people."

This woman is more fierce.

Half a month to kill seven Qi training, an average of one every two days.

Even if it's all just one-stage qi training, and the techniques are loose, it's still qi training after all.

Killing seven people in a row, the silver screen is too strong.

The three finished speaking.

The two were bloody.

In the end, only Mengnan remained.

Seeing the eyes of the three, Meng Nan smiled and said, "I didn't kill a fairy, and I didn't kill a soldier."


Zhao Mushu breathed a sigh of relief.

I pursed my lips and smiled.

Yinping was about to speak, but saw this 'Sanzang' flipping his palms, and said lightly: "Go down and weigh the battleships of the Immortal Kingdom, and destroy eleven of them."

This statement came out.

The field was silent.


(End of this chapter)

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