Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 128 Meng Nan's teaching!Daoji fairy machine!Sharp eyes! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 128 Meng Nan's teaching!Daoji fairy machine!Sharp eyes! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Southern Xinjiang.


I don't know which mountain it is in.

A copper tripod planted in the mountains is nothing special.

It is the 'God Ember Cauldron'.

The Divine Ember Cauldron lay dormant in the wild without showing any trace.

Even if the starlight is scanned and the mirror is used to monitor, no aura can be found.

Treasures are obscured by nature, mountains and rivers, difficult to find.

And in the tripod——

A total of 14 people including Meng Nan, Meng Jian, Meng Xingzhe, Huang Shixiong, Chen Pu and Xue Zimeng are listed.

Meng Nan cheered up.

Meng Jian spirit.

Only Meng Xingzhe and the others were listless and tired.

After more than 20 years of swallowing iron pills and drinking copper juice, every foundation has long been damaged and it is not in shape.


"It's been hard for you all these years."

Meng Nan sighed, feeling guilty in his heart.

"The teacher (grandfather) speaks seriously."

Everyone said one after another, claiming not to dare to do so.

Everyone was willing, but Meng Nan couldn't feel at ease. He looked at the people present and said, "I have been robbed this time, but I have a chance. I have ten chapters on the Dharma, pointing directly to Daoji; the five thaumaturgy are beyond secret."

As Meng Nan spoke, he laid out the ten brief introductions to the law first.

From the looks of everyone, the ten chapters above are respectively——

"The Wonderful Sutra of Eight Powers Summoning Dragons".

"Datong Sword Classic".

"The Secret Record of the Great Extinction and Five Refinements of Living Corpses".

"Seven Seals of Subduing Demons".

"Seven Yuan Talisman Records the Secret Words of Xiaoyin and Yang".

"Natural Nine Heavens Born God Chapter".

"Dan Yuan Miao Jing Tu".

"Hanxiang Jian Jian Tu".

"The Treasure of Longevity".

"Gu Qi Huan Shen Xiao Si Jiu Qiong Dan fetal essence notes explaining the jade scriptures of doing things".


"These ten exercises, in terms of subtlety and prospects, are not inferior to the six sects of Central Earth. For example, the "Zhaixing Gong" and "Red Lotus Sutra" of Zhaixingzong are all in the middle."

These ten chapters on Dharma are exactly what Meng Nan got from Dongweitian Zhu Wenjin, and each of them points directly to the realm of Daoji.


As soon as the ten methods came out, everyone was shocked.


"Zhaixingzong only has two Taoist exercises, and the teacher alone can compare with the six sects of Zhongtu!"

Huang Shixiong was surprised and delighted.

Hearing this, Meng Nan shook his head and said: "In terms of grades, it's not bad. But the six sects of Zhongtu not only have the skills, but also master the source of the Daoist carrier, and can stably cultivate Daoist characters. I'm far behind."

If you are in Dongweitian, relying on any one of the ten methods, as long as you find the corresponding Dao foundation carrier, you can be promoted to Dao foundation.

But that was in Dongweitian.

It is much more difficult to change it here, and the carrier is hard to find. Whether it can be achieved depends on good luck.

Meng Nan explained one or two things, but everyone was excited.

After everyone carefully considered one by one, after choosing the fundamental method, Meng Nan wiped his hand in the air, and immediately replaced the "ten methods" with the "five methods"——

"The five thaumaturgies, in terms of power and subtlety, are all superior to the six sects of secrets, namely [palm], [nine lights], [heavy yuan], [dimen], and [eight winds]."

"Each of the five arts has its own emphasis. You can also choose one of the arts and study it intensively to protect the way."

The five thaumaturgy are precisely the five high-level techniques.

Each has its own magical effect——

[Palm] Master sleepiness.

[Jiu Yao] Main defense.

[Chongyuan] The main trick.

[Dimension Gate] The main speed.

[Eight Winds] Main attack.

Zhu Wenjin did his best to get the "Houtian Fenghuo Lingzhu" in order to secure a deal.



Strive for perfection.

Mannan was indeed satisfied.

The ten chapters on the law and the five thaumaturgy each have their own strengths, and everyone quickly made a choice——

Meng Xingzhe chose the Shangfa "Nine Heavenly Gods" and thaumaturgy [Chong Yuan].

Among them, the former was specifically requested by Meng Nan, and it was tailor-made for Meng Xingzhe.This method focuses on the spiritual body, focusing on sensing the nature of the world and understanding all kinds of divine ways.

The latter majored in 'Dan Yuan', which can mirror mirror copies of the mana in the body, one master at a time, placed separately, and controlled remotely. The 'main Dan Yuan' is in the body, and the 'Second Dan Yuan' is outside the body.People are in one place, but they can stimulate mana in many places and take care of many aspects, which can be regarded as a variety of alternative avatar techniques.If you cultivate to a very high level, your mana will be completely mirrored, and you will be able to cultivate a second incarnation with the same strength as the main body, which can be seen as tyrannical.

Go to law.


This is Tongtian Avenue.

As long as Meng Xingzhe can describe this [Chongyuan] practice to the extreme, in this world, he may not be able to compete with Daoji even if he is invincible during the Qi training period.

And this time.

in the field.

Not only Meng Xingzhe.

The other eleven bits are also configured similarly.

For example, Huang Shixiong, he chose the upper method "Seven Seals of Subduing Demons" and thaumaturgy [palm] to study the way of trapping and killing.

For example, Chen Pu, who originally majored in the "Green Fire and Thunder Method", now switched to the similar "Eight Powers Summoning Dragons", the magic power is as deep as the deep, and the mighty dragon is also taking the fierce route.He also practiced thaumaturgy [Eight Winds], and he was bound to take the way of attack to the extreme.

Another example is Xue Zimeng.

He told Meng Nan to snatch a top-notch magic weapon called "Five Bee Sacks" from one of the six elders in the "Rescue the Suffering Society", known as the "Five Bee Poisons" Qingyi Laomo, and cooperate with his method "Five Poisons True Kungfu" , this life achieves chief strength.

At this time, I didn't want to deviate from my old profession, so I chose "The Secret Record of the Five Refinements of Living Corpses", and changed from playing with poisonous bees and toxins to refining corpses, but it was the same goal by different routes.

If the poison can be refined into the corpse, there may be unexpected gains.

Practicing this method, the killing will be done by refining the corpse.

So Xue Zimeng followed up with a thaumaturgy [Nine Luminaries], where hundreds of millions of stars surround his body, and when he is perfect, he can condense nine stars to protect his body, blocking nine sure-kill attacks, which is the first for self-defense.

Congenitally invincible!


Not only these three people.

Everyone else also chooses.

In general, there are ten chapters on the law and five thaumaturgies. The selection and combination all depend on the individual's will.What achievements you can have in the future will all depend on your hard work, talent, and destiny.

Meng Nan's time is running out, so he can only do this.

Meng Xingzhe and other people got the upper method and thaumaturgy, and they went to the corner one after another, pondering carefully and understanding it carefully.

In the middle of the cauldron, only Meng Nan, Meng Jian and his father were left.

Just now Meng Jian didn't choose, Meng Nan pointed his finger in the air at this time, manifesting No.11 Shangfa, named——

""The Sutra of Sericulture and Breeding"?"

Seeing Meng Jian's puzzled face, Meng Nan explained: "There is no obvious difference between this exercise and the ten chapters just now. They are all Taoist exercises. But the previous ten articles are hard to find. This one is different." .”

As Meng Nan spoke, he took out something with his backhand, which looked like a lying silkworm, and its quality was like jade.

"This is 'Jinyun Jade Silkworm', and it is the carrier of Dao foundation through cultivation of the "Sericulture and Breeding Sutra"!"

As soon as this remark came out, Meng Jian was startled.

"Tao-based exercises?"

"The Dao base carrier?"


Isn't this a broad avenue that goes straight to Tongji? !
Meng Jian was startled, and immediately rejoiced: "With this method, Dao Ji is in sight!"

This is of course Mannan.

As a son of man, Meng Jian had another adventure ahead of him, and he would never covet such a fairy chance.


"My life is not long."

"It will take at least three years to die."

Meng Nan shook his head.

He didn't have time to practice more mana in this life, and his lifespan stopped at thirty years.

Twenty-seven years have passed, and only three years remain.

It's really useless to ask for this fairy machine.

"How could this be?!"

Meng Jian stared, unable to believe it.

I thought everything was going in a good direction after rescuing my classmates, my elder brother, and my father, and there were ten more exercises and five thaumaturgies, but I didn't expect such bad news.

"Life and death are a matter of life."

Meng Nan has been used to it for a long time, and continued: "You have a god axe, you just need to cultivate the Taoist foundation, you may not lose to the ancestor of the stars, but you can protect everyone. This 'God Ember Cauldron' will be more helpful to the traveler, let me go In the end, I will hand it over to him, and I can also defend myself. My lineage was originally brilliant, but now it is dilapidated. In the future, I will rely on your two brothers to take care of me. Be more careful. You know the details of Ding Yuhe, the second chief of the Star Picking Sect , I will try my best to take care of you in the future."

Meng Nan urged, but Meng Jian didn't want to listen. He said: "My child met a chance at the extreme of southern border. In addition to the magic weapon 'Mountain Axe', there is also an elixir called 'One Hundred Turns for One Pill'. With a hundred years of hard work, Daoji took more than [-] kinds of elixir and the essence of ten thousand years of spiritual jade to refine the elixir, which can reborn, bring the dead back to life, and restore limbs, which is very effective."

As Meng Jian said, he took out a pill, scattered the celestial light randomly, and the scent of the pill was tangy.

"No need."

"My medicine is difficult to cure, and there is no way to return to heaven."

Meng Nan knew he was going to die, so he didn't want to waste Meng Jian's pill.

On the contrary, Meng Jian's adventure this time made him quite concerned. When he was in Shattered Star earlier, the father and son worked together. He was worried that something would happen and he would die too soon, so he took the time to ask briefly.

But the situation at that time was not fully understood.

At this time, I have time, just to ask clearly.

As long as you can figure it out in this life, in reality, you will not miss it in the next life, and in future lives.

There are many people in Meng Nan's family, so there are too few treasures.

So the topic changed.

Waiting to understand the details of the message from the 'Kaishan Axe', Meng Nan dismissed the worried Meng Jian and called Meng Xingzhe.



Meng Xingzhe didn't know that his father was dying.

Just now I was studying the newly acquired spells and thaumaturgy, and I was recuperating the injuries left over from more than 20 years. I was immersed in it for a while, and my mind was not here.

Meng Nan glanced at the elder son who was hiding his hostility, and said: "I said at the beginning that [Wuyang Mountain] has your fate, so it should be in this 'Shenjin Ding'."

Baoding contains divine fire.

In the No.13th life, Meng Xingzhe took the "Nine Orifices Purple Gold Stone" as the foundation, practiced "Thousands of Hammers and Hundreds of Refining the Body", supplemented by "Baicao Yuye" and other 12 kinds of precious medicines for nourishment, and lived underground to suffer from poisonous fire and evil spirits. , It took [-] years to achieve success, and he practiced qi directly in Jin Dynasty, and the foundation was forged, and he also had combat power in the qi training later, with nine orifices opened, infinite mana, known as 'Shixian'.

This life is also walking this path.

At that time, Meng Nan brought back to reality Meng Xingzhe No. 13's experience, experience and lessons, and better methods and approaches improved after thinking about it. Therefore, Meng Xingzhe suffered more hardships in this life, but his path was smoother and his foundation was more solid. His cultivation base has improved, and his level of combat power is also better than that of his previous life. He has been at the chief level for a long time, and he is also called "Er Meng" together with "Erlang Immortal Master" Meng Jian.

But when it comes to combat power and magical powers, Meng Xingzhe is still inferior to Meng Jian after all.

This is a congenital deficiency, and it will be difficult to make up for it the day after tomorrow.

And now there is a chance to catch up, whether to catch up or surpass, should be in the "Shenjin Ding".

"The underground poisonous fire is violent and difficult to control. There are advantages and disadvantages to using it for body training."

"The embers of the gods are thousands of times stronger than the fires of the earth. Now I am refining this treasure, and I have all the power in my hands. It can help you further refine the 'Nine-Aperture Purple Gold Stone', practice "Thousands of Hammers and Hundreds of Body Refining", and temper your body until you reach the mystery."

And it was different this time.

By the way, Meng Nan got from Zhu Wenjin to further develop the 'Nine-Aperture Zijin Stone' and the corresponding method of refining the body with fire.

With "Thousands of Hammers and Hundreds of Exercises" as the foundation, "Natural Nine Heavens Born Divine Chapter" as the fundamental method, and the "Shenjin Cauldron" as the cauldron, Meng Xingzhe is expected to awaken his supernatural powers.

"Refining at this time just melts the copper and iron toxins in your body."

Mannan finished speaking.

Meng Xingzhe knew that this was a good thing, and he had been looking forward to it for a long time, so there was no reason why he should not do it now.


He sat cross-legged on the spot.


Meng Nan thought, and a cluster of fire emerged from the cauldron.

He has been refining the 'Shenjin Ding' for more than 20 years, and he has also used the 'Shenjin Huo' for more than 20 years to refine his body.

In his early years, Meng Xingzhe practiced Qi for impact, he went deep into the ground, and broke through with the help of underground poisonous fire. Ten years have been like a day, and the pain and suffering are commonplace.

At this time, he endured the fire, although his face was ferocious, he was squirming and rolling, but he was always restrained and kept working.

"It's just painful, can An Neng hurt me?!"

Meng Xingzhe has a heart of stone, and his nature does not change.

"Nine apertures purple gold stone."

"Walker now has nine orifices in his body. All nine orifices may awaken supernatural powers. I don't know which one will be awakened in the end."

According to the information Meng Nan got from Zhu Wenjin, Meng Xingzhe had a lot of hope to awaken his supernatural powers during this process.As for the specific aspect of supernatural power, it is closely related to the inner appeal of the practitioner.

In short -

Whatever type you want, is whatever supernatural power.

As for what Meng Xingzhe wants?
No rush, we'll find out soon.

Mannan was waiting.

One day.

two days.

Three days.

Time is like running water, day after day.

Meng Nan controls the fire of the gods, and keeps adding pills and elixir to it, taking Meng Xingzhe as a great pill for refining.

Meng Nan has a lot of money.

He was originally the Lord of Qingle Mountain, and he controlled the vast resources of hundreds of mountains in the Southern Border Alliance, and all kinds of elixir and elixir were like mountains and seas.

At this time, he was not stingy, and according to the prescription, they all threw themselves into the ashes of the gods.

Meng Xingzhe was in it, and he swallowed it with his mouth open. There were fire, medicine and pills. The whole body was full of flames, burning transparently.They are all panaceas, and the qi is stagnant.

The fire is burning!
Meng Xingzhe's skin was torn apart, his face was ferocious, and his roars and wailing were endless.

in this way.





A year passed in the blink of an eye.

this day.

But seeing a clump of divine embers, there was a roar, and the trembling divine cauldron shook.There are also fireworks, which make people's eyes hurt.

And at this time-


In the flames, there seemed to be a god roaring.

Followed by.

There are two more golden rays of light piercing through the middle, piercing the flames, illuminating the ten directions and captivating people's hearts.

Wait until the flame stops.

Clang clang!
Jumping out of it, Meng Xingzhe's body was scorched black, his eyes were contemptuous with his hands, and he was rubbing his own tears.But these two hands couldn't block the golden light, and the golden light came out from the eyes, shining brightly.

"Two eyes connect."

Meng Nan took a look and suddenly became clear.

Thinking about it again, I understand——

"Erlang was born with the 'eye of the sky', and his growth after being promoted to Qi training can be called smooth."

"Walkers suffer a lot."

"He didn't mention it, but he couldn't help being envious."

"At this time, refining the 'Nine Orifices Purple Gold Stone', all kinds of opportunities to awaken the supernatural powers, what I think about in my heart is the 'celestial eyes', so what I awaken is the supernatural powers of the eyes."

Meng Nan thought about dredging, and then looked at Meng Xingzhe, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

As a father, he has always wanted to level a bowl of water and be impartial.

But fate cannot be controlled.

When Erlang was still in the womb, he happened to have the opportunity of 'Jiyouxuanlingbaoshen', so it's not good to use it.

Afterwards, Meng Nan also made up for it, such as the 'Nine Orifices Zijin Stone', which was used by Meng Xingzhe.

But after all, they are not at the same level, and Xing Zhe is far behind Erlang after all.

But these two are actually fine.

The worst one is Meng Santan, who has not achieved Qi training in even one of his fourteen lifetimes, this is the cause of great injustice.

"However, the three altars are about to come to an end."

Meng Nan thought.

Thinking about these.

Meng Xingzhe had already jumped out and landed in front of Meng Nan in blackness.He has formed the foundation and the supernatural power has just been formed. At this time, he couldn't help grinning and said: "The 'Nine-Aperture Purple Gold Stone' has been completely refined, and it has been cast into copper tendons and iron bones. Thousands of precious medicines have given birth to my supernatural powers in my body. Erlang is not bad, and he can better distinguish the authenticity from the false, my boy, please give me a name."

Meng Xingzhe blinked, his eyes were red but sparkling.

Meng Nan looked at it, and immediately said: "Since it was tempered in the fire, and the golden light bloomed, let's call it—"

Fiery eyes!


(End of this chapter)

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