Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 148 The ancient city of Chang is broken!Unprofitable? [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 148 The ancient city of Chang is broken!Unprofitable? [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Great sound!

When the golden knife was slashed, the mantra resounded, and the righteousness was magnificent.

light and dark.

White and black.

As soon as the two confronted each other, it immediately turned like boiling water and big waves.

Chi Chi Chi!
Bursts of blue smoke rose.

Poisonous gas, miasma, resentment, and ghosts have all been transcended and dissipated.

There are many prisons, and there are also souls who are freed.

Some go directly into smoke.

Some manifested in the air and gathered their figures, trying their best to bow their hands towards the outside of the city, as if to thank them, but they disappeared.

This golden sword can transform thousands of dead souls!

Glass of water!

A drop in the bucket!
There are countless unjust and dead souls in the ghost town, and all kinds of negative atmospheres are overwhelming.

This knife——

It seems to be a meritorious service, but it has no effect at all.

But it is useful after all.

"It's worse."



Next to Meng Nan stood Erlang Meng Jian, who was monitoring the 'Changgu Ghost City' with his eyes open, clearly seeing the impact of the 'Great Light Circle' on the ghost town.

The father and son were overjoyed.

According to this trend, one knife after another, one thousand and ten thousand knives will be hacked down, and this "Changgu Ghost City" will always run out of ammunition and food, and there will always be a time when it will collapse.

This is far more realistic than their previous seven years of temptation and attack.


In this 'Great Light Formation', the Daoist Tiezhong who helped the formation seemed to have seen the progress and was encouraged. At this time, he manipulated the large formation, gathered a group of Taoist foundations and eight hundred immortal masters, and kept chopping down with one knife after another.

The golden knife is dazzling.

Black smoke billowed.

Blue smoke rose.

The gloomy ghost city seems to be gradually clearing up under this sword overshoot.

It's slow, but useful.

"There is a door!"

"It's just that there are too few eight hundred immortal masters!"

Meng Nan thought to himself.

But this is easy to solve.

Although there are only [-] immortal masters here at this time, outside of this, in this world, there are more than [-] immortal masters practicing the 'Golden Sword Purifying Heaven and Earth Mantra'!

"Keep picking!"

"Continue to choose!"

"Eight hundred is not enough, then eight thousand, eight thousand is not enough, then eighty thousand!"

"It can always break the city!"

It was only at this time that Meng Nan really saw hope, which was far greater than the hope of destroying and destroying the city in the previous life when Meng Xingzhe sacrificed the 'God Ember Cauldron' and burned the 'Changgu Ghost City'.


Industry specializing in surgery!
Although the 'God Ember Cauldron' is powerful, it does not seem to be able to use its strength in attacking ghost cities.

And the "Golden Knife Purifying Heaven and Earth Mantra" combined with the "Great Light Array" is far inferior to the "Shenjin Ding" operated by Daoji in terms of killing, but it is like a cat and a mouse against the "Changgu Ghost City" , exactly aimed at, just restrained.

Continue to wait.

Look further back.

With the attack on the ghost city like this, not only the 'Changgu Ghost City' didn't make any changes, but just passively endured it, even the other [-] to [-] ghost cities hidden in the world that Meng Nan had seen before also didn't move.

This relieved him.

"Ghost towns can manifest in the void and block them in series."

"But not in this real world."

"There should be some restrictions."

Meng Nan guessed.

He quietly watched the golden knife splitting the city, and he was sorting out the various information currently known in his heart——


fairy city.

ghost town.


Among all kinds of situations, some seemingly irrelevant, such as "fairy city" and "ghost city", in this life, the connection between them has gradually become clear.

The 'immortal city system' and 'ghost city system' were established between the heaven and the earth, but when the 'Walking the World Treasure Raft' broke through the boundary and soared, it manifested the void, blocked the world, and obstructed it arbitrarily.

Fairy city, ghost town, blockade.

The relationship between the three is relatively clear.


What is the relationship between "Doom" and "Ghost Town" and "Fairy City"?
Is there a 'city' first, or a 'robbery' first?
'Rob' because of 'city'?

'City' started by 'robbing'?

So many kinds.

All sorts of things.

Makes a big head.

And all these cruxes can be traced back to, or in other words, all lie in the root and cause of the "doom".

Meng Nan combed, the more it was sorted out, the more messy it became.

In the past, it was 'cutting and managing and still chaotic'.

And this time.

Combing is still messy though.

But have seen 'snip' hope.

"Break the ghost city, break through the blockade, and fly into the sky."

"Jump out, there should be hope to figure this out."

Meng Nan looked forward to it.


In the days that followed, Patriarch Tiezhong was still manipulating the "Great Light Array" outside the 'Changgu Ghost City', constantly manifesting the golden sword, and the knife smashed the ghost city.

On the other hand, Meng Nan asked Jiu Yaozong to take action, and widely spread the "Golden Sword Purifying Heaven and Earth Mantra". While continuing to reward heavily, he also publicized the dangers of "Changgu Ghost City", intending to push up the tide and enthusiasm for practicing this thaumaturgy. Another level, in the hope that more qi trainers who are proficient in the "Golden Sword Purifying Heaven and Earth Mantra" and even have small achievements will emerge from it.

time flies.

Eight hundred!

one thousand!
two thousand!

There are about hundreds of thousands, maybe over a million, maybe more, maybe less, in Zhongtu and Siji.

No one has specific statistics.

No one can count the specifics.

But this time, there are more than [-] Qi practitioners who have participated in the "Golden Sword Purifying Heaven and Earth Mantra" and have records and records that can be checked.

In the first seven years, there were only a thousand masters, and only eight hundred of them came to southern Xinjiang.

A blink of an eye.

Another seven years passed.

At this time, the number of proficiency began to blow out.

Three thousand.

four thousand.

In the No.14 year of Guang Chuanshu, together with the first batch of [-] immortal masters, a total of [-] immortal masters have comprehended the "Golden Sword Purifying Heaven and Earth Mantra" to at least the level of proficiency.

Among them, [-] immortal masters gathered and continuously added to the 'Great Light Formation'.

The lineup is getting stronger and stronger.

The golden knife is getting sharper and sharper.

This is a long time.

This long and the other disappears.

'Changgu Ghost City' is getting worse every day, and the day of breaking the city seems to be within reach.

Seven years and seven years.

Seven years and seven years.

In the blink of an eye, 21 years, the time has come to the [-]th year of the immortal calendar, and there are only four years left before the catastrophe comes.

The 'Great Light Formation' has been going on for 14 years, and one after another, the qi practitioners are constantly coming.

eight hundred.

Three thousand.

Twenty thousand.

Until this year, at this moment, thirty thousand immortal masters have already gathered outside the ghost city.

this day.

The fourth day of April.

With a bang, the ghost town was broken!



In the 'Great Light Circle', there was an indifferent voice.

Before the words fell, the golden knife came out first.

It seems to be one, and it seems to be ten thousand.

The golden light disperses all the ghosts and ghosts.

After this knife attack, the "Changgu Ghost City", which had been hacked for 14 years, had long been dilapidated, and now it collapsed directly.

The ghost town is broken!
At the same time, all the prison guards and dead souls in the ghost city, including dead bones and refined corpses, all disappeared and were liberated.

This also includes the seemingly invincible 'City Lord Chang'.

Under the golden knife, the same transcendence.

"It's done!"

Meng Nan watched from the sidelines, overjoyed.

In the previous life, he was invincible in every possible way, but in this life, it blocked his way.

Two lifetimes before and after, 25 years of exploration, and now 14 years of golden knife attack.




at last!

at last!

This 'Changgu Ghost City' was finally broken today.

If you can break one, you can break ten or a hundred.

This means that the second obstacle in the ascension of the 'Walking the World Raft' can almost be declared to be solved, and it is no longer a problem.



Meng Nan was overjoyed.


"This city has been broken, fortunately, it is not a disgrace."

Patriarch Tiezhong put away the 'Falling Immortal Picture Scroll' and dispersed the 'Great Light Formation', he was the first to jump out and landed in front of the people, his face was full of spirits.

In this battle, he led the group of immortals, smashed the ghost city, and his prestige was even higher.

This is next.

More importantly, with the help of a group of daoist and immortal masters to perform formations, all kinds of mysteries burst out, which benefited him a lot, and there seemed to be a breakthrough in the formation.

This is the benefit.

Patriarch Tiezhong was very happy.

after him.

Sixteen Daoist masters including Patriarch Zhenju and Patriarch Chiqi jumped out one by one. They were more or less happy on the surface, but they were also a little bit disappointed in the open and in the dark.

After Daoji became powerful, another [-] immortal masters flew out.

Everyone is happy too.

They are the most honest, once the city is broken, the Nine Lights Sect will be rewarded.Among them, some have worked hard for 14 years, and some have been added later. After the "Changgu Ghost Town" was broken, they all received a lot of rewards. This is a benefit, and of course they are happy and looking forward to it.

Among them, those who are really happy for the shattering of "Changgu Ghost Town" are not without but after all, there are a few.

These few people recalled at this time——

'Changgu Ghost Town' hides all kinds of ghosts and ghosts, threatening the safety of the world.

The foundations of the world converge.

Thirty thousand immortal masters gathered.

This kind of lineup actually took 21 years to break through and destroy the city, which is really frightening and terrifying.

Good luck.

At this time, the city is broken, and it finally eliminates a great harm for the world and eliminates hidden dangers.

Therefore they also rejoiced.

Different people, in the city break, each have their own thoughts.


Joy is not long.

"It's gratifying to see the ancient city of Chang broken."

When everyone saw it, Meng Nan, the 'great virtuous teacher', smiled and congratulated him, his face suddenly became serious again, he looked around and said loudly: "Everyone, listen to me."

"Friend Daoist Meng—"

Patriarch Tie Zhong and others looked at Meng Nan.

Seeing Meng Nan's complexion darken, he said in a deep voice: "It's gratifying to destroy the 'Changgu Ghost City', but Meng has been deriving these years while practicing, and found that this ghost city is not the only one in this world."

"More than one?"

A word stirred up a thousand waves!

All the people present looked sideways, frying the pot for a while.

Only one "Changgu Ghost City" was finally broken through the concerted efforts of monks all over the world, and it took 21 years.

If there is one more, another 21 years?
Even with the lineup and experience at this time, it won't take 21 years, but even three to five years, one or two years, it will be troublesome.

Daoji lived eight hundred years.

Practice Qi and live three hundred years.

Many immortal masters have endured and endured this 'Changgu Ghost City', holding their breath, and waited for the 'Changgu Ghost City' to be broken, so that they can get the reward of Jiuyaozong, go back to practice hard, increase mana, increase Taoism, and hope Can look at the realm of Daoji.

But here comes another city?
Even, not necessarily only one city.

"This is this-"

The [-] immortal masters present were in an uproar at first, then noisy, and then gradually fell silent.

Daoist powers including Patriarch Zhenju and others also frowned at this moment.

Patriarch Chiqi looked at Meng Nan, frowned and asked, "Fellow Daoist Meng deduces, do you know how many other ghost cities there are?"

If there are three or five, it will be destroyed easily.

If it's thirty or fifty, you have to consider it.

If three to five hundred and three five thousand——

Take a rest early!

"I don't know exactly how much."

Meng Nan shook his head.

He didn't dare to talk about three or four hundred seats directly, that would be purely scary.

Boil frogs in warm water.

Take it easy.

When one is destroyed, another one will come.

One after another.

Suspension of these people slowly, this is the Fa-rectification.

However, Dao Ji Dao and Qi Lian Xian Shi are not fools either.

One of the four extreme monsters, the 'Black Hand Demon King', had a dark face at this time, and said in a bad tone: "'Changgu Ghost City' suddenly appeared, and Fellow Daoist Meng summoned us, and it took 21 years to destroy this city. They also said that there are other ghost cities, and they want me to stay and contribute. Looking forward, the 'Chang Ancient City' is just sunk in the ground, some of them are powerful for refining corpses, some of them are dead souls, and there is no harm."

Not just the Black Hand Demon King.

Take this opportunity.

He has always been very jumpy, but in this life he missed the battle of the 'Shenjin Ding', and the 'Donglin Demon King' who survived so far, he also said with a big grin at this time: "Meng Daoyou first announced that the 'Walking the World Raft' was about to take off, and the previous day The year was temporarily postponed, and then the spearhead was pointed at the 'Chang Ancient City'. I was helpless against the ghost city, but the Taoist happened to have a thaumaturgy 'Golden Sword Purifying Heaven and Earth God's Curse' that could restrain this city. This is too coincidental, It's too weird. Now that the 'Chang Ancient City' has been destroyed, there are other ghost cities."

The East Demon King shook his head.



This is not necessarily aimed at Meng Nan, and it is indeed what he is suspicious of.

To say 'Changgu Ghost Town'——

Hidden in the ground, it will not be displayed in 2000.

The hidden corpse is comparable to Daoji.

There are hundreds of millions of dead souls in the city, a purgatory on earth.

All these things mean that this 'Chang Ancient City' is not a good stubble or a good place.

It can be said that there are ten thousand words.

These are just speculations, speculations, and malicious speculations.

In fact.

'Chang Ancient City' is well hidden underground, and nothing has been done yet.

Everyone was just guessing, but they didn't really see what threat 'Chang Ancient City' had created.

Swallowing the 'ghost-eyed demon king' is one thing.

But no one cares.

After all, it was the 'Changgu Ghost City' that the Ghost Eye Demon King first provoked.

seeing is believing.

They don't talk about "seeing" now, and they don't even count as "hearing". They are completely "speculating" about the possible relationship between "Changgu Ghost City" and the doomsday.

In this case, the power is already insufficient, and 21 years of energy consumption to deal with the 'Changgu Ghost Town' is already the limit.

If you want to keep them and attack the ghost city, you don't know when it will end, this will not work.

There is no good reason.

Power is not solid.

Therefore, the situation on the field was stalemate for a while.

A little embarrassing.

this side.

Meng Nan had long expected this kind of questioning and this kind of situation. At this time, he was neither angry nor annoyed. He just shook his head and said, "The ghost city is hidden in the sky and the earth. It's sneaky. It's easy to know that there are tricks and tricks. Small. Also, the catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming, and we have to guard against it. Since we have the time and ability to uproot the ghost city, why not do it?"

"If you're afraid, you're afraid. I don't care about it today."

"When the catastrophe comes, it will be too late to regret."

Meng Nan is sincere and sincere.

Someone listened.

Someone laughed.

Among the [-] Taoist powers, there are [-] in total, including Ghost Hand Demon King and Donglin Demon King, who either directly or tactfully stated that if Meng Nan didn't explain the "ghost city" clearly, he would not Then be dominated and dispatched.

Under the lead of Daoji.

There was also commotion among the [-] qi practitioners.

Most of the immortal masters wanted to receive the reward earlier and go back to cultivate earlier.

ghost town?

It's none of my business!

The sky has fallen and there are many Dao foundations to support it. What use can a Qi training monk be?

Just go flat.

As a result, the crowd was distracted for a moment.

Seeing this, Meng Nan was also very helpless.

He originally thought that after the destruction of the 'Changgu Ghost City', there would always be some leftovers in such a large city, and even produce some treasures.

but no.


The 'Changgu Ghost City' was destroyed, turned into green smoke and dissipated together with hundreds of millions of dead souls, leaving nothing behind.

In other words, 21 years of busy work and [-] years of attacking, for the Daoist powers who had originally expected it, it was tantamount to busy work in vain.

Without tangible benefits and gains, it is not easy to let them continue to attack other ghost cities.

Righteousness is false.

Benefits come first.

It's really hard for Meng Nan to be convincing and make selfless devotion with his empty mouth and white teeth.

After helplessness.

Just about to say it again.

But this time.

Suddenly at this time.

Among the [-] Immortal Qi Practitioners, there was a burst of golden light, which immediately drew the attention of everyone present.

Meng Nan also looked at it, and was startled for a moment——

"Golden sandalwood?"

It was none other than the No. 70 fifth disciple 'Jin Tan' who made the commotion.

He was one of the first batch of 14 immortal masters [-] years ago, and he practiced the "Golden Sword Purifying the Heaven and Earth Mantra" in the "Great Light Formation" to attack the "Changgu Ghost City" for [-] years and has never been absent.

21 years of penance.

14 years of practice.



At this time, when the 'Changgu Ghost City' was finally shattered, Jintan seemed to have something to gain, the golden light covered the body, and the golden light occasionally manifested between the eyebrows.

Golden knife?


(End of this chapter)

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