Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 150 Comers stop!Immortal Buddhas all over the sky! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 150 Comers stop!Immortal Buddhas all over the sky! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

The second ghost town is called 'Renxu'.

According to Chiqi Patriarch, Zuojin of [Qiwu Mountain] used to be named 'Renxu' in a certain era.

Another ancient name.

When Chiqi Patriarch saw 'Changgu Ghost City' for the first time and mentioned that [Longji Mountain Realm] was once named 'Changgu', Meng Nan only thought that Chiqi Patriarch was knowledgeable and normal, and he hadn't paid attention to it.

But it was only when I mentioned it again that I realized——

"The 220 fairy cities in this world are named after the place names."

"Although the interior and exterior layout and shape of the ghost city are completely different from the fairy city, it is also named after the place name."

"Before the catastrophe, it was a fairy city."

"After the catastrophe, it will become a ghost town."

Meng Nan looked at this "ghost city of benevolence and emptiness", and then looked at the world, and felt horrified.

In the world, there seems to be an invisible big hand manipulating everything——

fairy city.

ghost town.

Maybe even the calamity comes from this.

Playing with the world in the palm of the thigh, rubbing it at will.

This is terrible.


Even if the fairy city is broken, the ghost city is completely destroyed, and after jumping again and again by riding the "raft of crossing the world", at the end of the day, there may still be countless chains entangled in the world, and it is impossible to enter or exit.Or there may be someone who stands in the void with detached power, and occasionally glances over, and there will be doomed rise and fall.

Cultivation World!
This world!
Too many unknowns, too many horrors.

can not say it clearly.

All Meng Nan can do is to move forward step by step, keep trying, and keep cracking, hoping to finally reach the other shore.


The second ghost city was found, but no one has linked the 'ghost city' with the 'fairy city' yet.

Just like Meng Nan in the previous life.

There are many cities in the world, and the strange places are different, and there are many dangerous places and treasure places like cities.

Cities vary from city to city.

The ghost city and the fairy city are also different from the inside to the outside. The fault is that Meng Nan saw the tragedy inside the fairy city at the end of his last life, and at the beginning of this life, he saw the fairy city and the ghost city manifest one after another in the void. He actually couldn't connect them. .

But it's okay not to contact.

Meng Nan doesn't have much to do, so he doesn't take the initiative to mention it.

Find the ghost town.

The next step is to follow the previous law——

Iron Master.

Scroll of Cutting Immortals.

Great Light Array.

Seventeen Daoji.

Thirty thousand qi practitioners.

Everything is ready, and tens of thousands of people go into battle together.

Resurrection of the golden sword, the second attack on the ghost town!

In the blink of an eye, another four years have passed.

The sixth day of July in the [-]th lunar calendar.

On the eve of catastrophe.

this day.

Meng Nan opened his eyes and opened the 'information panel'——

Name: Meng Nan

Lifespan: 25/30
Faction: Jiuyaozong
Cultivation level: Qi training level six

Mana: 200 years
Root bone: 1
Talent: [Deprivation: Red Lotus (Consummation); God Head Ghost Eye (Consummation); Eight Winds (Proficiency)]

Kung Fu method: "Consolidating the Qi and Returning the Spirit, Xiao Sijiu Qiongdan Fetal Essence Notes and Explanation of the Jade Scripture Treasures of Action"


*Advanced (thaumaturgy): Palm (proficient), Jiuyao (proficient), Chongyuan (proficient), Dimen (proficient), Eight Winds (proficient), Jin Dao Jing Tian Di Shen Mantra (proficient), refining five ghosts Celestial Shadow Art (proficient);

*Intermediate level (Secret Biography): Use the pros and cons of the three mountains to capture the hands (complete), seven stars (great success), red lotus (great success), heavenly demon true solution (great success), god head and ghost eyes (small success);
*Low-level (common): giant spirit mysticism (complete), small thousand sword array (small success), ..., abbreviated;

* Alchemy: first-level advanced

*Refinement: first-level advanced

*Character: first-level intermediate

* Formation: first-order intermediate

Death Log: Viewable

In this life, 25 years have passed.

Mannan has made great progress.

Even though the more difficult it is to practice Qi, the more difficult it is to practice mana, and the harder it is to build the Danyuan map, but under the persistent practice of double cultivation methods, and under the guidance of Zhao Xiaoshuang, Meng Nan has been able to continue in this short period of more than 20 years. Grab two layers, promote Qi training to six layers.

Six layers of elixir.

200 years of mana.

During the Qi training period, mana cultivation is more than half of it.

More than mana.

In terms of morality and deeds.

Meng Nan had already reached the third realm 'Xuanguang' in the previous life, and this life is mainly focused on this realm.

Three realms of profound light.

It is also not easy to practice here——



As one wishes.

Three stages, each step is difficult.

It needs the help of external objects to refine the strange breaths of turbidity, evil spirits, precious qi and other corresponding exercises into the mysterious light, and persevere, day by day.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the interior and promote the transformation of Xuanguang.

Xuan Guang was born rigid and dull.

With the continuous absorption of foreign objects, the mysterious light gradually grows stronger. During this period, it is constantly enlightened and familiarized, and the mysterious light is continuously refined until it can transform rigidity, softness, yin and yang, and change as one likes. The second stage is considered to be accomplished.

Afterwards, the mysterious light regenerates and transforms, separates and reunites, and returns to the original.

up to this point.

heart flame.

Xuan Guang.

When both are complete, they meet at the pinnacle and become one.

The heart flame quenches the profound light.

Mysterious light nourishes the flame of the heart.

In the end, the 'Xinyan' transformed into 'True Fire' in the 'Xuanguang', this is the fourth level of Qi training.

The four realms of Qi training——

Ming Qi.

heart flame.

Xuan Guang.

Really hot.

Step by step, there seems to be traces to follow, but in fact there are many key points and many obscure ones.

Foreign objects are indispensable.

Internal repair is indispensable.

It is by no means easy.

Even among the Six Schools of Middle Earth in the past, only a few elites among them could reach the third level, such as Tiansongzi, Lu Shiwu and so on.

It can be seen that it is difficult.

It is not easy for Meng Nan to become the Three Realms in many lifetimes.

Even at this moment, even if there is no shortage of foreign objects, Zhao Xiaoshuang's ear is raised and ordered to grind, and then after the Three Realms Xuanguang, the progress suddenly slows down, and it has to be carefully polished, and there is no rush for a while.

If you want to speed, you can't reach it.

So ever.

Meng Nan devoted part of his energy to the four skills of "Dan Qi Talisman Array". During these 25 years, he not only continued to study, research, and further study, but also systematically sorted out what he had learned and mastered in the past, and finally Confirm your level in each field.

Among them, in terms of alchemy, it is already the best in the Qi training period, and can be called a master.

Although the talisman array is slightly inferior in comparison, it is more than enough than the bottom.

In this life, a small harvest is not in vain.

Meng Nan looked back and sorted it out, feeling quite satisfied in his heart, then got up, walked out of the quiet room, and came to a mountain called 'Du Shi Treasure Raft'.



Meng Nan called Jin Tan, and Jin Tan paid a visit to the teacher.

Four years passed.

Gold Tan has not changed much.


Do it.

They are still on the fourth floor and the second level, which does not match the attitude of four years ago when they were about to soar into the sky and prove the foundation of Taoism.

"The disciple has already completed the technique of 'Golden Sword Purifying Heaven and Earth', so there is no doubt about it."

"But at the same time, it is also confined in this technique, restrained and restricted. Without doubts, there is no way to solve them, to explore them, and it is impossible to continue to improve."

"Square and square, there is no way to go, nothing works."

As usual, Jin Tan told Meng Nan about the various difficulties in his practice.

Pass Fadaoji!

This is a broad road. Meng Nan estimates that he will probably take this path to build a foundation in the future, so he pays special attention to this world, the sixteen generations, and the first Jintan who came into contact with this path. Hope can learn from experience.

But both master and apprentice had their eyes darkened, and they crossed the river by feeling the stones.

Four years.

Four years passed.

Jin Tan followed Patriarch Tie Zhong and other people, and broke through two ghost cities one after another, and gained some seemingly insignificant benefits, but in the "Golden Sword Purifying the Heaven and Earth Mantra" and in the way of "Tongfa Daoji", there is still nothing to lose. It's not making any progress.


Master the law!

It is already difficult to understand a 'skill', but it is even more difficult to jump out of this 'skill' and make great strides.

How to do this?
How to practice?

No idea.

no idea.

No way.

Jintan has pondered for four years, four years ago it was vague, and four years later it is still vague.

It is different from the four levels of Qi training and the nine levels of mana.

Conventional qi training practice, even if it is difficult, but where is the difficulty and what is the road ahead, there are steps and roads that can be seen by people.

But "Tongfa Daoji" has no steps. You can see the end, but you can't see the road in the middle.

How to fix it?
This is too difficult.

Meng Nan and Jin Tan, the master and apprentice, discussed for four years, but found nothing.

Even today, on the eve of doom, nothing has changed.

But Meng Nan is still comforting Jin Tan——

"There's no rush."

"The way of 'Tongfa Daoji' is feasible, but how to go about it, you are the first example in this world, there is no previous experience to follow, everything can only be done by yourself, so the difficulty is naturally great."

Normally speaking, Jintan still has a lifespan of more than a hundred years in the future, and it is indeed hopeful to follow the path of "Tongfa Daoji".


The doom is approaching, and they will all die soon.

Meng Nan talked with Jin Tan about his youth and gave him a few words of encouragement, then he asked him to step back, not to say too much, and not to cause trouble to his disciples.

Jin Tan leaves.

Meng Nan called Meng Jian and Santan again.

In this life, the two sons have gained experience from Meng Nan for many lifetimes, and their practice has become smoother. Compared with the previous life at this point in time, both of them have made progress.


The previous "Second Sage Langjun" Meng Jian, after he was promoted to Qi training early and could not find the Dao foundation carrier, changed his mind again, and based on his innate magical power "Sky Eye", he wanted to break out a way.

I didn't realize it at the time.

But after Jin Tan, Meng Nan found that Meng Jian's last resort was a bit of a "pathological basis", but he replaced the thaumaturgy "Golden Sword Purifying the Heaven and Earth Magic Curse" with the supernatural power "Sky Eye" That's all.

The combat power is higher.

But the difficulty is also not small, and I have no clue so far.

What's more, most people don't have supernatural powers, and they can't even give advice or learn from him. Jin Tan's experience is more useful to Meng Nan.

Not only Meng Jian.

There are three altars.

This one is integrated with the 'Congenital Fenghuo Lingzhu' in the womb, and the innate supernatural power 'Fenghuolun' is also skill and treasure, it is difficult to distinguish, so the number of ways to advance to Daoji cannot be used by the conventional 'common method' Daoji' or 'foreign objects Daoji' to distinguish.

But there is no doubt about the key to its foundation building, it lies in the 'Hot Wheels'.

However, compared to Jin Tan, compared to Meng Jian, Meng Santan was born with spirit beads, and it was easier to practice Qi and Daoji than them.

Only because of the lack of sufficient accumulation and knowledge, it seems a bit slow and embarrassing.

But according to her trend, the establishment of the foundation should be a matter of course, it only depends on the length of time, and there is hope in this life.

However, the doom is imminent, so let's stop talking.

There is nothing to say about practice.

The three talked about business.

In these years, the two of them traveled around and made arrangements while practicing.

At this time, on the eve of the ascension, Meng Nan called the two to inquire about the situation.

"That's it!"

"Tomorrow early in the morning, 220 places will work together. Each city will have two immortal masters of the 'Rescue the Suffering Society', holding seven types of thunder, fire and fire, including green fire mines, thunderbolts, and three-ying water mines. Lei, go to all the nodes in Xiancheng, and you will definitely be able to blow up Xiancheng!"

With a wave of Santan's little hand, the excited Xiaoyuan's face flushed.

'Treasure Raft' soars up.

'Crossing Tribulation Immortal City' was bombed.

All just waiting for tomorrow.

When the time comes, the sky will be shocked, and the sky will be shattered!

"Let's see who is behind the scenes!"

The three altars are full of vigor and spirit.

She has the temperament to watch the excitement without taking too much trouble, if the excitement is caused by herself, it will be more comfortable.

For example this time——

On the bright side, Jiuyaozong is the leader of the righteous way. In the past 200 years, it has built a "raft to cross the world", and now it is about to fly with people.

But secretly, he controls the largest evil organization in the world, the "Rescue the Suffering Society".

Fight against yourself!
This is so much fun.

not only that.

This time, it is even more necessary to pass the "Rescue the Suffering Meeting" and blow up the 220 "Crossing Tribulation Immortal Cities" that the Six Sects of Middle Earth and even the Nine Glorious Sect itself have spent a lot of time building and maintaining.

At that time.

That momentum!
That scene!
Meng Santan couldn't wait.

this side.

Meng Jian thought more and couldn't help sighing: "If the system of 220 fairy cities is correct, it can leave more fire for this world. It is the last hope of many mortals and monks. But who would have thought that there is a trace. The fairy city system followed is actually related to those ghost cities between heaven and earth, and related to the calamity."

Meng Jian sighed.

If the calamity comes, there will be only a small number of people who can be rescued and carried away by the 'Crossing the World Treasure Raft', and it will depend on the city of Transcending the Tribulation in the end.

Including the Six Sects of Middle Earth and even the Nine Lights Sect, many monks pinned their hopes on the 'Crossing Tribulation Immortal City'.

But the truth is too cruel.

Santan is excited, she has always been free and easy, life and death are destiny.

Meng Jian was sympathetic and couldn't bear the fate of the world.

However, the calamity, the immortal city of crossing the calamity, and the treasure raft of crossing the world, all these are not transferred by the will of two little monks who have not yet achieved the Daoist foundation.

The two came and went.

Meng Nan also sighed inwardly.

Salvation Society.

Fried fairy city.

This is also no way.

As Meng Jian said, many people in the Six Sects of Middle Earth and even the Nine Lights Sect regard the 'Crossing Tribulation Immortal City' as their first hope and last resort in the face of catastrophe.

Under such a general situation, even he, the "great virtuous teacher" and "righteous leader", would hardly call on the world to break the fairy city, and would not dare to tell the truth about the fraud in the fairy city.

Can only do, can not say.

"Since it is confirmed that the fairy city is a trap, there is no need to think too much."

Zhao Xiaoshuang accompanied Meng Nan, seeing that his mood was a little depressed, and the pressure on his shoulders seemed to be substantiated, so he opened his mouth to explain.

"I understand the truth."

Meng Nan forced a smile.

To be honest, he can't really care too much about what happens to the people in the world, and it would be nonsense to say how much he cares.

But Zhao Xiaoshuang and others are different.

In this life, although it is hopeful that the 'Crossing Tribulation Immortal City' will be destroyed, only three of the three or four hundred ghost cities have been destroyed so far, which is a drop in the bucket.Under such circumstances, it is not clear whether the 'Walking the World Treasure Raft' will be able to successfully break through tomorrow's ascension.

Once it fails.

Zhao Xiaoshuang, Meng Xingzhe, Meng Jian, and Meng Santan.

Wait for everyone.

One counts as one, and they all die.

Die again!
This is the real reason why Mengnan is not in a high mood.


Meng Nan tried his best to adjust his mood and talked to Zhao Xiaoshuang.

But knowing the time of death and despair, in this state, the mentality is not so easy to adjust.

Fortunately, the time is not long.

In a blink of an eye, it was already the second day.

The time came to the seventh day of the seventh month of the [-]th lunar month, when another catastrophe came.


An hour before the doom falls.

Among the vast mountains, the treasure raft of crossing the world governs thousands of miles.

Among the treasure rafts, there are thousands of monks, and hundreds of thousands of mortals and ordinary cultivators.

Among them, the monks and relatives of the Nine Lights Sect are the main ones, and there are six monks, and there are also casual cultivators all over the world.

Twenty-five years ago, Jiuyaozong postponed the ascension period of the 'Walking the World Treasure Raft'.

Over the past 25 years, "Walking the World Treasure Raft" has been screening passengers. In addition to inviting and giving, in order to give the world a chance for casual cultivators, it has vacated nearly a hundred immortal masters, as well as a hundred thousand cultivators and mortals, and sold boat tickets , the highest price wins.

Arouse great enthusiasm.

The price of the ferry ticket is rising day by day.

Part of the huge ticket income was used to support the tens of thousands of Qi training masters who conquered the ghost town, and most of the rest was piled up in the treasure raft for future use.


Everything is ready and ready to go.

Meng Nan lived in the middle of the treasure raft, looking around——

Jueming Sanren, Yuhe Fairy, Tiezhong Patriarch, Silver Dragon Goddess, Holy Hand Fairy, Donglin Demon King, Soul Chaser Boy, Centipede Immortal, Yellow Head Patriarch, Chiqi Patriarch, Xiaofu Fairy, Zhenju Patriarch, Ma Jue Patriarch , Patriarch Xia Yuan, a total of [-] Taoist foundations, each controlling one side according to its position.

There are also Huang Shixiong, Chen Pu, Xue Zimeng, Zuo Xiao, Jin Tan and other qi training masters who landed on various gates of the treasure raft.

at the core.

'God Ember Cauldron' emits raging fire, like a furnace.Meng Xingzhe has been immobile for decades, like a dry man sitting and watching, his breath is dark, and no one knows what level he has reached.

Asleep and awake.

Almost instinctively manipulating the 'Shenjin Ding', and through this treasured cauldron, vaguely integrated with the 'Walking the World Raft'.

It seems to be more harmonious and perfect than the "treasure raft" in the death picture seen from the "cause of death" at the beginning of Meng Nan's life.

But how exactly, no one knows until it actually takes off.


Meng Nan took a deep breath and said loudly: "Baofa, break the boundary!"

There is not much ceremony.

The voice sounds, where can we work together.

Seeing that 'God Ember Cauldron' was shaken, the 'God Ember Fire' swept across the ground, and instantly spread to all aspects of the 'Shishi Treasure Raft'.


next moment.

The huge treasure raft suddenly soared into the sky, flashing to the sky.

The vast starry sky.

Treasure raft flying track.

A row of sails was raised, and formations were activated.

Meng Nan stood on the observation deck, overlooking the mountains and rivers, looking up at the universe and the galaxy, his mind suddenly became infinitely broad, and his vision was extremely broad for a while.

But he knew that the test was coming.

Fly like this.

Suddenly, Baofa trembled.

This is the first transition to take place.

According to estimates, even after 25 years of fine-tuning, rest, and optimization, the crude version of the "Walking the World Treasure Raft" is not too big. It still needs at least 22 transitions to break through an ordinary place. The barrier between heaven and earth broke through.

The further you go, the harder it is.

The further you go, the easier it is.

Therefore, there is no need to panic at all for the first jump.

This is indeed the case.

the first time.

the second time.

the third time.

Until the sixth time, the transition went smoothly, and Baofa was stable.

Looking back and down, the earth, mountains and rivers can no longer be seen.

Going forward and looking up, you can't see the stars, sun and moon.

Then, the seventh jump.


Meng Nan's heart skipped a beat.

In the boundless land, the six sects and four poles, the Dao Ji Dao Neng who stayed behind fell into the clouds one by one, and they all watched the "treasure raft of crossing the world" take off into the sky.

Look up to the sky.

I am paying attention to the success or failure of the 'Walking the World Treasure Raft' to break the boundary.

But at this time-

Between heaven and earth, everywhere in the four directions, there was a sudden roar.

In the Star Reaching School, the Vajra Patriarch was also in the original owner of the "Walking the World Treasure Raft", and suddenly sensed the fluctuation of the air mechanism, and sensed the unimaginable roar of explosions everywhere in the world. His face froze, and then his eyes widened——


Just because, the mortal world, the human world, and the fairy city are all destroyed!

There is far more than one Vajra Patriarch who was shocked and furious in the world.

But at this time, in the void of the sky, no one knew, no one paid attention.

When the fairy city in the world was blown up and collapsed.

'Walking the World Treasure Raft' is undergoing its seventh jump——

Boom boom boom!
Treasure raft earthquake!

It seemed that there was a big hand out of thin air, and it pressed down the treasure raft that was about to jump.

Meng Nan saw that the sky and the earth hummed and shook, the stars trembled wildly, the sun and the moon came out suddenly and shone in the sky, and there were bright and dazzling stars emerging.

It looks like a star, but if you take a closer look——

220 stars!
According to the position!

It is clearly a tribulation-crossing fairy city!

220 seats are gathered together to form a large formation, trying to seal off the treasure raft, making it difficult to escape for a while.

"Immortal City!"


In the treasure raft, Zhao Xiaoshuang, Meng Jian, Meng Santan and other people who knew about it all frowned or were excited when they saw this scene.

But not worried.



There is no need for the treasure raft to explode, and these 220 fairy cities manifested in the void are reflected, just in an instant, like fireworks, blooming brilliantly.

The blockade was lifted in an instant and nothing was achieved.

"It's done!"

Meng Nan was excited.

The seventh transition was not blocked or delayed as it was played back at the beginning of this life, this time it passed smoothly without any consumption.

Next, the eighth transition will take place.

"Ghost town."

Meng Nan looked up, excited and joyful, followed by seriousness again.

Not surprisingly.

But at this moment, the void changed again, spooky cities emerged, with all kinds of hideous faces on them, the same combination and series, also blocking the void and suppressing them towards the treasure raft.

"Immortal City!"

"Ghost town!"


In the treasure raft, a group of Daoji saw the "immortal city" and "ghost city" one after another, and they were extremely shocked, and they all came to their senses at this time.

Fairy City is a trap!
The ghost town locks the world!
"I see!"

"I see!"

A group of people looked at the sky, and then at the direction of Meng Nan, their minds were tumbling, and they couldn't calm down for a while.

But in the void, the situation is advancing extremely fast.

In this eighth jump, after destroying three ghost towns in 25 years, the slightly improved "Walking the World Raft" once again encountered the blockade of ghost towns.

This time-

Bang bang bang!
The treasure raft trembled once, twice, three times and four times, one charge, two charge, three charge and four charge.

Frequent collisions.


Meng Nan counted clearly, a total of 410 blockade formations composed of seven ghost cities were smashed through a gap in the blink of an eye.

Meng Nan pays attention all the time and looks at it immediately.

It can be seen that outside the blockade of this ghost city, there are no chains all over the sky, but it is even more frightening——


Meng Nan couldn't hear it, but there was a loud resounding in his heart, which shocked him on the spot, making it impossible to move.

Not just him.

Among the treasure rafts, all the Taoist foundations, and even Meng Xingzhe in the Shenjin cauldron, all froze on the spot.

Even Meng Nan's thoughts were stagnant, and only one thought froze in his heart and eyes——


"Fairy light!"

"It's Mantian Immortal Buddha!"


 A small chapter of [-] words, ask for a monthly pass!

  Recommend a book "Sacrifice Training Simulator", introduction: Qin Heng travels through the fantasy world, obtains a sacrifice simulator, sacrifices items, simulates future life, and reaches the peak!
  Shuangwen, compact plot, decisive killing...

(End of this chapter)

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