Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 153 96 Holy Monarchs, Floating Clouds Named Empty! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 153 96 Holy Monarchs, Floating Clouds Named Empty! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Not only Meng Nan was looking forward to and excited, but everyone Dao Ji was also concerned.

They have either seen the 'Mantian Immortal Buddha' with their own eyes, or have worked hard to deal with the 'Heaven and Earth Calamity', such as the construction of the 'Crossing Tribulation Immortal City'.

One by one is even more trapped in this world, the majestic foundation, from south to north, from east to west, all four poles have been to, and I have a clear understanding of all parts of the world, I have long been tired of it, I only feel that the world is narrow and narrow , it is depressing.

But at this time, there are actually three unknown Daoji, who are suspected to be visitors from outside the sky, and they are interested in it.

They looked over one by one, waiting for Tan Si to respond.

this side.

Tan Si also cooperated very well, and immediately said: "Tan Mou has never seen the so-called 'immortal Buddha in the sky' in the Taoist friends. Although he has guesses, he dare not speak nonsense. However, Tan Mou knows the so-called 'heaven and earth calamity' in this secret realm. Some inside information."

"Fellow Daoist, please clarify."

Sincerely, Meng Nan continued to listen.

Tan Siren was in the formation, but he calmed down and said calmly: "Fellow Taoists, you were born and raised here, so you don't know that this place is not a complete world, but an island, isolated from the inside and outside, called a secret place. Looking at the world, there is only a corner of the world, a drop in the ocean. .”

Not a world.

Only one island.

Meng Nan listened, his heart moved slightly, but there was no big disturbance.

He had already expected this conclusion.

He is different from Star Picking Patriarch, other Taoist foundations and immortal masters in this realm. He has been to other worlds through the "Devil God Order", and he knows the vastness of the world, which is boundless and boundless.

But in this so-called 'heaven and earth', even a qi trainer can go to the four poles of the world and see the edge of the world.

this day.


It is also too small.

Obviously weird.

Now it is finally determined that this place is indeed not a complete world.

"Secret Realm."


Meng Nan let go of his mind and jumped out.

But she didn't interrupt, and Tan Si continued to say: "In this secret area, it is called the 'Nielong Realm', also known as the 'Nielong Sea Territory'. One of the dragon relics. According to legend, tens of thousands of years ago, there were eight evil dragons that caused disasters to the world, dominated the common people, and cultivated fish and meat immortals. After the rise of immortality, 96 ancient true kings joined forces to defeat the evil dragons. However, although the evil dragons were defeated , but has an indestructible body, which cannot be killed at all, but can only be suppressed. "Nielongyu" is one of the places where one of the evil dragons was suppressed. It is recovering its strength, and it will turn over every 2000 years or so, causing huge waves in the evil dragon domain, as if the end is coming. Even on weekdays, when the evil dragon breathes and breathes, all kinds of dangers will erupt in the boundless sea."

Tan Si introduced the 'Evil Dragon Realm', and then guessed: "The so-called 'heaven and earth calamity' in this realm should be caused by this evil dragon's overthrow. The secret land is overturned, and the monks in the secret land are dead."

After Tan Si finished speaking, there was a silence inside and outside.

I thought it was a murderous intention from the sky, the end of the world, but it turned out to be caused by an evil dragon that had been suppressed long ago.

Turning over in 2000 is a catastrophe.

Where it was suppressed, it evolved into the 'Evil Dragon Domain'.

And inside the 'Nielong Domain', there are islands that have turned into layers of secret realms. Every time the Nielong turns over, he will die.

This is the crux of the doom, the internal cause, and the truth.

At this time, the Immortal Buddha also had an explanation——

96 The holy king, the floating clouds hang empty names.

In the past, 96 true immortal kings in the mouth of Tan Si joined forces to defeat the eight dragons and suppress the evil dragons, leaving images and immortal powers one by one, and they have been suppressing the evil dragons for tens of thousands of years.

Outsiders cannot enter.

Can't get out of it.

Tens of thousands of years later, Nielong turned over repeatedly, and the seal was slightly loosened.This time again, the 'Treasure Raft of Crossing the World' disturbed the seal of the True Monarch, allowing Tan Si and the other three, who had wandered around in the Nielong Domain, to enter here to solve all doubts for Meng Nan and the others.


"Evil dragon."

"True Monarch."

After Meng Nan heard it, he believed it halfway.

In this regard, Tan Si seems to have no need to make up or conceal anything. Of course, even if he makes up things, Meng Nan and others will not be able to tell the difference.

Combined with the understanding of this world, true and false are mixed together, if Tan Siruo talks nonsense, who can tell the difference?

So, for the time being, let his statement prevail.


"What's the point of fairy city and ghost city?"

Meng Nan continued to ask.

"I don't know."

"Perhaps the Nielong has awakened and is making arrangements. It is an attempt to get rid of the suppression."

Tan Si shook her head, and said generously that she didn't know.

In the Nielong Domain, every secret realm is suppressed by the seals imposed by the 96 True Monarchs at the beginning, and monks inside and outside are not allowed to come and go, making it difficult to communicate.

In this case, the blockade of fairy cities and ghost cities seems redundant.


They are not for blockade at all, but for escape.

Combined with the catastrophe caused by the evil dragon's turnaround, the massacre of monks in the entire secret realm, the construction of fairy cities, and the evolution of ghost cities are all efforts to escape from difficulties.

Not only this secret realm, but also in the secret realms of the islands in the Nielong domain, such catastrophe is being staged.

An island, hundreds of cities, thousands of immortals.

ten islands.

Hundred Islands.

Thousand Islands.

The combination of one place is probably the method of breaking the seal entrusted by Nielong.

This also makes sense.

From this line of thought, everything can be explained.

For example, the 'Mantian Immortal Buddha' that Meng Nan saw was the remnants of the images of the 96 true emperors of the past, and it was for suppressing evil dragons, not for any treasure, nor for any other schemes, let alone some Dark Flowing Immortal Buddha.

Earlier, Meng Nan was still complaining in his heart, thinking that there is nothing he wants in this world. The highest monk is only the Daoist foundation, and the strongest magic weapon is a "God Ember Cauldron". Among them, the "Congenital Wind and Fire Spirit Orb" is a bit rare, but I'm afraid it's not worth it to let the immortal Buddha have such a big posture.

Meng Nan thought about this at the time, and even wondered if he had made a mistake.

Make a big deal out of a molehill.

A bug?
But now, after learning the truth, I looked back and realized that I was too impatient.

Since the 'Mantian Immortal Buddha' appeared there, it has its own reason.The possibility of doing it specifically to embarrass him is very small, very small.

You shouldn't think so.

"The 'Immortal Buddha' seal cuts off communication, in order not to let the evil dragon get out of trouble."

"But at the same time, we are also sealed here. If we can't get out, we can't escape."

Meng Nan had a clear idea, then looked at Tan Si and the other three, and finally asked him, and the most concerned question of Daoji present——

"Dare to ask the three fellow Taoists, is there a way to get out of here?"


Tan Si had just talked eloquently, but now she only smiled slightly.

Meng Nan also laughed after asking.

Of course he knew that the three of Tan Si were being suppressed right now, and they couldn't escape for a while, and their lives were even in danger.

Immortal Buddha.


These things are very important to Meng Nan and others, but they don't affect the overall situation. Let's talk about it, and the right should be to bring the relationship closer.

But the way to leave this realm is important, it is an important bargaining chip for Tan Si and others to survive, so naturally it will not be revealed easily.

Even if the fish dies and the net breaks.

But everything is negotiable.

Although Meng Nan died once in the hands of these three people, he still managed to negotiate with them: "We have no grievances with the three of you. The three of you have strayed into this place, doom is imminent, and you will definitely go out Yes. We are trapped here, and we want to get out. There is no deep hatred, and there is no need to negotiate."

"Fellow Daoist is right."

"Just forgive Tan for speaking bluntly, you and I don't know each other, and you talk empty teeth. The three of us can't trust you, and I'm afraid you can't trust us either."

Tan Si said the key point.

Of course he wants to live.

Shen Bufu and Chai Wendao would never want to die either.

He was also convinced that Meng Nan and the others really wanted to get out of trouble.

In fact, each other's appeals are very clear, but how to trust each other and how to win each other's trust is the problem.

So the situation froze.

Meng Nan thought for a moment, but there was nothing good to do at the moment.

"It's a pity that there is no way to swear and promise in this world, otherwise it would be simple."

If there is such a method, everyone will swear together, and if you violate it, you will die, so of course you can build trust.

But unfortunately, there is no such wonderful method in the world.

At least in Meng Nan's contact, including in the world of the Demon Temple, he has never heard of such a method.

Negotiations reached a stalemate for a while and had to be suspended.


"It seems to be bluffed."

After Meng Nan stopped talking, Tan Si breathed a sigh of relief under the tripod.

Beside him, Chai Wendao and Shen Bufu, according to their respective positions, form a trinity, with surging mana and magic weapon to protect the body, carrying the raging fire, like real gold in the fire, not afraid of fire.

Even with this kind of calcination, the magic weapon hovered around the three people, and it was still vaguely being tempered.

Under the cover of the formation of the three talents, looking at the faces of the three, there is no worry at all.

"A monk in a small area, how can he know the mysteries of the outside world!"

Shen Bufu let out a sneer on his face, swallowed the clouds, and focused on his practice.

Chai Wendao rubbed his Daoji magic weapon "Huang Luosan" that he had cultivated with his own life, and carefully outlined a striped road inside, sensing the inner, human and treasure as one, and a smile appeared on his face: "This'God Ember Cauldron' After all, with the help of this cauldron, within 20 years, I should be able to combine the exercises with the 'Huang Luosan', leave a mark, and achieve great success in both realms."

Others thought that if the three of them entered the formation, life and death could not be controlled by themselves.

But they don't know that this is their chance, even if they are driven away, they don't want to leave.

"Can't be careless."

"This Baoding can't help us now, but in the next ten or 20 years, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no changes."

"And that Meng Nan, I don't know how capable he is, can he really be a prophet?"

Tan Si thought more.

This time the secret sneak attack failed but was taken down by the layout. He always had a knot in his heart that he couldn't get rid of. The thief felt uncomfortable and worried that there would be changes in the future.

"The prophet?"

"I do not believe."

"Perhaps it's because of some kind of sensitive method that he has cultivated, and he can predict the danger on a whim."

Chai Wendao shook his head.

But Shen Bufu agreed with Tan Si: "It doesn't seem like a whim. This person seems to have seen our details clearly. Meng Jian held a magic ax and just restrained Senior Brother Tan. Although Ding Yuhe and Zuo Xiao on my side are only new Jin, but the former 'Seven Stars' and the latter 'Six Six Ziyun Mountains' just happened to restrain me. Brother Chai, Xia Yuan and Xiangu Xiaofu are also targeting me. I'm afraid this is not a coincidence."

Shen Bufu recalled the battle just now——

With the three of them's cultivation base and fighting strength, only Meng Santan can fight against them in this situation.

Everyone else is no match.

But Meng Nan arranged first, using his avatar as bait, Meng Santan took the lead, Meng Jian, Ding Yuhe and others blocked the way, and then used the formation arranged by the Patriarch Tiezhong, with Meng Xingzhe's Shenjin Ding as the core, more than ten Daoji main formations, This undisputedly suppressed the three of them, and they couldn't escape for a while.

From beginning to end, they are in the rhythm of each other.

The three of them are clearly brave, but they just feel that they can't exert their strength.

too uncomfortable.

It's too boring.

It also made Tan Si and Shen Bufu more afraid of Meng Nan, and dared not despise him.


In the flame formation, the three of Tan Si are plotting and resuming the game.

And in the outer room.

Meng Nan and the others looked at the three of them and were also discussing.

"These three people claimed to be from beyond the sky, and the time of their appearance happened to be the day when the 'Walking the World Treasure Raft' tried to break through the world."

"True Monarch."

"Evil dragon."

"All these things, Meng feels somewhat believable."

Meng Nan set the tone first, and then said: "These three people can enter here, and there is a high probability that they can get out, but in the current situation, how to obtain it is a difficult problem. Do you have a plan?"

Meng Nan looked at everyone.

in the field.

Meng Santan was the first to offer his advice: "This is simple, find someone to pretend to be a rebel, kidnap the three of them, and return the favor to get them out of the country."

She was eager to try and wanted to recommend herself.

But looking at Meng Nan again, this is her own father. As her status, it seems that it is difficult to win the trust of Tan Si and others, so she has to give up in dismay.

But even if it is not the three altars, there are many loopholes in this plan.

"Those three people don't look like they are going to repay their kindness."

Patriarch Tie Zhong said euphemistically, the implication was that Tan Si and the others were not fools.

"Extremely so."

Meng Santan dealt with it casually, but she just started casually without thinking about it.

With her at the beginning, and she is so sloppy, others don't have any embarrassment, and express their opinions one after another.

But all have deficiencies, each has flaws, and it is difficult to implement.

"No hurry."

"These three people have profound skills and strong means. I'm afraid they won't lose to the old star-picking seniors. Once they are released rashly, the consequences will be difficult to deal with, so we must be cautious."

Meng Nan was also anxious, but he was more steady.

Think for a while.

Meng Nan changed his mind, looked at Jueming Sanren in the formation and asked, "That 'Wu Shi Treasure Raft' is fully repaired, when will it be able to start again?"

As soon as the words came out.

People will understand.

Jueming Sanren's eyes also brightened, and he said: "The treasure raft is not damaged much, it can be repaired completely in five years or ten years."

Five years.

ten years.

Now is the 170th year of the Immortal Calendar, and there are still 24 years before the catastrophe comes, that is, the "evil dragon turning over" in Tan Si's mouth, and it is completely in time.

"That's it—"

"Repair the treasure raft first, take off again, and touch the seal of the real monarch. At that time, we will spread around and pay attention to all movements, to see if we can find a loophole and find a way out."

As Meng Nan said, he looked at Meng Jian and the ancestor Zhenju of Ruyi Xiangong, "Fellow Zhenju is holding the 'Suoying Mirror', and Erlang has the 'Eye of the Sky'. Find the location where the three of Tan Si first appeared, and then you can focus on it."

It is better to ask for yourself than for others.

Since the three of Tan Si happened to come in because of the impact of the "Treasure Raft" on the "Seal of the True Monarch", they might not be able to come again and escape from this situation.

This is a policy.

Tan Si and the others are guaranteed.

Another one, Meng Nan still has the "Devil God Token". Although the "Jiujiu Devil Refining Temple" was still destroyed in [-] of the Celestial Calendar, maybe Meng Nan can enter again like the previous lives. Find a solution.

First, the treasure raft for crossing the world.

Second, Tan Si and the others.

Third, the Demon God Order.

With such a three-pronged approach and three-way concurrent approach, there may be a way to break the situation.


(End of this chapter)

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