Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 163 South China Sea!Hoang Sa Islands!Kong Yeh Island!Xiaoji Palace [Ask for a monthly ticket

Chapter 163 South China Sea!Hoang Sa Islands!Kong Yeh Island!Xiaoji Palace [Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

There is an overlord in the South China Sea——

One is called 'Xuanyin Sect'.

The second is called 'Star Gate'.

The third is "Xianmeng".

The three hegemony-level forces have carved up the South China Sea, and their power is overwhelming.Below it are all living beings and all kinds of orthodoxy.


this day.

Within the territory of Xianmeng.

Hoang Sa Islands.

Kong Ye Island, in Xiaoji Palace.

Meng Nan opened his eyes.

【Death Log】——

【Name: Meng Nan】

【Death age: 76 years old】

[Cause of death: Gathering Yin evil spirits, exorcising souls and enslaving souls. 】

[Cultivation before death: Peak Qi training]

[Looking Back: One Year]


"Died at the age of 76."

"Go back a year."

"The 75th year of the fairy calendar."

After twentieth lives, this is the No. 20th one. Meng Nan has long been familiar with the process when he just came here. Now he glanced at the 'death log' and checked the 'cause of death'——

Among the vast mountains, there is a place shrouded in clouds and mist, where three hundred mountains gather, among which forty peaks and two hundred and six low mountains form a group of mountains, which seems to have hidden formations and dense aura.

On this day, 'Meng Nan' came and entered the mountains. After being inspected and handed over the jade lottery, he went into a dwarf mountain to choose a cave, and sat down cross-legged.

Not practicing, but waiting.


In the cave, a dark wind blew up.

Meng Nan was overjoyed, and his mana was circulating.In his hands, jade beads rolled one after another, shining with luster, crystal clear, and looked extraordinary.

time flies.

The luster of each jade bead is getting stronger and fuller one by one.



Half of the jade beads will soon be full.

Mengnan continued.

And this time.

His complexion changed suddenly, black air flashed above him, without warning or sound, his eyes and expression had already changed.

It's no longer a calm and quiet immortal cultivator, but an evil charm and madness, exuding evil aura.

This is the end of the screen.


"This is--"

Meng Nan had seen it, so he was not in a hurry to guess.

He opened his personal storage bag and began to look through his life.

Starting from the secret realm of the evil dragon——

Wuyang Prison.

The treasure raft for crossing the world.

Xiaomei's flesh and blood execution law.

fairy city.

ghost town.

It's all familiar—

In the 60th year of the fairy calendar, Meng Nan took Zhao Xiaoshuang, Meng Xingzhe, Meng Jian, Meng Santan, Qian Yu, Ding Yuhe, Zuo Xiao, Ma Jue, Huang Shixiong, Chen Pu, Xue Zimeng, Jin Tan and a total of 46 people out of the country. They were placed on the small island discovered by No.18 and No.19.

Then they took Meng Xingzhe, Meng Santan and Ding Yuhe with them, and the group of four left.

In the 64th year of the Xianli calendar, it arrived at 'South Wind Port', which is a flight stop in the No. 20th century.A total of five magic weapons from "Nielong Secret Realm" including "Hundred Poisonous Smoke and Thirteen Flying Arrows" were sold to exchange for 55 spirit stones. After purchasing four tickets, there are seven remaining.

In the 65th year of the fairy calendar, the four of them successfully left the 'Nielong Domain' by boat.

In the 67th year of Xianli, I came to the northwest corner of Xianmeng in the South China Sea. There are many islands here, but most of them are yellow sand and red land, so they are called "Huangsha Islands".

The three immortals of Tan Si that Meng Nan is most familiar with come from the 'Xiaoji Palace', one of the three major factions on Kong Ye Island in the 'Huangsha Islands'.

In the 70th year of the Celestial Calendar, Meng Nan "coincidentally" rescued a true biography in distress in the "Xiaoji Palace", was introduced into the "Xiaoji Palace", and became an outer disciple.

Five years in a flash.

Today is the 75th year of the Celestial Calendar.


"Huangsha Islands."

"Kong Ye Island."

"Little pole palace."

Meng Nan read it and had a general understanding of his current situation.

In the No.17th world, he had a long talk with Tan Si Sanxian. From the three of them, he had a certain understanding of the South China Sea and the Huangsha Islands.

But the situation at that time, Tan Si and the three of them only talked in general, trusting the horse freely, and the chat was very fragmented.

It wasn't until the No. 20th, when Meng Nan captured Tan Si, Shen Bufu, and Chai Wendao and interrogated them separately, that he had a truly comprehensive understanding of the 'Huangsha Islands', 'Kongye Island', and 'Xiaoji Palace'. profound.

For example, in the 70th year of the Xianli calendar, the information that a real person named 'Yuan Shan' from Xiaoji Palace was in distress outside was learned from these three people.

Meng Nan came to South China Sea for the first time, and joining a sect was the easiest and most direct way to integrate into it.

So he planned and waited in advance, and finally formed a friendship with 'Yuan Shan' and successfully entered the 'Xiaoji Palace'.

"If you look at the South China Sea regardless of the bottom of the sea, if you look at it from the sea surface alone, on the endless sea surface, the islands are either concentrated or dispersed."

"Large islands and archipelagos form the world of cultivating immortals in the South China Sea."

"Such as the 'Huangsha Islands', there are at least tens of thousands of them in the territory of the Immortal League, and they are simply countless."

"In the 'Huangsha Islands', there are thousands of 'spiritual islands' such as 'Kong Yeh Island'."

"Only the 'Huangsha Islands' is enough for Qi training and exploration, and enough for road-based management."

"Only 'Kong Ye Island' is ten times better than 'Nielong Secret Realm'."

"Totally incomparable."

Meng Nan flipped through, recalled, what he heard and saw, back and forth, and gradually established in his mind a rough [Impression of the South China Sea], a more detailed [Impression of the Huangsha Islands] and the most detailed [Impression of Kong Ye]. Island Impression].

After everything is sorted out, the third-level impression is established.

Only then did Meng Nan go back to the beginning, back to the 'cause of death'——


Xiaoji Palace is located on Kongye Island. It is one of the three major sects on the island. There are about a hundred Taoist masters in the gate, and tens of thousands of authentic qi practitioners.

This is just the method of practicing Qi.

The rest of the Chinese method and the lower method are difficult to count.

Every year, Zhenyuan Fanxiu will attack and practice qi, thinking about heaven and hell once.

Every year, there will be peak Qi training to break through, or hit the Dao foundation, or become a "wind disaster training Qi".No matter which road it is, it is necessary to receive wind disasters, and there are not a few losers.

Practicing qi at the peak is not as good as cultivating true energy. Once the "wind disaster" fails, there will be demons dancing around. If it is not handled properly, it will inevitably cause losses to Xiaoji Palace.

Coupled with the 'Omen' is also a good thing.

So Xiaoji Palace opened a special place in the gate, moved three hundred mountain peaks, set up formations, and used it as a place for peak Qi training breakthroughs in the gate, called 'Xianji Mountain'.

There are [-] upper peaks here, and a number of caves are opened inside to communicate spiritual energy and isolate internal and external interference.

There is also Xiafeng [-], which is the place for refining the mind.

If you fail to train your energy to overcome the wind disaster at the peak of the upper peak, and the demons dance wildly, you will be attracted to the lower peak.The qi-practicing immortal master is in it and endures the harassment of heavenly demons, so as to temper his state of mind and improve his Taoism.

this life.

next year.

'Future Mengnan' went to 'Xianji Mountain' again, named 'Refining Heart', which is actually 'Swallowing Demons and Refining Essence'.

Poor luck, it's rare for a "shamo" to appear among hundreds of millions of heavenly demons, mix among them, attack and kill Meng Nan, and die.

"Never mind."

"Ji Yin Sha."

Meng Nan shook his head.

Although Tianmo doesn't know how to practice, he still has strength and rank.

'Inanimate Nianma' is the lowest class, commonly known as 'Nianma'.

Further up is the 'Jiyin Shamo', commonly known as 'Shamo'.


"It's bad luck."

Peak qi training attracts wind disasters, and almost all the ones ushered in are "inanimate mind demons", and it is even more difficult to attract higher-level "jiyin evil demons".

But this time, he happened to teach Meng Nan to meet him, so he could only say that his fate was ill-fated.

"Tan Si and the others confessed a lot, but they didn't mention this one. I don't know why."

Meng Nan recalled.

He had interrogated Tan Si, Shen Bufu, and Chai Wendao separately in the No. 20th life, and he knew almost all the major events in Xiaoji Palace.

For example, the incident in the 70th year of the Xianli calendar was just the fact that Zhenchuan was attacked and killed, and Meng Nan knew about it.

As for the event of "Jiyin Shamo" in "Xianji Mountain", can the three of them tacitly agree without revealing it?


"Perhaps the 'Xiaoji Palace' blocked the news."

"Or maybe my arrival changed the course of this world."

Meng Nan guessed.

But there is no rush to speculate too much, wait for the "Jiyin Shamo" to disturb the "Xianji Mountain" next year, and then we will know what is going on.

Think about these.

Some combing.

Only then did Meng Nan flip through the storage bag, and took out the 'Jade Bead' seen in the death scene.

"Swallowing demons and refining essence."

"Jade beads store essence."



Meng Nan recalled the usefulness of the 'Yuzhu' that he had seen just now, and thought of the embarrassment of lack of money that started before and after boarding the ship after leaving the 'Nielong Secret Realm', he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Without facing the future of the twentieth century in advance, in reality alone, Meng Nan has already realized the freedom of wealth, and the amount of spiritual sand that goes into his pocket every day.

Spirit sand?

It's just numbers!

But it wasn't until I left the country that I really realized——

Lingsha is indeed just a number!

Only "spiritual stone" is the real hard currency in the world of cultivating immortals.

"The spiritual energy in the 'spiritual stone' is abundant and pure, thousands of times better than spiritual sand."

"Tao-based practice relies on one's own Lingshan Cave Mansion, and secondly relies on absorbing the pure spiritual energy from spirit stones to further speed up the progress."

"Spirit stone!"

"All Dao foundations are missing!"

But these spirit stones are not only used by the Dao Foundation, but also have endless benefits for Qi training monks: "Practice with spirit stones all the year round, and the chances of being promoted to Dao Foundation in the future will double, which is much better than spirit sand."

There are such benefits, but for those who are aspiring to Daoji, or those of various sects and sects who practice Qi for Tianjiao, it is naturally better to have as many spirit stones as possible.

Dougie must.

Qi training sought after.

Therefore, Lingshi has a very high status and value in the world of cultivating immortals.

If calculated based on the total amount of spirit energy contained in it, a piece of spirit stone is roughly equivalent to ten thousand catties of spirit sand.

However, the added value of spirit stones is so high that it is a hundred times more than this. The exchange price in various major markets and commercial firms is as low as one piece worth one million.

Millions of spiritual sand!

A spirit stone!
How much spiritual sand is the annual output of the entire Nielong Secret Realm?
I am afraid that the annual output will only be exchanged for three or five spirit stones.

"It's outrageous!"

Meng Nan shook his head.

He already knew these things in the No.20th life.

The flight ticket in "Nanfeng Port", an ordinary ticket, costs 12 yuan of spiritual stone, which is 200 million catties of spiritual sand.

Meng Nan accumulated various channels for decades in the secret realm of the evil dragon, and finally searched hard before leaving, and it was not even enough to buy one.


"The ticket is priced in spirit stones, and spirit sand is not accepted at all."

In the previous life, that is, the life when he encountered a giant bandit, Meng Nan didn't carry enough spiritual sand with him, and he was able to board the ship only by selling the magic weapon.

In this life, I have collected 400 million catties of spiritual sand, and then boarded the ship, but it is still not enough, and I still have to sell the magic weapon.

Five magic weapons.

In the end, 55 spirit stones were exchanged, with an average of only 11 yuan per piece.

One of them, 'Hundred Poisonous Haze and Thirteen Flying Arrows', was a magic weapon that Meng Nan obtained at the earliest stage.

"This is more than 200 years ago, the rare Daoist casual cultivator 'Xuanhua Patriarch' in the secret realm of the evil dragon. The old arrows are refined into flying arrows with their own five elements of true energy, which can be launched and received like flying swords. Once fired, they meet the enemy's magic weapon, and the enemy's magic weapon is polluted to the ground. If the Tao is not enough, the magic power is not enough, you will die immediately. Even if you practice Qi at the peak, you can only resist it for a while, and if you don't have the method of dispelling it, you can't escape death."

"Throughout his life, hundreds of years of sacrificial refining, he finally achieved this treasure."

"But in the South China Sea, the price is only 12 Yuan Lingshi."

So cheap!
But this is the South China Sea!

This is the price of the real world of cultivating immortals!

"Spiritual stones are beneficial for Qi training, Dao foundation, and even the cultivation of real people who go further up."

"Extremely high value and most widely used."

"So it becomes a hard currency, which is equivalent to the currency in the world of cultivating immortals."

"In the world of cultivating immortals in the South China Sea, if you don't want to make progress, it's fine. Spirit stones are optional. But if you have ambitions and ambitions, spirit stones are indispensable."

Meng Nan flipped through the jade slips, and saw the many uses of the spirit stones he combed——

Spiritual practice.


ferry ticket.



Too much too much.

For example, the flights to and from the Nielong domain are not only expensive, but also only accept spirit stones.

Another example is the "Lingshan" and "Dongfu" built by the "Xiaoji Palace" inside and outside Kongye Island, either for short-term or long-term rental, and the high-end ones only accept Lingshi as rent.

Nanhai's aura is violent, and it takes dozens or even the top ones to suppress and adjust the aura at a great cost, so that the aura can be tamed, and then maintained continuously, so that people can practice better.

If you are in the wilderness, even if you are an ordinary Daoist, you can only "look at the spiritual energy and shed tears", and the efficiency of practice is extremely slow.

Under such a general environment, the "Spirit Mountains" and "Cave Houses" that were developed by various sects and factions at a cost of time and money, naturally became sought-after goods, and they were not worried about being unable to rent them out.

If you want a better cultivation environment, you have to exchange spirit stones.

In addition, there are large chambers of commerce in the 'Huangsha Islands', which sell many high-level pills, magic weapons, talismans, array flags, etc., all of which require spirit stones to purchase.

Without Lingshi, don't think about anything.

"I have the four arts of 'Pill Artifact and Talisman Formation', but they are humble after all, and they are only for Qi training. Spirit sand is easy to earn, but spirit stones are hard to find."

"If you want to earn spirit stones, you can only have what others have and what others have."

Meng Nansi in this life thinks about it, what advantages does he have without the 'information panel'?

【Heavenly Devil Eater】!

"I often enter the 'Xianji Mountain' to swallow demons and refine them with [Heavenly Demon Swallowing], and then use this jade bead to carry the essence of heavenly demons. On the one hand, I will supply Dalang and the three to practice, and on the other hand, I will let the three of them take it to various workshops. The city sells them privately in exchange for spirit stones, so that the three of them can also rent a better cave, including me."

"But besides this, there are two places that need spirit stones more—"

"One is 'Duyou Island'."

"The second is 'Tongfa Daoji'!"


 Ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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