Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 176: The True Mansion! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 176: The True Mansion! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Luoshan Islands.

All in You Island.

Meng Nan paid the rent and got the array center of 'Duyou Island'.

Within three years, even the 'Zhenji Lingmen' are not allowed to enter without permission.

The 'Zhenji Spiritual Gate' is open for business, and there is no treasure in 'Duyou Island', so it is not enough for prying and monitoring, otherwise, if it is revealed, the reputation of this immortal sect will be rotten.

But Mannan was cautious—

The avatar sits in one place and does not move, one after another Danyuan emerges, changes form, and quickly spreads across the 'Duyou Island'.

The avatars that Meng Nan can control at the same time are limited, and they are constantly changing.

Each incarnation is in a different order, and they all use the [Golden Light Cave Illusory Technique] secretly to penetrate the void and carefully explore the traces of the real person's cave hidden in the 'Duyou Island'.

"Three years."

"650 spirit stones."

The rent of 'Duyou Island' is astonishingly expensive, and Meng Nan only hopes to find the cave within three years.

If he comes a few more times, at the rate at which he makes money, he will feel distressed.

So work harder.

[Golden Light Cave Void Technique] Named after 'Golden Light' and 'Cave Void', it can gain insight into various scenes in the void while taking into account the speed.

'Golden Light' is for the legs and feet.

'Dongxu' is the eyes and ears.

If you want to travel between places, both are indispensable.

At this time, Meng Nan didn't need to travel around, but only used [Golden Light Cave Void Technique] to sense the void.





It was another two years in a blink of an eye.

this day.

As usual, Meng Nan explored the 'Duyou Island' patiently.


"found it!"

Meng Nan's expression changed, and an incarnation of golden light surged, sweeping away the void.

next moment.

See the new sky.


"This is--"

When Meng Nan entered, he didn't see the real person's cave, but appeared on a cliff halfway up the mountain.

The cliff is more than tens of feet high, covered by white clouds, and the top cannot be seen.

Surrounded by some vanilla and strange flowers, Meng Nan didn't recognize it, but it didn't look like a precious medicine.

If you look closely, you can see a cave looming amidst the dense vines and herbs, and there are writings on the cave door.With a breath of breath, Meng Nan swirled his mana and pushed the vines and flowers away.

look ahead.

A cave.

There is handwriting on it, and the book is the four characters of "Dou Zhan Mi Jing", and the vermilion color is as new.

The entrance of the cave is only about one person high and three or four feet wide.

In the depths of the cave, some light can be seen faintly, and there are rumbles inside.

"Fighting Secret Path."

In the future time and space, the Mengnan people are just the incarnation of a Chongyuan here.

I am not afraid of being smashed to pieces.

Just step inside.

As soon as I entered--

I just feel the cold air in the cave, the sound of the waves is loud, and there are white jade-like stone walls everywhere, with all kinds of strange murals on them.

People are attracted to it unconsciously, and it is difficult to move their eyes.

Watch like this.


Meng Nan only felt the roar in his mind, and before he knew it, he had come to a strange place, like a barren mountain, with a sword light protruding, and a flying sword was attacking.


Meng Nan yelled, and the two qi branches sent out, like thunder colliding, smashing the sword light and the flying sword to pieces.

More indomitable, straight to the source.

That place is an immortal cultivator, wrapped in immortal light and flickering with profound light, quite extraordinary.

But when the flying sword was broken, his face turned pale.

Just as he was about to escape, he was trapped on the spot again, watching helplessly as Er Qi arrived.

One beep.

The nameless immortal cultivator disappeared like a bubble and disappeared like smoke.

Meng Nan was able to break free and returned to the world.

Looking again, it is still in this passage, surrounded by white jade walls, with various murals on it.

And the look he was looking at at this time, and looking at the details again, was astonishingly the same as the sneak attacking immortal cultivator he had just killed somewhere.

"The murals are real."

"Could it be that you have to fight all the characters in the mural to pass this 'Fighting Path'?"

Meng Nan glanced forward, the dense path could not be seen to the end, and the arrangement of murals was unrecognizable.

He deliberately tried to move forward.

This time.

Meng Nan deliberately stopped looking at the murals and looked away.But after taking three or two steps, the original intention has long been forgotten, and the eyes are unconsciously attracted by the white walls, and fall on the murals one by one.

Boom boom boom!
Bang bang bang!
Meng Nan had no choice but to call them one by one.

Fortunately, the characters in these murals are all at the level of Daoji, with the same cultivation level as him.

With the same level of cultivation, Meng Nan is already invincible.

one or two.

Four five.

Eight ten.

Meng Nan walked all the way and fought all the way, invincible and never defeated.

But the strength of each opponent in this mural is also increasing.

From the sword cultivator who was only equivalent to an ordinary one-level fake object Dao foundation at the beginning, to the one-level Tongfa Dao foundation, and then there were brutal cultivators and fierce beasts with strange methods.

The strength of the opponent is constantly improving.

Every battle is more difficult for Mengnan.

Fortunately, the triple [Golden Light Hole Illusory Technique] plus the triple [Second Qi Ring] are enough to deal with all opponents in the same realm.

Gradually improve and keep winning.

When No. 90 opponents were found, the strength of the opponents was already similar to that of Meng Nan, and it became more and more difficult to win, and the battle was even more difficult.

It even forced Meng Nan to use [Various Changes], relying on the transformation technique to fight, so that he could persevere.

In a fight, there is no need to win head-on.After only one or two hours passed, the illusion was shattered, and Meng Nan won without a fight.



Mengnan is victorious in every battle.


The sound of water came again.

Looking around again, the white wall has disappeared.



Hearing the sound of water in his ears, Meng Nan looked back, but could not see the 'Dou Zhan Mi Path'.

Simply ignore it.

look ahead.

I saw Yintao rolling, the sound was like thunder, and I don't know where the spring water came from.

I felt a cold air rushing towards my face.

Looking up, a big waterfall like a jade dragon hangs upside down from the gap in the opposite stone wall, and it is impossible to see how deep the water below is.

Where the waterfall falls, Baitao Mountain rises, and the waves dance, creating a silver light, reflecting the echo in the cave here, like ten thousand horses galloping, dragons singing and tigers roaring, the momentum is very frightening.

And behind the waterfall, there are thousands of stone chambers.

From the separate gates, there are golden courts and jade pillars everywhere, grand and solemn, shining with brilliance, and bright from ancient times, it is really worthy of being called Dongtian Xianfu.

Among them is a huge stone room, the walls are as clean as jade, and the stone bed, stone table, stone table, stone pier and so on inside are all as smooth as suet jade.A lot of exotic flowers and plants outside the cave have been transplanted in, making it even more secluded and interesting.

The Danzao on the stone bed is full of colors.

"What a fairy cave!"

Meng Nan admired.

Pick up and step in.

As soon as Fang entered, he suddenly saw light flickering on the stone wall, which suddenly split in the middle, revealing two vases, one long and one short.

"This is--"

Meng Nan stepped forward to take a look, and there was a cardboard post in Dan script under the vase, which read: "The long one is the treasure seal, the short one is the amber soul. It is destined to be given as a gift, and to cultivate my supernatural powers. Baoer is a treasure, so as to become a true fruit; rely on it For evil, he will be slaughtered!"

Dozens of big characters have strong and graceful strokes, like dragons and snakes.

When Meng Nan saw it, he felt a sense of righteousness rushing toward his face.

"This is a decent person!"

Meng Nan thought.

I admire it.

Bowing to the second treasure vase on the stone wall, he said in a loud voice: "Meng Nan, the junior, will live up to the expectations of the senior, work hard to follow the Tao, and do good with all his heart, in order to repay the immortal's kindness."

After bowing again and again.

Then Meng Nan stepped forward, took the two vases in his hand, and poured out the longer one, the seal on the mouth of the vase was knocked open, revealing a treasure seal, engraved with the words 'Dou Zhan Tian Wang'.

Faintly related to this cave aura, a brilliant fairy mountain manifested in Meng Nan's heart——




cold pool.

stone chamber.

"It turned out to be the Seal of the True Mansion!"

Meng Nan was overjoyed.

This is the core of the real mansion, and it only needs to be refined to initially control this real man's cave.

Baoyin is in hand.

It means that Zhenfu is already in the bag.

Meng Nan was both happy and looking forward to——

"I don't know what treasures are hidden in this real mansion."

"and also--"


This time it was easier to explore 'Duyou Island' than Meng Nan expected.

[Golden Light Hole Illusion Technique] After two years of searching, it was successfully discovered.

With the combined force of the triple technique, the "Dou Zhan Mi Path" was victorious and successfully broke through.

Successfully obtained the treasure seal of Zhenfu.

It was much easier than Meng Nan imagined.

"This senior seems to be a decent person. The opponents in the 'Dou Zhan Secret Path' are all in the same realm as me, which is a screening."

"If I can pass, it means that I am the best in the same realm."

"And thus qualified to carry on its mantle."

Meng Nan suppressed the joy in his heart, he was not in a hurry to look at another jade bottle, he held the seal in his hand in this cave, intending to refine it.

And at this time, at the moment when his mana just poured in.


Brain roars.

Infinite information poured in, and Meng Nan concentrated his attention.

After half an hour.

"True technique—"

"Supernatural powers—"

Meng Nan sorted out the supernatural power inheritance of the master of the Zhenfu in his mind, and the joy on his face became more and more intense.


Flash forward to another year.

The three-year period has come.

Meng Nan separated an incarnation of Dan Yuan, transformed into 'Chi Cheng Zi', handed over Du Youdao, and left.

This is to fool the 'Zhenji Lingmen'.


Meng Nan, the incarnation of Chongyuan, is still in this real man's cave on Duyou Island, and is intensively refining the 'Zhenfu Baoyin'.

After a year, the preliminary refining.

"True Realm."

"Real people."

"True Mansion."

Holding the treasure seal in his hand, Meng Nan felt that the entire cave of real people was like a true god of the cave, and everything was under control.

it's here.

Even real people may not be his opponents.

"In the original trajectory, after the 'Zhenji Lingmen' got this real mansion, any real people who attacked were repelled."

"Is this the real person?"

"Even a cave left behind after death can retreat to the Realm?!"

Meng Nan was amazed.

I'm afraid this is also one of the reasons why the real-level forces are dead but not dead.

Feel a lot of emotion.

Induction again.

Meng Nan is based in Zhenfu, but he is in control of the surrounding space, the entire Duyou Island, and even several surrounding islands are within his range of sensing and perception.

Especially Duyou Island.

Taking charge of the Zhenfu, and using the 'Zhenfu Baoyin' to sense the void territory, Meng Nan feels that he can easily feel the inspiration, energy veins, and even the deeper breath of Duyou Island.

Think for a moment.

The cleverness and energy can be used by him to help him fight fiercely.

In the eyes of Meng Nan, the many methods of regulating and suppressing the energy channels arranged by the "Zhenji Lingmen" on the island are like paper paste, which can be easily torn apart.


Not worth mentioning.

"In Duyou Island, I am invincible!"

"With Zhenfu as the center and Duyou Island as the center, I can sense the spiritual energy of the surrounding islands. I can only mobilize it when I refine the 'Zhenfu Seal' more thoroughly."

"At that time—"

Meng Nan finally knew why the former "Zhenji Lingmen" could compete with real people.

Practicing Qi destroys mountains.

Road foundation covered the ground.

The real place is Shendao.

The real person in the real world has infinite supernatural powers, and he has the power to scuttle an island in the South China Sea.

It is said to be Shendao, but it is actually destroyed.

But at this time, if he uses the 'Treasure Seal of Zhenfu' as proof, he can command four or five islands including Duyou Island, and if his inspiration and energy merge with Zhenfu, he will be able to fight a real person.

"With this real residence, I have no fear!"

Meng Nan was overjoyed.


The security level of Zhenjing Dongfu in Duyou Island is more than a hundred times higher than that of 'Jusheng Island'.

not only that.

This place can gather the inspirations and energy veins of the islands, and in the Zhenfu, a lot of inspirations and energy veins were gathered by the late real person who seemed to be called "Dou Zhan Tianwang".

Integrate as one.

In addition to the power of the enemy, the Zhenfu is also very helpful to practice.

"Jusheng Island is far inferior to this Zhenfu."

Meng Nan thought about it.

Immediately let the real body walk out from 'Jusheng Island', leave 'Zhiguijing', leave 'Huangsha Islands', and quickly come to 'Luoshan Islands' and 'Duyou Island'.

"With the help of this Zhenfu, I may be able to practice to the second or even third realm in the next sixty years!"

Meng Nan yearned for it.

He is now in charge of the 'Bi Dan Realm', with [Heavenly Demon Swallowing] to swallow demons and refine, 'Chongyuan Pearl' is constantly produced, and there is no shortage of spirit stones.

A reincarnation of Chongyuan rushed to the 'Nielongyu', and was about to reunite with Zhao Xiaoshuang.He also made a name for himself in the Hoang Sa Islands, and he has never been in vain.

[Chongyuan] It is worthy of the third level, and the exquisiteness of "Chongyuan Tongfa" goes up to the next level.

Now there is "Duyouzhen Mansion", which can be described as the first-class practice treasure in the world.

So far—

"Wealthy couple!"

"I'm ready!"

Meng Nan felt happy.

All goes well.

The only thing that bothered him was—


"Three heads!"

"True technique!"

"It's too difficult to practice!"

When Meng Nan practiced, he sighed.

His comprehension is only moderate——

Insufficient than above, more than below.

It is barely enough to practice high-level thaumaturgy.


supernatural powers.

True art.

Ultra-level technique.

Among them, the mystery is much better than thaumaturgy, and the difficulty of practice is ten times higher.

In the Dao Foundation Stage, such spells are not easily accessible.

Even if you can touch it, it is extremely difficult to practice.

You have to be a first-class cultivator and a person with superb understanding to make achievements in this area.

As for Mannan—

"It's a bit difficult for me to comprehend the [Various Changes] that I got, let alone practice a real technique by myself."


The celestial calendar is 95 years old.

Meng Nan's real body rushed to the outside of the 'Duyou Island', secretly hooked up with the Zhenfu, bypassed the Duyou Island, evaded the 'Zhenji Spiritual Gate', and easily entered the Zhenfu.

In the real mansion.

All kinds of blessings.

Cultivation and comprehension here are much superior to the outside world, ten times better than 'Jusheng Island'.

But even so, when Meng Nan practiced the supernatural art left by the master of 'Duyouzhen Mansion' - [Three Heads], there were many difficulties and it was difficult to make progress.

Fortunately, Meng Nan is in a good state of mind.

With the future time and space, there is [Enlightenment], Meng Nan is not greedy for too much, but only steadfastly practice and comprehend, as always.


He is also trying his best to refine the 'Zhenfu Baoyin' in order to fully grasp this Zhenfu as soon as possible.

time flies.

Flash forward to another two years.

on this day.

Meng Nan refined the treasure seal, and suddenly his heart was empty, infinitely broad.

"It's done!"

Finally completely refined.


(End of this chapter)

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