Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 187 Three heads show their power!Invincible again! 3 cloud copper ring! 9 Jia Yuanyang! [Ask

Chapter 187: Three-headed Demonstration!Invincible again!Nine clouds copper ring!Liujia Yuanyang! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Name: Meng Nan

Lifespan: 30/80
Faction: None
Cultivation level: Dao Foundation First Realm

Mana: 1000 years

Root bone: 1

*【Deprivation: Variety (double); Two Qi Rings (triple); Golden Light Cave Illusion (triple);]

Gongfa: "Chong Yuan Tong Fa"; "Gu Qi Huan Shen Xiao Si Jiu Qiong Dan Womb Essence Notes and Actions Jade Sutra Treasures";

*Ultra-order (true technique): three heads (two-fold), ever-changing (two-fold);
*Advanced (thaumaturgy): Chongyuan (quadruple), Jiuyao (triple), Erqihuan (triple), Golden Cave Illusion (triple), Eight Arms (Consummation), Little Plum Blossom Flesh and Flesh Execution (Dacheng), Qingminghuo (proficient), palm (proficient), ground door (proficient), eight winds (proficient), golden knife (proficient), five ghosts (proficient);
*Intermediate (secret): slightly;

*Low-level (common): slightly;

* Alchemy: first level

*Refining: first level

*Character: first order

* Formation: first order

Death Log: Viewable

[Three Heads], [Various Changes]!
[Chongyuan], [Nine Luminaries], [Second Qi Ring], [Golden Light Cave Illusory Technique]!
"Two double true arts!"

"Three triple thaumaturgy!"

"A quadruple thaumaturgy!"

Meng Nan opened his eyes, retracted the Dan Yuan, and glanced at the 'information panel', feeling agitated for a moment.

In the past, relying on a triple [Chong Yuan], coupled with a triple [Golden Light Cave Illusion], he was able to ride the 'Huangsha Islands' and ranked in the forefront of the "Earth Demon List".

When saving Meng Jian, the incomplete version of the triple [Chong Yuan] combined with the triple [Golden Light Cave Illusion] and the triple [Second Qi Ring], can be entangled with the third-ranked 'Yilong Sanren' in the "Earth Demon List", three times at a time Never let the wind fall.

The combat power is almost reaching its peak.

At least in the Hoang Sa archipelago is about to be invincible.

And now.


He possesses thaumaturgy and true art, especially the fourth level [Chong Yuan] and the second level [Three Heads], with the two skills in his body, I don't know how many levels his combat power has been raised!

It doesn't stop there!

In this battle, Meng Nan will fully master the three deprivation techniques. With self-cultivation, the three deprivation seats can be vacated, and then find another magic technique.

Only this, at least three triple thaumaturgy!
Just wait for the deprivation and update, then——

"I am invincible!"

Only now did Meng Nan dare to say that he was truly invincible.

Walking in the South China Sea in the future, he will not be afraid of anything that is not face to face with a real person.

Daoji is invincible!

Start here!


At the foot of the fairy mountain.

I don't know how long.

I don't know when.

Ji Yun only felt that his comprehension was suddenly scarce, his energy gradually became thinner, and the traction and throbbing with the 'Tianchi Sword' became weaker and weaker.

It was completely cut off for a moment.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the 'Tianchi Sword'.But the 'Tianchi Sword', which was only Baoguang's introverted sword, is now truly ordinary and completely dull.


When Ji Yun saw it, his heart ached for no reason.

But before he could think about it—

"Congratulations to Brother Ji for his great achievements!"

Aside, fellow countryman 'Zhou Tong' congratulated him, his eyes hard to hide his envy.

"Brother Zhou."

Only then did Ji Yun come back to his senses, and he casually put away the discarded 'Tianchi Sword', feeling himself for a moment, and joy welled up in his heart immediately.

In just this moment, he has gained a lot, and his morality and magic power are all triumphant, saving more than tens of nearly a hundred years of hard work.

But 'Zhou Tong' who was on the side seemed to be just watching and didn't benefit.

Seeing this, Ji Yun didn't know how to comfort him, so he raised his head to look at the fairy mountain behind the Sword Washing Pond, and said to Mengnan, "There must be a treasure in the fairy mountain, or it may be passed down from the predecessors, why don't you go inside and have a look?"

"Right on my mind."

Meng Nan laughed.

He knew several great benefits that Ji Yun had reaped from the 'Mountain Spirit Secret Realm' this trip.

A wonderful treasure 'Tianchi sword' is only one of them.

In the future, there will be true skills, which should be in this fairy mountain.

"[Rage Sword]!"

"There are not too many real skills, each one has a unique and magical effect."

The more the better.


Meng Nan climbed the mountain together with Ji Yun.

However, just after crossing the Sword Washing Pond, Ji Yun's figure disappeared, while Meng Nan seemed to hit a wall——

Knocked into the air and stopped.


Meng Nan frowned, and immediately sent out an avatar of Dan Yuan to change into Ji Yun's appearance, and continued to move forward, wanting to cross the Sword Washing Pond.


He was bumped and stopped again.

It's the same for offering [Golden Light Cave Illusory Technique] to break through.

"What a fairy mountain!"

"Only for those who are destined?"

Meng Nan refused to accept it, and he called out 'change', and immediately turned into three heads, vicious, with angry eyes wide open.

The next moment he stood up straight, the green and red flashes——

[Second Qi Ring] Rampage, as if about to shatter the void, the void was in turmoil, and it crashed into the sword washing pool.

But this time—

Clang clang!
It is no longer a wall, but hundreds of millions of sword qi burst out, and the fairy mountain is like anger.


Meng Nan was startled, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly transported [Jiu Yao].

This is self-defense.

With one thought, hundreds of millions of stars come down, surround the body, and turn into nine luminous stars, like gods guarding them.

When the first level of bright art is perfect, the power of this art is already extraordinary.

Subsequent duo.

Triple now.

The nine stars around him are almost fake, if you want to hurt him, you have to break the stars first.

Wearing a robe of stars.

At the same time, Meng Nan was using [Three Heads] and [Golden Light Cave Illusory Technique].

The two techniques cooperate.

The whole person is flickering in multiple spatial dimensions, constantly avoiding.

Bang bang bang!
Boom boom boom!
The sword energy is like stars, endless.

After half an hour.

Meng Nan fell out of the void, the stars around him disappeared, and the sword energy in the sky finally dissipated.



Meng Nan was amazed.

The passive defense mechanism of this fairy mountain, the sword energy is overwhelming, even with his strength of the first level of Dao foundation and the third level of thaumaturgy [Jiu Yao], he can't defend it.

Even relying on triple [Golden Light Hole Illusion Technique] alone is difficult.

Only by adding the double [three heads] to improve strength and cooperate with dodge, can this be barely survived.

"That's me!"

"If it's another person, such as 'Yulong Sanren', he will be disabled even if he doesn't die!"

Meng Nan thought to himself, looking at the fairy mountain again, he didn't dare to approach it.

Erzhong [Various Changes] turned into Ji Yun's appearance and was seen through.

Triple [Golden Light Hole Illusory Art] is difficult to enter.

[Three heads] plus [two air rings] are also difficult to break through.

At this time, Meng Nan was poor in donkey skills, so he could only sit and watch the fairy mountain.

But then, he was not allowed to stay at the foot of this fairy mountain, the space flipped, and he was immediately thrown out of the fairy mountain, and returned to the mountain where he had encountered the beast and the mountain spirit just now.


Just showed up.


With a roar, the mountain came across.

Meng Nan raised his head, only to see 49 mountains of [-] zhang moved over and fell down.

This mountain is different.

It seems to be in the air, but Meng Nan can clearly sense that the foundation of this mountain has not been broken, and it is still connected with the earth.

A mountain with roots.

Rootless Mountain.

The gap between the two is too great.

At this time, 49 mountains with roots were pressing across, and there were mana and thaumaturgy blessings in the mountains. Meng Nan couldn't help but twitch his eyelids when he saw it.

He immediately lifted up the [Golden Light Hole Illusion Technique], his figure shone like a swamp, and he felt a little bit of difficulty before jumping out.

Followed by.

Meng Nan's eyes turned and fell on a young man in the mountain in front of him.

At a glance, it is Shanling.

"What a bastard, I haven't made a move yet, you can't wait!"

Meng Nan sneered, the golden light rose vertically, and the direction changed. The next moment, the [two qi rings] were raised, and the green and red qi intertwined to form a ring, violently, violently, and slammed into the young mountain spirit.

"This person is difficult!"

Zheyou's heart sank.

He moved 49 mountains, all of which are connected to the earth, and all of them have been strengthened by mountain spirits, and it is difficult to break free from the foundations of the ordinary four-level path.

But the person in front of him jumped out in just a moment, just a lag.

Only this combination shows strength.

Zheyou was in the mountains and hadn't been untied yet. Facing Meng Nan's collision, he didn't dare to be careless, so he hurriedly pointed his finger——


Boom boom boom!
The 49 mountains crashed into the surrounding sky, suppressing the void universe, and they will turn back and defend, trying to prevent Meng Nan.

Also really guard against it.


Meng Nan bumped headfirst into a mountain like bumping into 49 mountains. The mountain roared and never broke. It just trembled and swayed, and soon stabilized.

Steady and steady, not moving or shaking.

"Good mountain!"

"Good technique!"

Meng Nan's eyes were filled with gold stars, and when the golden light straightened up and adjusted back, he was still singing praises.

Leaving aside the suppressive power of this magical art performed by the young mountain spirit, the strength of the defense alone is not much worse than the triple [Nine Luminaries] he just completed.

"Come again!"

Meng Nan Ji raised the golden light to change the angle, and the [Second Qi Ring] struck again.

"It's useless."

"It can't be broken."

Zheyou is full of confidence, manages 49 mountains, connects the sky and the earth, and turns from the static.

49 mountains, mountains and mountains rotate.

Just wait for Meng Nan to hit him.

But this time, in the green and red two qi, Meng Nan raised his mouth slightly, shook his head slightly, and the [three heads] reappeared in mid-air, and with the blessing of the [two qi ring], the whole person was no longer continuous, but intermittent, traveling through the void , the dimension changes.


Dougie!True art!
The so-called 'dimension' at this level is naturally superficial and superficial, and it is only the surface of time and space, which is specious.

But even so, even if it is only superficial, when it is deployed at this time, it is like a dimensionality reduction blow, making it extremely difficult to guard against.

The time is scattered.

space transformation.

In such a shuttle, the dimensions change.

Until it can no longer be distinguished, and it can no longer be found.


Back and forth!

inside and outside!

It seems that Meng Nan from many different times and different spaces crashed out together in this instant.

Three is false.

Multiple in one, the destructive power is exponentially increased.

Just now [Second Qi Ring] alone can hardly even shake 49 Mountains.

But this time—

Boom boom boom!
In just one collision, twelve of the 49 mountains were smashed.

The mountains shattered.

The mountains wailed.

Only the remaining 37 Xiongshan are scattered and unsystematic.

Taking advantage of the situation, Meng Nan went on a rampage and bumped headfirst into Zheyou who reacted hastily but it was too late.


Shout out!



Without any suspense, Zheyou's entire body was also blasted.

Aura scattered.

Scattered all over the mountain.

The remaining 37 mountains in the outer room crashed down, standing around Zhongshan Mountain, and continued to defend, but it was already desolate.

"Not dead yet!"

Meng Nan's [Three Heads] shines through many dimensions, and [Golden Light Cave Illusion Technique] penetrates into the void of reality, and sees a little bit of aura in the mountain that has spirituality, and can gather at any time to reunite into a mountain spirit.

"Destroy him!"

Mannan is not forgiving when he is in power.

After smashing the mountain and smashing the spirit of the mountain, the golden light flashed again, and the two qis were grinded, and they kept shuttling to wipe out a little bit of the spiritual light.

three o'clock.

Five o'clock.


Twenty percent.

The aura was too scattered and hard to detect, so Meng Nan didn't fade quickly, but it was stable and firm.

Give him a day or two, and he will be able to wear off this aura, and completely wipe out a strong mountain spirit clan whose combat power is comparable to the top [-] in the "Earth Demon Ranking".

Double [Three Heads]!
Cooperate with triple [two air rings]!
Even if it's just an incarnation of Chongyuan, Meng Nan still has the combat power to kill ordinary Daoji.

If the real body came in person, with the blessing of the quadruple incarnation, Meng Nan's combat power would soar to what level, it is really hard to imagine.

But those super-superior masters who only possess one triple thaumaturgy, such mountain spiritual practitioners, are bound to die.


Meng Nan felt happy.

time flies.

One day soon.

Meng Nan worked diligently, and had already wiped out [-]% of the scattered aura from the mountain spirit, and only [-]% remained, which could be completed in half a day at most, completely obliterating this person.

But at this time, Meng Nan was keen and felt his heart.

He came out of the mountain in a flash——


There were ferocious beasts that were not afraid of death attacking all around, Meng Nan turned his palm up and pressed down, the green and red energy burst out in the palm and swept in all directions.

Two gas strangulation.

The beasts are extinct.

There is no single enemy.

After that, the void opened up, and Ji Yun fell into the world like a sword fairy.


"Brother Zhou."

Ji Yun looked as usual, but his expression was not what it used to be.

Suddenly realized.

Got fax.

A real treasure.

In just one day, Ji Yun, who was originally just the patriarch of a small cultivating family, had his future life turned upside down.

He walked out of the fairy mountain, first cupped his hands at Meng Nan, and then turned his head to look at the middle mountain surrounded by 37 mountains. His eyes were full of sword energy, and he saw the scattered aura in the mountain.


Ji Yun was startled, then looked back at Meng Nan.

"The evil animal moved mountains and smashed at me, and I broke up the spirit body, and I was about to kill him."

Meng Nan smiled, and was a little curious about what kind of benefits Ji Yun had gained in this fairy mountain.

Tianchi Sword.

Ji Shanjun.

True technique [Rage Sword].

These are all spread out one after another after Ji Yun proved the true state of Dao, and they are only known to people.

But beyond that.

In this battle.

Are there still unknown gains?

Meng Nan thought.

Ji Yun was also slightly surprised.

Although I only had a quick glance a day ago, I also knew that the mountain spirit was extraordinary, and it was beyond the ordinary way.

'Zhou Tong' is only at the second stage of Daoji, so it's not bad if he can fight, but how can he kill him?

"Is there another real cave in the fairy mountain?"

Ji Yun was also thinking secretly.

But thinking about it, his movements were not slow, and he cupped his hands at Meng Nan and said, "I have a way to bring down this evil animal. Please, Brother Zhou, hold your hands high and spare his life."


"Brother Ji has a brilliant move, Zhou will wait and see."

Meng Nan became interested and watched from the sidelines.

"Thank you, Brother Zhou."

Ji Yun thanked him first, then took out a copper ring from his sleeve, pinched it in his hand, and said to the mountain with a little bit of light: "If you want to live in the mountain, fellow Taoist, please show up quickly."

The sound resounded.

The voice fell.

A spiritual light flickered in the mountain, and one of the savings turned into a human form, with a pale face.As soon as he appeared, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Meng Nan and Ji Yun: "Xiao Xiu, I met the two great immortals!"

It can bend and stretch.

"go with!"

When Ji Yun saw the mountain spirit, he threw the copper ring into the mountain without saying a word.

"Daxian spare your life!"

Zheyou trembled in fright, and was about to run away in a flash, but was caught by the light of the copper ring in an instant, and he was frozen in place and could not move.

Followed by.

The brass ring fell down and circled around the forehead, loosening and tightening.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Zheyou no longer had the strength to resist, rolled on the ground, howling in pain.

At this moment, Ji Yun ignored him and came to Meng Nan.

Meng Nan looked at Zheyou, then at Ji Yun, and asked curiously, "This is—"

A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

The mountain spirit called 'Zheyou', in its heyday, was comparable to the top [-] Daoji in the "Disha List".

Even if he wiped out [-]% of his body and suffered heavy injuries, his foundation is still there, and it is not easy to control.

But now, Zheyou is trapped by the copper ring, unable to break free, unable to seek death.

This method is unavoidably weird.

"The name of this thing is 'Nine Clouds Ring', also known as 'Nine Clouds Controlling Beast Ring'. It can enslave monsters and alien races. If you listen to it, you will dare to refuse."

"The Shanling family raises the mountain and decides the mountain to be in harmony with the mountain, so they can get the mountain to feed back."

"I enslave him with the 'Nine Clouds Ring' and control his body. In the future, this mountain will give me a part in feeding back, which can help me practice quickly."

"This is a treasure."

"This time, I am more grateful to Brother Zhou for his kindness."

Ji Yun introduced 'Jiuyunhuan' and told how powerful this treasure is. He thanked Meng Nan and didn't stay idle. He took out a jade bottle from his sleeve and handed it to Meng Nan: "This is the jade bottle that Ji was in Xianshan just now. A bottle of 'Liujia Yuanyang Qi' obtained from the treasure. Completely refined, the prototype of the 'Liujia Restriction' can be condensed in the Dao Foundation. In the future, after reaching the fourth level, Baocheng will have a second earth evil restriction, which can far surpass his peers , the real situation can be expected.”


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(End of this chapter)

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