Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 201 The Second World! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 201 No.20 II! [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Meng Nan has no time to pay attention to what happened on Lishan Island.

He's pounding the roadie.

In the No.20st life, he first realized the Daoji of Dharma, which took more than four months.

At this time, it is very easy to use, [Chong Yuan] has reached the fourth level, and it is really easy to build a foundation.


Take it easy.

Five days before and after, the Dao foundation was first completed.

"Ha ha!"

"My way is done!"

On a fairy mountain in Xuanying Island, the inspiration dies, the Qi veins subside, and a golden light rises along with the loud laughter.

If you don't say hello, you will disappear in an instant.


"It's done?"

"Tong Fa Dao Ji!"

"This person is so tyrannical at the beginning of his foundation of understanding the law?!"

Daoji 'Peng Tao', the principal of Xuanying Island, was startled.

Although he is only a second-level fake Taoist foundation, he can also meet the Daoist foundation of Tongfa in the early Jin Dynasty.But when that person showed up just now, it made people feel terrified.

Peng Tao thought to himself that he was no match at all!

"Building a foundation in five days!"

"Looks like it won't be long before another powerful figure will emerge from the 'Huangsha Islands'!"

Thinking to himself, Peng Tao hurriedly found out the name and image of this person, and sent them to Xiaoji Palace for record keeping.


"Tong Fa Dao Ji!"

Outside Xuanying Island, there is a bright sky.

Meng Nan rode on the clouds, and his Daoist cultivation made him feel refreshed.

Even if you have been a Daoist, you can really feel the future time and space, but it is not a feeling in your heart to really prove it in reality.

Looking at Yunjuan Yunshu, Meng Nan began to sort out the next action plan after the joy in his heart subsided.

Logically speaking, the Dao foundation of Tongfa has been achieved, and then you can use [Various Changes], swagger into the Xiaoji Palace, enter the Xiaoji Fire Prison, find a wonderful treasure to absorb 'one wonderful energy', and open the future time and space of the next life.

But Mannan had other plans.

"The 'Dragon and Phoenix Double Precepts' in the Xiaoji Palace only have 36 wisps of wonderful energy. If you [attract] it directly, it will not improve me much now."

Meng Nan is well aware of the effects of 'One Miao Qi' and [Attachment].

He is now equipped with thaumaturgy and true art, thaumaturgy is mostly three-level, and true art is all two-level, and if he wants to improve, dozens of wisps of one wonderful air are not enough to see.

As for double thaumaturgy—

If you put all the energy of the 'Dragon and Phoenix Double Precepts' into it, it is hoped that you will be able to achieve a triple level of one or two.

But the addition of one or two triple thaumaturgy did not make any qualitative changes to Mengnan at this time.

Nowadays, Meng Nan is no longer the Xiaomengxin who just entered the No.20 I world, and was surprised and greatly improved when he won a triple [Golden Light Cave Illusion Technique].

"Triple thaumaturgy?"

"It's just icing on the cake."

Meng Nan shook his head.

He needs stronger spells now, and he despises triple thaumaturgy.

It is too distressing to use the extremely precious 'One Wonderful Qi' on double and triple thaumaturgy, and Meng Nan does not want to take it.

"The 44th year of the fairy calendar."

"recent years."

"The surrounding sea area."

Meng Nan pondered.

To maximize the benefits of 'One Miao Qi', it is natural to use it together with [Deprivation].

"First [deprive] the magical powers of the real world."

"Then [attraction] remove the obtained true technique."

"The effectiveness of 'One Miao Qi' can be increased by a hundred times!"

Meng Nan recalled No.20 I deliberately inquired about the list of people who died in the real world and who died, and combined with factors such as their housekeeping skills, time of death, good contact, etc., finally decided on a few people.


The South China Sea is boundless.

In the territory of Xianmeng, one of the three overlords, there are a total of [-] sea areas.

Looking at a sea area, the real scene is extremely rare.

For example, the 'Rongzhen Domain', one of the four real realm-level forces, the 'All Beings Immortal Sect', has only two real people in the contemporary era.

In the same domain, the other three real-level forces are similar.

Calculate like this.

In Rongzhen Realm, there are no more than ten Zhenjing real people who belong to the Immortal League.

Not only honor the real domain.

The situation in other sea areas is similar.

In fact it is.


Looking at one area alone, the real world is hard to find.

But if you look at the entire territory of the Xianmeng, in the [-] seas, there are nearly [-] real real people on the surface of the Xianmeng.

This is only on the surface.

Only those who joined the Xianmeng and belonged to the Xianmeng.

And beyond that—

There is also the unknown in the dark.

There are also casual repairs everywhere.

Too much too much.

Like clouds and rain.

Tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of real people, there are potential stocks like 'Ji Yun' who will be promoted in future generations, and there are old-timers like 'Variable Real People' who are about to die in later generations.

There is life and death.

There are changes and ups and downs.

It may be difficult to see alone.

For example, in the "Rongzhenyu", in the next hundred years, there will be only one "variety real person" who will definitely sit down.

Of course, Meng Nan couldn't wait for a hundred years.


Even though there is no real person sitting in Rongzhen domain recently, there are quite a few real people in the 44th year of the fairy calendar in the more than a hundred sea areas around Meng Nan who have initially known, collected, and inquired outside the Rongzhen domain. He went west.

Meng Nan's top priority now is to meet them before they sit down, even if they are seen from a distance, they can be [deprived].

But even from afar, it's not easy.

The real realm is high and high, and ordinary monks, even the peak dao foundations such as the first ban and the second ban, are completely at two levels, two levels of heaven and earth.

If there is nothing to do, even the Daoji of the Four Bans and Five Bans may not be able to meet a real person in his life.

For example, the 'Yangjiu Daoist' in the Immortal Sect of All Living Beings has been practicing in seclusion in the mountain gate all year round.

The No. 20th I's Meng Nan went to seek an audience because the disciple of the late "Baichang Zhenren" wanted to sacrifice his true skills, so that "Yangjiu Zhenren" could take the time to see him.

Among them, it is difficult and extraordinary.

As for forcibly going to meet, including opportunistic and other means, you also need to think about the way out.

"The real person in the real world has great powers, so don't be careless."

"In addition to taking down the 'Duyouzhen Mansion' to protect the real body, I also need to add another layer of protection."

"'Sang Xiangyu' has a 'Lingcheng Daoist'. Although he is a casual cultivator, he has been able to take care of himself for thousands of years and stay away from karma."

"He died in the 45th year of the Xianli calendar."

Meng Nan thought and set the first goal.


Hurry up.



Spiritual practice.


According to the plan, Meng Nan methodically operated on multiple lines to advance the process.

He first repeated the old trick, sending out a clone to occupy a barren small area in the Huangsha Islands, using [Heavenly Demon Biting] to cultivate mirror image pills one by one.

This is reality, Meng Nan is already Dao Ji.

After a round of baptism by wind and disaster, the mana was finally purified and the foundation was solid.For the sake of the future, Meng Nan is unwilling to increase his mana with the "Heavenly Demon Essence" obtained from [Heavenly Demon Biter], and avoids all factors that make his mana impure.

Therefore, he used all the 'Heavenly Demon Essence' to cultivate 【Chongyuan】and turned them into mirror image Danyuan.

They are refining 'Chongyuan Pearl' again, this is to earn spirit stones.

Lingshi is precious and has a wide range of applications.


Replenish mana.

Buy treasures.

Including completing the opening progress.

All aspects are inseparable from Lingshi.

Meng Nan's family has a great career, and the more spirit stones, the better.

His current strength is comparable to that of the four forbidden and five banned daoji, and even if a single Chongyuan avatar is taken out, he can compete with the peak daoji, ranking in the top five or even higher on the "Disha list".

This kind of strength will be greatly improved in the near future, that is, in the next one or two years, when the three skills he obtained from [Deprivation] are renewed.

In a Rongzhen Realm, there are less than ten real realms.

At this time, Meng Nan was considered one of the few strong men in the Realm Realm. Looking at the Realm of Glory, the only ones who could pose a threat to him were these few high-ranking Realmists.

Yi Gao people are bold.

It is also easy to make money.

Meng Nan didn't steal or snatch, he worked hard to refine the 'Chongyuan Pearl', and then came to the door in person, and made good deals with small and medium Daoist sects such as 'Xiaoji Palace' and 'Jade Beizong'. quantity.

In the end, they can successfully reach a cooperation and form a long-term trade relationship.

The 'Chongyuan Pearl' flowed continuously, and so did the spirit stones.

Hundreds of thousands of spirit stones are collected every year, which is Meng Nan's unique and only source of income.

For now, this income is enough to support all his activities.

Lingshi need not worry for now.

In addition to earning spirit stones, two more incarnations of Chongyuan set off at the same time——

Together they rushed to the 'Nielongyu', to sit on Lishan Island and pick up Zhao Xiaoshuang and others.

Together they rushed to 'Sang Xiangyu' to see the real person in Lingcheng.

Both domains are next to 'Rongzhen domain'.

It only took two years for Meng Nan to fly from Lishan Island in the "Nielongyu" to the Hoangsha Islands in the "Rongzhenyu".

At this time, he was promoted to the Dao Foundation of Tongfa, and set up [Golden Light Cave Illusion Technique] to run wildly without reservation, and it can be shortened by more than half, and he can reach it in seven or eight months.

Going to 'Sang Xiangyu' is similar.

With Meng Nan's current cultivation base, he can use his triple [Golden Light Hole Illusion Technique] to hurry on his way, which is about this speed.

But the seas are not that close.

If it is at the junction of two sea areas, it will take half a year to travel between the two areas.

But if you want to rush from the easternmost end of the 'Nielong Domain' to the westernmost end of the 'Rongzhen Domain', this is equivalent to traversing the two domains, and it may not be possible in five or six years.

No. 20, Meng Nan's real body was sitting in the Youzhen Mansion of Duandu, and one after another, the avatars of Chongyuan rushed to all sea areas in all directions, continuously going straight, and broadening their horizons.

Similar to opening up wasteland, uncovering a layer of map fog.

This lasted for four or fifty years, and in the end it was really the 50 domain.Most of them just tasted it, and left immediately after inquiring about some important information in the current area, including the adjacent sea area.

No.20 I——

Visit the 63 domains in person and hear about the [-] domains.

This is Mengnan's harvest.

Based on this, it is enough for Meng Nan to use for the time being.

In the future, to truly hollow out the South China Sea, to be omniscient and omniscient, we will have to wait until No.20 II to continue.

This is a huge undertaking, and it may not be possible in 100 or 200 years.

But as long as he perseveres, one day, one life, the future structure of the entire South China Sea can be controlled by Meng Nan.



Bai Xiaosheng.

Mannan will be able to do it, and will benefit from it for himself.

"I'm about to open No.20 II. If I can get a rushing supernatural power from the Real Realm Daoist before then, I will gain even more in No.20 II."

Think a lot.

There must be a trade-off.

Mengnan races against the clock, all in unison, all in action.


Flash forward to another year.

The celestial calendar is 45 years old.

Ten years have passed since No.20 I started and ended.

Meng Nan has gone through one-twentieth of his life, and time is running out.

He raced against the clock more and more.

For a year, toss around.

at last.

this day.

He changed a Daoji elder in the Xiaoji Palace, swaggered into the "Xiaoji Fire Prison", and found the "Dragon and Phoenix Double Precepts" with ease.

"A wonderful breath."

Meng Nan didn't hesitate for a moment, [Five Seasons Divine Fist] blasted out, the evil energy was boiling, the turbid air was fierce, and he caught the 'Dragon and Phoenix Double Precepts' in an instant, and sucked heavily after being caught.

'A wonderful air' enters the body.

Meng Nan took the lead in splitting out ten wisps of 'One Miao Qi' to complete the opening progress, and then started [Attachment].

[Enlightening] is not any of the techniques he has mastered, but the three real masters who have been newly promoted to [Deprive] this year.

One is called [Mirror].

The second is called "Turning the Clouds".

The third is [five phases].


"No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror."

"There is nothing in the first place, where is the dust."

When Meng Nan traveled to the South China Sea, the first real skill of [Deprivation] was [Ming Jing].

The heart is like a mirror, free from dust.This technique allows people to avoid all investigations and follow-ups, and is not involved in cause and effect. It is naturally a first-class life-saving stunt.

This is the housekeeping technique of the "Lingcheng Daoist" in "Sang Xiangyu". Meng Nan originally thought that this technique should be a real technique and supernatural power.

But it didn't.


"Five weights."

"This real person from Lingcheng is really not simple!"

Meng Nan was amazed and moved.

He has practiced thaumaturgy [Chongyuan] himself, and he has practiced it to the fourth level, so he knows the difficulty best.

There are countless dao foundations in the world, and it is rare for a thaumaturgy to reach the third level. It can be called a super superior dao foundation. In an archipelago, it can be ranked in the forefront of the "earth evil list", and most of them only have 30 people.

And quadruple thaumaturgy?
At least Meng Nan has never seen a Daoist monk who can practice thaumaturgy to the fourth level.

However, the real person in Lingcheng has no supernatural powers, but he has practiced a thaumaturgy to the fifth level, even if it is placed in a real person, it is rare to think about it.

Meng Nanqian won it and sat back to enjoy the success, he was very happy.

He comprehended the mystery of [Mirror Mirror], and activated [Attachment] with a 'wonderful Qi', and the attunement that can be traced is bound to fly thousands of miles away.

A ray of 'a wonderful energy' can last for a hundred years.

The triple thaumaturgy obtained in the past can be fully mastered with just a ray of 'one wonderful qi'.

The level of the double true art is higher, the attainment is higher, and the consumption is more. For example, the double true art [Various Changes], Meng Nan consumes nine wisps of 'one wonderful energy', which is equivalent to referring to [Deprivation] for 900 years of penance. fruit.

And this time.

A fivefold thaumaturgy [Mirror] is even more difficult.


two strands.

three wisps.

After devouring fifteen wisps of 'One Wonderful Qi', he finally mastered it completely, becoming the first fivefold thaumaturgy mastered by Meng Nan himself.

"Miao Miao Miao!"

Meng Nan was immersed in it, overjoyed.

After [Ming Jing], it is for [Fan Yun].

This is the housekeeping skill of the great monster of the real world, the "Wuyuan Mountain Master" in the "Lieshan Domain" adjacent to the "Rongzhen Domain". It is a first-class skill to flip auspicious clouds and travel towards the North Sea. Once cast in the hands of the 'Wu Yuan Shan Master', his supernatural power surpassed [Golden Light Cave Illusory Technique] by more than ten times.

Second level supernatural powers!
In terms of power, it is comparable to the fivefold thaumaturgy, which is extraordinary.

It's a pity that Meng Nan was only a Taoist foundation, so he won [Fanyun], and immediately fell back from 'supernatural power' to 'true technique', and his power plummeted.

"Double supernatural powers can compete with five-fold thaumaturgy."

"But the double true art can only be compared with the quadruple thaumaturgy."

True art.

supernatural powers.

The two come from the same source, even the same method, but only because the holders have different cultivation bases, the same attainments, the ultimate power manifested is very different.

From this point of view, in fact, it is much better for Meng Nan to deprive the five-level thaumaturgy from the real person in the real world than the two-level supernatural power.

But the value of true art itself is not comparable to that of thaumaturgy.

There is a trade-off, which must be weighed.

"True Realm!"

"It's really scary!"

Meng Nan sighed, he thought to himself, if he wanted to compare with the real world, even if he had [Deprivation] during the Dao Foundation Stage, it would be extremely difficult.

That being the case, I don't want to think about it for now.

Continue to enlighten.

The double true technique is much simpler than the fivefold thaumaturgy, but it is also beyond the [Various Changes], ten wisps of 'One Wonderful Qi' can finally master [Fanyun] perfectly, and reach the attainment of 'Wu Yuanshan Master'.


【Twisting clouds】.

Plus 【Open Progress】.

After the three items have passed, only one of the 36 wisps of "One Miao Qi" in the "Dragon and Phoenix Double Precepts" remains.

Meng Nan didn't think too much, and invested in [Deprivation] to obtain the last technique [Five Phases].


'A Miao Qi' is exhausted.

'Dragon and Phoenix Double Ring' is bleak.


Meng Nan didn't stop, and immediately ran away.

After he left, the scene of deja vu happened again after time and space. Han Yangdao, the owner of Xiaoji Palace, came with anger and hatred, but Meng Nan had already disappeared without a trace.


In July of the 45th year of the fairy calendar.

Meng Nan enters Xiaoji Fire Prison, [attraction] three techniques.

October of the same year.

Meng Nan replaced [Mirror] and [Turning Cloud] among the three skills of [Deprivation] that he had mastered.

[Fanyun] Hurry up.

[Mirror] Cover up.

[variety] change.

Although Meng Nan still couldn't beat the real person in the real world, he had less scruples when he wanted to meet the dying real person.Open mouth to lie, change identity, cover up cause and effect, go to meet the real person, wait to sit back and relax, and then deprive him of his skills.

It's easy to get two powerful spells.

This is the end.

Everything is ready, Meng Nan no longer wait.

In the Duyouzhen Mansion, the person filled the last ray of mana into [Open Progress].

The next moment-

Time and space change, the sky and the earth are dark.

No.20 II, open.


 Before I knew it, I had already written 60 chapters, and after checking the word count, it was exactly 20 words.Not bad!Keep going! No.[-] II opens, the demon monk asks for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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