Xiuxian is a dead end!

Chapter 215 Life Wheel!Longevity!Lie Xian!shot! [Chapter 2, ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 215 Life Wheel!Longevity!Lie Xian!shot! [Second update, ask for a monthly pass! 】


school field.

A flag with the word "Zhi Ge" written on it is waving in the wind.

Streams of light flew over.

54-bit reality.

Seven Airbenders.

A Daoist.

All 62 people are listed.


Jin Tan walked up to Meng Nan and took the initiative to mention his experience just now.

"The disciple first boarded the 'Longevity Road' and passed through three dilapidated post stations. In these three post stations, he got a pot of immortal wine, an immortal sword, and an immortal talisman."

"Immortal wine is called 'Fire Tongue', which helps me stabilize my newly-advanced Taoism, and the virtual pill is more condensed, saving at least a hundred years of hard work."

"The fairy sword is called 'Shadowless'. It fits the void and has no shadow or form. This disciple has only refined two talismans so far. I saw the third talisman. This sword is at least a third-tier treasure."

"The name of the fairy talisman is 'Zhen Yuan'. I don't know what its purpose is for now. I have to go out and find out."

Fire Tongue Fairy Stuffed!

Shadowless Immortal Sword!

Zhenyuan Immortal Talisman!

It can be said that Jin Tan has gained a lot on the No.30 level of Xianlu Road, "Longevity Road", and Meng Nan, who is a master, is jealous.

Through three post stations!

Harvest three treasures!

Look at him again——

"Not bad!"

Meng Nan praised him, never mentioning the fact that he couldn't even reach the first station.

Although it is not necessary for a disciple to be inferior to a teacher, the gap is too great.

"Longevity asks the heart!"

"Longevity Road, it is Dao Xin that is being tortured."

"The disciple is dull, and his Dao heart is not firm enough. He was exhausted after walking three stations and was pushed out."

Jin Tan didn't know the inside story, and thought that the teacher didn't speak out because he was afraid of hurting him.

After all, he could vaguely see that on the 'Longevity Road', after the third post station, there were still several post stations indistinctly.

Three seats!

This is just the beginning.

He must be far behind.


"Dao Xin?"

When Meng Nan heard this, he was thoughtful.

In the first half of his life, he used the "information panel" to communicate with the "future time and space". He was able to foretell and seize opportunities to avoid disasters.


Practice Qi.

road base.

A series of hurdles may seem harsh, but in fact, every breakthrough is easy.

Life after life, it seems to be hard work, a hundred years of penance.

But there are thousands of ascetic monks like him in the world?
This is nothing.

As long as you have the ambition to live forever, hard work and devotion are just the most basic qualities.

So to speak.

Count back and forth.

In terms of 'Tao Xin', Meng Nan has more than enough hard work but not enough suffering, it really can't compare to Jin Tan who only lives one life and goes all out for the new real world.

In this pass city and school field, there are not only golden sandalwood, such as 'Li Jing', such as 'Gongsun He', each of them can cultivate to the real state, and the Taoist heart can be called firm.

It may not be comparable to Jin Tan.

But it must be able to overcome him.

"Tao heart!"

"Tao heart!"

"I might as well!"

Meng Nan wakes up.

I thought that holding the "real pill" and "golden pill" in my hand, it is hopeful to use the Dharma to prove the Tao in this life, and it is hopeful to break through the "Dharma Tao" in reality.

But now it seems --

"With a lack of Dao heart, how can we go far!"

Meng Nan thought about it, and broke out in a cold sweat.

He is introspective.


Jin Tan talked about "Longevity Road", and then talked about "shrouding the sky", "God's Tomb", and "Holy Market".

But in the last three places, like Meng Nan, he didn't gain anything.

But Jin Tan has his own guess——

"'Jiuzhongtian' was covered, and it was in chaos. The fragrance of the medicine inside was pervasive, and the heavenly medicine appeared, but it was hard to find. At this level, the disciples suddenly came to mind with some alchemy techniques that they had mastered in the past. I guess, this level It has something to do with alchemy and finding medicine."

"In the 'God's Tomb', there are tombs of gods and demons all over the place, which can cause the blood to throb. There are rumors in the world that all mortals have the blood of ancient gods and demons. I guess this 'God's Tomb' is to test the blood, find Zong Dingmai."

"In the 'Holy Ruins', the Dao rhyme remains, which seems to be able to help people realize the Dao. But there is another arrogance attacking, and if you want to stay for a long time, you have to fight and win. The test of this test should be combat power and heretics."

in this way--

The method of covering the sky.

Searching for the ancestors in the tomb of the gods.

Hundreds of battles in the holy market.

In addition, Changsheng asked the heart.

These are the four tests of the four major hurdles in the later stage of Xianlu.

But how does one pass the test?

"Like Jin Tan, if you pass through three post stations on the 'Longevity Road' and get three treasures, does it count as a pass?"

"Or, the treasures in the station are rewards?"

"Then what are the rewards for the three tests of 'Shading the Sky', 'God's Tomb' and 'Holy Ruins'?"

"I can be said to be invincible in this fairy road, and I have fought many times in the 'Holy Ruins'. This is not considered a pass, and there is no reward?"

Meng Nan was a little puzzled.

Then look at the crowd of true realms and qi sects in the school grounds, some are hiding their tracks, some are looking around, and there are still many eyes cast on him.

It is completely unclear who has benefited like Jin Tan, and who is empty-handed like Meng Nan.


"Jin Tan can get the three treasures, and maybe others can too."

"If you have a hundred years of Taoism out of thin air, or if you get some fairy artifacts or charms, then the road to immortality—"

"My life is in danger!"

Meng Nan felt bitter in his heart.

He didn't take advantage of the benefits of the quadruple level. Instead, he had to be wary of the possibility that these real realms and air sects in the field would be able to kill him if their strength increased greatly.

Just invincible.

This is dangerous again.


Meng Nan sighed, hoping to live longer.


The two masters and apprentices narrated, talking about the Fourfold Immortal Pass.

At this time.

In Guancheng, many scenes appeared again.

But this time, before Lie Xian appeared, all kinds of light, such as fairy light, Buddha light, black light, and black light, bloomed in the big curtain, penetrated into the Guancheng school grounds, and fell down in the air.

According to the experience of the previous [-] stages, this should be a pass reward.

"All 62 people passed the test?"

Meng Nan was startled, not happy.

Four levels.

Mysterious and mysterious.

It doesn't look like a normal person can pass. If only a few people pass the level, for example, only Meng Nan and Jin Tan and their masters and apprentices pass through.

But everyone passes the test, and everyone has a reward.

"what is this?"

"What can I reward?"

Mannan had no expectations.


next moment.

The bursts of brilliance sprinkled down, but instead of dissipating and revealing the real thing in it like before, it sprinkled on the head and the whole body.



Make people feel comfortable all over the body.

"Eliminate dark wounds?"

"Advance cultivation?"

"Improve your qualifications?"

While bathing in the fairy light, Meng Nan sensed himself to see where the benefits of the fairy light should lie.

He mastered the two arts of [Kurong] and [Rejuvenation], which are quadruple healing thaumaturgy.

There are also [Golden Wheel] and [Myriad Tribulations] body refining techniques.

There have never been any dark wounds on his body that cannot be sensed or repaired.

At this time, the internal investigation could not find out.

As for cultivation.

As long as there is a slight movement in the cultivation base, Meng Nan can know it without looking too carefully.

Not at this time.

And the qualifications——

This is difficult for others to check, but it is easy for Meng Nan.

He opened the 'Information Panel' and looked at the column of 'Root Bone'.

"root bone: 1"

Still not moving.

Obviously, this fairy light has no effect on aptitude.


Meng Nan pondered, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he landed on the column of "Life" in the "Information Panel", and he was stunned for a moment!
【Lifetime: 20/90】

【Lifetime: 20/100】

【Lifetime: 20/91】

【Lifetime: 20/110】

See the data in the 'Life' column is constantly beating.

Sometimes soaring.

Sometimes it falls.

But the overall situation is positive, and the total life expectancy is constantly increasing.

In this continuous see-saw, Meng Nan's life limit starts from 80 and continues to rise.

I don't know how long ago.

at last.

Mannan saw that the life limit was set at '180'.

"Increased a hundred years of life!"

Meng Nan was overjoyed.

In this life, his lifespan was originally only 80 years, but at this time, it was directly increased by [-] years, which was more than doubled.

"Fairy light!"

"Increase life!"

"Is this-"

Meng Nan raised his head to look at the heavy curtains, saw the fairy light, Buddha light, etc. receding, and vaguely saw the rings of annual rings also receding.

fairy light.

annual rings.

This reminded Meng Nan of one thing.

"It is rumored that the True Monarch can take his life from the sky and cultivate a 'life wheel'. Where the life wheel shines with the celestial light, mortals can live longer by bathing, and monks can also increase their lifespan by bathing."

"Could it be that those fairy lights and Buddha lights are the true king's 'life wheel' shining?"

It's not impossible.

In the early stage of Immortal Road, virtual pills, real pills, and golden pills all appeared and bestowed one by one.

At this time, it may be close to the end of the fairy road, and it is reasonable for the true king's "life wheel" to appear.

A thought is a long story.

In fact, it is just a thought.

With this guess, Meng Nan opened his eyes and raised his head.

Followed by.

It was discovered that besides him, 61 other people in the school field, including Jin Tan, were all looking at him with strange eyes.


Meng Nan was taken aback by this battle, and turned to look at Jin Tan.

Jin Tan understood and quickly explained to the teacher: "Just now the 'Fate Wheel' is shining, and we will end soon, but the teacher is still enjoying it for ten times as long as us."

Full of monks.

Du Mengnan is weird alone.

It's no wonder that everyone else looked at Meng Nan with strange eyes.

"ten times."

After Meng Nan listened, he already had a guess in his mind, and he asked Jin Tan: "How much will your life increase?"


Jin Tan replied.


Meng Nan became more and more confident in his guess: "My lifespan in the 'future time and space' is only one tenth of the same level, even if I am promoted. At this time, the 'life wheel' shines and increases my lifespan, which is also only ten tenths." One. But the fairy light is not counted by the total amount spread, but only by the actual increase in the lifespan of the person bathed in the fairy light."

Therefore, even if Meng Nan got his life span, it would be reduced to one-tenth, but this time, with the "life wheel" at the bottom, Meng Nan could be regarded as a handful of wool from "Xianlu" and "Liexian", and lived against it. The negative effect of "one tenth" also increases the lifespan of a hundred years.

"Goodness, goodness!"

Meng Nan figured it out and was even more pleased for a while.

It took such a big advantage this time, so it doesn't matter if people look at it more.

Just look!
in the field.

Everyone saw that the fairy light above Meng Nan's head finally receded, and some people were curious, such as 'Jiang Guanglin', who thought he had a good relationship with Meng Nan, and wanted to go forward to find out what was going on with Meng Nan.

In the end it is because she is just Daoji, so she is special.

Or what happens.

Jiang Guanglin wanted to know very much.

But before he could move, he saw the big scene in the sky turbulent, and the immortals reappeared, but this time, they no longer just stayed behind the scenes to give treasures and watch, but—

Reach out!


 The second one is delivered!Happy birthday to the 'full-level readers of online articles'!
(End of this chapter)

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