LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 109 Going on the road and already on the high ground

Chapter 109 Going on the road and already on the high ground
First, the troll used a pillar to trap his teammate's Ike, and then the snake girl inexplicably let go.

This is not an operation that a top professional player should play!
After this wave of confrontation, the situation became complicated and confusing.

Originally, IG had an extra big move in the middle.

Now it has become that both sides are missing two key big moves.

At the same time, the widow's blood volume is running out because of the damage from Xiaolong.

Naboek's entry just now moved the formation of IG people back as a whole.

The key terrain of the Xiaolongkeng entrance was given up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone in LGD swarmed up and locked this position.

Everyone in IG could only continue to retreat, and as a result, Xiaolong was taken over by LGD.

"Leave a group, start a group directly!" Broiler shouted.

Seeing this, the child can only use his big move, but his big move is just an acceleration.

Only Titans can start a group, but Titans have handed over all their skills

For IG, the situation became a bit awkward.

Now I am reluctant to let go, but I can't fight anymore.

On LGD's side, Chen Ge's fighting will is high at this time.

A person stands in front, eager to try.

His behavior put tremendous pressure on everyone in IG.

Posture, who is in charge of resisting in the front row, is a bit timid. He is worried that he will not be able to withstand the damage after being absorbed by the troll's big move.

With his cowardice, others dare not stand forward.

Only kakao's widow was in a hurry.

He didn't want to let the little dragon go, so when the little dragon's blood volume reached the killing line.

Choose to rush forward single-handedly, wanting to fight for punishment.

However, this wave of him coming forward alone, the formation is out of touch.

Hirano Aya's Braum saw this opportunity and used W to jump on Ike.

The backhand Q skill is given to the widow, and then the widow is sent flying with a big move!
He knew that the widow hadn't flashed, and this wave was sure to kill!
This wave of LGD people swarmed up, taking advantage of Bron's big move to force the rest of IG back, and chose to focus on the widow first.

The widow was knocked into the air first, and then was knocked out of Braum's passive. This wave of skills didn't have any skill handing in, and she was instantly defeated!

At the same time as killing the widow, Taobao Quan was punished and took Xiaolong directly!

As the widow fell to the ground, the rest of IG could only choose to retreat.

So in this wave of team battles, LGD not only controlled the little dragon, but also took the head of a widow for nothing.

This was beyond everyone's expectations, and Wawa and Miller were already stunned.

Before the start of the team battle, they were quite optimistic about IG. After all, IG has many big moves in the middle, and the lineup is even stronger during this time period.

Unexpectedly, IG never fought, lost his wife and lost his army.

On the field, IG side.

Broiler frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

After thinking for a while, he muttered, "What is the other side doing? Don't you find it strange?"

"This Ike obviously wanted to go, but the troll stuck him back with a pillar?"

"Then do they want to go or not? I don't understand."

"Is there no communication within their team?"

Broiler is really uncomfortable with this wave, he has actually seen through Taobaoquan's thinking.

At least in his opinion, he has seen through.

I also thought of a way to directly let Taobao Quan Ike, without using big moves.

But who would have thought that there would be no problem with the operation of him and the posture, and there would be no problem with his thinking.

But it was stopped by Chen Ge!

The point is, this way of blocking is wrong no matter how you look at it.

At this moment, Gesture suddenly said: "No way, this is his ability!"

"He obviously did it on purpose. He probably saw through our thoughts at that moment."

"So choose to use the pillar to stop Ike!"

"Actually, there is nothing surprising, he is just so strong!"

Broiler was stunned after hearing this. If it was true as the gesture said, then Chen Ge would be too scary!
In such a short period of time, such an accurate judgment can be made!

There's also no flaws in the mechanics at the same time, perfectly snapping Ike back while blocking the Titan's hook with the post.

Isn't this a god?

As for LGD, Chen Ge naturally didn't know that a pillar he threw casually triggered so many chain reactions.

In this wave, he actually didn't know what Taobao Quan wanted him to cooperate with.

It's just that when they saw that Taobao was authorized, they released the pillars casually, which was regarded as cooperation.

Who would have thought that in the end IG inexplicably wasted two big moves.

Returning to the top lane and continuing to laning, Chen Ge found that his posture was even more wretched.

So he started his own rhythm of tower demolition.

The hero Q skill of the troll can cause damage to the defense tower.

Coupled with the attack speed blessing provided by W, if no one cares, the speed of demolishing the tower will be very fast.

After 1 minutes of game time, Chen Ge easily won the first tower on IG.

Then headed towards the second tower with the pawn line, and the bottom road was still facing the line at this time.

Chen Ge didn't intend to change the lane, so he chose to continue dismantling on the top road.

At the same time, Taobao Quan is determined to curry favor with Chen Ge.

So I chose to fight against the wild in the upper half of the field, and at the same time, I was covering Chen Ge's demolition of the tower on the top road.

On IG's side, kakao didn't intend to go on the road.

Now the advantage of the trolls has come out.

He may not be able to play two-on-one with the Titans, and at the same time, he may be counter-squatted.

So he chose to look for opportunities in the middle and lower levels.

In this way, Chen Ge is in a stress-free state on the road.

The second tower on the road was quickly taken down by him.

He took the line of soldiers and came directly to the high ground on the road.

Seeing this, Wawa explained: "The middle and bottom are still on the line, and the road is about to go to the high ground."

"Is IG sure not to defend?"

Miller: "Generally speaking, if a troll can ignore the single tower on the opposite side, it needs at least a three-piece suit."

"This posture seems to be very afraid of this troll, why don't you dare to defend now?"

The worst thing about troll top laners dealing with tanks is that it's in the middle and late stages.

He can bear the damage of the tank and forcibly dismantle the defensive tower.

But that was after the equipment foundation was established in the middle and late stages, and now Chen Ge can have that effect, which is unacceptable to IG.

In the end, IG could only choose to transfer Snake Girl from the middle lane, and work with the widow to catch the troll.

However, Taobao Quan was on guard on the road, so he naturally wouldn't let Chen Ge have an accident.

As soon as the Snake Girl disappeared from the line in the middle lane, he reminded Chen Ge to retreat.

Chen Ge was not even greedy, so he withdrew directly.

In this way, Wei Shen has the opportunity to touch the first tower in the middle of IG.

Snake had to go back to the middle to defend.

And as soon as the snake girl appears in the middle, the high ground on the road will suffer.

Pulling back and forth like this made everyone in IG feel extremely uncomfortable.

The first tower in the middle cannot be placed, and the first tower is too far from the base, so it takes a lot of time to defend back and forth.

After going back and forth several times, the Highland Tower on the road was still gone.

Upon seeing this, Wawa exclaimed in surprise: "It's been less than 10 minutes, and I was taken through the high ground on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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