LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 130 3 on 1 was counter-killed?Will you play?

Chapter 130 Three hits and one was counter-killed?Will you play?
The two explained that they were already in a daze. At first they saw that the prince chose to be close to the sword girl.

I thought it was a detail, the prince's EQ really couldn't be revealed casually, it was too easy to be shown off.

But now it seems that it is a bit too thin, and it seems very cowardly.

This sword girl is about to run away, if you don't make a move, what's the use of being careful?
On the competition stage, I saw that Jian Ji was about to run far away.

The three of Snake and Ueno started to get anxious.

None of them expected that their teammates would not make a move.

All three were waiting for the other to take the initiative, but none of them took the initiative.

Seeing that he was about to miss this wave of opportunities, the prince finally chose to make a move!

I saw him backhand EQ two times, pointing directly at Chen Ge's sword girl.

The prince's EQ second company is actually very particular.

Some people's EQ is slower and will give the other party more reaction time.

And some people's EQ second connection is very fast, with almost no reaction time.

The EQ second company of this wave of princes belongs to the latter.


This wave of Chen Ge didn't react at all, and was picked up directly!
Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

It's not that they were surprised that this wave of sword girls was picked up, but they were surprised why Chen Ge didn't react.

Although this wave of princes' EQ second company is very fast, everyone should react to Chen Ge's expectations.

After all, he is currently the strongest top laner in LPL!
But the fact is that Chen Ge didn't react to this wave.

Originally LGD fans were quite optimistic, but now, they are no longer optimistic.

Seeing that the prince flew the sword girl away, the enchantress was also unambiguous, and followed up with an E skill.

At this time, Shen has already followed up. Although this wave said that the chain of the enchantress may be countered.

But they still have a cautious taunt!
After this wave of Chen Ge landed, his blood volume was only about one-third, and both the prince and the enchantress continued to give skills.

At the same time, he still has a chain on his body, and he is about to trigger the second stage of control.

Chen Ge knew very well in his heart that the enchantress chain could be countered by Sword Fairy's W.

But he didn't know how long it would take for the enchantress' chain to trigger the control.

How to counter this?

Chen Ge didn't hesitate in the blink of an eye, and estimated that the second-stage control of the enchantress chain was about to be triggered, so he shot a W backhand.

Seeing the W shot, Baka smiled.

As the old enchantress, he is very familiar with the trigger timing of the chain's control time.

This enchantress obviously made an early move!
This wave of his chain will definitely trigger control.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to think highly of Chen Ge.

Think about it, no matter how famous Chen Ge is in the top lane, he is always a top laner.

It is impossible to be omnipotent, and it is understandable not to know the trigger time of the enchantress chain's control.

However, just when everyone thought that this wave of sword girls was about to die.

An incredible scene happened!

Just when Jian Ji backhanded W, a figure flashed by!

This wave of holy gun brothers handed over the E flash!
In the last wave of tower jumping, the flash he didn't have time to hand in finally came in handy!

This wave chooses this time point E flash, Holy Gun brother naturally has his own reasons.

His wave of E flashed immediately after the E, and the distance between him and Cheng was only one flash away.

So you have to wait until the E skill produces a displacement effect before flashing.

This can be done very suddenly, without giving the other party a little time to react.

At the same time, Brother Saint Gun is quite familiar with the trigger time of the enchantress chain control.

He knew that this wave of Chen Ge would definitely be stuck at that moment to hand in skills.

In this way, after countering the demon girl's chain, Chen Ge can also consider pulling it away through flashing.

And this wave, to ensure that the sword girl is killed, it must be before the enchantress chain control is triggered.

Get him under control first, so he doesn't have a chance to deal W.

In the follow-up, the chain of the enchantress seamlessly catches up with the control, and the sword girl will be charged to death!
So Brother Holy Gun chose this time to turn E flash, wanting to kill a surprise.

However, before this wave of holy gun brother had time to be happy, he found out that something was wrong with him!
This wave of E flashed directly on Chen Ge's W!
This W is pointing in the direction of the prince!

The prince was directly charged, and at the same time, the two flaws on his body, the one on the back was broken by W, leaving only the last one on the side!

Moreover, the prince's blood volume is running out, and each flaw of the sword girl has a real damage percentage of the life value.

The prince can no longer bear the damage of this sword girl's flaw!
After Shen Ge was countered by this wave, although Chen Ge was controlled by Yao Ji Chain, the prince's blood volume was not much, and he had already been controlled, and no one followed up with the follow-up damage.

Although Jian Ji's blood volume had bottomed out at this time, the three of Snake couldn't kill him immediately.

At the moment when the chain control ended, Chen Ge handed over Flash!

However, this wave of him did not flash down the tower, but flashed to the side of the prince!

The purpose is also very simple, he wants to replace the prince!

In his opinion, this wave is bound to die, so it is better to replace a prince.

After the flash landed, Chen Ge took the last flaw with a flat A, triggering the return to the blood formation.

Then follow up with a Q to accept the prince's head.

The prince didn't flash, and his EQ didn't change to a good CD, so he could only watch himself being killed.

"Huh, this wave is not a loss!" After taking the prince's head, Chen Ge let out a sigh of relief.

To be able to replace one is already very handsome in his opinion.

He has already started fantasizing, and it will definitely appear on the Internet later, three-on-one is counter-killed, will he play animations, and he is the protagonist!

This wave was finally killed, and the loss was not too big, because he still had TP to make up the line.

However, just when Chen Ge gave up resisting.

An incredible scene happened!

This Enchantress and Shen actually chose to retreat directly!
"Why did you run away?" Seeing this scene, Chen Ge was startled.

He had already washed his neck and waited for the opponent to strike, but the opponent just ran away?

And the one that doesn't return stones.

But soon, Chen Ge realized the problem.

Relying on the blood recovery array, his blood volume is going up!

The duration of the blood recovery array produced by the sword girl's ultimate move is related to the number of flaws destroyed by the ultimate move.

The more the number of flaws in the ultimate move that are destroyed, the longer the duration.

This wave of Chen Ge knocked out all four flaws, so it was the longest duration.

As for Snake, he saw the terrifying recovery ability of the blood formation this time, so he chose to retreat.

Not to mention that the two of them may not be able to beat Jian Ji who is leaning on the blood recovery formation.

Now that the blind monk has not shown up, they have been fighting this wave for a long time, and maybe they will come to support them.

So I can only choose to give up this wave of GANK.

Therefore, Cheng completed a wave of one-on-three in the true sense on the road, and killed one of them!
After watching this wave, the audience was shocked!
The most shocking thing is not because of this wave of one hit three anti kill three, but the middle process, Chen Ge's operation looks very clumsy!
(End of this chapter)

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