LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 132 Classic 41 Point Belt

Chapter 132
Just when everyone was wondering why Polusian didn't make his ultimate move.

They suddenly discovered that this wave of Snake bot duo did not follow!

After seeing Jian Ji's TP, the two immediately hesitated.

If they follow, they will be surrounded by Jian Ji and the LGD bot lane duo.

This Sword Fairy just hit three counters and killed one person on the road just now.

Although I didn't see the whole process, but for Snake's bot lane duo.

Just knowing this is already scary.

Therefore, when the two saw Jian Ji's TP position, they immediately fell in love.

I chose to wait and see first, but as a result, this wave of Lucian was arrested.

But no one followed up with the follow-up damage. The prince and Shen alone couldn't give this Lucian a second, let alone this wave of Lucian was protected by Thresh.

This wave of Thresh has taken the initiative to pull back, and then gave the lantern to Lucian.

After the control effect on Lucian's body disappeared, he used Thresh's lantern to pull away from the position and started to fight back.

Chen Ge's TP landed, and this wave of him went straight to Snake's Ueno.

Ignored Snake's bottom two.

Seeing this, Snake couldn't just sell Ueno just like that.

Bron stepped forward and sent a Q skill to Chen Ge, making Chen Ge passive.

Chen Ge ignored it. He was worried that he was no match for these two, so he chose to run towards his teammates.

After using the Q skill to get close to the prince and Shen, Chen Ge followed up with a W skill backhand, and now he is using whatever skill he has.

He knows that this W skill is very important, but with his reaction.

If you wait until the opponent releases control skills first, it will be too late.

However, in this wave, he has Braum's passive. When Braum gave it, Jinx had already A.

After Chen Ge's Q skill came over, the prince and Shen had A again.

This Bron's passive happens to be triggered on the fourth floor.

This wave of Chen Ge's backhand W, directly countered Braum's passivity, and stunned the prince.

Thresh catches up with the hook again, and Lucian catches up with the damage, and this wave of princes is directly killed by the concentrated fire!

This wave of situation changed suddenly, which seemed to be very unfavorable to LGD.

Now it is not good for Snake.

In this time period, Jinx's combat ability is far behind Lucian's.

The level and equipment gap between Shen and Jian Ji is also very large.

So even though the number of people is the same, this wave of Snake is completely unable to fight.

Snake bot lane quite decisively sold this Shen.

Originally, Chen Ge wanted to run with his teammates, but found that the opponent was running faster than him.

So Chen Ge backhanded the big move to Shen, and cooperated with his teammates to kill Shen again.

So this wave of LGD directly played a wave of zero for two.

Seeing this, Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "What is this wave of Snakes thinking? Shouldn't they go back to Bao Jianji?"

"There is a problem with this wave of command."

Miller: "It feels like Snake's top and bottom lane ideas are not consistent. The top and bottom lane want to make more money."

"But the bottom lane duo was scared when they saw Jian Ji, which caused this wave of team battles to be out of touch."

After this wave was over, Chen Ge's Sword Fairy got two more heads.

Brother Holy Gun was in despair. Such a fat sword girl will be taken alone later.

He dare not defend under the defensive tower.

Jian Ji is such a hero, although it is very difficult to play in a team.

But as long as it is equipped, it can only be described as brainless on the single belt end.

It is said that the taller the tower, the taller it is.

"Why don't you follow this wave? Why don't you just follow up and deal with the opponent's bottom lane first?" Brother Saint Gun angrily said.

"This swordswoman... can fight three with one... We are worried that if we follow, he will take him away." Brother Crystal explained.

Hearing this, Brother Saint Gun was speechless. It sounds quite reasonable.

When the three of Ue Nakano faced Sword Princess, they would all be counter-killed.

It seems reasonable for them to be afraid of the duo.

Soon, the game time came to 10 minutes.

LGD started the four-one division.

This Chen Ge took out Sword Fairy, it must be for him to share.

Chen Ge didn't have a deep understanding of division, but his teammates asked him to do it, so he did it.

At this time, the dragon has been refreshed, and Chen Ge's sword girl is leading the line in the bottom lane.

The other four teammates set up vision near the dragon.

The pressure came to everyone in Snake. It is useless for Swordsman to let Holy Gun to defend now.

Not only is Brother Holy Gun useless alone, but in their view, without four people, there is no way to deal with this sword girl.

Even four people are in danger.

After all, Chen Ge already had the experience of one-on-three before, and his equipment was not so outrageous at that time.

But now his equipment is already ahead of the audience by a big piece.

Not only are there more heads, but also more make-ups.

Of course, it's not because of his good finishing skills.

Instead, his teammates have been giving him the pawn line, and it is best to let him eat the most pawn line alone.

He raised him extremely fat.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone in Snake, it is estimated that five people will be able to secure this sword girl.

Then here comes the problem, if you catch the sword girl, Dalong will be gone, but if you don't catch the sword girl, he will lead you through.

After hesitating, Brother Holy Gun made a choice: "You go directly to Dalong, I have a big move and I can support it at any time."

In this wave, he chose to let his teammates compete for the big dragon.

The reason was also very simple. He was worried that he might not be able to catch Chen Ge, and he would be shown off.

At that time, if the dragon and the head are not obtained, it will be a loss.

So everyone in Snake started to rush to the position of the dragon, and the holy gun brother was symbolically defending in the bottom lane.

Soon, Chen Ge brought the pawn line to the second tower on the lower road.

The defense tower was like paper in front of him, and it disappeared after a few clicks.

Then bring the pawn line to the high ground on the lower road.

At this time, Shen has already retreated to the front tooth tower. It is defensive, but it is just monitoring the progress of Chen Ge's demolition of the tower.

On the front, everyone in Snake has rushed to the Dragon Pit.

It turned out that LGD was really in the second Dalong, and Dalong still had about half of his health at this time.

Seeing that the people from Snake had already come, this wave of LGD decisively chose to retreat.

Snake, on the other hand, decisively took over the big dragon, controlled the blood volume of the big dragon and continued to RUSH.

Soon, Chen Ge took down the highland tower first, and then the highland crystal.

And the blood volume of the frontal dragon has bottomed out, and this wave seems to have to fight for punishment.

Taobao right is ready.

There's nothing they can do about this wave of Snakes. If time permits, they will naturally arrange the vision first.

Then drive away the LGD people.

But now time permits, this Sword Fairy is going to demolish her entire house.

So they could only bite the bullet and forcefully beat the dragon.

When Dalong's blood volume reached around 1500, Taobao Quan sent the Q skill to Dalong.

Immediately afterwards, the second section of Q went directly into the Dalong Pit.

At the same time, the Holy Gun Ranger behind him started his big move.

Use this big move to help output the blood volume of the dragon.

This wave of Snake people has stopped, they plan to deal with the blind monk first.

(End of this chapter)

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