LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 134 Just give up on the road

Chapter 134 Just give up on the road
After a while of silence, Brother Saint Gun said: "These two games are mainly my problem."

"I'm really sorry, I'm a bit behind on the road."

The crowd didn't say anything after hearing this, they knew about Brother Holy Gun's ability.

The gap between these two top lane games is so big, it can only show that Chen Ge is already terrifyingly strong.

However, when everyone was still thinking about how to solve the problem of getting on the road, Brother Saint Gun said:
"I can't fight on the road no matter what, and it won't do much for you to help me."

"So, I suggest that you still think of a style of play that plays in the middle and lower Kerry."

Now everyone in Snake was stunned.

They thought that after Brother Holy Gun took the initiative to take the blame, they should start to find a way together to solve the problem of going on the road.

As a result, the problem of going on the road can not be solved directly.

How to do that?
When everyone was frowning, Brother Crystal stood up and said, "I'll come to C next time, but I need to get Draven for me."

"As long as I can get Delevingne, I will be able to go down the lane against the lane."

"Either way, we don't want the top laner on the opposite side of BAN, and just focus on the middle lane to do BP."

"Give them the illusion that we're going to play mid-field?"

When Brother Crystal said this, everyone in Snake's eyes lit up, this seemed to be a solution!
Brother Crystal's Draven couldn't be released in the first two games.

Mostly because LGD knew that Brother Crystal's Delevingne was very C.

Now, through the BAN people, shift LGD's attention from the bottom lane to the mid lane.

Maybe there is a way!

So everyone in Snake made up their minds, and the next game will be played around the bottom lane.

And this premise is to help Brother Crystal take down this Delevingne.

The break was over soon, and Chen Ge returned to the field with everyone from EDG.

Guan Zeyuan: "Okay, the third round of BO5 is about to start, and it may be the last round."

"Now Snake is standing on the edge of a cliff, it depends on whether they can complete self-salvation."

Miller: "I hope Snake can stabilize his mentality and bring me a wonderful game."

After the teammates on both sides are in place, the third round of BP begins.

This time LGD is on the red side, and Snake is on the blue side.

As planned, Snake chose to target the mid laner in this game.

Put Weishen's clockwork and Jiaoyue in the BAN position, trying to give LGD the illusion that this game is going to play in the middle.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

I thought that in the previous games, facing LGD, they were all aimed at the top laners who came to ban.

Now Snake suddenly changed his style of play, making everyone unexpected.

I saw Guan Zeyuan exclaimed: "What does this BAN person mean?"

"You actually chose to target the middle lane, so does the top lane count as giving up?"

Miller: "There is indeed such a possibility. Now Chen Ge feels too hot."

"The BAN position is not very meaningful for the top lane. It is also an option to target other lanes, such as the middle lane."

"Now it depends on how LGD responds."

This wave saw that Snake's BAN was weird, and Brother Feng fell into deep thought.

Because Snake's mid laner has never been a stable Kerry point in the team.

So this BAN guy is not quite right for the middle lane.

But in the end, Brother Feng still chose to give the BAN position to the middle.

He thought that there might be some hidden Kerry hero in the middle lane on the opposite side.

Maybe it was not taken out before, and it was saved for the last shot.

This is also more common in the game.

All major teams will prepare something special for the playoffs.

However, Brother Feng put the focus of the BAN people on the middle lane.

Brother Crystal's Delevingne is out!
Everything is going according to Snake's script!
So in the second half of BP, Snake chose to take out the classic bottom lane combination of Delevingne and Thresh directly!
"My God, Draven! Snake took out Draven directly!"

"Snake is going to die in this game. They seem to have a plan, pretending to focus on the middle lane."

"However, what I was thinking about was this Draven!"

"Draven, the hero, must be kept. Then the thinking of Snake is very clear."

When Delevingne took it, both commentators were shocked.

Because the appearance rate of this hero is very low.

Generally speaking, it is very difficult to play, and the requirements for the player's personal operation are very high.

Moreover, if it is just normal development, this hero is not very good at team fighting.

What makes him great is that he has a particularly strong ability to snowball advantages.

With his passive existence, if he can get the head, the economic lead will be very exaggerated.

Therefore, when taking out Delevingne, you must keep playing.

Not only to keep it, but also to help him take the head, in order to bring out the greatest characteristics of this hero.

For LGD, this game must also be aimed at the bottom lane.

You can't make Draven too comfortable as a hero. After he is passively stacked, as long as he is terminated once, it will be more difficult for him to perform in this game.

Therefore, as soon as Delevingne was selected, the rhythm of the game was mostly set.

At this time, LGD also has Chen Ge's
At this time on LGD's side, Brother Feng had already come behind Chen Ge, and he said, "The opposite side is Draven."

"This person's Delevingne is a unique skill, I feel like I need to target him."

Chen Ge felt a little baffled after hearing this, because isn't it a problem with the jungler or the middle lane for the bottom lane?
Although his top laner has TP, he generally wants TP to support the bottom lane, and he also needs his teammates to prepare first.

For the bottom lane, it has nothing to do with his top lane.

At this time, Brother Feng said again: "This time you choose to fight against Delevingne."

"Of course, you have to be more talented."

"In case Draven is not suppressed in the early stage, I will leave it to you to deal with."

"This can be regarded as two-handed preparation."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Brother Feng said to himself, but Chen Ge's scalp felt numb after hearing it.

This is not treating him as a person at all.

Choose a hero, not to mention if you want to show off, but also be able to fight against Draven on the opposite side.

If there is a BOSS Delevingne in this lane, what kind of hero does he need to use to target him?

"How about I take a stone man? This hero is very good against ADC." Chen Ge said after thinking about it.

In the silver tier, there is nothing like Golem as a counter ADC.

Anyway, when playing in a group, just put the big move on the face of the ADC.

Even if the ADC cannot be killed, the attack speed of the ADC will be close to 0 once the E skill is shot, and the A will not come out at all.

This is not very good.

"How can this be done? Didn't we say that you can't play stone figures?" Brother Feng refused decisively.

The hero of the stone man has nothing to do with Xiu, so naturally Chen Ge can't let him play.

Brother Feng suggested again: "Well, why don't you take a warrior hero who rushes forward, such as the top laner...Sword Girl."

After hearing this, Chen Ge quickly denied, "No, I won't."

Chen Ge really doesn't know how to play Sword Girl, and his proficiency is about the same as Sword Girl.

They are all at the level where you need to look at the skill introduction first.

(End of this chapter)

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