LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 153 Everyone in EDG is numb

Chapter 153 Everyone in EDG is numb
If this wave of enchantresses were killed directly, everyone in LGD would retreat, thinking that there was a disadvantage in numbers.

But now Yao Ji was not killed in battle, and counting from the time, the next set of skill CDs should be ready soon.

This gave everyone in LGD confidence and planned to continue playing.

The blind monk sends a Q skill to the card, the second stage of Q passes, and then catches up with a set of damage, and the second stage of E slows down.

At the same time absorbing a wave of skill damage, everyone in EDG is now on CD.

There is no yellow card for Prince EQ Erlian and cards.

The blind monk can control his blood volume, and he will come back directly with W when he runs out of blood.

There was a blind monk watching the damage in front, so Lucian stepped forward with his E skill to keep up with the output.

After Chen Ge turned his CD into a good one, he also turned around and wanted to pick someone's head.

However, his blood volume in this wave is too low, you can say it, it would be bad if he was killed by such an inexplicable AOE.

But you can't say it, Chen Ge is a bit reluctant to bear the head.

If you can't get the head, how can you limit this big mouth in the team?

Therefore, Chen Ge just hesitated, he moved forward and backward, and his position was erratic, making people unable to understand what he wanted to do.

And this time, the fat general saw that he couldn't leave, so he wanted to replace Chen Ge.

Seeing that Chen Ge seemed to want to come forward to take the head, he cut the card and threw a Q skill at Chen Ge at the same time.

He doesn't need to cut out a yellow card in this wave, any card, combined with this Q skill, can kill Chen Ge.

However, just as he cut his cards and turned back this time, Chen Ge also turned back.

As a result, the distance of his flat a is not enough, and he can't make a move.

The fat general thought that he probably had no chance, so he continued to retreat.

Although you can't walk away, you can lure the enemy deep and create opportunities for teammates.

As a result, as soon as he turned his head to leave, Chen Ge caught up again, so the fat general wanted to change Chen Ge again.

This card is like a spinning top, spinning in circles, not knowing whether to withdraw or play.

The two started pulling back and forth like this, and after a few rounds, the card fell to the ground!
On the playing field, the fat general was lost in thought while looking at the black and white screen.

"I was...shown!" The fat general felt humiliated!
This wave of Chen Ge's pulling back and forth made the fat general very uncomfortable.

The result was that he neither took Chen Ge's head.

Did not create any opportunities for teammates.

Instead, he gave away his own head.

Once this wave of cards fell, EDG realized that it could no longer continue playing, and the others chose to retreat directly.

The two sides opened up again, this wave played a one-for-two, and LGD earned a head.

But that's not the point, the point is that Chen Ge is too handsome!
This was just a wave of small-scale team battles. Everyone didn't have a big move. Chen Ge directly showed everyone in EDG until their scalps went numb.

At the commentary seat, the baby explained: "This wave of enchantresses is so beautiful, he pretends to do something to Dazui."

"Actually, it's the E skill to cheat the wine barrel. Everyone is numb."

Miller: "No wonder you dare to take it out and hit the road. It's really something."

"I also understood the last wave. It should be the fat general who thought that Chen Ge was controlling the false position to lie to him."

"Actually, the real ones are the ones who haven't left their positions. This wave of fat generals is on the second floor, but Chen Ge is on the fifth floor!"

On the field, EDG side.

After the fat general was about to be shown off, he was obviously not very convinced.

I saw him say: "The Enchantress on the other side didn't show up, wait for me to level six, let's catch a wave and hit the road together."

After hearing this, the factory manager replied: "No problem, wait for me to level six."

The fat general was really annoyed, he thought, now that the enchantress has not shown up, he just needs to take the factory manager with him.

There is no reason why he can't be caught dead, the wine barrel's big move has knocked into the air, he uses control, and the prince has EQ second combo and big move.

These skills are very strong in retaining people. The three of them together should be enough to deal with a demon girl who has not flashed.

On the other side, Chen Ge had finished his supplies and returned to the road.

His hands were sweating in this wave, after W flashed QE error, he thought he was going to be ashamed in this wave.

Unexpectedly, the wine barrel was left behind instead.

And, think about it carefully, the wave of big mouth just now has the shield of the wind girl.

Even if his QE is successful, he still can't kill Da Zui.

It is impossible for him to withstand the damage of everyone on the opposite side and let the chain control effect trigger.

Maybe he was dealt with by EDG before the control effect was triggered.

Therefore, in the wave just now, it was the best choice for W to go back.

Being able to control the wine barrel is a stroke of genius, although it can only be said that it was pressed wrong.

But a little bit of luck.

After returning to the top road, Chen Ge continued to develop, and he didn't want to overwhelm others.

With the proficiency of his enchantress, she can't overwhelm anyone at all.

However, although he didn't take the initiative to press the wine barrel, the wine barrel himself has been persuaded.

AmazingJ's position was very far back, fearing that he would be consumed by Chen Ge.

And that wave of support just now, after returning, the line of troops is still on Chen Ge's side.

AmazingJ has already handed over Flash, and he is also worried that he will be gank in this wave.

So the level gap on the road began to widen, because he was worried that he would be caught, and the wine barrel didn't even need experience.

Chen Ge, on the other hand, developed without pressure, and the results of his last knife training were reflected.

In this stress-free situation, he can still do ninety dollars in 10 minutes.

Soon, the game time came to 6 minutes, and on EDG's side, the card and the prince rose to level [-] successively.

After being promoted to level [-], the factory manager came to the upper half of the wild area to set up his vision, planning to gank a wave.

Although it is said that the enchantress has not flashed now, but the hero himself is flexible.

Therefore, if you want to catch the enchantress, you can't make him vigilant.

However, Chen Ge has actually been paying attention to the level of this card all the time, and he is quite afraid of being caught.

As soon as the card reached level six, he noticed it. Not only that, Wei Shen also gave his teammates a signal:
"The opposite card is level six, be careful."

Hearing this signal, the bottom lane began to retreat, not suppressing as before.

In the commentary seat, the baby explained: "Now the card has reached level six, the first wave of big moves is very critical."

"In the last round of team battles, EDG lost, and they had to find a way to make up for it."

Miller: "Judging from the current situation, in fact, the bottom lane should be relatively easy to grasp."

"But judging from the factory manager's actions, they seem to have ideas about the demon girl who is on the road?"

After the field of vision was arranged in this wave, the factory director has confirmed that the right to Taobao is not in the upper half of the field.

In this way, the basic conditions are met, and there is no need to worry about being squatted back.

At the same time, Weishen's TPCD in the middle road has not improved.

In a short period of time, no one can support the road.

The director of this wave sent a signal to Shanglu: "You seduce the wave and let him release W."

Now the enchantress has W and a big move in her hand, it is a bit difficult to catch directly.

But as long as the enchantress releases W, then the opportunity will come

(End of this chapter)

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