LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 156 Great Merit!This wave is seduction!

Chapter 156 Great Merit!This wave is seduction!
At this time, the positions of the five EDG members are very concentrated, and they want to kill the demon girl first.

In their view, as long as the enchantress falls to the ground first, the team battle has already been won.

However, Wei Shen saw this opportunity!

Taking advantage of Yao Ji's invisible state, Wei Shen gave the ball directly to Yao Ji.

Then pull out the big move directly!

Everyone in this wave of EDG was completely unprepared, they didn't see the clockwork ball at all.

All attention is on this witch.

Therefore, when this clockwork big move was pulled out, everyone in EDG didn't react!

So this clockwork big move hit five EDG players at the same time!Pull the five of them together directly!
Seeing this clockwork move, the genes of everyone in LGD are activated!

Taobao Quan directly touched his eyes and flashed forward, kicking the wine barrel's belly.

Then use the wine barrel to knock the four people on the opposite side into the air again!
Thresh also flashed up, his E skill swept to the four people on the opposite side, and then activated his big move.

Lucian is E stepped forward and output!
The team battle was on the verge of breaking out, and within two seconds, the team battle was over!

When the EDG people took off, there were five people, and when they landed, only the wine barrel and the prince were left.

The two were more meaty and were not directly killed in seconds, but the defeat was already settled, and the rest was the harvest time for LGD.

In the end, the prince and the wine barrel were also chased to death, and this wave of EDG was exchanged for five!
LGD played a wave of perfect team battles!
Seeing this scene, the audience was shocked!

LGD fans at the scene went straight into madness 1
Leaving aside the winning and losing of this game, for them to see such a wonderful team battle, the ticket price is already worth it!

In the commentary seat, the jaws of Wawa and Miller were about to drop to the ground.

"This..." They still couldn't accept what they saw just now. A second ago, they said how big the mistakes of this wave of enchantresses were, and LGD couldn't pick up this wave of team battles.

As a result, he was slapped in the face a second later!And it's not ordinary!
After a while, the baby exclaimed: "My God, this wave of LGD team battles, I can only describe it as picturesque, if I didn't see it in the game, I would have thought it was some kind of rehearsal effect! "

Miller: "Is this wave of enchantresses intentional? Use your passivity to create a momentary opportunity for your teammates!"

"But if he doesn't have a good grasp of the blood volume, he might be killed in seconds."

Wawa and Miller couldn't figure out whether this group of bewitching girls were lucky enough to survive due to a mistake, or everything was according to plan!
If it is the latter, then it is too bold.

The loss of this wave is that the card's yellow card didn't have time to make a move, otherwise the enchantress would be instantly killed.

There is no chance to release the clockwork big move.

The clone of the enchantress is not guaranteed to save her life.

If you suddenly suffer a wave of bursts before entering the blood volume triggered by the clone, you will be killed in seconds.

Then this avatar can't get out.

At the same time, during the period of stealth, the enchantress can also be hurt.

The main reason is that EDG didn't have any AOE damage, which allowed Chen Ge to recover his life.

At this time on the field, LGD's side, Taobao Quan has already begun to celebrate:

"Awesome, brothers, this wave of team battles feels like it's going to be recorded in history."

Wei Shen: "This wave of seduction is really awesome, and I'm sure I wouldn't dare to do it like this."

Aya Hirano: "Can the enchantress still play like this? All I saw before were fake enchantresses?"

Imp: "Maybe this is the charm of League of Legends."

Everyone in LGD looked very happy, but Chen Ge was already sweating profusely!

The moment he was blown up by Feng Nu just now, Chen Ge broke out in a cold sweat.

He thought he must be gone.

If he is dropped in seconds, leading to the loss of the team battle, and then the game, then he will definitely be blamed.

Fortunately, this wave was won, and Chen Ge couldn't remember how to win.

At that moment, he only felt that his mind was blank, and he didn't notice things like the clockwork ult at all.

Therefore, he can't understand what his teammates are saying now.

Not to mention seduce, he never thought of cooperating with his teammates in this wave.

At the beginning, I just wanted to give Dazui a second, that's all.

After the LGD team took Xiaolong, they went straight to the big dragon. Judging from the time of resurrection, it was completely in time.

As for EDG, after this wave of fighting, they knew that the general trend was over.

Once the big dragon was taken, the economic gap expanded to an unacceptable level, and their lineup couldn't handle the big dragon's strengthened lineup, so it was almost impossible to defend.

But these are not the point, the most important thing is the blow to confidence.

"Why didn't this wave kill him? Logically, it should be able to kill him." The factory manager muttered, he hadn't recovered from the defeat in the last wave of team battles.

Generally speaking, this kind of thing is to be discussed after the game when there is a review.

But this time, the factory manager couldn't help it anymore. If this wave kills the enchantress, the situation will be completely reversed.

They can win teamfights and take down Baron.

And judging from the amount of damage, they are fully capable of killing this enchantress in seconds.

At this time, the fat general said: "My problem, when I was about to make a move, he disappeared directly."

"I don't have a chance to play a card, otherwise he will definitely be killed in seconds."

The last wave of fat generals only provided a Q skill, and W is directional, and you must see the talent.

So when the demon girl is passively triggered and invisible, he has no chance to make a move.

The follow-up is a clockwork big move, and when the enchantress W returns, he will have no chance to make a move.

The fat general was active and passive, and the factory manager couldn't say anything.

After all, the fat general is the thigh of the team, and it is completely acceptable for this thigh to make one mistake.

At this moment, AmazingJ's voice suddenly came:
"Actually, it's not our problem. We've played very well."

"All of this is just within his calculations. Since he dares to do this, he must be absolutely sure."

"It's normal that we can't beat it."

Hearing AmazingJ's words, everyone in EDG felt chills down their spines.

Can this also be counted?So what kind of monster is Chen Ge?

But, it would be a bit far-fetched to say that all of this was an accident, because the enchantress' method of attacking is a bit strange.

It is easy for him to make a move like this, and it is hard to imagine that this is an operation that Chen Ge will play.

From this point of view, AmazingJ's words seem quite reasonable.

Everyone in EDG is thinking, LGD has already won the dragon, and the five people will gather in the middle to advance after supplies.

At this time, EDG's first tower in the middle is still there, but they dare not defend it.

For a symbolic defense, EDG chose to give up the first tower in the middle.

After LGD took down the first tower in the middle, they brought the pawn line to the second tower in the middle.

Everyone in EDG still chooses a symbolic defense. If they can delay for a while, they will retreat for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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