LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 159 Nightmare Top Order!

Chapter 159 Nightmare Top Order!

Wa: "For EDG, the most important thing now is to find a way to curb Casual on the road."

"Whether it is from BP or tactics, he cannot be so comfortable."

"Although EDG got the card in the last game, Casual resolved it with a top lane enchantress."

"I guess this time, the enchantress is going to be in the BAN position."

The two were talking, and after the players on both sides sat down, they went directly to the BP session.

After changing sides in this game, LGD came to the blue side, while EDG was on the red side.

It's completely different from the commentary's understanding. In this game, EDG didn't ban the enchantress, and it was released directly!

Moreover, the hero on the road is a BAN, but put the snake woman and clockwork in the middle of the BAN position.

Seeing this scene, Brother Feng said: "They are probably going to hit the double C, and judging from this BAN person... I guess they will take a hero who is relatively weak in the lane in the middle lane."

The reason why Brother Feng thinks this way is because Snake Girl is very strong in laning, if you use weak heroes to laning with him, it will be easy to be defeated.

Therefore, the general BAN snake girl is to take some heroes who are relatively weak in the line.

As for clockwork, this hero can only be said to be quite satisfactory in the lane, but clockwork is one of Wei Shen's unique skills.

Since it is a unique skill, it goes without saying that the online ability.

Therefore, from these two BAN players, Brother Feng can already guess that EDG will have a weaker hero in the middle lane.

However, he couldn't be sure which one it was.

BP is in full swing, and Chen Ge is also thinking about what hero he wants to play.

Although it is said that Yao Ji has not been banned, but he is a little afraid to take it.

Chen Ge had his own plan for taking Yao Ji last time. He felt that Yao Ji was such a flexible hero.

Whether it's laning or teamfighting, it should be easier to play and not easy to make mistakes.

But after finishing the fight, he found that this was not the case at all.

Laning is indeed safer, but it is very difficult to play in a team, and it is easy to be killed in seconds.

The last game was just luck, and he was about to be killed in seconds a few times, but the result was reversed.

But who can guarantee that this will happen every time?
Therefore, Chen Ge wanted to choose a more stable hero.

BP soon came to the second half, and it was EDG's turn to go out to the fourth and fifth floors.

This time it was on the blue side, Chen Ge didn't have the fifth-floor Kangte seat to use, so he could only go out first.

Brother Feng has come behind Chen Ge. At this time, EDG has released Sivir, who is the first bottom laner, but the mid laner has not yet been released.

Brother Feng can guess that the middle lane is a big C who is relatively weak in the early stage, but should be very fierce in the late stage.

So he said: "It's best to take a hero who has strong online suppression and can support at the same time."

"If the opposing jungler has been taking care of the middle in the early stage, you may need your help to suppress."

In Brother Feng's vision, if the fat general gets a hero with a big C in the late stage but a weaker laner.

The factory manager must have been fighting around the middle lane to relieve the pressure on the middle lane.

In this way, Wei Shen and Taobao Quan alone may not be able to suppress EDG's middle field.

Needless to say, the fat general's personal strength, the factory manager is scheming, although his operation may not be considered top-notch, but in terms of awareness, there are few opponents.

If he wants to ensure the safe development of the fat general in the middle, he should be quite sure.

Chen Ge immediately had a headache after hearing this. Heroes with strong laning suppression also have support capabilities.

This is too embarrassing.

Chen Ge was thinking, time was passing by every minute.

Seeing that there was not enough time, Brother Feng urged: "Have you thought about it? If you think about it, you can choose directly. There is no time."

Chen Ge hastily scanned the list of heroes. Generally speaking, the BP has prepared several plans in advance.

Then adjust your plan according to the opponent's BP.

So it doesn't take too much time to think about it, but his situation is quite special.

Think again every time.

The most important thing is that Chen Ge doesn't have a hero pool. The actual situation is that he can't play anything.

But because you can win anything, it seems to others that you can play anything.

In the last three seconds, Chen Ge saw a hero who seemed to meet the conditions, and said:
"Bring me a nightmare."

"Nightmare?" Hearing this, everyone in LGD looked over.

Hirano Aya even forgot to help Chen Ge choose a hero.

How does Nightmare play as a hero?No one has ever heard of it.

Even if it's a passerby game that is more expensive to play, no one will use Nightmare as the top laner.

However, time has no room for everyone in LGD to hesitate.

Brother Feng shouted: "Choose quickly! There is no time!"

Hearing this, Aya Hirano came to her senses this time, and at the last second, she finally selected this nightmare!

The moment the nightmare was confirmed, the commentator and the audience were stunned.

"Nightmare? Where did this nightmare go? Didn't LGD choose Ike?"

"Could it be that Ike is going in the middle? But it's not right, they still have Victor, and Victor is going on the top?" Wawa was directly confused, and he couldn't understand LGD's BP.

Miller echoed: "I can't understand this BP either. I can only wait to see how LGD splits the line."

"Now LGD's BP is definitely the only one in the world. For the BP of other teams, if you see five heroes, you can basically know the division line."

"But LGD's BP, just these five heroes, can't see anything, it's too confusing."

Not only the two commentators, but also the audience murmured.

Everyone swiped in the live broadcast room one after another:
"What kind of plane is the old godfather doing?"

"This lineup is too abstract."

"Could you wait for Yangjian's stuff?"

"Others can agree, it's none of your business to choose."

The evaluation of this BP of LGD is completely polarized.

EDG fans naturally look down on it, but LGD is working in the underworld.

In the eyes of LGD fans, a BP that can win the game is a good BP.

Whether this BP looks weird or not is not the point.

On the stage, EDG side.

Everyone in EDG is waiting in full force, waiting with bated breath, wanting to know the situation of LGD's split.

Then adjust your summoner skills, talents, and runes in time according to the split line situation.

As for the strategy and style of play, they can only take one step at a time.

Soon, the nightmare was transferred from the fifth floor to the first floor, and came to Chen Ge's hands.

Seeing this scene, AmazingJ panicked.

"A top lane nightmare, isn't it?" If it's a top lane nightmare, it's another lane he hasn't played before.

Then he will feel uncomfortable, and it is not the same as the top one.

The last one Chen Ge got was Yao Ji, even though AmazingJ hadn't fought against Yao Ji.

But because this hero is very common in passers-by and competitions, he can roughly know the damage of Yaoji.

Although it is not very accurate, as long as you are careful, you can avoid being single-killed.

Nightmare is completely different. Not many people play this hero passerby game.

(End of this chapter)

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