LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 161 Based on Years of Silver Experience

Chapter 161 Based on Years of Silver Experience
It means that the LGD top passerby is gone.

Seeing this signal, the fat general in the middle lane was the first to react. He chose to make a ward in the river grass above the middle lane.

But the factory manager still follows his own rhythm, from the bottom up to the wild.

Soon, Chen Ge came to the upper half of EDG's wild area and cast an eye on the red buff.

It turned out that the red BUFF was still there, indicating that the factory manager hadn't brushed it here yet.

Seeing the red buff, Chen Ge immediately wanted to steal the blue buff.

But if you think about it carefully, forget it. If the fight is halfway through, the factory manager will come and punish him.

Didn't he work for the factory manager for nothing?
After setting his eye position, Chen Ge returned to the top lane, and the next wave of pawns had already arrived on the line.

Chen Ge chose to push the line actively this time, using his Q skill and passive to push a wave of soldiers quickly.

AmazingJ didn't stop it, and he didn't dare to stop it. Instead, he hoped that Chen Ge would continue this rhythm.

He can make up the knife, otherwise he only dared to hear experience before.

After this wave of troops advanced, Chen Ge was promoted to level three.

He went to the wild area of ​​EDG again.

Seeing this scene, Wawa explained: "Is there any routine for this wave of LGD? I made a ward in the jungle in advance, and now I am going to the jungle of EDG."

"The factory manager is also walking towards the blue BUFF, and feels like he is about to meet him."

Miller: "Moreover, the wine barrel of Taobao Quan has also changed, and its own wild route."

"After killing Big Bird, he chose to come directly to Nightmare."

"The two want to fight against the wild together? The factory manager feels that he will suffer severely."

At this time, on the screen, the prince of the factory manager and the wine barrel of Taobao Quan are all walking towards the red buff on the red side.

Taobao Quan was a temporary idea. He didn't think about going against the wild at first, and the ability to single-handedly fight the barrel was not strong in the early stage.

But he noticed Chen Ge's movements. Chen Ge went to the opposite wild area to make a vision half a minute ago, and Taobao Quan felt a little strange.

Because there is no need to make the field of vision so deep if you want to prevent gank.

The opponent is not a hero who can be invisible like the widow.

However, when Chen Ge went to the jungle area of ​​EDG after this wave of pushing, Taobao Quan guessed what Chen Ge wanted to do.

Although it feels a bit risky to do so, once found out, if the opponent comes over, it may be severely punished.

After all, it was the wild area on the opposite side, and the speed of coming up from the opposite side must be faster.

But Taobaoquan chose to believe in Chen Ge. In his opinion, since Chen Ge dared to do this, he must be sure.

Therefore, Taobao Quan and Chen Ge soon met at the red Fanghong BUFF.

When Chen Ge saw Taobao Quan coming, he was relieved a lot. In fact, he was quite nervous this time around.

Because of this strategy, he only tried it in the silver game.

But now it's a professional competition, and it's the final!
If this fails and is surrounded by the opposite side, it is not a big blame.

Now seeing that Taobao Quan also has this kind of thinking, he feels at ease. Taobao Quan is also a top three jungler in the LPL.

There must be no question of his judgment.

Chen Ge naturally did not expect that the source of Taobao Quan's confidence was him.

Soon, not long after the two of them took their seats, the flag of the Dabang army fell to the red BUFF, and immediately after, the prince appeared!

Although the signal was given on this wave, the factory manager never thought that Nightmare would come directly to the wild to find him.

Therefore, in this wave, he chose EQ Erlian to come over to fight the wild, without reservation at all.

Chen Ge and Taobao Quan were not in a hurry to act, they chose to let the prince consume a little blood first.

What they didn't expect was that this wave was smoother than expected.

While brushing the field, the factory manager walked towards the grass, and walked directly to their faces!

Naturally, such an opportunity cannot be missed.

Taobao Quan’s wine barrel was directly pushed up, Chen Ge started with the Q skill, then gave it to the prince E, and then chased the prince for a meal.

"There's an ambush!" The factory manager was taken aback, and quickly handed over his flash.

However, his flash couldn't break Nightmare's E skill, and he was still feared in the end.

Chen Ge used the acceleration provided by this Q skill to catch up, and took away the factory manager's prince directly with two rounds of A, and took a blood!

Seeing this, the baby exclaimed: "My God, this trick is really useful. This wave of factory managers has been severely punished."

"I feel like I should be careful and be within sight."

"After all, the signal was given on the road, but the factory manager didn't notice."

Miller: "This wave... I feel a little familiar."

"I seem to encounter this kind of situation often when I play RANK myself."

"When the opponent's top laner has the right to line up, our jungler will often be killed by the opponent's top laner."

"But this time it was Ueno who moved together, but this scene looks very similar."

The baby asked curiously: "What rank is your rank now."

Miller smiled awkwardly after hearing this, and said, "Silver..."

"This..." After hearing this, the baby didn't know how to answer.

If you use your experience in the silver division to analyze the game, isn't that making trouble?

However, for Miller, this scene is indeed too familiar, and the silver division is played like this.

If you have the right to go on the road, but you can't find anything to do, you will mostly go to the opposite jungle to find a jungler.

If you are lucky, you can not only get the head, but also double BUFF.

This scene suddenly appeared in the game, and Miller also felt incredible.

On the field, EDG side.

After being killed in the wild, the factory manager's mentality fluctuated.

"What's the matter with these two people? I..." This wave had a great impact on him, but he always felt that something was wrong.

From the perspective of professional games, this kind of thing should not happen.

But it just happened, and it also allowed LGD's Ueno to succeed, which is very uncomfortable.

It stands to reason that the barrel jungler is not qualified to invade in the early stage. The E and Q skills of the barrel are unstable and easy to be shown.

At the same time, the wine barrel does not have continuous output, it is a burst, there is no equipment support in the early stage, how can the burst come from?
Therefore, this wave of intrusion seems quite inexplicable to the factory director.

After this wave of fights, AmazingJ chose to take the blame: "My problem, I didn't notice that he went directly to the jungle."

AmazingJ chose to take the blame, as long as he gave the signal, but did not say where Chen Ge would go.

At first, he thought that Chen Ge would go to the middle.

And the vampire in the middle lane had already done vision, and it seemed to be ok, so he didn't think much about it.

Who knew that Chen Ge went directly to the wild area to arrest people.

"It's okay, it's just a head." The factory manager didn't blame AmazingJ for this wave, after all, this kind of routine was very sudden, and he didn't expect it. AmazingJ should be unexpected.

Soon, Chen Ge appeared on the road with red and blue buffs.

The red buff was given to him by Taobao Quan. He didn't want it at first, but Taobao Quan insisted on it, so he could only reluctantly accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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