LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 169 There are not many opportunities left for EDG

Chapter 169 There are not many opportunities left for EDG
At this time, in the EDG lounge, everyone in EDG was also discussing the tactics for the next game.

Compared with LGD, the atmosphere of EDG is much worse.

Everyone's face is not very good-looking, and EDG in the regular season can be said to be going smoothly.

Although they lost to LGD, the team felt that it was just a bad fit and untargeted BP.

The teams in the regular season are all training, so tactics and BP will not be very targeted, and these will be done in the playoffs.

Therefore, everyone in EDG felt that as long as it came to the playoffs, with EDG's background, it would be impossible to lose to LGD, but who would have thought that LGD would be forced to the edge of a cliff in a blink of an eye.

Now EDG only has the last chance. However, looking at the history of LOL and considering the competitions in various major regions, there are very few who can complete the second chase and the third.

After some thought, the fat general said: "The most important thing is the road problem. If you can't solve the road problem, it will be difficult to win."

"Let's not talk about how many advantages you have in the top lane, but you can't be so disadvantaged in every game, can you be beaten for 10 dollars in [-] minutes?"

Hearing this, AmazingJ lowered his head in shame, what the fat general said was true.

Chen Ge's 10-minute CS is about [-], which can only be regarded as a pass among professional players.

Of course, his last attack on the line is completely stress-free.

Generally speaking, if a professional player makes up damage without pressure, there must be at least 10 in 100 minutes.

And ninety pass, it's about the normal laning situation.

If the fat general knew that Chen Ge was so easy in the top lane, he would probably be dumbfounded.

However, even though Chen Ge only had 10 knives in [-] minutes, he still doubled the last knives.

AmazingJ's 10 minutes in these two games is basically [-] dollars.

It was only after Chen Ge pushed the line of soldiers into the defensive tower that he dared to go forward to make up the knife.

Otherwise, it is to hear the experience from a long distance in the grass.

As soon as the fat general finished talking about going on the road, the factory manager joined the group: "I'm absolutely fat, and what I said makes sense, although there is something about LGD going on the road."

"But you can't make him so comfortable in the lane. I found that when you were in the lane, you seemed to be hiding all the time, and you didn't dare to go up and operate?"

"Why don't you operate with him? What if you can win? It's no different from being killed alone."

As a jungler, the factory manager is naturally more aware of the laning situation in the top lane than the fat general.

He found that AmazingJ hangs up in the grass as long as he looks on the road.

Once or twice is fine, it looks like this every time, then something is not right.

Hearing this, AmazingJ felt that he was suffering and couldn't express it.

Working with Chen Ge?How could he have the guts.

Seeing that AmazingJ still didn't speak, he couldn't bear to get off the road.

Deft is also a victim. In the last laning phase, he was taken over the tower and was seconded in the wild, all because of Chen Ge.

I saw him say: "You always have to give an explanation when you go on the road, you can't raise a BOSS out of it."

"On the other side, you can go wherever you want on the road, so how do we fight?"

Generally speaking, in this kind of BO5 game, the most fearful thing is to start liquidating teammates before the BO5 is over.

This kind of liquidation will mess up the mentality of teammates and lead to worse performance in the next game.

This is also the reason why everyone in EDG did not liquidate AmazingJ after the first game.

But now the situation is different. The problem of going on the road has reached the point where it cannot be solved.

Teammates can only choose to liquidate in advance.

Facing the pressure from everyone, AmazingJ had no choice but to bite the bullet and say:

"Okay, my next game... be stronger in the lane."

After finishing speaking, he added: "But I need to get a hero who is strong in the lane."

AmazingJ still knew it well. He knew that there was a big gap between himself and Chen Ge, and now he had to play strong, so he could only rely on the intensity of his influence.

Seeing what AmazingJ said, the factory manager replied: "No problem, so in the next game, why don't you take a Gnar, or Rambo to hit the road."

"Little murlocs are also good. These hero versions are strong, and their laning ability is also good."

AmazingJ nodded, he has practiced all these heroes.

However, because EDG played around the middle and bottom before, there is no need for Kerry to go on the road.

The top road is just a pendant, so it is generally chosen to let the top road produce meat, resist pressure, and only need to contribute control and frankness when fighting a team.

But now EDG can only be forced to start paying more attention to the top lane, because they found that as long as Chen Ge gets up, other lanes will not be able to play.

However, just when everyone in EDG breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the problem of getting on the road was solved.

AmazingJ suddenly said: "But the next LGD is the red side, and there is a high probability that they will give Kang Te the fifth floor to the top laner."

"If I go out first... I guess he will come up with some kind of weird hero to conte me."

Hearing this, everyone in EDG froze for a moment, then shook their heads helplessly.

It wasn't because AmazingJ's words were wrong, but because they realized that it was impossible for AmazingJ to overcome the fear in his heart.

The short rest time passed quickly, and the players from both sides returned to the field again.

Wawa: "Okay, the third match between the two sides is about to start, and it may be the last match. Now there are not many opportunities left for EDG."

Miller: "I hope EDG can adjust their mentality. The first two games ended relatively quickly. I am worried that it will affect EDG's mentality."

"However, it is estimated that no one thought before the game that this LGD team could push EDG to this point."

While the two were talking, the players of the two teams had already appeared on the stage, and there was a commotion in the audience.

The fans of both teams are cheering hysterically, but the meaning is completely different.

For LDG fans, they are almost breathing now, hold on to this last breath, and the championship is ahead.

For EDG fans, they can only hope for EDG's adjustment ability and tactical reserves, these are the advantages of being a veteran team.

Amidst the fans cheering, Chen Ge came to his seat.

With a little preparation, the third round of BP has begun!

In this game, LGD returned to the red side, while EDG was on the blue side.

Brother Feng chose to give Chen Ge the special seat on the fifth floor, so the first four floors were not on the road.

Seeing this scene, AmazingJ's heart turned cold. He was still thinking that if LGD went out first, he would be more comfortable.

But now it seems that I think too much.

However, Chen Ge was not happy at all.

Because Kang Te is on the fifth floor, this position is really comfortable to take, and you can look at the opposite lineup to take heroes.

However, the responsibility is also the mid laner, and it is Kerry who takes this position.

Brother Feng chose to give him the position of Conte, and his purpose was obvious, and this time it was up to Kerry.

"Why is it so difficult for me?" Chen Ge muttered. He had watched many games, but he had never seen a rookie like himself. He wanted Kerry's team when he debuted.

Soon, EDG chose Gnar as the top laner.

(End of this chapter)

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