LOL: it's a game of luck

Chapter 173 It's over and I've been fooled again!

Chapter 173 It's over and I've been fooled again!

After the prince approached, Gnar chose the E skill to start, wanting to use the prince as a pedal.

However, Taobao Quan itself has a good understanding of Gnar's skill mechanism.

At the moment when Gnar's E skill was released, he suddenly turned around!
Looking back, AmazingJ was shocked.

His E skill didn't touch the prince, so there was only one paragraph. In this way, he just landed in front of the prince.

The prince turns on W to decelerate, and after approaching, level A and hang the red BUFF deceleration effect on his hands.

The prince waited for his EQ second CD while outputting.

Now it's far away from the blue side's top road, and there is enough time to wait.

At the same time, Chen Ge's Rambo has followed.

Seeing this scene, AmazingJ was in despair. He didn't flash now, and his E skill had a long CD, so he could only choose to wait for death.

In the end, the head was taken by Chen Ge again, and Chen Ge directly started 2-0.

After this wave of deaths, AmazingJ had to be cautious.

"Is he really seducing me?" AmazingJ had to think about this question again.

He found that something was wrong, Taobao Quan took too much care of the road this time.

And it just so happened that Chen Ge was at a disadvantage in the line and was pushed to the line.

Is this really just a coincidence?No matter how you look at it, there is a feeling of deliberate design?

And, after calming down now, AmazingJ thought of a question.

Chen Ge can play all kinds of top laners, even heroes who are not top laners.

Why is it that just one Rambo plays so badly?

This kind of difference is not compared to the top laners, but compared to ordinary players, and even Chen Ge's Rambo is not as good as passers-by.

This is very strange.

Putting all these together, AmazingJ found that he seemed to be fooled.

Chen Ge is obviously pretending that he can't play!
Once to seduce him to push the line to suppress, it is convenient to cooperate with the jungler's GANK!

Thinking of this, AmazingJ shuddered. If this is true, then Chen Ge's scheming is too deep, and his acting skills are also terrifying!
That kind of inexplicable redness, inexplicable eating skills, from any point of view, it doesn't look like acting. It can only be said that Chen Ge's not becoming an actor is a bit of a waste of talent.

After successive deaths on the road, the factory director's mentality has problems.

I saw him say: "What's the matter on the road? Don't give it a chance, can you?"

"You wait until level six first, so that I can help you cross the tower."

The reason why the factory manager didn't go on the road was because the pawn line on the road was not good.

He thought that the tower jump was unstable now, and when he and Gnar's control and explosion reached the sixth level, Rambo could be immobilized under his tower.

But it's only level four now, and Gnar has already been killed twice, which is not a good sign.

"I..." After being scolded by the factory manager, AmazingJ only felt wronged in his heart.

The reason why he was so aggressive was because the fat general and the director of the factory had this request before the game.

If it wasn't for their request, AmazingJ would definitely have done it obscenely.

Moreover, he suppressed Chen Ge's sword in front of this scene. It can be said that he did a very good job, but in the end he was scolded by the factory manager. Who is to blame?

So after re-launching, AmazingJ started to adopt the same strategy as the previous two games, that is wretched!Hold on!
In this way, Chen Ge felt a lot easier.

Although he got two heads, he was still worried that Gnar would continue to suppress him.

He can't touch Gnar at all, so it's useless to equip it well.

Now Gnar is wretched by himself, so he is comfortable and can grow without pressure.

Soon, the game time came to 6 minutes, and the solo line was promoted to level [-].

The factory manager got his second red BUFF, and immediately went on the road.

Now Gnar's development is a bit unstoppable, he has to curb it.

Although Gnar now has two heads in his hands, he is still full of blood.

But Rek'Sai, a hero, has a very high burst in the early stage, and Da Gnar's control is very sufficient.

Combining these two points, it is absolutely possible to achieve instant kills, so that Lambo can't flash.

"Go on the road, control your anger, push the line of troops, and prepare to jump the tower." The factory manager directed.

Hearing this, AmazingJ heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he had finally waited for the factory manager.

So he started to take the initiative and pushed the line of soldiers.

Originally, Chen Ge was developing comfortably, but Gnar suddenly started to take the initiative again.

"Is he confident again?" Chen Ge muttered.

To be on the safe side, he chose to start retreating, not giving Gnar a chance to consume himself.

On the other side, the factory manager first dug a tunnel from Dalongkeng and came to the upper half of LGD.

I took a look at the red BUFF and saw that the red BUFF has been refreshed, but the prince is not there, which means that Taobao Quan has not come here in time, or is looking for opportunities in the bottom lane.

So the factory manager sent a signal to the lower road, telling the lower road to be careful, while he continued to walk on the upper road.

When it came to the road, the line was pushed into the defense tower by Gnar.

At the same time, Gnar's anger was almost full, and everything was ready.

The factory manager no longer hesitated, and walked around from the stone beetle's position, preparing to jump the tower.

Chen Ge was under the tower this time, and was about to make up the knife, but suddenly found that there was a Rek'Sai coming from the direction behind the defense tower!

At the same time, Gnar is also approaching in front of the defense tower, and at this time a Gnar who has just grown bigger!
"Help!" Seeing this scene, Chen Ge also realized what was going to happen.

However, he glanced at the small map, and there were no teammates within a hundred miles.

The prince of Taobaoquan is in the bottom lane, and the middle lane is normal, and no one can come to the top lane to help.

After realizing all this, Chen Ge made the worst plan.

So he threw his big move directly and used it to clear the line of soldiers.

Seeing Chen Ge's big move, the factory manager and AmazingJ also understood.

Chen Ge gave up.

This situation often occurs when Rambo is on the road. When he sees that he is dead, he uses his big move to clear the line.

Or if you feel that you are in danger, use your big move to clear the line in advance.

And this wave, Chen Ge obviously didn't realize this problem in advance.

Upon seeing this, the baby explained: "It seems that Pollanbo is dead, and he didn't detect this wave of danger in advance."

"Actually, from the fact that Gnar is so anxious to push the pawn line, we can see a problem."

Miller: "It can only be said that the Casual player's state is not full this time. If it was before, he would not have made such mistakes."

According to the two commentators, this wave of Chen Ge is definitely gone.

Moreover, this performance is far from their expectations. In their view, with Chen Ge's ability, they should have detected the danger in advance.

After Rambo's ultimate move was released, Gnar chose to go forward, and the E skill jumped up, and threw Chen Ge directly to the wall with his ultimate move.

Chen Ge can only turn on W, and use the shield to block a little bit of damage.

Seeing that Gnar had controlled Rambo, Rek'Sai stepped forward to W and flew Rambo up, and then began to output crazily.

Gnar kept up with the second-stage control of Q and W. Rambo was unable to move in place and was charged to death.

(End of this chapter)

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